
Comments by farmerart (page 38)

  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    New York
    very attractive guy going or whats appropriate wardrobe
    Curt, even.
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    11 years ago
    @tumblingdice, I assume that your 55% remark refers to Canadian income tax rates. Gotta tell you that you are absolutely wrong. There is no province in Canada where your highest marginal tax rate will approach 55%. I live in Alberta which is the lowest tax province in Canada. Depending on the kind of income that I report my effective tax rate is 22% to a max of 38%. I never pay at the highest rate for all my income. Last year my blended tax rate for all my different types of income was under 30%. If I choose to make donations I can bring that to a level that Mitt Romney pays in USA. My effective tax rate last year after all tax credits and deductions was under 25%. Occasionally I can bring that rate to 0% (perhaps 1 year in 7). Remember also that I pay absolutely nothing for my basic health care insurance.
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    11 years ago
    I don't get this black pessimism. This is a great time to be alive. Maybe you guys should emigrate to Canada.
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    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Just a photo of farmerart :)
    Better hair than I have and better shoes.
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    11 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Pussy Farts ?
    @tumblingdice, Queef? New word for me. I LOVE IT! Thanks, man.
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    11 years ago
    bums begging for money in the parking lot
    The Vancouver SC, No 5 Orange, is surrounded by low income housing, homeless people, druggies: all of them aggressively panhandling. I unashamedly ignore them all except for a single instance. If I am having trouble hailing a cab outside the club, I will offer one of the derelicts a loonie if he/she can get a cab for me. These creatures fearlessly run out in the traffic of Main Street to get the attention of a passing cab for me. Risking personal safety for a loonie! I'm a heartless bastard, aren't I?
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    11 years ago
    Chicago, IL
    Watch Those Eyes!
    Oooooh...so right! Even more so if you are a boss or company owner. My industry is about as macho as an industry can be but I am consciously aware not to display my usual horndog behaviour with the female employees in my company's offices. I can get away with that shit when I am out in the field or in the isolated exploration camp but in my Calgary office?.......I would be committing economic and social suicide.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    How far does your friendship go with strippers?
    Pretty much what superdude and rick said. Relationships with strippers are throw-away relationships. After a couple of hiccups for me I am now firmly in this camp.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Pariah of the club...
    At times I may visit a club dressed like a bum. However I may be dressed I am always loaded with a wad of cash. If I enter a club when I am dressed scruffily I will slyly let a waitress or bartender see the wad when I pay for my first drink. The SC grapevine can just as easily spread the news of a new wad of cash in the club as it can spread the perception you are a brokeass bum.
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    11 years ago
    Seattle, Washington
    I get it. I get it. I know that I am as pathetic as all the rest of the tuscl regulars. All I can say is that the same word can have different connotations for different people. Let me split my hairs if it makes me feel better. Sheesh!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Seattle, Washington
    I don't like any of this ATF or CF stuff. The terms imply a certain emotional attachment that I try mightily not to have for these dancers. I don't always succeed in avoiding emotional attachments but I am getting much better the longer I participate in our hobby. I completely eschew the term ATF now and I don't care for CF either. Now, if I see a dancer more than once, I refer to her as my 'sweetie' as in....... my Toronto Sweetie or my Calgary Sweetie or my Detroit Sweetie or my Vancouver Sweetie or my Edmonton Sweetie. Two of these girls are now ancient history but 3 of them still have active status; one of them much more active than the other two.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Is everyone on vacation this week?
    Not me, even though July 1 is Canada Day I am working in the office this weekend. My part of the world is just recovering from the disastrous floods of June21/22. I just got power back to my offices on Friday so I have a week's worth of work to catch up. Having the entire office to myself for a long weekend is a great opportunity to do just that.
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    11 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Boob Job Payback Period
    I think I will stick to wildcatting, jack. Much more money up front and much higher risk but much, much, much higher return on invested capital with a successful well.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Do Strip Clubs get better or worse with the Stock Market?
