
Comments by AnonymousJim (page 46)

  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Underrated things in lapdances
    Sew, SlickSpic. Sew like the wind!
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    11 years ago
    Underrated things in lapdances
    @ranukam: The conversation one, the eye-contact one, the splits one and the ear-blowing one all come together in one girl who dances at Polekatz in Chicago. She's 5'2", raven-haired, has the most amazing body and gives a heck of a hand massage (as in actually massaging your hand) as well. WANT. Thinking I'm going to try and get a room with her next chance I can get. @Subraman: ... sounds awesome indeed.
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    11 years ago
    Oh my!
    If this is what flips your lid, remind me not to go to the bathroom with you after an NBA halftime show, which is probably what these sorts of performers do most of the winter.
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    11 years ago
    You got some Indian in you? No? Would you like to?
    Stripper feet - To bare or not to bare
    I really do not pay attention to the feet. I prefer dancers to take their shoes off because I'm short and I like short women. Heels do nothing for me. The dancer taking her shoes off only becomes a problem if she starts sticking her feet in my face. If that's happening, something has gone terribly wrong and she isn't going to be getting anymore dances from me.
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    11 years ago
    Underrated things in lapdances
    Personally, I'll pass on the over-the-pants-with-the-mouth part, unless I'm wearing black slacks. Had a few times I've gone to the club in khakis and come back with spray tan, lipstick, bronzer, sparkles, whatever, all over the front of my pants. Sometimes it's not even all that easy to get out in the wash. No thanks. Things that work for me: - Intelligent, thought-out conversation that isn't just constant BS compliments before we get dances. - Allowing me to take off the clothes, even if it's just untying a tie. - Letting me run hands through hair, especially if I can grab by the roots. - Letting me dig my fingers into her back muscles, particularly if she's busty and I have a feeling her back doesn't feel all that great after a night of wearing 10-inch heels. - Putting my hands on her butt and having me control her speed/force. - Intense eye contact. This is really difficult for dancers since they don't want to feel like they're connecting with you, but those who do are keepers. - Any way of doing the splits across me. - Letting me blow (air) in her ear. One of my current ATFs wasn't expecting me to do this the last time we got dances and she went all goosebumpy when I did it. That was awesome.
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    11 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Defending Your Life
    I thoroughly enjoy this movie as well. I don't generally believe in any form of afterlife, but if there is one, I kind of hope it is actually like it is in this movie. I'd like using a high percentage of my brain and I think a lot of us clubbers would "get in" for overcoming society's anxiety about embracing sexuality. The only part of the movie I didn't like was the ending. Cheesy. I don't even think leaving the tram redeemed Brooks' life, especially in comparison to Streep's. It's almost as if they let him in just to be nice to her. Feh.
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    11 years ago
    Longest you can go without strip clubbing?
    Once upon a time, I went once every three months and budgeted $100. Then it became a once a month thing. Then the budget went up to $300, though I rarely went that high. Really trying hard to cut back. Recently went two months, then broke down and had to try a place on an out-of-town trip. I'm thinking it will be a while before I try again. I've been kind of trying to "go straight" on the whole. Spend less. Workout a little more. Wake up a little earlier. The whole thing. I will likely fail, but it's worth trying for a while.
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    11 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Clubbing on this holiday night
    The night before Thanksgiving is one of the biggest drinking nights in the US for twenty-somethings because most folks come home for Thanksgiving, giving you the chance to go out with friends you don't see all year, usually from high school or college. Plus, being a little hung over when you're dealing with your dysfunctional family the next day makes it a little more tolerable. As for clubbing, my general experience has been that holidays are a bad time to go out. Dancers are people, too, and generally speaking, the least-desperate and best ones take the holidays off. Plus, yes, extra patrols are commonplace on holiday weekends, so if you do go, be careful. Personally, I have my best success on bad weather nights. The girls still usually still have to come in, but the customers don't and you can find some of the top talent hungry for attention.
