Shadow I'm tired of this I'm the champion talk on tuscl ! I'm tired of this I'm the best on tuscl....I'm tired of all that pussy you.get at follies....I'm tired of all the fame you have for being the champ....I tell you what boy on November 2012 at clash of the champions in the city of Atlanta I'm going to kick your has all over follies....I'm going to Fuck your girls....and I'm going to take that belt back to asheville north Carolina were it belongs brother....I'm the peoples champ....I'm the one they love and adore....I'm the one that writes the best reviews...I'm the one that makes tuscl wait it is brother.....juicemana is going to run wild on you brother.....I'm going to wine and dine you and I'm going to 69 you brother.....I'm going to come off that top rope on the and I'm going to put a real hurting on your girls ...........juice is the best their was ....juice is the best their is and juice is the best their ever will be and this is how its going down cause the.juicebox says so......wooooooooooooooooooooooooooo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
last commentBetter to study under Shadow with humility and respect, than to destroy yourself with pride and dishonor.
(What the fuck are you on tonight?)
I thought you were doing Ali
my twenty is bettin on Shadowcat
he's a good fella though - will leave a couple dancers for ya - so you won't feel it was a KO…
At Follies, Shadow givith and shadow takith away.
I'll take those odds and put my $20 on the Juice.
Hoping follies girls looking for fresh dick.
Juice is gonna wash his dick right?
Shadow lol good one
Drz if I win you will make some.Damn good money....thanks for believing I'm the juiceman
It's got groove it's got meaning
Juice is the time, is the place is the motion
Juice is the way we are feeling
Haha, Juice - you of all people should know: "To be the man, gotta beat the man!"
Snow, I do my best work when the lights are out... no homo lol
I'll take on the pair of ya punks!
Despite being billed as from Glasgow, Scotland, Rowdy Roddy Piper is actually from Canada.
Maybe we can con"vince" farmer to spend a bit of time in S. Florida. I would see to it that we cool the temperature down for him and not let it get over 95 during his visit.
Who wears socks? Well, with my bike boots. :)
Never forget that I am a real old fart, soon to be 64. I was a big rasslin' fan when I was a kid in the mid-1950s. Lou Thesz was a big deal back then.
@vincemichaels & clubber,
I will be taking time off from the exploration camp over Christmas/New Year's like I did last year. I hope to go to Hawaii again with the same dancer who accompanied me last year. If Hawaii doesn't work out, Miami is a possibility. Tootsie's sounds like the kind of place where I could drop a few bux, n'est-ce pas?
Yeah, Tiny Mills was a Canadian wrestler from back in that era. He and his brother, Al, were big on the western Canadian circuit. That was the circuit established by Stu Hart (Bret, the Hitman's dad) just after WWII. Stu Hart was a serious shit-kicker in his day and he had a huge family. One of his daughters married a wrestler (could be that guy that motorhead mentioned, not 100% sure). All of Stu's boys were wrestlers. Bret had a good career. Owen was killed in a ring accident courtesy of Vince MacMahon. Search out Stampede Wrestling on the internet. That was Stu Hart's TV production back in the late 50s and early 60s. It is some hoky TV to watch. The announcer, Wailin' Ed Whalen, is choice (also wears the world's worst rug).
The junior hockey team in Calgary is called The Hitmen. Bret was an initial investor in the venture and the team was named after him.
I will check out the Stampede Wrestling spot sometime. I suspect it would be similar to all of the hokey TV wrestling shows that were popular in the South during the 50's and 60's. Each of the ones I saw (Atlanta, Memphis, Nashville) all had a "hokey" announcer. These were usually rejects from the local TV stations regular departments.
George Raymond Wagner (March 24, 1915 – December 26, 1963) was an American professional wrestler best known by his ring name Gorgeous George. In the United States, during the First Golden Age of Professional Wrestling in the 1940s-1950s, Gorgeous George gained mainstream popularity and became one of the biggest stars of this period, gaining media attention for his outrageous character, which was described as flamboyant and charismatic.[2] He was inducted into Professional Wrestling Hall of Fame in 2002 and the WWE Hall of Fame as part of the Class of 2010.