How to play this one??

avatar for membernumber1
Ok...I've known a particular dancer for maybe 6 months. Absolute 10+ in looks, body and personality in or out of the club. We've gotten along well, been texting and calling each other for awhile. We've discussed meeting for meals or even dates, but she actually lives 3 hours from me (the club is between us) and we both have very difficult schedules so it hasn't happened. I originally decided to go the route of regular dating rather than Pay-to-play and it seemed to flow well at first, but after some time passed and I couldn't get a meeting, I inferred at PtP. She acted significantly offended and we stopped talking for about 2 months.

So, I run into her again at the club about a month ago and she ran up to me, all apologetic. She remembered the discussion almost word for word and took all the blame. Says she knows she was in a bad mood that week, some shit happened and she just assumed I was an asshole like everyone else for a minute but she wants to hang out with me. So we got back in touch and have been talking a lot again, but still cant seem to meet. (For the record, she's gotten all of $20 from me in dances in this time total)

Two weeks ago, I was at another club and met a very cute girl (7-8ish)who was poised for PtP. But, I come to find out through the magic of Facebook that she's very close friends with the first girl.

Do I proceed with both, entering the danger of girl drama. Conceivably, I could get into that clique and meet all the girls from that area and there are some fine women there.

Drop #2 and focus on the top prize.

Drop #1 and take the easy grab, even though 7s are a dime a dozen nowadays....(Im not feeling this choice)


last comment
avatar for Lone_Wolf
11 years ago
I would drop #1 because of the distance and drama.
avatar for Kimi
11 years ago
If these were two normal girls, you'd try to flirt with one, get her to be all over you, and the other would think you're good with girls, and want you.

So with that logic, if you pay for the fiend, the original will think you're a loser. So if you can't get with the 7 for free, I'd cut and run.

Especially since you said yourself 7s are a dime a dozen. Find another.

Although I doubt the 10 wants anything to do with you. You sound friend zoned I'd say. Or she's using you in another way.
Protip: At a certain point, it's just not meant to be, and that point should be sooner with dancers than it is with non-dancing girls. Always consider what the benefit is, or could be, for her. Outside the club, you've pushed her boundaries and have had no success (perhaps because she really isn't interested in you having any). In the club, you're just a returning customer who has shown interest before.

The above poster is right. Let them both go. Try and find a whole different clan, or maybe club. Never get too stuck on one unless you sense she's stuck on you and you like it. There's too many others out there.
Tough call my friend.

My two cents:

Don’t ever underestimate a dancer’s possessiveness and desire to control their clients. Don’t want to even think about what might happen should #1 genuinely like you.

It is a very rare find to have a lady that isn’t jealous of other dancers as they want exclusive access to the $$$ you play with.


What do you think will happen when #1 finds out about #2 or vice versa? Are you ready for that potential drama?

Good luck on your decision.
avatar for grand1511
11 years ago
You are the customer. Do what will give you the most satisfaction at the least cost. And remember they are business women first and foremost. Approaching it logically rather than emotionally will give you the best opportunity.
avatar for gatorfan
11 years ago
I dropped #2 a few times
avatar for ilbbaicnl
11 years ago
In the unlikely event I ever really dated a woman again, I would confess early on about my history with strippers and P4P. I don't want to get involved with someone who doesn't know what I'm really like.

Pursue both and keep no secrets for either woman. If it fucks things up with number 1, things were destined to be fucked up with number 1.
avatar for GCMan
11 years ago
Who cares who knows are the one paying.
Drop them both and find an 8 or above willing to do p4p. Seriously dude, why fuck a 7 or go on an extended campaign for the headcase who will likely not pay off anyway?
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
With the 10 you've only spent $20 so at least it seems like a semi-regular relationship may be possible. If that's the route you prefer to take, I say pursue it yet take time to keep things cool with the 7. Always have a contingency plan. If she is P4P, find out what you get. Find out if she's worth it. Of shit goes to hell and both find out about each other, you'll laugh about that adventure some months down line.

Unless it turns into a 2 AMer.
avatar for Estafador
11 years ago
Well I give you major props for only doing $20 thus far. Personally though I think she's leading you on. Its been well over months now and the fact that she is unwilling to make a meeting work around her schedule is saying she don't want to like you like that. And that is where I agree with kimi. Keep her as a drinking buddy and find another (totally outside her circle that is). If you even quit goinf to her club and making yourself seem less free for meeting than maybe she might change her mind who knows.
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
avatar for ilbbaicnl
11 years ago
People who are sex workers are looked down upon. Strippers believe they are looked down of less if they don't have contact with unclothed penises, but that's iffy. A stripper's not a headcase if she feels insulted if a guy she wants to date suggests P4P. As a practical matter, everyone has to be concerned with their social status. It's best to understand it's mostly just a game, but few people manage that.
avatar for membernumber1
11 years ago
Theres obviously more details beyond the little blurb I wrote...I really have NO drama with #1, except for her isolated meltdown. She's a smart kid, well aware that she's a 10 and can write her own ticket whenever she walks in a club. While other girls struggle to make $100 offering discounts and extras, she just shakes her thing and pulls in 500+. Ive seen it and helped her hold/count her cash. The scheduling issues have been more mine than hers as I simply cant drive 3 hours away on a whim. (Of course, she hasn't driven to me either) I enjoy just texting her and see no reason to give up on it. It cost me nothing and brings me zero stress. Maybe one day I'll get some action, maybe not.

I guess where I'm stumped boils down to this: Lets say I do PtP with #2. It's a small world, especially with Facebook, I'm sure they both know I know the other by now. I really wonder how much these girls tell each other. #1 can probably figure that Ive gone out w #2. #2 actually invited me to go drinking with her last week and I declined bc of the distance and it turns out #1 was there with her. When the girls are fucking a guy, do they share with each other whether its dating or PtP?

I'd keep things with 2 ITC. It looks like 1 can develop into a nice thing IRL, so I'd continue to "date" her as your schedule permits. Eventually you should score some bedroom time. Good luck!
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