And I'm sorry for all the Nugent love, but Mr. "I'm now a big patriot but I crapped in my pants so I wouldn't get drafted for 'nam" would get his ass kicked by a frickin' fawn if he didn't have his guns.
Dude may be able to play guitar, but I can't respect a dude who talks the family of a 17 year old girl into making hime her "guardian", who admits he dodged the draft during Vietnam by crapping in his pants to appear nuts (at least have the balls to run off to Canada asswipe), who hunts illegally, and generally acts like an odious human being.
There are only few people I'd like to have a 10 minute no-holds barred, no weapons, no other rules fight with, but that pussy Nugent is one of them. It ain't his stupid wildman act or his right-wing politics -- it is the fact that he's a draft dodging asshole and boarderline pedophile acting like like the paragon of American manhood.
Dude could be the best guitarist in the world (he ain't) or the world's most talented songwriter (he certainly ain't that) and he'd still be a worthless sack of shit.
Coo-el tunes...check No shittin' in pants 'cos they're worthless cowards...check No molestation of 17 year olds...check No illegally baiting deer while hunting...check
OK...Phil turned out to be dicey, but Ronnie kicked his ass to the curb before he went full on nuts.
Well zip, since the draft is immoral, and arguably unconstitutional via the 13th Amendment, no moral taint should attach to anyone avoiding it, by whatever means they can contrive.
I will tolerate no mention of any other Detroit rock musician as Detroit's best.
I took one of my goddaughters to Seger's concert at Rexall in Edmonton last spring. Even though the old bugger has white hair and is 68 years old Seger still brings it when he performs. His voice has weathered a little bit since the glory days of the early 1970s but the power of the music and lyrics remains. Some of Seger's tunes were new to the goddaughter but she quickly got in the groove. Old farmerart and his goddaughter were shakin' it in the aisle as Seger did Hollywood Nights and Night Moves for the encores.
honorable mention should go to grand funk railroad. manager of gfe was pushed against the wall backstage during the early 70's by the manager of a real supergroup. reason for that backstage incident: no opening band blows the main attraction off the stage. who is that supergroup you wonder? the mighty led zeppelin.
Viet Nam never attacked the US so it's very debatable whether dodging that war can be called unpatriotic.
Grand Funk Railroad from Flint beats out all the well-known Detroit rockers. But if you look more broadly across musical genre's, there's one Detroit artist who's clearly at least as major as the Beatles, Zep, etc., namely Aretha Franklin.
I agree that Nugent is a no-talent hack, but the thing about him crapping himself to avoid the draft is just a story he made up for an interview with High Times magazine.
And what about all the great Motown singers? Smokey Robinson, The Temptations, Martha and the Vandellas, Gladys Knight, etc. Nugent is not fit to shine their shoes.
Oh yeah! Motown and R&B are a whole other awesome story. But Nugent did play better than most of the other more "popular" bands. I agree Segar was great.
I think there is suppose to be a documentary about them. I'd like to see it I think they were more like garage rock than punk from what I read in an article but I could see the overlap.
Motor, you're right about the blurred lines (and wouldn't that be a great name for a song?)
Motown is a special sound, but I think a lot of Motown has to be called rock. Think of hits by Stevie Wonder, Aretha Franklin, Marvin Gaye, Martha and the Vandellas, and many more.
@GMD & ilbbaicnl -- you won't get any disagreement from me about Vietnam being an immoral war. If I'd have split for Canada myself if I had been of draftable age during the war. But have some frickin' pride. Do something that gets you out of service in an immoral war without being a disgusting little bitch. And don't turn around and be a hypocritical uber violent asshole later in life. Or at least acknowledge your failure to serve head on in interviews when you do them.
It ain't the's the hypocrisy. Likewise, I have no issue with dudes hunting. I do have issues with being a worthless pussy that baits deer for your third rate hunting show.
@Carlos my the name. But I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss the "Nugent crapped his own pants" story. The dude SAID he made it up afterward. But even snopes, which tends to be pretty conservative in their assessments of stories, considers it undetermined. When that brave Nugent asswipe backtracked on his crapping is his pants story he said he had a student deferment. But I just looked at snopes and they reported that once the deferment ran out he was 4-F. So he wasn't telling the whole truth when he retracted his story. Plus he told part of it (about doing crystal meth) in a separate interview. Who knows, maybe it was a boring injury from childhood or something, but I personally believe he showed up for an exam and did something to get out. Then he lied about it to make himself look better.
There are few celebs that have so wandered off the reservation that they are irredeemable, but that Nugent asshole is one. Even Beiber...yeah he's an asshole, but he's also a stupid kid. Those among us who wouldn't have a visible meltdown if we had a gazillion bucks in the bank at 19 raise your hand. If I had that much money I'd order 5 escorts a night and chug DXM cough syrup like it was Pepsi.
But I still wouldn't do a third rate hunting show where I bait deer and all my escorts would be at least 18 years old.
