
Comments by farmerart (page 56)

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Taping OTC
    Not cool. And, what is the point anyway?
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    12 years ago
    concern or not
    I will agree with jerikson40 about not intervening in individual cases. In the scrappin' days of my youth I did this more than once (not with strippers, in regular bars). It never turned out well. Strange as it may sound coming from a horndog like me I am sorely affected by abuse of women. One of the beneficiaries of my charitable donations is the local women's shelter. I even pass on excess produce from my garden to the shelter - potatoes, carrots, tomatoes, cabbage.
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    12 years ago
    Common scents...
    I am no swishy metrosexual. Before serious clubbing I shower fastidiously, don clean clothes, and use an unscented underarm deodorant. That, and a fat wallet, does me very well in SCs. While working I have occasionally dropped into a club for lunch redolent of Eau de Diesel.
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    12 years ago
    Second pop ITC
    Now that Mr. Cialis and I are good buddies I will happily attempt Round #2. Never with my sparring partner from Round #1. What would be the point?
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    12 years ago
    IME if you are using escorts a driver or security guy is almost always part of the package until you have a favoured relationship with the escort (but who the hell does some sort of ATF gig with an escort?) That is why all my escort assignations are to a hotel. I would never have an escort do outcall to my house. Besides, I live in the country - it would be impossible to find an escort willing to make the journey from the city to my place. Her driver could never find my place anyway.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Excerpt from a recent review. I know that I would pass on this dancer.
    If true, that review makes me look at Hamilton, Ontario in an entirely different light. At its best, Hamilton is a gritty city in Canada.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    @Che & steve_ny: In my overblown language the real point of my argument seems to have missed you. I am not arguing about the reasons why things happen in markets just the fact that things DO happen. What is irrefutable is the observable, bare, stark numbers. The level of the various stock indices (S&P 500, NASDAQ Composite, Dow 30, Wilshire 5000) on one particular presidential inauguration day and the level of the same indices on a different inauguration day. No person can logically deny the effect of a change in party on events in the USA. Therefore, the correlation between those numbers and the party of the sitting president simply cannot be denied and must be one of the facts upon which investment decisions will be based. Successful investing winnows all the chaff of emotion and bias from the pure grains of data, logic, and simple arithmetic. @Che: The shot at Canada's health care system is exactly what I am describing, a debating point based on anecdotal fantasy. I can fire just as many anecdotes back to you of Americans crossing the border to access Canadian medical services. Referrals from USA to neurosurgeons in Edmonton and Montreal. Vain American actresses coming to a Vancouver plastic surgeon. Thousands of American citizens crossing the border for pharmaceuticals. Princess Margaret Hospital in Toronto draws cancer sufferers from USA (and from all over the world) for treatment not available elsewhere. American women flood into Canada for abortions. All these have no use in a logical debate. How about these data points of hard numbers for a more serious debate: Life expectancy - about 2-3 years longer in Canada vs. USA Infant mortality - measurably lower in Canada (deaths per 100k live births about one third lower) GDP allocation to health care - ~11% in Canada vs. ~18% in USA I'll happily take my chances with the Canadian medical care system, thank you very much.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    The Only Reason I Would Ever Go to a McDonald's
    Rat burger in Mickey D's store and clam burger in Mickey D's parking lot? Sounds like a super business concept to me.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    A Brilliant Idea
    Damn, motorhead! What a grand idea! I have been sorely vexed about what to do with my money. I could buy thousands of these policies with my cash and have a different stripper every hour for the rest of my life. Wisdom and common sense are rare in combination. You are lost in whatever you do now, motorhead. Time to change careers and become a financial advisor/life coach.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Virgin stripper?
    I don't know about any virgin 20 year old strippers but as for myself; I remained a sweet, pure, unsullied virgin until age 37!
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    12 years ago
    That extra hoe money
    Estafador, the jobs that you suggest are just unskilled labour - very little cash in those kinds of jobs. If you don't have a skill such as welding, plumbing. etc., the best bet for you is some sort of commission sales job. An outgoing personality and the gift of the gab can generate serious bux in commissions. Pick any service or any product.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    All that I know about US presidents is that Republican presidents are death to the stock market and Democrats are pure gold for the stock market. Dubya killed the markets for his 8 years. Obama has brought the markets back nicely. Dubya's dad did his best to create a recession and the markets reacted as expected. Clinton restored competence and optimism such that the 1990s were just superb in the markets. Reagan gave us 20% interest rates and the market meltdown of 1987. Nixon gave us the 570 point Dow in 1974 (the single best buying moment in my lifetime). If an investor has the stones to stomach the Republican economic mismanagement great buying opportunities are created. Take a look at the big equity positions in Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway. Many of those positions were established on during 1973/1974 when Nixon slaughtered the stock market. Buffett was absolutely shitting himself in unbounded glee at the bargains available in the market that the idiot Nixon cratered. I had little cash back then but I did buy a few shares of Philip Morris and still hold the position. Stock splits, reinvested divvys, and capital appreciation has turned my original $4k into something approaching $200k. Many thank to idiot Nixon (and all you smokers).
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    beards ?
    Shit! I have to shave every day at the exploration camp now. Most recent nat gas well was sour; sour gas means masking up; masking up means daily shaving so the mask can make a virtuous seal over your face. I hate shaving! Otherwise, I sport a glorious beard long enough to be silky and soft (moderately tickly) all on its own.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Which city has the hottest dancers?
