Grinding LD

avatar for jayhawk123
Hey I am kind of new to this strip club thing. I was wondering if any of you go to clubs where there is good 2 way contact and good grinding where the girl might grind you to completion? How do all of you handle this? If you are going to cum do you tell her if she continues to do that you are going to cum? Do you think she knows that she is getting you to cum? How do you not get this all over your pants or the girl...anybody where condom or anything?


last comment
avatar for CTQWERTY
14 years ago
Proper etiquette is to hold it in (out of respect for the dancer.)
avatar for jayhawk123
14 years ago
What if she is grinding so hard that you can't hold it?
avatar for GoVikings
14 years ago
I must be receiving some poor lap dances because I've never even come close to cumming during a lap dance. I've gotten hard plenty of times, but that's about it.
avatar for GentMen65
14 years ago
Wear a raincoat. I'm not a dancer but I'd imagine it would be a nice accomplishment and compliment to your LD skills.
avatar for samsung1
14 years ago
If they were $5-10 lappers maybe I could get enough of them grinding for a happy ending but at clubs with $20-30 LDs just adds up too fast.
avatar for Realist123
14 years ago
Never been grinded to completion but have had some girls sure act like they were trying.. grinding for 5+ songs, I think they know what they are doing.
avatar for jayhawk123
14 years ago
These are full contact 2 way $10 LD so sometimes there are at least 10 dances or more and eventually it is hard to hold. So none of you have ever cum from LD? So no need for you to wear anything special?
avatar for Realist123
14 years ago
You could try and gauge her? Or outright ask? If she is grinding for 10 songs then she is probably expecting you to cum. maybe tell her if she keeps it up you will pop.. and watch her reaction.
avatar for boatmonkey
14 years ago
Before my favorite club remodeled and installed booths with some semblance of privacy, VIP seating consisted of a bench built around a fair sized room. This worked OK for me but there wasn't much opportunity to let Mr. Happy out for air when others were also in the room. After a couple warm-up songs that involved lots of caressing, my ATF would absolutely fuck the hell out of me with me fully dressed, humping and grabbing my dick over the pants, too, in a way that almost made you think you were doing the real thing! Fantastic!! I always came and came hard and she and other girls had no problem with it. They would even say "you like to shoot, right?"

Now with the new increased privacy, routines in our club have evolved to be less frenetic and usually end in a nice BBHJ. I love it and haven't yet asked for a return to our old wild ways, but I remember those earlier sessions fondly. It's a lot less work for the girls now, though, and they seem to like it.

Obviously, I don't think you should hold back. I am not interested in BBBJs or FS myself for what I think are obvious reasons (STDs, wife), but I sure do like to unload and leave totally relaxed. I don't see my favorite club as a whorehouse, though, preferring to think of the things I take part in there as "entertainment". It works for me and the girls I frequent.

Now go have some fun! And if you come to Detroit, check out La Chambre.
avatar for mmdv26
14 years ago
OP: Hey I am kind of new to this strip club thing.

I wish I could say that too...

OP: I was wondering if any of you go to clubs where there is good 2 way contact and good grinding where the girl might grind you to completion?


OP: How do all of you handle this?

It's just part of the deal at a strip club...

OP: If you are going to cum do you tell her if she continues to do that you are going to cum?

Her entire self worth hinges on her ability to make me cum, so I allow the process to proceed as naturally as it can...

OP: Do you think she knows that she is getting you to cum?

A dancer once told me, "I can tell when a guy is getting ready to cum because his feet start moving around." So hold your feet still if you want to surprise her.

OP: How do you not get this all over your pants or the girl...anybody where (sic) condom or anything?

In most cases, you will still be inside your pants when the moment of glory arrives. Your choice: big (or little) mess in trou or raincoat. I knew a dancer who usually got the stallion out of the barn for the big moment. She would be put her hand over the business end presumably to block the shot - I was always so flattered.

