
The Only Reason I Would Ever Go to a McDonald's

Detroit strip clubs


  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    What I don't undestand is how the club got a permit to operate so close to a McDonalds. What do all the little kids ask their parents? :)
  • GoVikings
    12 years ago
    Yeah, that's a great point shadow. MOST strip clubs seem to be away from other businesses. They usually are tucked away on a back road.

    But now that I think of it, the closest Paper Moon to where I live is on a main street, right next door to a Taco Bell.
  • Estafador
    12 years ago
    a club that's actually FANCY in sout side bronx, that's CRAZY! I bet it'll be still 10 buck entry because its the bronx. Personally, I'd say its an improvement for the bronx, since they never have anything nice (they're mcdonalds is garbage, they need to get a clue)
  • mikeya02
    12 years ago
    The club I go to is right next door to a massage parlor, and next door to that is a sports bar with great food and super hot waitresses.(Same owner as the club). A McDonalds would pretty much destroy the vibe.
  • carolynne
    12 years ago
    isn't it kinda ironic that the former community board president is threatening to run the McDonalds out of town because they won't tow the cars of club patrons? why don't they do it themselves? or run the club out of town if they're so powerful...

    i make it a rule never to work at a place where i have to change in the parking lot across the street...
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    That it's an Adult Playground. LOL
  • farmerart
    12 years ago
    Rat burger in Mickey D's store and clam burger in Mickey D's parking lot?

    Sounds like a super business concept to me.
  • DandyDan
    12 years ago
    When I lived in the Chicago area and would go to the Admiral Theater, I'd routinely park in the McDonalds basically down the street a block. No one ever said I couldn't park there, which beat paying for valet parking, not to mention the air dances.

    I used to go to Boomers in Fremont, NE, which shared its parking lot with a Godfather's Pizza, but I believe the club came first. Boomers was right on the main drag in Fremont before it closed. It was really annoying to go there and there were these teenage brats who were loitering around the Godfather's asking people what Boomers was like. It was a general pain in the ass to put up with that.

    My personal favorite club, Shotgun Geniez in Hamburg, IA, used to have a Pizza Hut across the street which was basically the same way, except it ended up the Pizza Hut, and a whole succession of mom and pop restaurants, closed. One time, early on in my history of going there, a group of kids were filming all the people going in, like it was some documentary. I hope my younger self ain't on Youtube due to this.

    I do have to agree with GoVikings though, they all seem to be on back roads, or at interstate exits, although I do know the clubs in Ottumwa and Denison Iowa are right in the middle of downtown, not that either are really appealing places to go, especially Ottumwa.
  • 59
    12 years ago
    Agree that most tend to be situated away from other businesses, with some off the beaten path in industrial parks.

    There are exceptions. Isnt' there a Taco Bell right next store to Mons Venus? (Actually I think it's another chain now, from my visit in April).

    Platinum Plus in Allentown has a State (liquor) store, Laundramat, and Family Dollar either next door or within 50 feet. Same parking lot.

  • steve229
    12 years ago

    @jackslash - not even for a McRib?

    @GoVikings - the Paper Moon in NoVa is next door to KFC, lol
  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    As I've said before, I like reviews that mention the parking situation. There are some who say they only want to know what it's like INSIDE not OUTSIDE, but I disagree.

    I'm probably in the minority here, but I hope McDonald's cracks down on this. I'm tired of strip club owners having a "build it and they will come" attitude about clubs. It's about time they start considering parking when building a club.
  • Estafador
    12 years ago
    Well considering the neighborhood that the mcdonalds and the club are at and the overall rating of that particular mcdonalds, they both should close down. That McDonalds really needs to control its noise level and fix its employee shift, its crazy in there man.
  • Digitech
    12 years ago
    DandyDan, I never went to Shotgun, though I heard a lot about it. It was closed last year when the Missouri river flooded, right? Did it ever reopen?

    Anyway, your post reminded me of a few things I've read in the past. Most of us know that in Nevada, brothels are legal. I have read on various forums that high school students will drive past or park on the side of the road, and when they see someone walking back to their car they will yell 'How was it?' and honk the horn, etc. Just having fun with it.

    I had a similar experience here in Missouri, actually. I was walking back to my car from a 'Health Spa' on a secluded road. Somebody drove by right at that instant and slowed down, put their window down and yelled 'Woo hoo!'. The funny part is that I had just walked in and walked out because I didn't see anything I was interested in.
  • DandyDan
    12 years ago
    Yeah, Shotgun Geniez opened again, although for a long while, the place was dead. It does seem to have turned around lately, at least in terms of the entertainment provided, probably due in large part to the notorious Aspen leaving.
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