Christmas/New Year's In Hawaii With A Dancer

avatar for farmerart
Am I goofy even to be contemplating this? Conditions in my business are causing me more stress than I have ever experienced before in my life, intensely exciting but very stressful. I will be going to an isolated resort in Hawaii (helicopter or boat access only) for two weeks in Dec/Jan to chill; no internet, no TV, no road, just nature, beach, good food and booze, and well appointed cabin. The thought of bringing a dancer with me has a certain appeal, but for two weeks?? I know two dancers who would jump at this offer from me.

Any tuscler with advice for me? Is two weeks too long? Is the isolation a problem?


last comment
avatar for steve229
13 years ago
"Is two weeks too long?"

Sometimes two hours is too long, lol.

"Is the isolation a problem?"

I can't imagine any of the dancers I know going two weeks without cable, YouTube, texting, Starbucks, fast food, getting their hair/nails done, shopping for clothes/shoes and going out to the movies or night clubs.

But it sounds like your Toronto strippers may be a cut above their American cousins. Good luck.
avatar for Pablo Antonio
Pablo Antonio
13 years ago
I have a dancer who would spend two weeks with me but alot of side items would need to be taken care of such as boyfriend, family, bill payments, etc.

Also, I think it would take a special woman to remain in isolation for two weeks. Isolation may not be the greatest problem, two weeks is the problem. There is only so much sex, food, alcohol, and conversation you can do and then what will you do for the next 10 days?

If you are going to spend an extended time with a dancer, pick a get-away where you can change things up every couple of days. Well, that's what I would do anyway.
avatar for joesparty
13 years ago
Very tempting, but I agree with pabloantonio. What are the "sunk costs" you're going to incur just to get her to agree?

There's one particular lady I'd love to take on vacation, but I'm pretty sure she couldn't afford to be gone that long, and I don't want to be paying her expenses on vacation and at home.

Other than the $$, do you get along well? Spent a lot of time outside the club already? You are the expert here, just trying to give you other things to think about.

Finally, what's the nuclear option? What if she's bored to tears on day 3 and you're both miserable?
avatar for vincemichaels
13 years ago
No, Art. You aren't goofy, the guys here raise good points to consider. Should you do so, I and most of us here hope you have a great time !! Hawaii sounds great !!
avatar for CTQWERTY
13 years ago
Hey, I'm jealous!
avatar for shadowcat
13 years ago
Gilligan's Island, even with a Mary Ann, wouldn't work for me and as a female friend once told me "I like isolation as long as there is a Walmart across the street".

But that is just me.
avatar for georgmicrodong
13 years ago
It might work, if you set up an exit plan for her if she gets tired of it, or you get tired of her. In fact you might set it up for her to leave after a week, and if she wants to stay past that, let her.

Another tactic is to plan, or allow for, *separate* activities, even if that's just her going to the beach for the day without you. My wife and I aren't together 24/7 on vacation, and I wouldn't expect this to be much different.

I agree with the others that two weeks might be a stretch, and not just for her. Given your apparent work-aholic personality, *you* might find it too long as well. I frankly can't imagine spending two weeks straight with even the best escort, but I'm not filthy rich either, so it's not like it's actually ever gonna happen anyway. :))
avatar for txtittyfan
13 years ago
It may work better if you brought both strippers at once, or rotated them.
avatar for troop
13 years ago
2 weeks straight????

art are you freaking crazy????
you say you're stressed now, you will be more stressed and beyond freaking crazy if you go through with that!
avatar for AnonymousJim
13 years ago
Most couples don't even go on a two-week honeymoon. It'd have to be a girl with a perfect temperment to make this work. Furthermore, think about the time of year you'd be asking this girl to go: Christmas and New Year's. Rule out any woman who has kids, or any woman who has ties to any family if you're expecting her to spend that time of year away from home. I think the majority of girls who do this do it for other priorities, which are the ones a lot of folks have on their mind during this time of year.

If you're seriously thinking about this, I also hope you'd be doing this with a girl you've tested out over an extended period of time, too, by which I mean more than a night -- at least a weekend.

My recommendation? Go, take a break from the world and enjoy some time alone.
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
Art if you're SO stressed with work...RETIRE! Sounds like you have enough $$$$$$$$$$$$$ to do it. Just RELAX the rest of your life.

Or is work an addiction like it is with many Men.

I think that 2 weeks in isolation with a Dancer is too much unless she is a older woman who is MORE mature. Even then...
avatar for Dougster
13 years ago
Just do it.
avatar for steve_ny
13 years ago
I agree with the rotation of girls. Fly them in and out every two or three days at a time. I heard of a place in DR where your all inclusive room comes with one Eastern European girl of your choice. VIP comes with two girls. I would go with that strategy so you have what someone metioned as an escape plan.
avatar for gillydon
13 years ago
I can't imagine living 2 weeks without internet or TV.
avatar for bobvz
13 years ago
Not Maryann? She was smoking hot back in the day LOL
avatar for farmerart
13 years ago
Many good thoughts so far.
Alucard: mature dancer. Excellent advice. One of the two dancers I would invite is 40ish. She will be my choice if I decide to do this.

georgmicrodong: different activities. Excellent advice. This resort is equipped with a spa to die for (in the female world). I know of no woman who does not like spa pampering. There are also various organized activities: snorkeling/scuba, horses, tennis, etc.

joesparty and AnonymousJim: compatibility and 'the nuclear option'. Excellent points, particularly the 'nuclear option'. The resort I have chosen is designed around one week stays for the boat and helicopter access but the resort does have provisions for emergencies. I am comfortable enough with each of the dancers that I might invite to expect that a week together would not be a strained stretch of my fantasies.

From various: two weeks is too long. Agreed, I knew this when I made the original post. One week with the dancer would be plenty. I shall be taking enough books to cover a solitary week of reading and thought.

Also from various: rotate dancers. Lousy advice, not happening.

And for all those wondering about the $$$$$$$ ? NOT a big deal.

Thank you all for this advice.
avatar for vincemichaels
13 years ago
Aloha, Art :)
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
I'm Pea Green with ENVY Art! LMFAO Have a BALL!
avatar for Tiredtraveler
13 years ago
You would be better of with an escort that does the GFE at least she know wht she would be in for.
avatar for joesparty
13 years ago
After reading your update, I'd say you've thought it through pretty well. If I were in your shoes, I'd probably go for it (one week, though, as you said). Good luck, happy travels, and let us not-so-lucky bastards know how it goes.
avatar for jackslash
13 years ago
"I know two dancers who would jump at this offer from me."

Art, take both of them. You can have three-ways, and when you get tired of hearing them talk, you can head out into the jungle while they keep each other company.
avatar for CTQWERTY
13 years ago
Art, this is a stretch I know, but with Cuba being okay to fly to from Canada, why not 2 weeks in Cuba? Just curious.
avatar for farmerart
13 years ago

No Cuba for me. I don't speak Spanish for one thing and, more important for me is US border control. I am already hassled enough by border control when I go to your country for business or pleasure. Any Cuban stamps or notations in my passport would make that only worse.
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