
Comments by AnonymousJim (page 47)

  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    How much?
    Most: Close to $1,000. Not at all satisfied with the results. When the already very hot girl in an awesome white dress started the LD by ripping her glasses off and letting her hair down in that dirty librarian sort of way, I was mesmerized. The hour in the VIP after that was alright but not great. She wanted to go to the casino afterwards. I had never gambled. We lost $400 (all my money). She got upset with me for the losing. Then she needed to be driven back home about 75 miles to a shady area. An expensive learning experience. No fun. The best: Less than $100. I sometimes wear protection in the club, just in case a good grinder gets so good that I spring a leak, so to speak. Not only did she decide to stick shift (something I knew she might discreetly try to do from past experience), after finding her place, she ripped a hole in the protection with her nail so she could more easily do what she wanted to do. She, of course, got an exceedingly nice tip for her time and was able to move onto another customer quickly. I, on the other hand, was happy as a clam. The moral: YMMV rings very, very true.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    the sexiest girl you've ever met in real life
    Met them in Atlanta. They were from around Orlando. Dancers, but not the kind you see around a pole. Oh, and they were identical twins. Good lord.
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    13 years ago
    Weirdest Thing You Ever Masurbated To
    I'll do your Sears Catalog one better: I had a huge thing for Kathy Ireland as a kid. In the mid-90's, after Kathy had finished up with her SI Swimsuit career, she reached a deal with Kmart for a signature line of women's apparel. I still have a collection of Kmart Sunday circulars hidden someplace. As good as it was to see her in a swimsuit on some covers, it got even better when they put her in lacy white bras for the intimate apparel line since that went a little beyond what you ever saw in SI. Paula Deen? Really? I mean, I hate to judge, but man. Rachael Ray, Giada De Laurentiis, sure. I mean, ESPN's Kiana Tom (Google her) and even Steffi Graf (Wimbledon only, love the white skirts) would do it for me in my younger days. But Paula Deen? Methinks, at the very least, you've outed yourself as a foodie.
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    13 years ago
    There are two factors that I've begun to take into account with regard to VIP: 1. Time of Year 2. Services Offered I live in basically a no-extras part of the world, so VIP here is something that is basically reserved for my official "birthday gift for myself" trip and that's it. I will usually try and reward a dancer who's been friendly to me or has enjoyed my company if I do that. If more was available, I'd do more, but it just isn't offered around here a lot. Otherwise, though, I have generally found I get just as much, if not more, out of three or four good LDs in a row as I do from going somewhere more private, probably because the LD areas around here are all pretty private, anyway. In other areas, I will go for it if I think I'm going to get something worthwhile out of it because money goes farther in other areas.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Is stripper s**t really that bad?
    It's not bad if it's somewhat tailored. If it's not, though, it's gawd awful annoying. For instance, there's a woman in one of my regular haunts around here who always likes to say, "You look so cute, I just want to put whipped cream all over you and lick it off." She says it as if it's a new thing everytime, but she's clearly forgotten she's said it to me (and probably every other guy) every single frickin' time I've walked in. I feel like I'm getting the same act from her over and over again, which makes me far less likely to buy, of course.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Types of LDs?
    I like a good grind where you're providing plenty of friction for AnonymousLittleJim. Forwards or backwards, but a good mix of both works. I'll be brutally honest: Try and get me off. If you let me feel up your breasts, massage your back, stroke your neck, run my hands through your hair or, dare I say, stroke your clit lightly (or less lightly, if you'd like), I am that much more happy for it. Bouncing up and down on me does nothing for me. And dancing in front of me without me being able to touch you means I'm paying to watch something I could see for free on the Internet.
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    13 years ago
    I enjoy seeing a woman suck on my fingers, and I enjoy sucking on hers in return. Once in a CR, though, I put my fingers up to feel a woman's lips and she said, "Careful, I bite." I said, "That actually sounds kind of hot," thinking she'd playfully nip at my finger or something. So she bit my finger right at the base of the nail -- hard. Almost as if she was trying to rip the tip of my finger off. She lost major points that night.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    What's the fastest OTC you've ever fallen into?
    The last time I was at a particular Midwestern establishment that is consistently highly rated on this site (something about a certain metallic alloy and a large pink bird), I came in, saw a girl on stage that looked good and, in the process of tipping her the first time, she put her legs up on my shoulders as I feigned fellatio. Went over to talk to her after I got off stage and I mentioned I was in from out of town and staying at a nicer hotel. She almost immediately proposed OTC. I did have to wait for her shift to get done, but then we met up. Unfortunately, it turned out we didn't mesh personality-wise and the experience was disappointing at best as I ended up playing junior psychologist moreso than having the fun I wanted to have. Nonetheless, I was stunned how quickly it all came about.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Satisfaction in a club?
