Update to this thread: https://www.tuscl.net/postread.php?PID=27642
Went to planned parenthood today for the STD tests since I've been having symptoms for about a week. Nurse is pretty sure I have chlamydia or gonorrhea. I tend to agree but I'm really hoping it's some form of non-std urethritis or a UTI.
Fuck, man... I just ruined my life for a few seconds of weird, awkward intercourse. I had sex with my wife 4 days after the stripper so she might be at risk. I have to come clean. I have to tell her. I wasn't even trying to get laid. If she had asked I would have said no, free or otherwise. If I wanted sex I would have gone to a massage parlor. I'm not saying I didn't like it but I would not have consented given the chance - it just happened.
So I have to ruin my wife's life too. How do you even have this conversation? "I fucked a stripper. You probably have chlamydia. Please pass the potatoes."
No test results yet, but my dick hurts... is there really doubt? Should I tell her before the results? I don't want a divorce. I'm so fucked.
last commentOh yeah. Some people in the other thread seemed to be concerned that I might be a dad. I've had a vasectomy so I'm not worried.
Coincidentally, after the dance when I was freaking out on the stripper about how we should have at least used a condom, she was like "Don't worry. I'm on the pill." and "I already have a man." which was a nice touch. I'm sure he's thrilled.
So much regret.
Um ... wow.
Almost seems unbelievable.
You know, I live in a non-extras area of the world, but I've been known to use a condom when I club in case I LDK. Seems to me the chance of this happening makes that an even better idea than I thought.
Wow. Just wow. That is some heavy shit. I'm sorry that this happened - it's something that we all have in the backs of our minds every time the big head isn't making the decisions. I wouldn't even know how to address this with my SO. I mean yeah it's bad enough having it happen without having an SO to explain it to. I honestly wouldn't know what I would do or say in your situation.
"Almost seems unbelievable."
What consoled me for the first few days, and lulled me to think sex with my wife wouldn't put her at risk, was the odds. I had plenty of unprotected sex before my wife with no issue. I had hookers, all with condoms, in the past too. No problem. In 10 years I've had sex with no one but my wife expect for this one incident, and it was really, really short. There's no way, right? Fuuuuuuuuuck.
I don't know what stage I'm at but I prefer last week when I was in denial.
Yikes! What a dismal story.
"Yikes! What a dismal story."
And the worst part is I got nothing, nobody I can talk to. I have friends, but no one that can take this. Tuscl is my only place where people might understand. Who else can advise on this? All our friends know each other anyway. Oh man, I fucked up.
Ask your doctor if there's any way you can get and STD outside of fucking. Hunt for possibilities on-line. Cry like a baby--don't hold back--when you tell your wife. I feel for you, man!
Cool story bro
I'm not sure whether to feel sorry or call bullshit. But this is definetely a prime example of why we should advocate for condoms....or just don't fuck strippers. Either or really.
This guy should be jumping for joy he didn't get HIV
As someone who has had a lot of unprotected sex over the years, I feel for you man. In the future, always carry a condom and never have unprotected sex with professionals. I never have sex with my wife so if I do catch something it's not so bad. There's a chance your wife didn't catch it, depending on what it is. Did you tell the stripper about it?
Hey, you could tell your wife SHE gave it to you and see if the bluff works!
I feel like a true PL, for cheering you on for banging a stripper. Hopefully by your warning other dudes will insist on condoms.
As for your wife, can you say you got a lapdance, and got it that way? Just from the grinding?
There's a chance that you weren't contagious when you had sex with your wife. Isn't there a period between when you catch an STD and when you're able to transmit it? Especially if you wash up afterwards?
Be a stand up guy...tell her what happened, is happening and deal with it. You're talking about your wife's health here! For all that we can joke around about stuff like this, it is a serious issue. ON top of that, hoping that your wife didn't catch it is a waste of time. Just deal with it.
BTW...I'm speaking from a somewhat similar experience in college.
Luckily I am impervious to all bad things and the worst that ever happened to me was a case of crabs before I even went to a strip club when I was a 17 year old college freshman in 1975. My one question is will she now be an ex wife? If so and you're in New England please give her my business card.
Kiss half of all your shit goodbye
Man this situation sucks all the way around. I hope your wife knew that you go to strip clubs in the first place.
what ScottyW said, plus monthly support payments
O man, sorry to read something like this.
You know, I can help you secretly cure your wife's STD if she got it.
Split the capsule pouring the contents into an orange juice, then serve the juice.
If you can do that you might save your relationship and best of all she wouldn't know.