    Toronto is as multi-racial a city as exists in North America. This talent pool of exotic beauties fills up the city's many clubs. There is also a steady flow of sweet quebecoises coming to Toronto to make a buck or two. In my travels in the SC world Toronto and its suburbs have shown me the most attractive girls of any city that I have visited. Mileage is um....er.....ah.....most acceptable!!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    I worked in Algeria and Saudi Arabia in the 1970s. Algeria was not so bad; it had a residue of French culture from colonial times. Saudi was an entirely different matter. The most miserable year of my life was in that god-forsaken country. I made a pile of bux but the misery was just not worth it. I would kill myself before setting foot in that country again. It really annoys me that you Americans suck up to the miserable Saudis for their oil and screw us Canadians over pipelines at the same time. Don't you realize that it was Saudi assholes that did the 9/11 atrocity? You guys should have nuked Riyadh and Mecca in immediate retaliation.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    calling shadow out ?
    @snowtime, Yeah, Tiny Mills was a Canadian wrestler from back in that era. He and his brother, Al, were big on the western Canadian circuit. That was the circuit established by Stu Hart (Bret, the Hitman's dad) just after WWII. Stu Hart was a serious shit-kicker in his day and he had a huge family. One of his daughters married a wrestler (could be that guy that motorhead mentioned, not 100% sure). All of Stu's boys were wrestlers. Bret had a good career. Owen was killed in a ring accident courtesy of Vince MacMahon. Search out Stampede Wrestling on the internet. That was Stu Hart's TV production back in the late 50s and early 60s. It is some hoky TV to watch. The announcer, Wailin' Ed Whalen, is choice (also wears the world's worst rug). The junior hockey team in Calgary is called The Hitmen. Bret was an initial investor in the venture and the team was named after him.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    tuscl Speed any better? New Server Installed
    What's with all the wasted space between reviews?........ Seriously annoying.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    calling shadow out ?
    @staxwell, Never forget that I am a real old fart, soon to be 64. I was a big rasslin' fan when I was a kid in the mid-1950s. Lou Thesz was a big deal back then. @vincemichaels & clubber, I will be taking time off from the exploration camp over Christmas/New Year's like I did last year. I hope to go to Hawaii again with the same dancer who accompanied me last year. If Hawaii doesn't work out, Miami is a possibility. Tootsie's sounds like the kind of place where I could drop a few bux, n'est-ce pas?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    calling shadow out ?
    I learned my moves from the old masters like Tiny Mills, Lou Thesz, and Mad Dog Vachon. I'll take on the pair of ya punks!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    At what point does a stripper become a whore?
    In business I have been an unrepentant whore for over 45 years, a very successful whore, I might add.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    finders keeprs and black majic ?
    To find clubs unlisted on tuscl you really must get out of your comfort zone and travel to areas badly served by tuscl members. I have discovered six SCs not listed on tuscl during my normal wanderings around small town western Canada. I have attempted to add three of these clubs to tuscl's data base but with no response from tuscl's masters. I no longer make any effort to add clubs to the tuscl data base. Something that is rather common in small town Alberta and British Columbia is a bar or tavern that has stripper entertainment for 2-3 days per week and reverts to a normal bar or tavern for the balance of the week. Occasionally a hardcore tuscler can have a good time in such a joint, believe me. Surely, similar such establishments must exist in small town USA?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Nude House Cleaners
    Ladies, you are just bangin' and I would love to hire you to clean the shacks of my exploration camp BUT..........how would I deal with the ensuing riot of 40 horny rig pigs (and 1 horny boss)?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Yo Technology
    @lopaw and motorhead, Your urban childhood experiences are rather genteel (and gentle) compared to mine on an isolated farm in the 1950s. The toys that I and my three brothers and 1 sister shared were likely to be animal traps, snares, knives, and a .22 rifle. Of the five of us, my sister was the most blood thirsty when it came to killing and skinning coyotes and muskrats. My preference was constructing tree huts, snow forts, or tunnels in hills. To this day my body bears several scars attesting to my ineptness with construction tools all those 50+ years ago. It was a grand childhood for all that, teaching me the most valuable lesson of all - independence.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    Psychology and the Me Generation
    Characterizing one generation or another as the 'Me' generation is simply a lazy exercise in shoddy rhetoric. One of the primal urges of humans is self-preservation. We are all 'Me' generations whatever may be the year of our births.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Here is a strip club that is only open 3 months out of the year. Weird!
    Just a bit of fact checking here. The current boom in the US is all about oil, not nat gas. It is happening in western North Dakota and eastern Montana, very little by comparison, in South Dakota. The Bakken field, as this play is called, extends north into southern Saskatchewan in Canada. My own little oil play in south-eastern Alberta is an attempt to expand the boundaries of the Bakken field. So far, specific gravity tests and chemical analyses suggest that this a possibility. Production in the Bakken is increasing faster than pipeline capacity allows for refinery delivery. The producers of the crude are ferrying the excess product daily to the Chicago-area refineries in thousands of rail tanker cars. As an aside, we in the industry rarely use the term - 'hydro-fracking'. For the length of my long career in the oil patch, the term has simply been - 'fracing'.