
Lonely Middle Aged Women

Okay, going deep here on TUSCL.

I was basking in a warm after glow of a successful AMP visit contemplating how nice it is to have multiple options for fine female companionship. These options are available to me even though I am middle aged and fugly. Life is good.

I got to thinking that it must be rough for women in my age group to find similar companionship because they just flat out don't have the same options men do. Given the rate of divorce for the baby-boom generation is so high, I suspect we are heading into a mental health crisis of mammoth proportions for lonely middle aged women.

Anyone else think this could be a problem?


  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Lone_Wolf: "Lonely Middle Aged Women" " heading into a mental health crisis of mammoth proportions "

    You mean like the RickyBoyDugan? Could well be. Could well be.
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    “… because they just flat out don't have the same options men do …”

    You are looking at it thru men’s goggles.

    Men are simple – most just want/need sex and that is it.

    Most women are different and have different needs/expectations/desires.

    Most women desire a man around their age that is at least as well off as them or better off – most want a man they can date; spend time with; and do stuff with (dinners;’ vacations; etc.) – so yeah – IMO it *is* harder for a middle-aged woman b/c often times men their age are not seeking women their age.

    If most women just wanted to pay to fuck a young guy; that could be pretty easily be accomplished IMO – but it is not what they want IMO.

    As the saying goes:

    Women look for the ONE guy to satisfy ALL their needs – men look for ALL women to satisfy their ONE need.
  • jester214
    11 years ago
    Women, regardless of looks, can always find a willing partner, usually more than one. For guys this isn't always the case.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    That about nails it Papi.
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    It's probably true that, on average, women are more interested in real dating, and less obsessed with hooking up with some hot young thang. But there's a lot of individual variation from those averages in both genders.
  • Estafador
    11 years ago
    I wish as a young guy I could find those individual variations.
  • Estafador
    11 years ago
    I wish as a young guy I could find those individual variations.
  • sofaking87
    11 years ago
    If older chicks want to get laid, all they need to do is figure out the Internet. If they want to date, there's always the quiet guy at work.
  • jackslash
    11 years ago
    Who cares about lonely middle aged women when there are hot young strippers to worry about?

  • motorhead
    11 years ago
    Jester got it right.

    You see all kinds of ugly women with partners. Just go to Wal-Mart. If the they want a man, they can find one.

    Ugly men have it tougher. It's ironic, because conventional wisdom says that physical attractiveness is more important to men than women.
  • farmerart
    11 years ago
    In my life I do lots of networking at industry functions, corporate parties, charitable fundraisers, etc. I meet a fair number of middle aged ladies at these occasions. Hosts or organizers of these extravaganzas invariably seat me next to a single woman in my age range. About 100% of these ladies are on the make for a man in their lives. Usually these ladies are accomplished professionals or businesswomen but I always giggle inside when one of these babes starts putting her moves on me.

    I remember one United Way fundraiser with a corporate lawyer seated beside me at the dinner table. That woman's behaviour was no different than the behaviour of a stripper in a hardcore SC hustling me for a VIP. She played footsie with me under the table; stroked my inner thigh surreptitiously: even gave Mr. Wood a couple of touches all the while flirting with me outrageously. She was drunk, of course, taking liberal advantage of the complimentary wine bar.

    I found it all to be hilarious and never responded to her wiles.
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    Remember how in high school, you'd get wood sometimes from the school bus going over a rough patch of road? I've often wondered if it wasn't God's plan for high school boys and older women to be hooking up like rabbits. I know statutory rape can really mess up an adolescent. But I would guess it's harmful 90+% of the time in the man-girl case, and harmless 90+% of the time in the woman-boy case. There's nothing wrong with a teenage girl being a straightup horndog, but I think that's not the norm. Seems to happen a lot that a teenage boy will talk a girl into thinking he's in love to get laid. Or talk himself into thinking he's in love to get laid. With predictably bad results.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    I still get wood on a bus. In box. With a fox. On a train. In the rain.
  • sclvr5005
    11 years ago
    By your own admission lone wolf you are fat old and ugly. You pay for young female companionship. What makes you think a fat old ugly woman with money wouldn't do the same thing? Plenty of cougars out there getting their itch scratched. Don't feel too sorry for them coz they seem to be able to hook up whenever they want to.
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