
Comments by farmerart (page 28)

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    11 years ago
    Many interesting comments. First, let me say that the abuse directed towards me was much more than just ribbing about drinking non-alcohol cocktails. It was just vile. I look upon all adult behaviour the same way, drunk or not. In my world all adults are responsible for their actions. Second, and this has been mentioned by some posters, much of my operation is outside the reach of the society that most of you guys understand. There are no cops. There are no neighbours. There is no infrastructure. There is no civilization. Democracy does not reign but rather, a benevolent dictator. For most of my career I have been that benevolent dictator. Third, the Alberta oil patch is a rather small world. It is entirely possible that I may come in contact with these characters in the future. It would undermine my authority as a boss if I left this abuse unanswered. Fourth, a safety issue. These guys were going to be at work the morning after this drinking episode. It takes longer than 8-10 hours for alcohol to leave one's body. My industry takes safety very seriously. Impaired employees are not tolerated. A sophisticated drilling rig can run into the hundreds of millions of dollars. A human life is priceless. It is a dangerous industry that demands total alertness from all guys on a rig. Fifth, I have a temper. I make no apologies for my words or actions. I am a dinosaur, to be sure, but I am not about to change at this late stage in my life.
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    11 years ago
    New York
    when told not to do spmething at a club youve done before elsewhere
    ^^^^^^ Exactly what I would do, jack, and I don't pack a Glock like you do.
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    11 years ago
    Best Rock act from Detroit
    BOB SEGER. I will tolerate no mention of any other Detroit rock musician as Detroit's best. I took one of my goddaughters to Seger's concert at Rexall in Edmonton last spring. Even though the old bugger has white hair and is 68 years old Seger still brings it when he performs. His voice has weathered a little bit since the glory days of the early 1970s but the power of the music and lyrics remains. Some of Seger's tunes were new to the goddaughter but she quickly got in the groove. Old farmerart and his goddaughter were shakin' it in the aisle as Seger did Hollywood Nights and Night Moves for the encores. Good topic, mikey02 but Seger kicks Nugent's ass. I am three years younger than Seger.
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    11 years ago
    North Carolina
    If you had $100,000
    $100K would pay for the next six DC-3 charters to the exploration camp.
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    11 years ago
    OT:Muskrat Love
    My muskrat fur hat covers my entire bald pate. Face flap, ear flaps, and neck flap cover even more of of my impressively handsome head.
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    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Ever been to Paradise NV?
    For debauched pleasures you can't beat Paradise Valley, Alberta. There is a curling rink in Paradise Valley.
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    11 years ago
    How often do you get your clothes custom/tailored?
    Do shoes count? I have two pairs of hand made dress shoes, crafted for me in London. This is not vanity on my part, more a necessity. My left foot was damaged in an accident many years ago. For my regular footwear I must buy two pairs of shoes, one size for my left foot and one size for my right foot. This is a pain in the ass but I can live with it. On a business trip to London I discovered this terrific shoemaker. The first shoes that he crafted for me were a delight. I had him make me a second pair when I was in London for the 2012 Olympics. I asked him if he would do work boots, sneakers, and winter wear........no dice!
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    11 years ago
    How often do you get your clothes custom/tailored?
    I have never purchased a single item of bespoke clothing. Now that I can afford this luxury I probably should go this route. When I am rigged out in my corporate or formal dress I am very conscious of the fact that my rigging is always the shabbiest of whatever meeting or social function that I may be attending. You can take the old roughneck off the drilling rig but you can never take the drilling rig out of the old roughneck.
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    11 years ago
    My personal chili recipe changes every time that I decide to make a batch. The only thing that I am fussy about is the meat. The meat must be beef and ground beef is not permitted in any of my chilis. I prefer the tougher cuts of meat. I simmer my chili for hours and during that long simmering process the collagen in the tougher beef cuts melts into the sauce, giving it a deliciously creamy unctuousness. I constantly fool around with the spices and vegetables. A recent batch that I made featured my personal garam masala mix and was most tasty. Another less successful batch of chili Included celeriac that I tossed into the pot on a whim. I have heard of the chocolate thing. After reading so many comments here about chocolate or cocoa I will trying that on my next chili making episode.
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    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Just how wet was that pussy.
    ^^^^^ What georg said. Whatever causes it, I think it is really cute and I love it. I did meet a stripper once who had pre-lubed her pussy before going to VIP with me. I didn't find that cute at all.
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    11 years ago
    anyone else dislike $2 bills?
    I dropped a couple of my old deuces in the local watering hole last evening to pay for my beer. The biker bartender went all bug-eyed and said 'WOW! Thanks, man, I'm gonna save these. Let me buy you another beer.' Who knew? I'll have to try the same stunt the next time I drop in for a beer.
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    11 years ago
    Ever regret giving a stripper your number?
    I have always kept innocuous phone numbers and e-mail accounts for my correspondence with strippers. During one drunken SC evening I inadvertently passed out my business number and e-mail address. The next morning the girl had already left messages for me. I had my office manager blow up that number and address and then circulate the new number and e-mail address to all employees, contractors, suppliers, government agencies, banks, etc. Office manager was seriously pissed with her boss over that catastrophe.
