
Comments by AnonymousJim (page 43)

  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    It happens. I wish I was blessed with the same kind of self control as some of you. But if a girl knows what she's doing, it'll happen. Some girls don't like it, but a lot do, because they think they'll get a bigger tip if they make it happen. For the most part, I think the girls know it happens. If it's a club I know is high contact or if I know I'm getting a dance with a girl that's been high mileage before, I might wear a condom to the club. That way, if it does happen, hasta lasagna, I didn't get any on 'ya. Lots of stories related to this idea through the years. Best one: Club I didn't know was a nude club until one dancer surprised me by removing her panties on song two. It was hot. Unlike other nude clubs, she gave a perfect grind, too. Given it was nude, and I was unprepared on this particular night, I stopped her from going to far as a courtesy. Came back another night. It was her "birthday." She was a little sloppy drunk. She remembered me. She asked another dancer I liked to join her for a two-on-one dance, which I normally don't do. While the other dancer provided me with a nice view of her large mounds up top, she proceeded to basically give me covered Russian, saying, "This time, I -want- it to happen." H. O. T. Needless to say, I gave her what she wanted.
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    11 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    A Condom Conumdrum
    Wear a condom? Inconceivable! /Actually makes some sense in this context
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    11 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Chicago: Strip club ordinance hits a snag amid prostitution concerns
    As someone who calls SE Wisconsin home, I've found I enjoy myself clubbing more in Chicago than in Milwaukee. In Chicago, you're at least likely to have a selection of dancers in the 8-10 range to choose from at the nicer clubs, even if extras are completely out. They're also pretty much out in Milwaukee, but there's probably only one 8-10 in the club. Plus, I've generally gotten better mileage from the 8-10's in Chicago. That being said, I can see how Chicago frustrates folks, having also been clubbing in Indianapolis a few times and Detroit once. Also, while most clubs have a "you don't really want to know what's going on at the management level" vibe to them, given the stories I see come across about what goes on with Chicago's clubs, it serves as a reminder A) There's a legacy Chicago has for certain organized groups occasionally acting outside the law, B) Said groups probably still have some involvement and influence with local government, and C) There's a chance those groups are somehow affiliated with at least a few clubs. Don't think I should say any more. I try not to think about it if/when I'm down there. I just enjoy the pretty women sitting in my lap, rocking back and forth rhythmically, and the chance to get White Castle on the way home, as we don't have them in Milwaukee.
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    11 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    A Condom Conumdrum
    Whoever it was that basically referred to LDKing has it right. I will wear one into a club in case an LDK occurs because while it's one thing for it to happen, it's another thing for it to get all over the front of your pants and the dancer, which isn't all that pleasant for either of you. Granted, most of the clubs I go to are pretty strictly non-extras, because they all are in this part of the world, so that might help the plausibility factor, but basically, I think the thinking on the part of any staffer should be, "Guy was afraid he was going to nut during a dance, so he wore one." Actually is kind of courteous that way.
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    11 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Box Score
    He's signed to be an end-of-the-bench, garbage-time player. Not a major contributor. Honestly, 12 minutes is probably more time than he expected to see. No need to boo that.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Plausible Arousability
    This doesn't really answer your question, but these things don't surprise me. Hair pulling, done right, feels really good. The key is to do it right. Is not like yanking a girl by the ponytail out on the playground, you bully. But a light-yet-firm grab and slight, slow tug from the roots, emphasis on the roots, can feel real good to a woman (heck, have your woman do it to you, too ... like a good scalp massage). Just make sure she doesn't have extensions in when you try it, otherwise she'll freak. As for anal, it's more the mental hangups with that. There's a lot of nerves down there to help you know when you've got other business to do. Some like play down there. Others ... most ... don't. But some do.
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    11 years ago
    North Carolina
    Strippers & BDSM
    Some guys are into it. Some guys aren't. I'm not.
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    11 years ago
    Jack Shacks?
