The Midwest ?

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
This thread is kinda out there; but this kinda popped in my mind and thought I'd throw it out there.
I wanna do some SC traveling this year and have a few areas in mind mostly along the east coast.
But as I peruse the daily reviews and become acquainted with clubs I'd like to visit in different areas; it appears to me the Midwest is a wasteland w.r.t. SCing.
Other than Detroit; are there any clubs you may have visited in the Midwest that pleasantly surprised you and that you would see yourself really wanting to visit on a regular basis if you lived in the area?
last commentIndiana has a few clubs with good reputations.
Yeah – now that I remember – the ESL clubs also seem not to follow the Midwest SC model.
Just to clarify.
Per Wikipedia; the Midwest is:
“…The region consists of 12 states in the north-central United States: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin …â€
Look forward to following this one Papi.. It sounds like a fantastic road trip i have been shopping in a few of those states but have yet to hit up an American strip club have the first time jitters they seem like they have a different atmosphere than Ontario
Papi, there are some fun clubs in Illinois just over the river from St. Louis. Many are in questionable neighborhoods. Extras available at some. I have never really felt unsafe in any of these clubs, but I am usually a late afternoon, early evening visitor.
@ RTP:
Yes – I believe the area you mention may be the same one I mentioned above, ESL (East St Louis).
Most of us experienced mongers are aware of it even if we haven’t visited :)
and SC aren't the only reason they are called "fly over" states.
"Indiana has a few clubs with good reputations"
As a former resident of Indianapolis, here are my thoughts.
Brad's Brass Flamingo is perhaps the most over-rated club on TUSCL. Gets high rankings, but I've always been disappointed. Every time.
Hip Hugger in Kokomo is barely above a dive. Cheap $10 full contact dances. Cheap beer. Cheap cover. No privacy and no extras to speak of. Real hit and miss. You're just as likely to find a 7 or 8 as you are a meth addict trying to save her trailer from being repossessed. Only highly rated by those that don't know better.
Industrial Strip in The Region (northwest Indiana near Chicago) usually has a few hot girls. But unless you can pull off a LDK, it's the same old same old.
I'll second motorhead's tip about Industrial Strip in Hammond, IN. I visited that club one single time and was bitterly disappointed with the joint and its girls. At the time of my visit Industrial Strip figured very highly in tuscl's Top 10 list. It did not merit that ranking and I have distrusted the Top 10 list ever since.
I am pretty picky and shallow, so the Midwest is probably one of the worst regions. Though it has generally less money than the costs so more of a bargain. Dances are generally $25 or less, whereas I have been to clubs on the coast that are $40-60 a dance. Now if there were only good looking girls at these cheaper clubs...
I always thought Ohio was too far east and just considered to be part of the north.
"Midwest is a wasteland w.r.t. SCing." Papi: short answer is you're right.
I wrote this as a preface to several local club reviews I wrote for another site: "Readers: The following review rates this club WITH RESPECT TO OTHER AREA STRIP CLUBS [western MO/eastern KS] not against clubs in south Florida, TX, Vegas, SoCal, NYC, Providence, RI, etc. That’s especially pertinent since implementation of state-wide restrictive law regulating sexually oriented businesses in MO. Visitors to our patch keep this in mind."
Although KS has twice failed to pass the same restrictions, KS clubs haven't stepped up their game to draw MO customers.
Despite the law stage nudity happens in MO and by all reports ITC/OTC activity has increased because of the economy AND the restrictions.
The problem is that when and where it happens is unpredictable and with whom is inconsistent. Clubs clamp down on such activity fearing LE or dancers who do are fired or move on to another area club hoping to make more $$. Locals have learned to savor those occasions when good things happen but always have a Plan B if they don't.
Visitors must overcome other hurdles -- being made as NOT undercover LE and a one-timer NOT likely to become a regular.
So, Papi, if you want to visit our area [Kansas City and eastern KS] PM me for intel but be prepared with Plan B [sightseeing, bar hopping, whatever], otherwise "fly over" the Bible belt.
@Papi- Yes, the Midwest is mostly a wasteland w.r.t. strip clubs. I can certainly say Omaha is a wasteland and Lincoln is a wasteland. Some places in Iowa have the possibility of extras, but you will probably have to either pay too much or drive to the middle of nowhere to get them. I've come to accept things are too restrictive and that nothing I do can make them change.
@joker- I'm curious to know which clubs which clubs in Kansas should be targeting Missouri based customers. I see exactly 3, at least on the Kansas list, Whispers in Basehor, Bonita Flats in Olathe and the End Zone in Spring Hill, the last two of which I've been told are essentially across the road from each other. You get to Lawrence, I don't see those clubs targeting Missouri customers and everything else is even farther away. I've also heard the last 2 on that list also are membership clubs where you can't just show up and walk in, which may also count against them. And none of what I said talks about how good they actually are, and I have heard none of them are worth bothering with. In short, I don't bother with strip clubs in the KC area when I'm there. I wouldn't even bother with strip clubs in the Omaha/Council Bluffs area if I didn't live here, either.
I have plans of visiting certain areas (mostly in the east coast) but not the Midwest.
My OP was just out of curiosity to see if there were any real good clubs in the area that I didn’t know about – again out of curiosity – not that I am planning on hitting the area.
I'm from the Midwest and have lived here most of my life. Except for around 20 strip club visits in Austin and one in Lexington, essentially all of my clubbing has been in the Midwest. In defense of this alleged "strip club wasteland", I would say that most of the country is a wasteland as far as SCs are concerned, with certain exceptions such as the well-known Providence, S. Florida, and City of Industry clusters of clubs. It happens that two other such clusters are in the Midwest: Detroit (where extras seem to be widespread) and East St. Louis (where numerous clubs, especially in Washington Park, are extras-friendly).
To anyone contemplating a strip club tour of the Midwest lasting several days, I would recommend starting with a couple of days in Detroit and driving via Kokomo (Hip Hugger) and Indianapolis (Brad's Brass Flamingo, Club Rio, Dancers) to Washington Park, IL (Hollywood Show Club, Dollie's Cheeks,...). Then drive back to Detroit with possible stops in Peoria (Big Al's, Club Cabaret, ...) and/or the south suburbs of Chicago (Club O, Club 390, Jimmy's,...). I think you'll find that many Midwestern strippers are reasonably priced, attractive, and eager to please!
For the record, while I've "traveled," the only four states I've ever clubbed in are Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana and Michigan, and that one trip to Detroit was certainly an eye-opener relative to the others.
Yes, extras out here are rare. Not sure why more can't be found in Chicago, but MrDeuce is right that the southern Chicago/NW Indiana clubs do have a reputation for more flying than others.
I personally like Polekatz in Chicago. Haven't made anything special happen there yet, but the calibur of woman is pretty good and it's a fun party.
But yeah. Quantity of clubs? High. Quality? Not so much.