Rock Chalk!!
avatar for basketball
14 years ago
You guys make me feel good. I only go to clubs where I expect this to happen. Not every girl gives you the opportunity, but that's where choosing the right girl comes into play. If they care, then they are probably not going to give you the type of dance that will finish the job. Glad there are clubs like this in my area.
avatar for georgmicrodong
14 years ago
I'm an
avatar for georgmicrodong
14 years ago
I'm an old man. I don't know that I'd bother going to strip clubs if the only opportunity to pop was in my pants from grinding. Thank the gods I don't have to.
avatar for JohnLuke
14 years ago
Well.... I've always had a problem of cumming fast. :( It sucks.

When visiting a SC and getting a good grinding LD, I frequently reach conclusion. This will probably seem very weird, and surely some guys will get a chuckle out of it, but here goes.... I purchase cheap wash clothes and keep a small supply in the trunk of my car. Before going into the SC, I'll spread out a wash cloth between mr. happy and my undies. It does a great job of containment and decreases the senses too, so that I don't finish too early or get messy. I can then visit the bathroom, toss the wash cloth, and get another LD for round 2. I guess the upside of my 'condition' is that I usually leave the SC very satisfied. :)
avatar for Rod84
14 years ago
Jayhawk - This topic's been discussed in other threads, so if you browse the topic history, you'll see plenty. There's also been plenty of opinions expressed about whether you should/should not cum, whether the girls want/expect it, and whether there should be warnings/push-backs, etc.

I tend to say, squirt it if you got it. If the girl's got a buzz going with the LD, your woody's in the groove, and the stars are aligning, just let'er rip when the time cums. For me, my dick is generally pointing up so the head is positioned away from the girl when I cum, thereby avoiding direct splash-back. And I always gently ease the girl away from me afterward, so she's not continuing to grind in my spunk.

I've never had any complaints, outbursts, or attitude. In fact, for the clubs I frequent, cumming is the goal for me and the girls before calling it a night.
avatar for Drippy
14 years ago
From OP: "If you are going to cum do you tell her if she continues to do that you are going to cum? Do you think she knows that she is getting you to cum?

In my fav clubs many girls want you to be satisfied (cum). In my experience, they know when I'm going to pop and its ok with them. That being said, I now mostly go for the extras and reaching conclusion is the goal and the discharge is deposited either in her mouth or in a condom. Have fun.
avatar for Prim0
14 years ago
Maybe there is a niche in the market for mens spunkproof or spunk absorbent underwear! Anybody in the clothing industry want to chime in?!
avatar for looneylarry
14 years ago
I've never nutted in a club, but I have been in a heightened state of arousal for a long period. And I've let the dancers know that I really did appreciate their efforts. And if I did pop, I'd think that the usual recovery period (with attendant clear thinking) would take over and tell me that I have spent way too much money and need to get out now. So I probably wouldn't have to worry about reloading for multiple pops in the club and the super soggy drawers. One pop would probably push me out the door.

I don't know about slipping on a raincoat beforehand. Do it in the car? In the club bathroom? If there was any movement while I was flaccid the damn thing might work itself off. And could the dancer tell there was a condom on from the distinctive ring shape through the thin strip club pants? Or would she care? Or even be more appreciative? I suppose a really happy ending would be for her to ask if she could drink it out of the condom? That would probably merit a good tip. lol
avatar for jackoff
14 years ago
You can be an a$$ and not discuss it or warn her. You might end up being slapped or even tossed from the club (seen that happen to a few guys). On the other hand you can communicate and you will find out what her thoughts are. I've had girls who were determined to make me pop. Some girls really know how to lock on your dick and give a great sensual dry hump. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has felt a dancer loosing it herself (leaving stains on your pants). Some apologize, some show you how wet they are, some just smile and say thanks, then some get embarrassed and run to the back room to change their panties.

I know guys who wear raincoats, but the best I ever heard was a guy who said he wore Depends!

