
First time at the strip club, appropriate clothing?

Thursday, January 6, 2011 8:13 AM
My friends are taking me to one of the all nude strip clubs here in Dallas (I don't know which one yet)for my 21st birthday this weekend. It obviously will be my first time there and I'm just wondering what the most appropriate form of clothing would be to wear. They are intending on buying me a few private lap dances apparently. I usually just wear Wrangler jeans, cowboy boots, and a t-shirt. I asked my big brother (since he's been to a few strip clubs before) and he just told me that Wranglers are not the most appropriate kind of clothes to wear if I get a lap dance. He just told me to wear nice pants like Dockers that are black or really dark blue and a dark colored pair of boxers and make sure I'm really clean and wear nice cologne and nice shoes. He told me that boxers are a lot better for getting a lap dance since they will be more comfortable when I get a boner and probably cum. I really think he's over-exaggerating, I mean I've had sex before with my girlfriend, I don't see how I'm gonna lose it during a lap dance. But seriously, is what my brother suggested appropriate, or does it really matter if I wear jeans and boots, and any other suggestions for a first time at the club?


  • boatmonkey
    13 years ago
    I prefer loose fitting pants to tight ones during lap dances, and soft is better than course. I personally wear dress slacks but I like jockeys underneath because they help keep my boner from flopping all over the place and they are more absorbant than boxers. But a good dancer can work with anything. On the few occassions I did wear jeans, my girl had to just unzip me and dig right in there to get the job done, and that ain't bad either! I get a kick out of the characters who wear baggy basketball shorts or sweat pants, giving their girls super-easy access to their goods. That may be OK in Texas but in Michigan in January it looks pretty funny to see a 300 pound old man in Piston's shorts! Dress comfortably and I think you'll have fun.
  • basketball
    13 years ago
    listen to your brother.
  • SuperDude
    13 years ago
    Some dancers prefer soft cloth pants. Denim is hard on the skin. So's wool. If weather allows go with soft cotton pants, polo shirt and boxers. Some dancers will want to make you cum so they can demand a tip. Beware.
  • Cheo_D
    13 years ago
    Bro's right with the pants - comfortable, not tight, casual pants in a soft fabric similar to Dockers or golf slacks (also, nice, celan unstarched shirt) seem to be called for when dancers are polled about the subject; well-worn-soft jeans could work too, but not if they have rivets (also avoid metal belt buckles). In those same polls they tend to be more amused than anything else by the sweatpants or baggy-shorts crew. Boils down to: They have to spend their evening rubbing up against bar patrons, you might as well look like someone possibly pleasant to rub up against. As others said, the underwear is up to personal preference: that which will be comfortable if you get wood. HOWEVER bear in mind: strippers do expect a hardening reaction during a lapdance, BUT, NOT ALL see getting you to pop off as a matter-of-course goal. THAT varies by girl and by club. Like SuperDude says it will likely be at the least used to extract additional compensation if it happens and you yourself need not make it your goal either, if you'd rather stretch the night's enjoyment.
  • steve229
    13 years ago
    Ok, where are all the "commando with shorts" devotees? You know who you are, lol.
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    steve, I'm here. Getting ready to meet snowtime at the Follies in a few hours. And yes, I will be wearing shorts and be commando. Do I give a shit what other customers think of me? Hell no. Do I care what the dancers think of my dress? Yes. I let them know why I am there and they can choose whether or not they want to party with me. I don't get many complaints. As far as blue jeans go. NO. Dancer: "Thank you for being respectful of my ass".
  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    Party on shadowcat!!!! I don't know if I would wear shorts on a Michigan winter night, that's a little much for my old tired and wrinkly skin. LOL, but here in Florida and I dare say even Texas on a winter's night, yeah, wear comfortable shorts and if the dancer gets you off, so much the merrier. Everyone has different expectations and tastes, but make it comfortable for you and the dancer. Her rubbing up against riveted jeans won't make her happy, that's for sure.
  • Prim0
    13 years ago
    I always wear a Utilikilt. [view link] and a nice shirt.
  • Raincoat
    13 years ago
    Ryan, Boatmonkey gave you the best answer, except he forgot to mention that black slacks are best so that your wet spot doesn't show when you walk back to your table. PrimO: One time in Cedar Rapids I saw a guy wear a kilt to a club. His girlfriend was with him and she spent a lot of time with her hand inside the kilt.
  • Ryan21
    13 years ago
    Thanks for the advice, I appreciate it, and I'm sure I'll have fun...
  • StormShadow760
    13 years ago
    I haven't joined the "commando & shorts" club yet...but I ALWAYS go in shorts (basketball/casual/cargo), a nice shirt & some nice Jordans/Nikes from my collection...No complaints from the girls in both the clubs I've gone to this year, and the New Year's been very good to me so far! I've got one OTC date/session lined up for the end of this month with a new fav & possibly another one in a couple weeks if I choose to do so =)
  • StormShadow760
    13 years ago
    Staying on topic though: Ryan21, my advice is to just be yourself in there & dress with whatever you're comfortable with...Like a previous post said, if the girl doesn't like the fabric she can just take it off!
  • gatorfan
    13 years ago
    Go naked and watch the strippers start fucking you silly.