    It is often said that the stock market is a forward looking indicator for the economy as a whole. I don't entirely agree with that. I do agree with the 'wealth effect' that a rising stock market has on public confidence in economic buoyancy. But even more important in giving optimism to people's economic outlooks is a rising real estate market. When rock and roll returns to the real estate market...... that is when you will see happy, confident, spending consumers throwing money around with the proverbial 'gay abandon' once more. For me, those damned gold stocks are whistling their siren songs at me once again. The collapse in the price of the shares of the big boys of gold mining has me salivating. My long time stink bid for ABX was finally filled at a multi-year low.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Names, and not dancer names.
    Hillary......Gillian.......Penelope........Samantha (assuredly not 'Sam')
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    O.T. My City Is Under Water
    Some of my boys and I decided that we had to do something to help. We brought some of our tankers and flat beds plus 6 of our diesel generators into Calgary and offered them and our labour to the authorities. The authorities sent the tankers and generators to a smaller town south of Calgary that is in rougher shape than Calgary. That town is almost 100% under water. Our generators will be of great use there as will our tankers' ability to haul in potable water. I drove into Calgary with my welding unit and my tools. Authorities kept me in Calgary to use me as a roving repair welder and diesel mechanic. I just completed my first assignment, welding the bucket on a front end loader that was moving moving muck and debris from a major road. Taking a break waiting for my next assignment. This is some freaky shit happening in Calgary and southern Alberta. SCs are not on my agenda any time soon but reading the entertainment on tuscl right now is nice light relief from the horrors that I am seeing all around me. Keep those hilarious reviews and other posts coming.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Money I have saved by not spending it on dancers.
    @mikeya02, Assets, not cash,........assets - nat gas and nat gas liquids in the ground, oil in the ground, exploration leases, land leases, mineral rights, farm-in rights, royalties, tank farm, trucks, etc. etc. None of that is negotiable in SCs.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    I always aim for the highest level of extras available, FS being the ultimate for me (either ITC or OTC).
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    11 years ago
    Detroit Spearmint Rhino rumor
    Where did this Spearmint Rhino name come from? What an odd name for a SC. I have never visited a Rhino.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    OT: Detroit
    I'll second Rabbit21's recommendation for Slow's BBQ. Excellent BBQ. A jolly milf from H8S led me to that joint. She also provided other entertainment for me on one of my Detroit visits.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Money I have saved by not spending it on dancers.
    I didn't spend a nickel on strippers until I was almost 61 years old after selling my first company. Does that mean that I built a nine figure net worth by not spending money on strippers? This old fool has made up for lost time in the last 3+ years, just not nine figures' worth.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    This has to be farmerart
    Sorry, motorhead, I'm innocent on this one. In February I was even further north in NWT. Besides, I would never attempt such a speed on Hwy 22, particularly where this old fool was caught between Black Diamond and Turner Valley. As an aside, Hwy 22 is a lovely road to drive for approx 600km along the eastern slopes of the Rockies from the Crow's Nest Pass to the great boreal forest beginning in north-central Alberta. Be sure to visit Blue Oasis strip club when you pass through Drayton Valley, one of the absolute worst SCs in North America.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    How many days have you clubbed in a row.
    On my bi-national SC tour in 2010 I hit clubs from Wisconsin through to Detroit; then Woodstock to GTA, Ottawa/Gatineau, and Montreal back in Canada before taking the break to drive my bus back to Alberta. I think it was 18 days in a row, often with more than one club visited each day. This was in my pre-Cialis days so I was pretty wrung out by the time I got to Montreal. I wasn't able to do justice to the off-island Montreal area clubs so I didn't feel comfortable doing reviews of those visits. Unhappily, I haven't been back to those clubs since that trip. Believe me, however, fun is definitely there to be had in those dumpy off-island clubs!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    I have been known to partake, just not every time that the meal has been offered. Remember, I am very risk tolerant; wildcat wells and all. What's an STD compared to an $18,000,000 duster?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Geographic Arbitrage
    I have a sweet arbitrage scheme on the boil right now with cheap stranded Alberta crude selling at Brent prices on the east coast via rail tank cars. Unhappily, the spread is fast closing and now barely covers the higher transportation costs. That easy money is over. How long can this arbitrage with southern sex prices and higher northern incomes continue to exist? My business and investing experience would suggest that this situation is ripe for rationalization but whoever thinks that strippers are rational?