Ask a girl if she's willing to take the challenge. Tell her there's X amount of $$ (bonus) if she can make you pop in X amount of dances. If she accepts you will be sure to get her best effort.
avatar for jackslash
14 years ago
CTQWERTY: "Proper etiquette is to hold it in (out of respect for the dancer.)"

avatar for uscue13
14 years ago
In my years I've popped more than a few times. Typically the same dancers tend to do the trick, and all of their techniques are different. There's only two that I've actually talked to about it. My ATF who has been out the business for a while now made it her mission to make me cum in as few songs as possible by the end of our "relationship". She had the rare ability to get it down to two songs but that was after years of knowing each other - she probably knew how to push my buttons right. The only other girl was a regular who said she was leaving the biz (and she did) so I took up a few dances with her. She always was a hard grinder and made me cum once, but the last time I told her I was going to as it got class and she pushed harder for it. Then she asked if it was the first time that ever happened. I said yep

A few girls have done it without them knowing. One somewhat regular has done it and I know she never figured it out because she keeps asking me if I want more dances. That's the last thing you want right after. Another shy fave didn't understand what happened when I tried to hint that she did it. My last trip for some reason my zipper wouldn't stay up. Had a new dancer to me in a crowded nighttime visit but she never mentioned it and was a grinder. I'm sure she felt it but still never said anything and kept going until the end of the song.

For some reason I've had three regulars (shadow knows them) who did the HJ plenty of times but it's never made me cum. All these instances have been spread out over my strip clubbing experience, so it's not a regular occurance although the post might sound that way. One thing, I've never made a noticeable mess so never had a problem with getting "slapped or tossed" by not warning them. Also, I would never slip on a condom for a regular LD. Some girls like to grab down there and I'd feel stupid if she did and I was wearing a condom for just a LD.
avatar for joker44
14 years ago
OP: Grind to happy ending, etiquette, etc.

As Rod said this topic has “popped up” before and flogged to near death. Nevertheless...

I’m older now and it usually takes more than a great LD for me to reach completion. But in my younger days I did reach completion thru good, sensual grind plus lots of GFE talking, stroking and kissing.

My attitude in going to a SC is that I’m paying good $$$ for a good experience. What that desired experience would be, varies. Sometimes that might be just fun talk with entertaining company while watching young, pretty women get naked and show off their assets. Mix in some nice LDs with 2-way touch & stroke and I leave feeling good. Sometimes, during a visit I would get turned on by a particular dancer, her stage performance, and/or her LD performance. Then I’d want a happy ending. I don’t remember ever starting out to visit a club with the conscious intention of getting off.

With unknown dancers I always try to find out what their personal preferences / limits are. As I’ve said elsewhere, for me respect and good etiquette demand I cue her verbally or non-verbally that I‘m about to reach completion. If circumstances were reversed I’d want the same consideration from her.

To a dancer, who had given NO indication she was against happy endings, but acted surprised, bitched about it afterwards, or made insulting comments about my release of fluids I say something like this: I pay $$$ to support this SC and your chosen lifestyle. Whatever fantasy you have, you ARE NOT primarily a showgirl or entertainer. If you were, you’d be working elsewhere and not stripping naked and giving LDs.

Like it or not, you are part of a vast network of commercial sex workers...COMMERSIAL SEX WORKERS. No, you’re neither a slut nor whore for what you do but you are a sex worker. I am no more a pathetic loser for finishing in my pants than you would be for using a dildo, vibrator, or your girlfriend and a two-headed dong to get off instead of riding a p***s. Healthy adults enjoy a wide range of sexual activity and engaging in one type of activity on a Sat eve, does not preclude enjoying other sexual activities at other times.

As to your nasty, demeaning comments about my body fluids, let me turn the tables on you. How would you feel if a man went down on you for DATY and started complaining about how ugly you were down there and how sick he felt because you smelled like a fish market! Get the picture?! Whether you like it or not, it’s natural. Get over it because I don’t care about your ‘opinion’ on this matter.

