Just curious, for the guys with experience getting strippers to meet them outside the club, any input as to what percentage of the girls you ask about this respond favorably to your overtures? 50%? less? more?
Since an opportunity presented itself out-of-town a couple years back, I've brought it up about 12 our so times since then closer to home. Half the time, the answer is "After I get to know a guy for a while, sure," which means, "No, come back and give me more business." The other half, it's been a flat-out no.
I shouldn't say that. One girl said she'd be game, but had to go on stage for the finale, then chickened out about giving me a number while she was up there. And another, similar story, but she didn't have a phone (?) and told me instead to look up and call the photographer she was supposedly staying with. I did; he had never heard of her.
So ... 0 percent. I'd say I have no game, but considering this is also a tough part of the world to get extras in as well, I think some of it is just the culture.
Depends on the club I think. In my area, at the "wanna dance" factories, few of the girls offer takeout. At the dives it is the complete opposite, its hard to find a girl not offering it.
At these dives it is mostly girls who are pretty much strippers as a career. At the "wanna dance" factories they are primarily college girls, or college aged and probably either short term dancers or just starting out and not at the point of offering a menu yet. Those are my observations at the clubs I frequent, at least.
In my younger days I was naive enough to believe that a girl would meet me back at my hotel. None ever showed. My first successful OTC experiences were girls who needed a ride home and agreed to stop by my hotel for some fun and $$ on the way. Today I most always schedule a time the next day to pick them up for playtime. Of those I ask probably half so "no" with another few who agree but set a price that I find unreasonable. About 25% agree at reasonable rates ($200 or less) and the game is on.
One time got a dancer's number and asked if she was up for getting together for lunch. I had to get out of work and drive a ways. She was staying at a motel with her kids (who were at school). She told me to stay in the car and she would come out. When she came out (after a long delay), she walked out and separated from another girl and a guy. I got the impression that it was a couple of dancers and maybe a pimp. I didn't quite know what to make of it.
I took her to lunch and she bitched the whole time about the food, the service, having no money, life in general, me not giving her enough time to get ready, etc. I didn't get any indication that she was up for a nooner at all, and I couldn't wait to get her dropped off back at the motel. I paid for her lunch and gave her a twenty and got out of there. She called later and wanted to meet me over lunch near where I worked (she didn't know the exact location or name, and I wasn't going to tell her). The whole time her young son was saying, "Ask him for some money, Mommy!" Endearing. I told her to keep driving if she came through town.
To the OP, I have brought up the subject maybe 10 or 12 times (thought I had good candidates). I only got maybe 3 or 4 numbers, set up a couple of dates and went on them, and dropped off the girls without doing anything. One just bitched the whole time and the other just texted the whole time. And was stood up cold once. I'd say the number of girls actually doing OTC in the clubs I go to is maybe no better than 10%, and nearly all say that it would cost them their job.
I have asked 4 dancers to meet me OTC and 3 have for BBBJ & CFS . One just for lunch, but no nooky. That's a great batting average but these are dancers I've cultivated in the club and generally OTC is just the next step after spending substantially at the club. As someone said earlier, everyone has a price. The dancer who just met me for lunch swears she's never had sex for money and never will. But she coyly holds the carrot out on the stick and I keep trying to take a bite. One related observation: almost all of the strippers I know who do OTC have drug issues. Gee, do you think there's a correlation??
RickyBoy has a special andenum of The System pending after he recently made his latest genius discovery that druggies are more likely to offer OTC than others. The new chapter will be called "How Wait for Them to Slip Up".
last commentAlso once you do OTC with one stripper it becomes a lot easier to get OTC from her friends and other strippers.
I shouldn't say that. One girl said she'd be game, but had to go on stage for the finale, then chickened out about giving me a number while she was up there. And another, similar story, but she didn't have a phone (?) and told me instead to look up and call the photographer she was supposedly staying with. I did; he had never heard of her.
So ... 0 percent. I'd say I have no game, but considering this is also a tough part of the world to get extras in as well, I think some of it is just the culture.
At these dives it is mostly girls who are pretty much strippers as a career. At the "wanna dance" factories they are primarily college girls, or college aged and probably either short term dancers or just starting out and not at the point of offering a menu yet. Those are my observations at the clubs I frequent, at least.
I took her to lunch and she bitched the whole time about the food, the service, having no money, life in general, me not giving her enough time to get ready, etc. I didn't get any indication that she was up for a nooner at all, and I couldn't wait to get her dropped off back at the motel. I paid for her lunch and gave her a twenty and got out of there. She called later and wanted to meet me over lunch near where I worked (she didn't know the exact location or name, and I wasn't going to tell her). The whole time her young son was saying, "Ask him for some money, Mommy!" Endearing. I told her to keep driving if she came through town.
To the OP, I have brought up the subject maybe 10 or 12 times (thought I had good candidates). I only got maybe 3 or 4 numbers, set up a couple of dates and went on them, and dropped off the girls without doing anything. One just bitched the whole time and the other just texted the whole time. And was stood up cold once. I'd say the number of girls actually doing OTC in the clubs I go to is maybe no better than 10%, and nearly all say that it would cost them their job.
One related observation: almost all of the strippers I know who do OTC have drug issues. Gee, do you think there's a correlation??
At an extras club like the Ritz, 75% of the girls I did ITC met me OTC.
Which ritz you talking about? Any ritz?
HELL yeah! LOL