  • snowtime
    13 years ago
    I did meet Shadowcat today at Follies and yes, he did have on his usual shorts. It seems to serve him well as one of the dancers had already used the easy access on him before I got there. As for me I am cold natured and would be uncomfortable with shorts in the Winter but I usually wear them for Summertime excursions. In the non Summer months I usually wear Docker's or similar pants.
  • dw.buck
    13 years ago
    wear a nice collored shirt, no drawers, sweat pants. dress for your comfort and the strippers comfort. i wore jeans for a while and was wondering why i kept getting air dances, find pants with button fly zippers hurt you and her sometimes
  • fesz
    13 years ago
    Wear Snuggies
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    There is a flip side to clothing, IMHO. Given a choice, I, prefer a dancer use their hands on me rather than then old grind, which can be painful if done incorrectly. That said, anything you are wearing can easily be breached. I have never heard a dancer complain about what I've worn, or felt it has affected a dance. Do whatever you wish, YOU are the customer.
  • potheadpl
    13 years ago
    I always wear Levi's 501s to the strip club, and the quality of my dances has not suffered. Wear what you want. I'd prefer not to ejaculate in my drawers, personally.
  • Rod8432
    13 years ago
    I've often had dancers thank me for wearing soft cotton elastic waist-banded pants with no buttons or zippers in the front. What I'd describe as "lounge pants," they're like sweat pants but more form fitting and nicer looking. They're a win/win in that the dancer's butt is spared the scratchy effect of jeans/belts/etc, and my dick gets to expand unimpeded. And if I'm lucky enough to get a dance from a girl who doesn't mind letting her fingers do the walking, she'll find easy access by simply slipping her hand beneath the waistband. By the way, I found if I wear black pants and a black non-button shirt (e.g., polo shirt or T-shirt), the dividing line between my waist band and my shirt bottom disappears in the club's dim lighting. This allows the girls hand slip inside less conspicuously, as everything's sort of dark and muddled down there, versus what you might see if a contrasting color are moving around.
  • SuperDude
    13 years ago
    Commando with no shorts and 2 inches of snow outside reduces important things to 2 inches.
  • troop
    13 years ago
    this what clothes do i wear stuff has been way over analyzed in my opinion. just wear something.
  • Digitech
    13 years ago
    I wonder where Ryan22 lives. The quality of his strip club experience might depend greatly on the city he's in.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    Rod, Interesting note on the black and black. Just last evening I met vm at a club we both enjoy. There I met this Cuban dancer that spent about 1/2 hour at the bar with me while I waited for vm. Her hand rarely left Mr. Happy, and she often let me toy with Miss Happy. Well, when vm got there and I went to the back with her, the black shirt I had on came out of the waist band of my black pants and Mr. Happy met Miss Hand up close and personal. I damn near felt like I was going to be raped. Bottom line, I liked the black and black combo.
  • samsung1
    13 years ago
    dress codes vary by strip club - best to call ahead and ask. General advice is to avoid wearing gym cloths or sleeveless shirts.
  • Ryan21
    13 years ago
    digitech, I live in Dallas
  • Rod8432
    13 years ago
    Clubber - Yes, I discovered the black on black combo quite by accident a couple months ago. I was in a club and one of my favs, while facing forward and grinding lightly, reached back and slipped her hand under my waistband. She then nestled in for some serious inside-the-pants stroking and I swear, in the darkness and shadows, you couldn't tell she had her hand in my pants. In fact, with my shirt pulled down so it met with her butt and thereby covering the lower part of her arm, she could move her arm back and forth for stroking but you couldn't tell because all my clothes just sort of blended together. Couple notes - I always wear the shirt out, so waistband access is easy and my shirt can readily flop over to conceal her entering hand. I also found the untucked shirt can sometimes ride up during a lapdance, revealing a little of my abdomen. This sometimes prompts girls to either a) pull my shirt up for breast-on-chest rubbing, or b) see how close my engorged dick was to to my waistband and decide to reach inside to give it a tug or two.
  • Jmoney007
    13 years ago
    my choice of clothing is Designer Athletic Sweatwear witch has matching pants and jacket so i don't stick out like a sore thumb, the colors are always dark colors like black, and other colors that's so dark that it looks black in a dark room, this is usually the best way to get the most contact and grindage, the material is always soft and pretty absorbent when it comes to containing fluids. im my area this is normal and clubs dont have a dress code. i discovered this combination by "accident"
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    Rod, Black and black is quite often my work attire, and black with jeans is normal outside work. So the black shirt is most always worn. I just never thought how well it could work. I shall put it into play more often. Thanks
  • dw.buck
    13 years ago
    go naked works for you and her
  • Rod8432
    13 years ago
    dw.buck - Trust me, if I could go naked for most things in life, I would. Perhaps I should move to that nude town in France - Cap d'Agde. Sort of would solve a numbers of challenges in my life...
  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    Rod8432, should you move to Cap d'Agde, send pics. LOL.
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    "Rod8432, should you move to Cap d'Agde, send pics." Yes, but not of you. No offense.
  • Rod8432
    13 years ago
    Not to worry - the only shot of me might be of my ding-dong occasionally sneaking into the foreground while I'm surreptitiously shooting pictures of sunbathing Eurobabes from my poolside chaise lounge. I'll do my best to slake the monster beforehand though, so that visual won't happen too often...
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