    It's happened for me, and I'm not fortunate enough to have a lot of extras-friendly clubs in my part of the world. I think it just depends on the environment you're in. It's going to be different for everyone, so it might just be a matter of what works for you. A few of the things that help me be comfortable: 1. Dress nice and make it an event to go, not just another night out that happens to include tits. 2. Smell nice; the girls will appreciate it. Hang back and let the women come to you. You're the one who has what they want, not the other way around. 3. I actually prefer topless clubs to nude because I feel a certain comfort knowing that some girl hasn't put her bare cooch on who-knows-how-many other guys' laps, while I also think it's easier for her to grind if she's got a barrier there. A nice, smooth slide feels really good to me. If she doesn't have that barrier, I think a lot of girls get afraid they're going to scratch their ladyparts on your fly or zipper, which I can't imagine feels any better than if you got your manlyparts caught in your fly or zipper. 4. Privacy is key. I only go to clubs that are reasonably far away enough from everyone I know such that I don't think I'll have a run-in with someone I know. Go solo. Hopefully your lapdance room is dimly lit and fairly private such that you can't see others getting dances or the rest of the club. 5. I'll readily admit (here) to wearing a condom when I go to clubs. It's not that I'm expecting to pop, but I've found it's a lot better to have it on just in case. I'd rather have one on than be getting a really good dance and knowing I could (and maybe want to) pop but am afraid of the embarrassment of leaving the couch room with a giant spot on my pants and my jizz on some poor girl who's just trying to do a job. Note that you should put it on properly before you go. Incorrect application can result in it falling off and out of your pants leg while you're getting a good grind. I feel lucky that I didn't have a meeting with a bouncer the one time that happened. 6. When you go for the dance, settle in and relax. Breathe. Relax your upper body. Hopefully you get a nice couch and not some solid, unforgiving chair or bench. Spread your legs and sink into your seat. Make sure the area you want her to grind on is easy for her to access. 7. Don't be afraid to "set yourself up" in the right spot before the dance itself starts. Adjust your package (without unzipping or actually reaching INTO your pants, obviously) so that you can harden in a way comfortable for you and that her grinding can emphasize. For me, that means 'it' should be pointing straight up, but it might be different for you. I've never had a girl flinch when I've adjusted myself before a dance; if I do sense she might be the leery type, I just say, "I don't want you to sit on something wrong and hurt me," which is perfectly responsible since a girl sitting on your package in the wrong way wouldn't feel any better than a knee to the groin. 8. If you're at a club that allows two-way contact, take advantage. When she's in the right position for you to really feel it, grip her just a little tighter so that she knows she's in a good spot for you. Even if not, though, make eye contact with the girl and absorb yourself in both her and the dance. You're paying for the whole fantasy; get your money's worth. Of course, with extras, it's a whole different boat. The last kicker is the girl. Maybe you go often enough that you see through the SS, or maybe you don't go often enough to not be nervous. Maybe the clubs you go to don't have the kinds of girls that get you off, literally, or maybe you just haven't the dances that work for you. I guess it's just examining your approach. But, also, I'm not going to say that getting off is the be-all and end-all of going to clubs. Just do what makes you happy and don't worry about it.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    hostess clubs
    Ooh, there was one of these kinds of places near my house when I was a kid. It always seemed like the Twinkies and HoHos were fresher there. I was a fan of those apple and cherry pies myself. Oh ... wrong 'Hostess'. Oh well. Sounds like a rip. I'd rather have three minutes of booty in my lap for $30 than an hour of meaningless conversation. I suppose the girls like it because they don't have to put their booty in anyone's lap. But if there's no demand, it doesn't matter what the supply is.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Dancers that resemble porn stars?
    Naomi Knight dances regularly at Scores Chicago and has done some girl-on-girl stuff, FWIW. She gives an awesome dance and even gives you a mint from her tiny plush tiger backpack when you get a dance from her, which is such a tiny touch but makes the whole experience that much better. Unfortunately, she's also usually very busy.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    @GoVikings: I'm not saying there's anything wrong with it. I guess it's my perspective. I usually only get to see my GF (non-dancer) three nights a week. But, about once a month, I like a change-up. [shrug]
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    What do you prefer?
