Four Types of Dudes Who OTC Strippers

avatar for alabegonz
According to this article and I present it as Exhibit A.…

Let that go on record. As stated I will enumerate these four mentioned dudes who OTC strippers.

The User

Ulterior motive is make a transition to any dancer who can support him. Once transitioned he will suck the dancer dry of whatever is possible.

Said dancer never sees the con until it is too late. The alleged dude apparently got the ticket out and is now in another dancers lap.

The Crusader

This reminded of an article written in installment about a dude who vividly tried to walk the straight path while inside the strip club. As articles were furnished in compliance to no agreement, said dude presented himself as observer and also tried to save her from burnout.

Anyway, not that there is a lot say about the Crusader the article clearly defines the character as one who focuses on the imperfections of the dancer, criticizes to certain extent to gain control.

The Married Guy

As mentioned, me having a FG belong to this group as well. And I will use myself here to identify the dude who goes out on a Friday night going to a SC with the intention of executing properly the OTC protocol.

And once the dancer agrees, said dancer is now emotionally and sexually attached.

Midlife Crisis Guy

You can probably pencil yourself here if it matches, there is no harm doing that here as we have something about dancers that we look for.

So yeah, are you tired of the daily grind that it sickens you to a certain point you want to change yourself totally? And by doing this you will get a chance to re-ignite the spark you once had.


Again, there are only four, but I could go on and mention some more.

I do believe these characters exists to a degree and it only needs the right moment and the environment to execute it.


last comment
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
Cool article. I fall into a category related to a The User-The Sampler. I don't use nor abuse. I sample.
#5. The horny bastard.
#6. The player
After reading the full article, I'm pretty sure she didn't mean that *all* guys who take strippers OTC fall into one of those categories, in fact she explicitly says that at the end, but that *of* guys who want to "date", in the common American sense of the word, these four types are the most likely to leave a stripper with a bad taste in her mouth.

Simple OTC pay for play is a separate set of guys, I think.

The author of that article used to post here periodically. I wish she would again.
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
#7 Psychology genius/The System inventor (RickyBoy!)
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
avatar for ilbbaicnl
11 years ago
I'm with george, confused as to what we're talking about here. Are we talking about guys who get involved with dancers?

Submissive dancers seem the most likely to date customers. Dominant guys tend to go to strip clubs, since most strippers are willing to play-act submissiveness up to a point. But sometimes they find themselves a real submissive.

Most dancers see involvement with a custy as a huge longshot, generally not worth bothering with. A few might be down with a (free) hook-up with a custy.
avatar for sofaking87
11 years ago
Good read!
I think a lot of us might not fall into a particular category.

- I know I'm not The User.

- I'm not The Crusader because I have no qualms about stripping and think it's a great way for open-minded women who can separate sex and sexuality from love and other parts of life to make money. I'm not trying to get anyone out of the biz. Kinda wish more women were in it.

- I'm probably close to The Married Guy, though I'm not yet married or even engaged. But the only issue I have with my SO is that she despises the fact I may occasionally see other women as attractive, too. Other than that, she's awesome. I will often say I have one and won't cut her down.

- I'm kind of The Midlife Crisis Guy, too, but I'm more than OK with strippers having regular-woman problems. I kind of like the reality.

Thing is here, there's this assumption with the article that guys are seeking something lasting. Nope. I want something NSA. Passing ships in the night. I want to dabble. You enjoy, I enjoy, we go our separate ways.

Again, in the age of birth control ... I've never quite understood why women are afraid of one-night stands as long as it's clear up-front that's all both of you want. To me, they sound pretty freakin' awesome. Heck, I'd even be game for breakfast in the morning. As long as I can go back to my life and you can go back to yours.

When will we finally be able to fully separate lust & sex from love? (Specifically, women.)
avatar for lopaw
11 years ago
#9 The Married Gay Woman - but forget the Friday Night bullshit. I grab 'n go on my lunch hour.

I didn't bother reading the article since I am sure my ultra-minority category would not be included.
My midlife crisis is entering its 31st year. No time nor desire for long term, boring, expensive, restrictive, (add adjective here), relationship.
avatar for Prim0
11 years ago
Me too....married mid-life crisis guy looking for nothing more than a good lapper or that once in a million chance at a nice bj.
avatar for steve229
11 years ago
Last year my mid-life crisis had a mid-life crisis
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