@zipman68: I didn't say the war was immoral, I said the *draft* is immoral. *Any* action one takes to avoid being enslaved by force is justified and acceptable. Running away to Canada is OK, and shitting one's pants to appear crazy is OK.
It's funny to listen to a Bootsy Collins or Parliment album and realize how much Dr. Dre blatantly stole from Collins, Clinton, Worrell, etc. Live Bootsy Collins with Maceo Parker and Fred Wesley is amazing. Maceo is ridiculously good live.
I would not be so simplistic as to say the Viet Nam war was immoral. Ultimately it's just too bad the South Vietnamese did understand they were being handed an opportunity if they could get their shit together. They could be the 2nd South Korea today. But if the powerful people who's lies and incompetence caused thousands and thousands to be pointlessly killed or wounded are not going to be jailed, it makes no sense for the draft dodgers to be jailed.
The JB's were incredible. Brown was such a taskmaster that there was constant pressure for perfection, and he got it from his band(s). In my mind it doesn't get any better than 'Papa Don't Take No Mess' and 'The Payback'. I'm too young to have seen either Brown or Clinton when their bands were at their best, but I did see the Roots play in Minneapolis in the same club where they filmed Purple Rain and I imagine that is the closest I'll ever get to that type of show.
last commentAnd since it had over a million views, others must agree.…
Iggy and the Stooges all the frickin' way!…
There are only few people I'd like to have a 10 minute no-holds barred, no weapons, no other rules fight with, but that pussy Nugent is one of them. It ain't his stupid wildman act or his right-wing politics -- it is the fact that he's a draft dodging asshole and boarderline pedophile acting like like the paragon of American manhood.
Dude could be the best guitarist in the world (he ain't) or the world's most talented songwriter (he certainly ain't that) and he'd still be a worthless sack of shit.
I bet Nugent posts on here as TDHQ!
Coo-el tunes...check
No shittin' in pants 'cos they're worthless cowards...check
No molestation of 17 year olds...check
No illegally baiting deer while hunting...check
OK...Phil turned out to be dicey, but Ronnie kicked his ass to the curb before he went full on nuts.
I will tolerate no mention of any other Detroit rock musician as Detroit's best.
I took one of my goddaughters to Seger's concert at Rexall in Edmonton last spring. Even though the old bugger has white hair and is 68 years old Seger still brings it when he performs. His voice has weathered a little bit since the glory days of the early 1970s but the power of the music and lyrics remains. Some of Seger's tunes were new to the goddaughter but she quickly got in the groove. Old farmerart and his goddaughter were shakin' it in the aisle as Seger did Hollywood Nights and Night Moves for the encores.
Good topic, mikey02 but Seger kicks Nugent's ass.
I am three years younger than Seger.
Grand Funk Railroad from Flint beats out all the well-known Detroit rockers. But if you look more broadly across musical genre's, there's one Detroit artist who's clearly at least as major as the Beatles, Zep, etc., namely Aretha Franklin.
Bob Seger is a much greater Detroit rocker. My proof:…
And what about all the great Motown singers? Smokey Robinson, The Temptations, Martha and the Vandellas, Gladys Knight, etc. Nugent is not fit to shine their shoes.
As to the Kid Rock nominations those had to be a joke right. That guy fucking sucks
I totally agree with you about Motown.
Maybe I'm splitting hairs, but I don't consider Motown to be rock. I love the Motown sound, but OP asked about rock.
But Aretha Frankln is in the R & R Hall of Fame, so the lines are blurry.
Motown is a special sound, but I think a lot of Motown has to be called rock. Think of hits by Stevie Wonder, Aretha Franklin, Marvin Gaye, Martha and the Vandellas, and many more.
It ain't the's the hypocrisy. Likewise, I have no issue with dudes hunting. I do have issues with being a worthless pussy that baits deer for your third rate hunting show.
@Carlos my the name. But I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss the "Nugent crapped his own pants" story. The dude SAID he made it up afterward. But even snopes, which tends to be pretty conservative in their assessments of stories, considers it undetermined. When that brave Nugent asswipe backtracked on his crapping is his pants story he said he had a student deferment. But I just looked at snopes and they reported that once the deferment ran out he was 4-F. So he wasn't telling the whole truth when he retracted his story. Plus he told part of it (about doing crystal meth) in a separate interview. Who knows, maybe it was a boring injury from childhood or something, but I personally believe he showed up for an exam and did something to get out. Then he lied about it to make himself look better.
There are few celebs that have so wandered off the reservation that they are irredeemable, but that Nugent asshole is one. Even Beiber...yeah he's an asshole, but he's also a stupid kid. Those among us who wouldn't have a visible meltdown if we had a gazillion bucks in the bank at 19 raise your hand. If I had that much money I'd order 5 escorts a night and chug DXM cough syrup like it was Pepsi.
But I still wouldn't do a third rate hunting show where I bait deer and all my escorts would be at least 18 years old.