    Pole tricks or not? - It doesn't matter all that much what you do on stage to me, but the better you dance, the more intrigued I'll be. So if you consider pole tricks to be better dancing, go with it. Plus, a trick means you're not half-assing it. If you're half-assing it on stage trying to get 20 guys' attention, you're probably going to half-ass it when you have only one guy's attention pre-assured for three minutes. Booty dancing or slow and sensual? - If you're talking LDs, a little of both. I like a little tease to start, but after a while, I want you to get with the grinding. Talkative dancers or straight to the point? - In the beginning, straight to the point. After we've gotten some dances and I clearly think you're good enough to warrant multiple dances, then yes, I want to get to know you. Is drinking or smoking a turn off? - Drinking no, at least if you're not sloppy drunk. Smoking yes. I take the time to dress nice and smell nice at the club so your job isn't so difficult. If you smell like an ashtray, I'm turned off. Plus, I'd like you to be in my face giving me flirty eyes and light kisses, but not if I can't stand your breath. Lingere or bikinis or costumes? - I make a point to go out on Halloween because I love cosplay. The sexy nurse, the sexy maid, the sexy cowgirl, all of it. Then I like a nice evening gown and sexy lingerie (make it smooth so you slide real nice when you grind). Then bikini.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    @georgmicrodong: At that point, I think she's a GF, not an ATF.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    @domiandray: Yup, nine. I was born in June of '82. The movie came out in early '92. Not much stuff from that era is still good whacking material, but I got the tape, still have it and still like to whip it out (both the tape and something else) once in a while. I was in fourth grade. I remember going to school the next day completely traumatized. I kinda thought I understood what happened from Sex Ed, but nothing prepared me for it actually happening. I'm not going to say it's good to be early. One of the things they look for in young basketball players is guys who hit puberty late because they tend to grow more. I grew two feet in 18 months starting around then, but stopped growing at age 12 and a height of 5'6". It was fun being a power hitter in Little League ... for one year, before everyone else grew. I kind of wish it had happened later, to be honest. I was ready for sex while a lot of the boys/girls still thought the opposite sex had cooties. When you're physically ready for women, but you have to repress your urges because you think you're going to get made fun of for them by the other kids, you get kinda messed up. I never dated until college and never got to do the deed until after I graduated (I did whack a lot, though). Nice GGG girlfriend now and a bright future ahead. But I still have to escape to the club when I get the chance. Can't help myself.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Dancers that resemble porn stars?
    Got great dancers from a woman at Scores in Chicago once who was a dead ringer for Carrie Underwood. Sadly haven't seen her again since.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Fake accents sometimes bother me. I understand you have the need to put on a persona to enhance the fantasy, but sometimes they lay it on so thick that I can't understand what they're trying to say over the loud music at a club. Having to say "What?" all the time is annoying. At the same time, there are a number of women with accents I like getting dances from, so I'm kind of a hypocrite. But the ones I like, I can understand.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    I can only really afford a nice visit (i.e. get some LDs) once a month, so that would be the max. But I also have three different clubs I go to regularly as well and there's never a guarantee whoever it is at the club I go to that one particular time will be there when I go the next time. Furthermore, I've noticed with my ATFs that they start seeing me as an easy mark if I see them too much. I'll get a dance from them and they'll act like dancing with me is some sort of a 10-minute break from all the other guys. The dance suffers accordingly. The last time I went to Scores, one girl I do have a liking for was disappointing because she seemingly went on cruise control for every song. I could tell she had a sequence of moves she simply had on a loop, regardless of the song or my mood. I was kinda ticked. Sometimes, particularly if the ATF didn't give me good dances the last time I went or if I'm just not feeling in the mood for her that night, I'll make a point to let her approach me (not seek her out), only get one dance, then call it quits. It's kind of a message -- hey, I like you, but you still have to give me your best effort if you want my regular business.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    I was nine. I had just started to notice it felt good to stroke it when I snuck out to the living room and could watch Skinemax. The movie was "The Bikini Car Wash Company," an absolute classic to say the least. All of a sudden, it felt really good and [pop]. Made a mess like nobody's business. The first time it happened on purpose wasn't long afterwards and was while I was watching "Last Call" with Shannon Tweed, long before her Gene Simmons days.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Attractive Asian strippers
    I've noticed a bunch of them at Silk Exotic in Milwaukee. Granted, it kind of depends on what you're looking for. Silk will have at least four roaming around regularly. If you're OK with bolt-ons, then there's a really skinny one with a pair of those. If you like them a little more natural -- i.e. large tits but not fake and with a little more meat everywhere else as a result -- they have one like that, too. Then there are a couple that are a little pear-shaped and not all that impressive. But I even mentioned in my last review that Silk always has at least two in house on any given night. There's one at Scores in Chicago, too, but again, you have to like bolt-ons.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Good Guy Looking for a Good Time: Detroit - So Florida
    Penthouse Has Lost Its Edge
    I still had success at PH at night when I went month ago. However, I think the dayshift crown now goes to FC.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Decent time
    Geisha House used to have a website with a weekly schedule, but if you're familiar with the change in federal law that resulted in sites like TER disappearing, you'll understand why Geisha House's website disappeared around the same time as well. Even when they did have the site, though, you had to know names to know what you were getting. I recommend you simply call and ask who's working. Remember the names of those who provide good service, as well as those you may wish to receive service from in future visits, then call to ask who's working before visiting. This doesn't always work, as I've missed out on Tiffany my last couple visits when, presumably, another customer has taken her back before me. But it saves you the embarrassment of going if your favorite isn't there.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Worth the occasional peek, but little more
    Nashville is worse, but I'm not sure it's all that great in a lot of places. Vegas doesn't live up to the hype, especially if you run into a ROB like I did once. There are so many Detroits, COIs, et al., out there.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Still Gets The Job Done
    Electroman: Valid criticism. I'll send you a message, but the long and short is I only talked price with J and negotiated for a less-common service, so my info here probably wouldn't be all that useful.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    It just kinda is
    $20? It's easy not to know the price of dances when you didn't get any, which, in my last two visits ... I didn't. Which doesn't bode well for the place.