    I saw a documentary on truckers once that said they were popular with them. After all that time on the road, it's more personal than porn and a guaranteed release you won't necessarily get at a straight-up strip club. Plus, then you're not doing your business where you do most of your business, if you get my drift. I know a lot of truckers utilize other adult services, too, but I distinctly remember the doc singling out these places and brothels as two popular choices for truckers.
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    11 years ago
    Asian Escorts
    Let me echo the review sentiment. Use TheEroticReview. Look up her phone number. If there are fewer than three positive reviews, don't even risk it. This is why I club once a month and maybe use an escort's services one or twice a year. Such a crapshoot. Have a bad night at the club? You go home with lots of money in your pocket. Have a bad night with an escort? If you don't end up in jail, you end up in the cat-piss scented apartment of a desperate, drugged-up ugly chick in the worst part of town, scared for both your car getting stolen and your life. Give me some good music and overpriced drinks over that any day.
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    11 years ago
    Would you defend your fave?
    It put numbers where I meant to put bouncers. Darn autocorrect.
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    11 years ago
    Would you defend your fave?
    I'm 5'6", 170. In a fight, I lose. A lot of dancers could probably kick my ass in a fight. My jumping in would basically be suicide in most cases. I think Tiredtraveler and deogol must go to the kinds of clubs I do. Most numbers at clubs I've been to are cautious to protect the girls and step in before there's a situation or run to it if they see it happening. Given that, I don't trust them to be intelligent enough in the moment to discriminate between those who were attacking the girls and those defending them. I'm fragile. Compared to the size of most bouncers, they could probably shatter me if they'd like. Better to let them handle it, then show your sympathy to the ATF with plenty of well-tipped dances later.
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    11 years ago
    Jack Shacks?
    I always had the impression it was as Club_Goer said. You pay for the room, the club hires the dancer, and it's no more illegal than you seeing a billboard outside your hotel room with a pretty woman and deciding to jerk off. Again, how sex laws and restrictions make no sense: This is perfectly legal, but she puts her hand on you and it's prostitution.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    [Update] I got extras without any extra cash, and I wasn't expecting it.
    Um ... wow. Almost seems unbelievable. You know, I live in a non-extras area of the world, but I've been known to use a condom when I club in case I LDK. Seems to me the chance of this happening makes that an even better idea than I thought.
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    11 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Fucking Heroin
    The moment a dancer tells me she does a drug is the moment she stops getting my money or attention. How many times do you have to hear how much that shit wrecks you before you decide, "Hey, maybe I shouldn't start?"
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Percentage of American Men who are Regular Strip Club Visitors
    ^ Yet another solid case for not having kids and why I don't want them. It's such an enormous responsibility, made all that much more difficult by the other parents out there who don't treat it as such. Would rather enjoy my life and help others enjoy theirs than feel the need too put more copies of me on the planet and have to serve them for the rest of my life.
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    11 years ago
    Stripper Names
    That article was ... awful. The gem names, at least around here, generally signal an African-American dancer. An 'i' or 'y' name usually means a younger girl. Anything that sounds Swedish usually implies a blonde, often busty. City names, car names and materials are all a grab bag. Oh, and Barbie either means something very, very good or very, very bad. More often the former, but sometimes the latter.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Why Do Strippers Strip
    Fascinating. I feel like the strip club is one of the few places where we can feed or only real, hard-wired desires in life. I think we're all hard-wired for really just a few things: A want for food, clothing and comfortable shelter (to survive), a want to have sex/be sexual (theoretically for reproduction, but we've been able to limit that part) and a want to sleep (so we're at our strongest when needed to fight off others for the necessities and the chance to have sex). That's all we really want. The club gets rid of the pretenses. Here's something I really want for something you really want. Perhaps the only thing I really want since I can get all the necessities myself, but I myself don't have awesome boobs, ergo, I need someone else to provide them for me. So, I'll give you cash so you can provide yourself and yours with the necessities in exchange for you giving me the one thing I can't give myself. Seems so simple and sensible that I almost don't get why folks who think it out would have any problem with it whatsoever. (Darn moralists, monogamists, etc., not getting it.) For those who get it, and are OK with that, I feel like they've reached another, higher plane of existence. A better oneness with themselves and their distilled-down needs such that they see how, on the whole, all this is about is making people, yourself included, happy. Good on this dancer for "getting it." I do what I do, do it well to get more cash, do it in as little time as I have to, then get out to do what I want. Sounds pretty awesome. Explain to me how this is bad in any way? Why we should stigmatize this? Because some folks are uncomfortable with the idea that they don't get to selfishly have one person all too themselves for sex and money? I don't get it sometimes.