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    11 years ago
    Lonely Middle Aged Women
    In my life I do lots of networking at industry functions, corporate parties, charitable fundraisers, etc. I meet a fair number of middle aged ladies at these occasions. Hosts or organizers of these extravaganzas invariably seat me next to a single woman in my age range. About 100% of these ladies are on the make for a man in their lives. Usually these ladies are accomplished professionals or businesswomen but I always giggle inside when one of these babes starts putting her moves on me. I remember one United Way fundraiser with a corporate lawyer seated beside me at the dinner table. That woman's behaviour was no different than the behaviour of a stripper in a hardcore SC hustling me for a VIP. She played footsie with me under the table; stroked my inner thigh surreptitiously: even gave Mr. Wood a couple of touches all the while flirting with me outrageously. She was drunk, of course, taking liberal advantage of the complimentary wine bar. I found it all to be hilarious and never responded to her wiles.
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    11 years ago
    Would you ever get a stripper a job where you work?
    A few short years ago, one of my (very, very few) Alberta OTC ladies went straight and asked me for a character reference. I declined to do that but I did help her slide into an oil patch job. The lady had taken a 2-year instrumentation technology course. She started out well in that job but left that company to get married. I have lost track of her whereabouts since then.
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    11 years ago
    anyone else dislike $2 bills?
    Canada discontinued the $2 bill in 1996, replacing it with a coin commonly called the 'toonie'. I recently discovered a stash of these bills that I had squirreled away in a desk in the basement, completely forgetting about them for all these years. I have started to spend these old relics for small purchases or to leave them as tips in restaurants or bars. Some staff are so young that this old money is unrecognized and refused. Others just laugh at seeing a piece of old money. Before starting to spend this stash I had the notes checked out for collector value. To my surprise, one of the old bills had a rare serial number sequence and was very collectible. I sold that bill on E-Bay for a sweet $180.
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    11 years ago
    Ducks vs. Geese
    Ducks are sluts......but I love 'em. Geese (the Canada Goose variety) are rats of the air. I blast 'em out of the air with my shotgun whenever I get the chance at my farm, as do all the farmers in my area.
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    11 years ago
    Reply to Art - re: Reading
    I finished Margaret MacMillan's WW I history last evening. I have started reading two mysteries for my weekend entertainment: Cockroaches by Jo Nesbo, featuring as the hero a damaged alcoholic detective, Harry Hole and Light of the World by James Lee Burke, featuring his damaged alcoholic detective, Dave Robicheaux. Already, I prefer the Burke. It takes place in Montana's Flathead Valley, an area I know quite well. There are references to the rodeo circuit from Calgary to Cheyenne. A scene on the monkey board of an oil rig has been described. I am right at home in this book.
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    11 years ago
    Seattle, Washington
    The Secret Life of a PL
    Hmmm. There are a few of these stands in Calgary - both drive-thru and walk-up. I am not a coffee guy so I have never patronized one of the stands. I would be amazed if similar antics were happening at these joints in Calgary. If I am wrong I may have to develop a taste for coffee.
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    11 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Define "regular".
    Regular means shitting every 12 hours.
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    11 years ago
    Do you have Pets?
    Dog guy here. Cats are cruel and sadistic killers, much like man. Cats kill for perverse pleasure, much like man. If cats would just direct their killing urges towards mice, rats, and similar rodent pests I would be a big fan of felines. But, cats kill the lovely song birds in my yard. It disgusts me to see a cat toying with a blue jay or a robin. Any cat that I see on my farm is fair game for my shotgun.
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    11 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Quantitative Easing ?
    Quantitative Easing is an artful way to say 'The Fed is printing money like nobody's business.' I agree with Dougster that this has been a brilliant financial manoeuvre. BUT, it is only a manoeuvre, the game is not over yet, not by a long stretch. Bernanke was very crafty to come up with this cheeky way to fire up the printing presses when the US banking system was mere nanoseconds from seizing solid. It is the classic Keynesian method to stimulate an economy in the midst of a depression. However, I fear that Bernanke has handed a chalice to Yellen that is as poisoned as the chalice that Bush2 handed to Obama. That huge inventory of US Gov't T-bills and bonds on the books of the Federal Reserve is a massive neutron bomb waiting to explode in Yellen's lap. Rising interest rates are inevitable in the improving US economy. The consequences to that huge multi-trillion dollar Fed inventory of US Gov't debt in a rising interest rate scenario are horrific to contemplate. Ms. Yellen will have to demonstrate some very artful footwork. A sublime piece of poetic justice would see a Tea Party Republican candidate elected to the US presidency in 2016. I will be stepping up my purchases of physical gold in the next few years.
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    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    OT: Typical U.S. worker now lasts 4.6 years on job
    I had a job for about 6 months when I was 15, didn't like working for a boss. Started my own company and haven't had a real boss ever since (unless you count Canada's tax authorities).
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    11 years ago
    [OT] Tax Season
    Grrrrr! What a joy to be reminded about this happy task. An accountant does my company's taxes. I do my own personal return; the accountant is not aggressive enough for me. I use software to prepare my return but I file a paper return via snail mail.....for the above-mentioned security concerns. This year I have two additional returns to do. I am the executor of a dead relative's estate. I must do the return for the last year of life and the return for the estate. Modest income relative, small estate - easy job. As an aside, if anybody ever asks you to be executor of their estate.....say NO, emphatically. It is a miserable job.
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    11 years ago
    Reply to Art - re: Reading
    I am reading Margaret MacMillan's new WW I book - The War That Ended Peace. She is a terrific historian. About ten years ago, I enjoyed very much her previous WW I book, Paris 1919.
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    11 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    A Dream about a Stripper
    Is this dream stripper a Chinese lady? The number 4 is a very unlucky number, according to Chinese superstition. 44 would be doubly inauspicious. This could be a very creepy dream, jack. 4 is associated with death. Are you dealing with a suicidal stripper?