I went to another club last weekend other than my regular Rick's cabaret here in town. and get dances from a stripper who I'd seen once before and she offered her number so I would know when she was working. I am currently regretting giving her my number because she continuously text and ask when I'm coming in and typical super shit complaining about needing help with this and that! have any of you guys ever regretting giving a dancer your number and what are the tell tale signs? Ive been doing this a while but usually don't run into the harassing strippers....LoL!! this is definitely one where I wish I could just pop in and see if she's there I usually prefer texting it works better in most cases.
In my 36 years of strip club mongering I have given my number to a total of zero dancers. Zero interest in OTC or dating someone with whom I have zero in common.
I've traded numbers with countless strippers over the years, often to arrange OTC, and never had a problem until this last month.
I took her OTC twice and it was fine, but then she called me one day to "borrow" $100 and was going to have a guy friend drive her to the meeting spot. Insta-fired. I have a zero tolerance policy for that type of nonsense, so I've been blowing her off ever since.
Four weeks later and she still isn't getting the hint. She continues to blow up my phone with calls and texts.
I have not had many problems giving my number to strippers. I did have one a couple years back. She would pull the I need help bull shit. She wouldn't take the hint when I ignored her, even when I was obvious about it at the club. I did tell her point blank to stop and she finally did. One time she saw me talking to another dancer at the club and she started calling my phone while I was with the other dancer
I never had a problem. For some reason dancers act like calling a land line is like using ancient technology. They can't even text it.
I gave one dancer a number to text me back on my ipad after she said she wanted to stay in touch. She did one time and then said her phone was broken and didn't like to send texts. Of course her phone does look broken but I see her using it in the club.
Anothet time a stripper gave me my number (SHE asked me to take it, I didn't ask her for it), and one day I decided to call her to see if she was working that night and the phone was answered by a Mexican dude (saying Hola). WTF! Needless to say, I dropped her like a bad habit. She came up to me later and I told her "no thanks".
I frequently have regrets exchanging numbers with some of the honeys. I meet some sweetie that is willing to take care of me. We exchange numbers so I can verify she is working or not.
Soon after I start receiving constant, almost harassing, txts for me to come to the club because of some calamity or another. Eventually it ruins the cool vibe and I end up ignoring her.
That's the most baffling part of this hobby. How these baby dolls alienate cash cows by being so impatient and greedy. A few of these honeys could have owned my wallet for a long time but they always fuck it up some how.
I do email only, but for 1 dancer. The 1 dancer has honored my request to only use the phone if it's about a change in plan within an hour of a scheduled meetup. There certainly are opportunities lost by my approach, but my phone doesn't get blown up with stripper bullshit either.
For one – I have a separate prepay/burn phone – secondly I’ll just ignore the texts if I am not interested and IME they’ll stop texting me after 2 or 3 texts w/o me answering.
Rick and lone wolf I see you can both relate! it looks like I found one who just seems to always be in the middle of a crisis even know she just met me 2 weeks ago I'm the only one who can help her....LoL!
All my favs have ditched me. One I told that we should be looking to wind things down, so she ditched me right then. Later she was pestering me by e-mail, but no phone calls.
I normally haven't had issues on phone number exchanges. Basically because we knew each other pretty well before the number exchange. And had the same simple information exchange needs When are you working/When are you coming in? The couple of times it was an issues both dancers were higher drama situations. In one case getting calls every time one got fired and moved to a new club which isn't that big of an issue in a city with 5 high quality clubs.
The situations tended to work themselves out as a dancer left the business. And the other wasn't that aggressive about pursuing contact.
I have one particularly aggressive dancer-stalker who pops up occasionally to blow up my phone for a few weeks with requests for visits, then goes dormant for awhile before getting a new burst of energy and starting it all over again. But with all of the stripper numbers that I have exchanged over the last few years I consider myself very lucky that it is only this one nutjob that I have to put up with.
I have always kept innocuous phone numbers and e-mail accounts for my correspondence with strippers.
During one drunken SC evening I inadvertently passed out my business number and e-mail address. The next morning the girl had already left messages for me. I had my office manager blow up that number and address and then circulate the new number and e-mail address to all employees, contractors, suppliers, government agencies, banks, etc.
Office manager was seriously pissed with her boss over that catastrophe.
Never regretted it. But these days I first give strippers my Line2 number (you can use google voice or whatever other alternative also), and then promote them to my real phone number only after I get to know them a bit and know that I want to keep them.
I have never given out my phone number to a stripper. If they want to contact me I usually give them my spam catcher email address. I have yet to find a stripper that doesn't have an email address.
I did have one dancer keep asking to have sex but she did that in person. If she hadn't been a dancer, I could have sworn she was stalking me. It turned out she was after I slept with her. She only stalked me in the club though. I think she got tired of me after a year but I know she hasn't forgotten. I was wondering if she was a little bit crazy. I never figured out how she knew things about me from years ago. If she remembered the very first time she ever saw me and that was before she even started dancing, that is just plain scary especially since it was over 18 years ago. I never met someone who had that kind of memory. Well not more than a couple. She asked for my phone number and I refused to give it to her when I ran into her 2 years later. She got me concerned she was going to surprise me at my house. That's about the only time I got nervous about giving out my phone number. Then she said she found a new boyfriend and that she wasn't going to try to hook up anymore. If she had looked hotter to me, I probably would have given her my number again. Apparently her memory wasn't that good.
last commentI've read on other threads that dudes have had the same problem. The chick thinks you are now exclusive to her, and a club regular.
I took her OTC twice and it was fine, but then she called me one day to "borrow" $100 and was going to have a guy friend drive her to the meeting spot. Insta-fired. I have a zero tolerance policy for that type of nonsense, so I've been blowing her off ever since.
Four weeks later and she still isn't getting the hint. She continues to blow up my phone with calls and texts.
I gave one dancer a number to text me back on my ipad after she said she wanted to stay in touch. She did one time and then said her phone was broken and didn't like to send texts. Of course her phone does look broken but I see her using it in the club.
Soon after I start receiving constant, almost harassing, txts for me to come to the club because of some calamity or another. Eventually it ruins the cool vibe and I end up ignoring her.
That's the most baffling part of this hobby. How these baby dolls alienate cash cows by being so impatient and greedy. A few of these honeys could have owned my wallet for a long time but they always fuck it up some how.
The situations tended to work themselves out as a dancer left the business. And the other wasn't that aggressive about pursuing contact.
During one drunken SC evening I inadvertently passed out my business number and e-mail address. The next morning the girl had already left messages for me. I had my office manager blow up that number and address and then circulate the new number and e-mail address to all employees, contractors, suppliers, government agencies, banks, etc.
Office manager was seriously pissed with her boss over that catastrophe.