
Comments by farmerart (page 55)

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    More tales from the far north. LOL.
    Canadian guys are pissed about the NHL lockout. Bars are seriously hurting. Hockey Night In Canada was a guaranteed extra $3k-$5k in booze and food sales for most of Edmonton's sports bars. My sympathies are with the players in this dispute. Murray Edwards (Calgary Flames' talking owner) is one of my least favourite oil patch characters.
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    12 years ago
    Meeting up with TUSCLers
    I like meeting fellow tusclers; however, I have found that many tusclers prefer to maintain their anonymity. I have met precisely three tusclers and missed making connections with another because of my travel plans. I have approached several others through PMs but have been brushed aside with polite dismissals. If any tuscler shows up in Calgary or Edmonton when I happen to be in town I could certainly give you a tour of the continent's lamest SCs. Be prepared for a boozy night. If you happen to cross paths with me in Vancouver I might be able to generate an interesting evening in that city's only worthwhile club.
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    12 years ago
    Witness Protection
    Holiday Clubbing
    Why is Thanksgiving on such a goofy day in USA? Thursday?? And, why is it such a big deal in USA? Canadian Thanksgiving is the second Monday in October, a much better time of year (and day) for a holiday, IMO.
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    12 years ago
    People Watching
    One of my visits to Bogarts in Detroit was a memorable people watching occasion. Not the dancers but the obese male patrons. Usually I will be the biggest boy in the club - I am in the 265lb neighbourhood. However on that visit to Bogarts I saw at least a dozen 300lb guys, with a couple of them probably well over 400lb.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    @gatorfan. How about this - (_*_) ?? You (_?_) !!
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    12 years ago
    Whatever Happened To Common Sense?
    rick, of course you are right about the oil and gas LP. I was imprecise with my language. When I said "fully hedged" all I meant was that the operating partner is not taking the spot price for the commodity. Increased drilling only occurs when the 5 year forwards give the operators the required profit margin on the commodity. At current production levels this operation has an estimated reserve life of a little over 9 years, with an undrilled land position of about 8,000 hectares. The real sweet little kicker with this deal is the tax position since the land position is aboriginal-owned. Giving up a few points of profit to the band is rewarded nicely by the tax breaks granted to the operator and the partners. Payout fluctuates with commodity prices. The current high payout is a reflection of buoyant nat gas liquids prices (nat gas in this play is heavy in liquids). The operating partner is selling no new units. Whew! All that to put off some silly investment discussion hijack. The original point of the topic was just to show the thinking of a veteran stripper. I repeat - I will not be having any part of this dancer's preposterous scheme.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Another Tale From The Far North
    @Ermita_Nights, This IS an issue of individual rights. The right of all members of a drilling crew to work in an exceedingly dangerous environment comfortably knowing that impairment of a fellow crew member is not going to be a hazard.
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    12 years ago
    Whatever Happened To Common Sense?
    @motorhead, I don't believe for a moment that this lady has $500k in savings. As for marrying her? Not a friggin' chance! The week with her in Hawaii last year stretched my patience enough. 24/7 with her?.......I would probably kill myself.
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    12 years ago
    Another Tale From The Far North
    Ah, stiletto, you wouldn't believe the schemes concocted in the past to get around the testing system. Because much of oil and gas drilling in Canada takes place in isolated frontier conditions my industry decided to make the testing system as simple and as fool-proof as possible. The system has industry-wide approval and support; much less so among the industry's employees. Simply put; if an employee objects to being tested - fine, head down the road and find a $150k job somewhere else and good luck to you. For employers there is simply no choice. Opt out of testing and insurance will probably be impossible to find. No sane person operates a company in my industry without insurance.
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    12 years ago
    Cannonball Cabaret- Toronto
    About 3 blocks east of the Best Western on Dixie just north of the 401. Very easy to find. 401/Dixie is a major intersection.
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    12 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    OT: Jane Seymour
    Whazzup, lopaw? I don't have a clue about her either and I am sure that I am much older than you are. Don't you live among all the celebrities in Hollywood?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Cell Phone checks
    Club time is party time. For what earthly reason in hell does a guy need a watch in a club anyway?
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    12 years ago
    Good lord, rick, who (in his right mind) would care to take on the function of Moderator of this discussion board?