Grow up! If you don’t like the LD outcome [lol] don’t do the crime. Go work at another job waiting tables or in an office secretarial pool. You got paid [& tipped] for what you did. Now quit your belly-aching and stay away from me the rest of the evening.
avatar for Clubber
14 years ago
I can count on one hand all the orgasms I've had from just a lap dance. And that is after 40 years of clubbing! Now if other activities are involved, that is another story.
avatar for lopaw
14 years ago
I reach completion at least half of the time, but no mess involved.
Good thing I'm not a squirter....that could indeed be messy.
avatar for domiandray
14 years ago
lopaw, how do you avoid making a mess? i've been making messes starting at 13 years old. besides wearing a rubber how does one avoid the mess?
avatar for Clubber
14 years ago

I've seen some squirt videos, if real, are close to a tsunami!
avatar for georgmicrodong
14 years ago
domiandray: lopaw is an innie, not an outie. :)
avatar for lopaw
14 years ago
thx for clearing that one up, gmd!

Clubber - I saw one a while back where the girl spewed like a whale spout - they had to have her lay on trash bags and I think the film crew were all in haz-mat suits!
avatar for Clubber
14 years ago

Wouldn't you think those are faked? I've seen videos of guys cumming where they cover a girl with cum. Looks like a quart or more. Those have to be fake.
avatar for georgmicrodong
14 years ago
I believe that most of the "professionally" done female squirt videos I've seen are faked. There's just way too much fluid there. It's either urine that they've been holding, or something they've squirted up inside and held there until the time cums. I've seen girls do the latter bit at least, and it at least *looks* more realistic, if not real, when they let it go, but pee is pretty obviously the source of the fountains seen in much of the porn I've seen.

As for guys, yeah, I think some of them are fake as well. I don't have anything but my own to go on, so I don't know if everybody's looks pretty much the same, or if there is a wide variation in consistency and color, but some of the alleged cum in movies looks more like milk, or cornstarch and water.
avatar for DougS
14 years ago
I don't like a hard grinding LD, but a sensuous, slow, dance will get me groovin'. There is always great 2-way contact at the clubs I frequent, and it's not uncommon to receive some well placed strokin', nibblin' and caressin' treatment in that certain area that responds to that sort of thing. The dance sessions are usually long, as well, which only adds to the excitement.

The last club visit (Wed night), I did three sessions with a brand new find, going 11, 12 and 6 songs, with a lot of table talk in between. (no messes made)

It's not my goal to make a mess in my pants, but admittedly, it has happened a few times over the years. My CF (curr fav) "coaxed" me into a mess the first time we "met" about 7 months ago... she is SOOO freakin' hot and sensual and her dances are in the top 5 that I have EVER had. It took her four songs with me tryin' to hold off the flood. At the time, she was on her knees, alternating strokin' and nibblin' me through my pants, lookin' into my eyes... it was the sight of her as much as the touch. It didn't bother her, of course I gently urged her away from my crotch in warning (not to mention she surely felt the tensing and spasming that was going on). Afterwards, we hugged, and she smiled while she asked "are you going to come back and see me?".

I have a strange "affliction"... I'm overly sensitive (not a bad thing, but it has its drawback). As I've explained to my girls, they need to take it slow at first... I kind'a build up an immunity over a few songs and after 5 or 6 dances, I can seemingly go forever with mess-making... CF laughed at that and thought it was "cute".
avatar for georgmicrodong
14 years ago
"If you're not stimulated to the point where you want to cum, whats the point of getting a lap dance?"

Aggressive groping. Cumming is for the hotel room and her mouth or pussy, not my pants. :)
avatar for mo_youngblood
14 years ago
The last time I completed in a strip club, I think it was definitely the dancer's intention to make sure that happened. She was on her knees, with her hand up the leg of my shorts and holding it through my underwear, while going at it with her mouth through my shorts. I pulled her back up on her feet, trying to avoid a mess, but it was too late. Luckily I had underwear on, but later in the song she went back down with her hand just to make sure she had finished the job. I usually try to avoid the mess, but sometimes it can't be avoided. Isn't this how you get repeat customer's, if that is what the customer wants? I guess it also depends on the club, because this was definitely at a club that attracted it's clientele going above and beyond the normal LD experience at other clubs in the area.
avatar for jayhawk123
14 years ago
Someone posted that this has been talked about many times on here and said there was some place to go look at older conversations about this. I am new on here so what do I click on to find these older conversations on this topic?
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