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    11 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Bachelors on stage
    I'm telling my guy buddies not to take me to a club. They don't need to know how many dancers already know me.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Four Types of Dudes Who OTC Strippers
    I think a lot of us might not fall into a particular category. - I know I'm not The User. - I'm not The Crusader because I have no qualms about stripping and think it's a great way for open-minded women who can separate sex and sexuality from love and other parts of life to make money. I'm not trying to get anyone out of the biz. Kinda wish more women were in it. - I'm probably close to The Married Guy, though I'm not yet married or even engaged. But the only issue I have with my SO is that she despises the fact I may occasionally see other women as attractive, too. Other than that, she's awesome. I will often say I have one and won't cut her down. - I'm kind of The Midlife Crisis Guy, too, but I'm more than OK with strippers having regular-woman problems. I kind of like the reality. Thing is here, there's this assumption with the article that guys are seeking something lasting. Nope. I want something NSA. Passing ships in the night. I want to dabble. You enjoy, I enjoy, we go our separate ways. Again, in the age of birth control ... I've never quite understood why women are afraid of one-night stands as long as it's clear up-front that's all both of you want. To me, they sound pretty freakin' awesome. Heck, I'd even be game for breakfast in the morning. As long as I can go back to my life and you can go back to yours. When will we finally be able to fully separate lust & sex from love? (Specifically, women.)
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    11 years ago
    Time of day to go clubbing
    I still can't get over the mental block of going during the day. I might if I'm out of town, but that's the only time I feel good about it. During the day, I want to feel productive, not indulgent. So yeah, nights, usually arriving between 11 p.m. and 1 a.m. Generally speaking, there is more and better talent closer to or on the weekends. Thursdays are a good night to go out -- you don't generally see the party groups, while you do tend to see the weekend-caliber talent.
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    11 years ago
    I just wanna...
    Late to the party, but on Saturday morning, I was recovering from going to the club Friday night, where I both had a blast and avoided the 2 am'ers by staying out 'til 3. Had a big meeting with regards to my side-job work in the early afternoon, but recovered nicely in time to do good stuff. Remember, kiddies: Best way to avoid a hangover? Drink lots of water.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    When you discover someone you know from the non-stripper world is now stripping
    The assumption my SO knows I have been to a club at anytime since we've been together is false. Nor would she be pleased, as her jealous streak even with other women in our circle of friends is ... strong. That is all.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    When you discover someone you know from the non-stripper world is now stripping
    After a night's sleep, I think I'm past it. I think it put a jolt into me, but in the end, a big part of this realm is kind of "what goes on behind the scenes stays there." Not real worried about myself. A little worried about her and what's going on with her, but she's an adult, makes her own choices with her life and can handle herself. I will continue to say this: In any situation, "run" is never a bad instinct. It did make me look at this whole thing very differently, though, and I'm not sure how that will impact any activity going forward.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    The Midwest ?
    For the record, while I've "traveled," the only four states I've ever clubbed in are Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana and Michigan, and that one trip to Detroit was certainly an eye-opener relative to the others. Yes, extras out here are rare. Not sure why more can't be found in Chicago, but MrDeuce is right that the southern Chicago/NW Indiana clubs do have a reputation for more flying than others. I personally like Polekatz in Chicago. Haven't made anything special happen there yet, but the calibur of woman is pretty good and it's a fun party. But yeah. Quantity of clubs? High. Quality? Not so much.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Do you use ur real name at SC?
    In the club, I use my real name. I also use my real occupations, though like most of you, I probably exaggerate my status a bit. I do not, however, like to reveal where specifically I work. It comes out occasionally in conversation when it's unavoidable, but I try to avoid it.