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    11 years ago
    VIP rooms
    Seems like every trip to the VIP has had something memorable happen. A few things I liked: - GOOD: Once a woman said, near the end of the session, "All there is is this thin piece of fabric between you and me." Kind of cool in a detail-oriented sort of way, even though I wished the fabric wasn't there. - BAD: Had bought a few lap dances for the groom at a bachelor party with a girl a few weeks before. Saw the girl again and treated myself to a room. She tried to unscrew the lightbulb in the room so she could do some sneaky things ... but they came in a minute or two later and told her to screw it back in. Session was lame after that and ended with her trying to dance with me as if we were in a dance club, not a strip club. Gah. - WORSE: Put a finger up around a woman's mouth, expecting her to suck on it seductively. She said, "Careful, I bite." I said, "Sounds fun." She bit so hard on the base of my nail, it took about two months for the bruise/blood mark to grow out. Thought the nail might fall off. If I hadn't have pulled back, she might have bit my finger off. - WORST: Woman I had given a massage to before while sitting in the club -- she loved it. Demanded I go back with her for 15 minute VIP session. Demanded to ride me until I came. Demanded to give me her phone number for dinner sometime. All of this was fine. Then she started asking me if I did ecstasy or if I'd mind if she did some when we went out. Turn off. - BEST: Woman was well-dressed in a tight, white gown that left nothing to the imagination but was also something you'd see at a dinner party. Hair up, glasses, very classy. Tan, slight latino look but not really ethnically distinct. So glad I got her attention. Good conversation. Decided on a dance. We get in the back. She waits for a new song. She starts by standing up, looking at me, ripping her glasses off and letting down her hair before turning back around and grinding me while she has me pull down her top. Ended up spending more on VIP with her than I have ever spent, and may ever spend again. It was the ultimate good-girl-gone-bad fantasy and it was awesome.
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    11 years ago
    Biggest suprise club
    Been to BBF three times -- had a great time each of the three times, including one surprisingly good time when I mentioned to a dancer I was staying at a very nice hotel downtown. But, I have heard it's not the same as it used to be there, and I haven't been back in a few years, so I can't say for sure. I was most taken by surprise by Polekatz in Chicago. Surprisingly high mileage for a Chicago-area club. Disappointment? Eh, I think Penthouse Detroit kind of applies. I didn't expect great service from the staff, given the place's reputation, but the dancers I wanted to get attention from wouldn't give it to me and the ones I did get attention from weren't worth what they asked for.
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    11 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Stupid Me
    I partially blame the town I'm in. If it wasn't so darn rare that a girl even entertains the idea of it here, then guys wouldn't get taken so much and there'd be more trust & opportunities for everyone! But, that's idealism. Oh well.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Richie Incognito Held Dolphins Meetings At Strip Club, Fined Absent Teammates
    I think it's fair for all of us to say we'd love to hear of regular meetings at strip clubs, even if I do feel like it's kind of awkward to try and get "into" what a stripper's trying to do in front of your buddies, much less your co-workers. Nonetheless, forcing it on someone else who isn't comfortable with it, for whatever reason -- religion, ethics, homosexual, asexual, whatever -- just isn't cool, at least in my book. Nothing about sex should be forced. It should be what works for everyone. That whole situation is a mess. The very quick summary of my feelings: They put a guy who's probably too smart and too sensitive for the NFL's culture together with a guy who's amazingly too insensitive for that culture. No surprise it was a bad combination. Martin probably never encountered that bro culture through his upbringing by Harvard-grad parents or at Stanford and probably isn't cut out for the macho NFL locker room. Incognito probably never encountered someone as sensitive as Martin and didn't know how to correctly work with him as a teammate. Shame on both for not understanding the situation and handling it poorly, and shame on the Dolphins for putting them together.
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    11 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Stupid Me
    Yeah. I'm not broken up about it. With this, all that happened was I went a little over my budget for the night ... big whoop. If anything, I'm just disappointed I didn't get a shot at the girl. She was hot. I just hope I'm better prepared should the opportunity come up again. And, also hopeful the opportunity will come up again with a different girl who's a little more on-target. Good to know I'm not the only one who's been there.
