
Yo Technology

Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
I guess I'm just in a bad mood this AM because I need to vent some more.

A thread from a couple of days ago touched on the younger generation and technology. True story - early Sunday morning, after a night at a strip club, I stopped at a restaurant for some breakfast. A guy at the booth next to me answered his cell phone and was speaking rather loudly so I think I picked up the context of the call.

Presumably, he was talking to his teen-age (most likely) child. Apparently the kid had been pulled over, or was about to be pulled over, by a cop for a traffic violation. The dad told the kid to remain calm and what the officer asked. The father explained that the cop will ask for license, registration, and insurance.

The call ended there. OK, I won't argue that cell phones and technology can be wonderful, sometimes live saving devices, but it also seems we are raising a generation of kids that are not being able to stand on their own two feet without daddy's help.

I know - the young guys are thinking the old farts are bashing them again, but the way things are headed, I don't see them being labeled by Tom Brokaw as the Greatest Generation 2.

And don't even get me started on cell phones in the grocery store. I'm so tired of idiots blocking the aisles because they are on their phones calling home because they don't know what flavor of Cheerios to buy. C'mon. Make a decision on your own. Cell phones are turning us into a group of sheep that can't make decisions.


  • pabloantonio
    12 years ago
    Next thing you know, dancers will be calling and texting us to come see them at the club.
  • Clubber
    12 years ago
  • zipman68
    12 years ago
    Cool spam Evelyn. Since we're all totally sure you are totally real and aren't computer generated I have two requests:

    Tits or GTFO.


    Sharpie in the pooper.
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    " I don't see them being labeled by Tom Brokaw as the Greatest Generation 2. "

    When they have to cleanup all the debt and all the other mess the boomers left, they will be.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    I hope they do something too like "oh, medicare? social security?" You know what, old fucks, sorry but the balance sheet just doesn't so we can't pay those. Sorry, ponzi-scheme's over. You're on your own. Hope you made plans for this.
  • vincemichaels
    12 years ago
    queenbaby11 is a scammer. I'd bet 447,043,002,439 or the cost of a lap dance these days. LOL, that is a typical scammer message. They are everywhere these days.
  • mikeya02
    12 years ago
    In my opinion, Generation "plur" is not going to clean up this ponzi-scheme mess of the last four years.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    I don't think they will have a choice. Kind of like the "Greatest Generation" didn't really have a choice about cleaning up that depression or WWII mess. I don't look at them as superior people, just that they had challenges they were forced to deal with which they rose up to. Same thing will happen here (after appropriate weaping, moaning and gnashing of teeth).
  • Tiredtraveler
    12 years ago
    I have a friend that is a high up manager in a big construstion firm and I was at an event with him and even though he was on vacation he had to have his Thursday meeting. The site managers won't make a decision about anything. When I spoke to him about it he and I agreed when we started out if we bothered the boss with triva we would have been fire and some how managed to build major projects (power plants etc) that are still in operation with out cell phones, lap tops, desk top computers and fax machines. Young peoplw cannot understand why I hate them so much even though I am forced to use them. You have no down time. What is going to happen when us oldsters that are on the other end of that call making decisions retire and stop taking those calls. Any one less that 45 years old can't make a decision as to what to have for breakfast with out his smart phone. The world is becoming tech smart and extremely stupid at the same time.
  • mikeya02
    12 years ago
    I hope you're right. But there is a big difference between a young generation going to war to stop Facists and Imperialists from taking over the world, and a young generation rising up to run our country.
  • Estafador
    12 years ago
    Hey I get those same type of dumb spam messages in my spam email lol. At least they personalized it for forums lol.

    I can easily say I highly disagree with you, but unfortunately your view revolves around a white society (let's face it, blacks and whites have totally different upbringing since the conquer of america) style of upbringing so I don't think my counter-arguement would help as a young guy. But, to say something, kids can do ONE thing without technology; and that is to have fun unadultarated sex lol
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    @mikeya02: I do hope I'm being too pessimistic but I think the economic challenges are going to be on par with the great depression. There is that much bad debt in the world, and the only plan to deal with it is "hey, print money!"

    If the measure of greatest is fighting wars and giving lives though, then, I agree, the world can't afford a third world war now that we have nuclear weapons, so they won't have the chance to prove themselves in that way the greatest generation did.
  • tamajt
    12 years ago
    anything can be uses as a crutch, technology, parents, friends etc. A lot of people will try to take the easy way out. Technology itself is a great thing it has the capabilities to improve our lives dramatically but you have to put a vested interest into it. You have to rule the technology not let it rule you. A call back to a parent is allowed not because a phone allows it, kid have been running for shelter for the parents for thousands of years, Its Because the Parent allows it! I think the true issues with our society is that we don't take personal responsibility.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    motorhead I guess the father did a poor job on educating his kid on how to receive a traffic ticket. I wonder how old the "Child" is?
  • JohnBuford
    12 years ago
    @Motorhead,I have two daughters (28,25) and if they were alone and were about to get pulled over I would hope they would call me.This is what I would tell them:stop in a well lit area,turn off the engine, turn off the radio,get the registration and driver's license,turn on the interior light(s),stay in the car, put your hands on top of the steering wheel and get off the phone.I'm a retired military policeman (MP) from the Army and this is what I wanted to see when I made a traffic stop.I will not apologize for being a doting father and I would never discourage my girls from calling me if/when they need advice.BTW,one is an attorney and the other has a M.Ed. and teaches school.I say this not to brag, but to cut off the "you're-gonna-cripple-them-with-your-hovering" comments.
  • motorhead
    12 years ago

    I'm not a parent so I will certainly defer to those who are. I guess my point should have been, those excellent points you make perhaps should have been made *before* they were ever pulled over.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    Yes, this information that should have been learned ahead of time.
  • Clubber
    12 years ago
    This sort of makes little sense with the offending post missing.
  • lopaw
    12 years ago
    I remember a comedian a few years ago comparing todays "safety first" playgrounds for kids vs. the playgrounds we grew up with-we had hot metal slides in the mid-day sun, jungle gyms built over cement, etc. It was hilarious. She called it the "pussification" of today's kids.
  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    LOL lopaw.

    We used to play tackle football on asphalt in the winter in the snow - no big deal right? Until you saw how LITTLE snow we played on. A few flakes? That's ok. What's a few bruises?
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    Oh yes! I fondly remember those playgrounds lopaw. Great places to play. :))
  • lopaw
    12 years ago
    lol - I remember my mom giving us kids a set of lawn darts with HUGE heavy metal spears on the ends to play with. How we didn't impale each other with those things I'll never know. How about riding your bike or skateboard w/o a helmet? Such daredevils!

    My god - how did we ever survive it all? ;-)
  • farmerart
    12 years ago
    @lopaw and motorhead,

    Your urban childhood experiences are rather genteel (and gentle) compared to mine on an isolated farm in the 1950s. The toys that I and my three brothers and 1 sister shared were likely to be animal traps, snares, knives, and a .22 rifle. Of the five of us, my sister was the most blood thirsty when it came to killing and skinning coyotes and muskrats.

    My preference was constructing tree huts, snow forts, or tunnels in hills. To this day my body bears several scars attesting to my ineptness with construction tools all those 50+ years ago.

    It was a grand childhood for all that, teaching me the most valuable lesson of all - independence.

  • Clubber
    12 years ago
    Fractured skull, shot, both ankles broken, part of hatchet in my hand, steel in my eye, multiple fingers and toes broken, chronic back and knee problems. Took 60+ years to get here, but as a youngster, I had a good start on the list!

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