Just how wet was that pussy.

Atlanta suburb
I am bewildered by the wetness or dryness of pussy. Are some women just naturally wet from the get go and others have to be warmed up? I have touched some stripper pussy that was soaking wet at my touch and yet I know that I am her first dance/customer. And others that I know having given a dozen or more dances and are still dry to the touch. Do strippers get turned on at all by dancing for us old farts or do they just tune it out?
last commentTheir wet from thanking about my fat Dick not your old face pedophile
Lol...your how old ?
Shadow .. Some Girls yes are naturally more lubricated than others but when it comes to your stripper interaction there are other factors .. Some girls actually get off on being exhibitionists and that adds to it.. Some girls think if you guys can tell they are a lil moist that it plays on the fantasy that they are getting off on dancing for you so they moisten up either a tiny bit of lube or stimulation .. Some girls feel more comfy doing this difficult job if they are excited/stimulated first cuz well arent we all a lil more willing when arroused .. Some girls dont like the feeling of being moist/wet when strutting around nakid in the club so keep themselves freshend up n dry ... I am sure there are as many reasons as strippers but those are just some i know of from my personal experiences
Love you shadow bruh Bruh
Got a one song nude dance in the regular dance semi private booth area from a girl who looked little like Betty Boop (she has a sweet bubbly personality but not the body type of dancer I like) and she really got going to the point she claims she came on my hand and when she stood up she had juice running down her legs. Fortunately she stood up before it got onto my pants. She had to go to the desk and get some paper towel and told me she told them I spilled my drink. She cleaned herself up and the towels were soaked. I thought about taking her to Private room but decided not.
Lol...just get trippy shadow..purple drank playboy
A former gf once told me that women can get wet sometines even if they are not turned on. Biological thing I guess.
I have the same experience. Sometimes the pussy is dripping wet to my touch at clubs and sometimes it is bone dry. I equate a wet pussy with an erect dick- they are signs of arousal and enjoyment. It arouses me to know that I am arousing her. So a dry pussy kind of spoils things for me and I tend not to do repeat business with that girl. I know it's first and foremost about money for the stripper but I want to at least think that she's having some fun with me and not thinking "when's this gonna be over".
I want to say they tune out, but a dry one is much better, you don't have to add pussy smell to the glitter, body spray, and baby wipe smell if you get extras, lol!
I have had dances with girls who were dripping wet one time and dry as a bone another. There are a ton of factors in determining pussy wetness.
I don't think a wet pussy is necessarily indicative of arousal. It certainly can mean that, but it doesn't have to.
What georg said.
Whatever causes it, I think it is really cute and I love it.
I did meet a stripper once who had pre-lubed her pussy before going to VIP with me. I didn't find that cute at all.
Lol ! Shadoew be bout 92 now !