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    11 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Stupid Me
    Yeah, I know what happened. Out of the game too long and bit at the first whiff of success. Got overeager hearing anything other than "No" or "After I get to know a guy." I should add a detail: The $200 wasn't specifically for her tip out, but it seemed implied as an upfront payment. It went like this: After talking/dances where she was more than OK with pushing boundaries and seemingly honest about things she liked/didn't about me ("I like chunky guys, you're kinda skinny for me"), we talked more. She brought it up: "Would you be interested in getting together and having some fun?" Sure. "How about tonight. Right now. I've done a room. I can tip out and go." OK. How would this work? "I don't take money outside of the club. So if you could give me a tip now, we can get together and have some fun." How much? She gave the amount, I came back with it, and she gave the location, "15 minutes" and the car description. This is part of why I'm debating going back. I'm assuming she hasn't up and quit the club. If she's still there, and something happened such that we just didn't meet, then, if she sees me again, doesn't run away, is apologetic and doesn't ask for more cash, then hey, I'm game for a raincheck. Heck, I'll just take more dances and an explanation. If she asks for more, though, or avoids me, or whatever, then yeah, screw that. Of course, maybe she said something to the club and they won't let me in now. Or maybe the club saw what happened and didn't let her go without a stern warning or a firing. Or maybe she got reeled into something else and just couldn't escape. Who knows. Anything is a risk -- that's part of why we do this. If the situation comes up again, I'll be less eager (unless it takes 12 years again). I've had it work once before in a different town where the woman did show, albeit with no green up front but an implication of it later. Just need to be smarter. Experience helps. Yup, good education.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    What is the excitement of tipping during stage show?
    I think DandyDan's original comment was pretty much spot on. I'm both someone who's picky and who lives in a place where the "tip walk" (a girl gets off stage and she has to walk around the bar and ask everyone sitting there if they'd like to tip her) is common. As such, I tend to move around a lot when I go to a club. If I see something I like, I will try and tip her stage show, then perhaps try to line myself up towards the end of her tip-walk path, hoping to catch her for a private or two. If nothing catches my fancy at the moment, I'll generally keep my seat away from the stage, bar, and, ideally, the tip-walk path as well. Then, if I see that someone I really don't want the attention of is coming (the 6-or-below girls that are really trying hard to make up for being a 6-or-below by asking every guy in the club for a dance), I can skedaddle to safe ground elsewhere in the club. Executive Summary: Spend the money on the girls you want to spend the money on, don't spend the money on the girls you don't want to spend the money on. As for the stage show thing, I think those are the weekend or once-in-a-blue-moon groups of guys who don't do the club thing, can't usually afford to and don't quite know what they're doing yet. When you're out with friends, I think you probably limit your dances to one or two at the most as you probably don't want your buddies thinking you're all that into paying big bucks for "it." But you're at a club and you don't want to look like you're not into women, so you sit at the stage and ogle. Of course, we all know there's nothing better in the world to spend money on, but these silly cultural mores we have in our society seem to brainwash most of the men in the world to think otherwise. Their loss, our gain.
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    11 years ago
    Your take on FS in the club vs escorts
    My escort experiences have been even more hit-or-miss than my club experiences. A lot of the time, the escort business is very transactional. You're expected to pay, do and get out, without much interaction, almost like going to the bathroom. You're lucky if the girl is wearing something halfway attractive or is remotely engaged with what she's doing. You have to do a lot of research to make sure you're getting something close to the pictures you see online, and for something actually somewhat worthwhile, you're going to pay out the nose. Overall, there's just no guarantee unless you can see the merchandise first. Plus, I'll admit it: Yes, escorts might provide the steak, but I like the sizzle. I like the music, the drinks, the club atmosphere, the gowns, the little bit of dancing and teasing and all of that. In my experience, an escort might have the TV on some movie channel and might not even have the room in decent shape. At a club, you get that club thrill. I've largely given up on the escort thing and gone back to doing the club thing. OTC, however, is still something that rattles around in my brain, especially in a part of the world where ITC anything just doesn't happen.
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    11 years ago
    How to play this one??