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    12 years ago
    Cell Phone checks
    Jeez, I am welded to my Blackberry during work hours. It is such a blessed relief to dump it and my cell when I am not working. For what earthly reason in hell does a guy need his cell in a club anyway?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Here is a fact. You may have seen pictures of the monster trucks used in the Canadian oil sands operations. Each single tire of these trucks is in the $80,000 price range. Syncrude, Caterpillar's biggest customer for these behemoths, actively recruits women to drive these beasts. Long experience has taught Syncrude that women drivers are gentler on these monsters, bringing significant reductions in maintenance costs. It is not uncommon for drivers of these trucks to earn $150k-$200k (with overtime).
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    12 years ago
    Did Petraeus need Vitamin V?
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    12 years ago
    So.....I Hear You Guys Had An Election Down South
    I just read an interesting tidbit online. 'In the last century, just four American presidents have won consecutive elections receiving more than 50% of votes cast in each of those consecutive elections. The four presidents? FDR, Eisenhauer, Reagan, Obama.' If true, that is a very telling stat.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Not supporting or never listening to an artist again because of his or her sexua
    I enjoy music composed by a Nazi, fiction written by a pederast, sculpture by a homosexual, cuisine presented by ex-cons, and who knows what else by whomever. The world is full of nutbars and idiot-savants capable of making contributions to cultural enjoyment.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Time to move and dodge rocket attacks?
    @motorhead, '.....the price of a McRib in Tel Aviv....' You are in top form, as usual.
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    12 years ago
    So.....I Hear You Guys Had An Election Down South
    Just on the basis of the two election campaigns Obama was the deserved winner. The Democrats did much better than the Republicans in the single most important factor in the campaign - motivating your voters to get out to the polls. Those midnight line-ups in Florida waiting to vote were not white-haired Republican ladies patiently waiting to vote for Mitt. If I had been able to vote in this election I suspect I would have voted for Obama. Romney inspired entirely no trust in me. I don't like his career at Bain. What he did there was not business generating employment and growth; it was just sleazy financial engineering, mere asset stripping. Republican social policies belong in the 19th century. The more that I think of this the more that I am sure I would have held my nose and marked my 'X' by Obama's name on the ballot. (In Canada we still use paper ballots that we voters mark with an 'X' in a circle - no fancy voting machines here).
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Off topic: Windows 8
    Believe it or not, I use an ancient Fortran-based system for the simple business needs of my company (income, expenses, payroll, etc). My computer weenie brother designed it for me in the early 1970s and taught me the language. This was before Mr.Softy even existed. I use it to this day. The big problem is keeping on hand a PC with a Fortran compiler. I have one of the old antiques in my office and two spares available in case of crap out by the one I am using. The big advantage to remaining in the computing Stone Age is security. There is no internet connection to my old Fortran computer. The only other person in the entire world who understands the system is my brother.
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    12 years ago
    New York
    Off Topic: Chris Christie
    I just googled this guy. If I were an American I could certainly see myself voting for him - an ugly fat man with balls, capable of independent thought. Thing is though, he is a lawyer.
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    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Off Topic because it is a slow news day. Ya gotta luv PETA!
    As I trolled through these PETA comments I got as angry as a rampaging saucy Tatar. Carping like this makes PETA look like a putrid pod of gutted guppies.
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    12 years ago
    My Attempt At OTC Part II
    At first attempt do not lowball the girl with your offer. Do not make oblique references to what you want. Be forthright and exact. I am a dine-and-dash road warrior, usually not to be seen ever again by the girl in whatever club I may be visiting. I have fair success with my approach; perhaps not as great as the success of some of the smoother guys here on tuscl, but plenty good enough for me.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Are escorts turning to stripping or are strippers turning to escorting?
    It would be an expensive proposition for girls in my stomping grounds. They would require two licences from civic authorities. The fee in Calgary for massage parlor/escort girls was in the region of $700 last year (don't know this year's rate). Licence to strip is a different matter but I don't know the fee in Alberta. There will also be agency booking fees for strippers and, possibly for escorts as well (if they choose to work through an agency rather than independently). The advantage for girls to be licenced is that there are no problems with LE harassment. In fact, LE takes reports of 'bad dates' from escorts very seriously and doggedly pursues the creeps.