    Protip: At a certain point, it's just not meant to be, and that point should be sooner with dancers than it is with non-dancing girls. Always consider what the benefit is, or could be, for her. Outside the club, you've pushed her boundaries and have had no success (perhaps because she really isn't interested in you having any). In the club, you're just a returning customer who has shown interest before. The above poster is right. Let them both go. Try and find a whole different clan, or maybe club. Never get too stuck on one unless you sense she's stuck on you and you like it. There's too many others out there.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Percentage of girls offering takeout in a strip club
    Since an opportunity presented itself out-of-town a couple years back, I've brought it up about 12 our so times since then closer to home. Half the time, the answer is "After I get to know a guy for a while, sure," which means, "No, come back and give me more business." The other half, it's been a flat-out no. I shouldn't say that. One girl said she'd be game, but had to go on stage for the finale, then chickened out about giving me a number while she was up there. And another, similar story, but she didn't have a phone (?) and told me instead to look up and call the photographer she was supposedly staying with. I did; he had never heard of her. So ... 0 percent. I'd say I have no game, but considering this is also a tough part of the world to get extras in as well, I think some of it is just the culture.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Chicago area extras
    Pfft ... if you find anything, let me know. Here's what I know as someone who will range down to the Chicago area from north of the state line on occasion: Scores: Hottest girls of any club I frequent, though it seems to have sunk a little recently. My likes are pretty exclusive to the Barbie-doll or schoolgirl types, and this place caters to that. Still, never had any luck. I've had girls tease and say they might see guys outside "after they get to know them." This was a girl who recognized me when I walked in, though, had seen me for upwards of four years and I had done CRs with. Yeah, not happening. You can get some good contact in the LD rooms, but nothing that could be called "extra." I recently had a new girl out-and-out grab my hands, put them on her chest and beg me to squeeze her pillows, only to have a bouncer come by and tell me to put them down. So yeah, nothing TOO fun. You don't get all that much more out of the first-tier CR, which is at least $400. The second-tier ranges up to $1,000 and, frankly, if you're not getting something for that price, something's wrong. Heavenly Bodies: Went once. Wasn't impressed with the girl selection. Prices were cheap and I think you'd have a better chance proposing OTC here than elsewhere, but the night I went, the only girl I thought might be worth it wouldn't give me the time of day. Phooey. Further South: Heard good things, but too far away and I haven't visited yet. Silk Milwaukee: My "home" club. Lowest prices in the area along with the most consistent level of hotness from the girls. I've had girls reach in and stick-shift with me in the LD rooms in the past, but it's been rare at best. They monitor things pretty closely. I've just recently started inquiring about outside opportunities. The girls I like? Nope. On The Border Milwaukee: Highest prices in the Milwaukee area. Sometimes the girls here are great, other times not so much. Same story here as with Silk -- this is the only place I've actually had the question met with a degree of indignation from a girl. Crazy Horse Milwaukee: Have been told the experienced dancers can get away with some stuff in the LD area, and that more happens in LDs than in private rooms. However, the hottest girl is the bartender at the beer stand. The selection often isn't much to write home about. I once was able to arrange something outside with a girl in Indianapolis within about 15 minutes and have also had the Detroit experience, so yeah, it feels very tame here after you've experienced that. Wish things would loosen up a bit, so to speak.
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    12 years ago
    How often do you see your ATF for OTC?
    Still trying to achieve some hometown OTC. Not only am I in a part of the world where there is tremendous fear of LE and club owners but I tend to like the Barbie-doll types who probably make enough ITC to get by without OTC. Meh. I've had better luck traveling.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    How often do you see your ATF for OTC?
    Still trying to achieve some hometown OTC. Not only am I in a part of the world where there is tremendous fear of LE and club owners but I tend to like the Barbie-doll types who probably make enough ITC to get by without OTC. Meh. I've had better luck traveling.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    This reminds me of this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cayXy4FwZtI This is all fiction, anyway. Not to mention, it's good to have something that means something to everyone but isn't specific to meaning something to everyone, if that means something. To everyone. You know?
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Christmas/New Year's In Hawaii With A Dancer
    Most couples don't even go on a two-week honeymoon. It'd have to be a girl with a perfect temperment to make this work. Furthermore, think about the time of year you'd be asking this girl to go: Christmas and New Year's. Rule out any woman who has kids, or any woman who has ties to any family if you're expecting her to spend that time of year away from home. I think the majority of girls who do this do it for other priorities, which are the ones a lot of folks have on their mind during this time of year. If you're seriously thinking about this, I also hope you'd be doing this with a girl you've tested out over an extended period of time, too, by which I mean more than a night -- at least a weekend. My recommendation? Go, take a break from the world and enjoy some time alone.
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    13 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    being a reg or always visiting strip clubs ?
    A lot -- a lot -- depends on where you're at. If you're in an area with good clubs and girls willing to go the, um, "extra" mile, then yeah, regular's probably the way to go. If you're someplace where you get a lot of airdances or deal with a lot of pasties ... yeah, traveling might be for you. The most valuable letters on this site: YMMV.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Brad's Brass Flamingo - Indianapolis, Indiana
    If you know what you're doing at Brad's, good things are possible. I was amazed how quickly I struck gold on one visit.