Would you defend your fave?

If she was being abused verbally or physically? Or some jerk climbs on stage while she's dancing? I would without thinking.
If she was being abused verbally or physically? Or some jerk climbs on stage while she's dancing? I would without thinking.
last commentDamn skippy I would. Not to one up ya Mikey, but I'd even climb the water tower to defend her honor.
That's a good question, most clubs have security, usually of dubious quality, but it's hard to explain the the SO how I got a black eye when I said I was at work, or at a buddy's playing poker, lol!
Damn right I would.......and it wouldn't have to be a fav either. Even though I am an old bastard I am still feisty.
I got bounced once from the old French Maid in Calgary for just this behaviour. An idiot in gyno row was heating loonies with a cigarette lighter and tossing them at the stage dancer. I cold cocked the idiot and put him on the floor. Bouncer came over immediately and hustled me out the door.....even though the stage dancer rushed to my defense. The bugger wasn't gentle with me as I got tossed out.
Geez Farmer, way to go. Really!
Nothing but respect for Mr. Art.
@farmerart, well done!
I've heard of the tooney toss, but I always thought it an urban myth.
Verbally,no.Most dancers I know can hold their own in that case. Physically,yes,I'm all over the poor sap like an A-10 Warthog.
IF somebody called her a cheap cock sucker, I would tell them that she is not cheap. :)
I'd alert security and let them handle it. Every club I've ever been to has had very large security guards who are perfectly capable of taking care of trouble.
If she were in immediate danger of being physically harmed, no matter what I answer on the board, I'd probably step in without thinking about it -- and get bounced like art for it
Anything else -- that is, 99.999% of the types of negative interactions that happen between strippers and obnoxious customers, verbally and physically -- that's what security is there for, and that's who should handle it (even if I have to draw their attention to it). The strippers handle bad behavior from customers every fucking day, and unless a guy is about to break a bottle over her head or something, neither she nor the club need Walter Mitty customer white-knighting it.
The job of the security guards/bouncers is to get the trouble out of the club and then handle it out there. I can see why they took Art out. You are usually best off letting the authorities handle the situation. I'm surprised the idiot looney heater didn't come back and sue Art!
Bouncers get paid to protect the dancers, and I'm not a fighter anyway. Most girls can handle verbal abuse fine, and I would call a bouncer if necessary. Funny story: my ATF recently defended me from verbal abuse.
Another dancer came up to me who I had talked to on a previous visit and I made a joke about a common interest we share. I didn't say anything personal, but in her drunken/drugged state she must have thought I said something bad, because she started verbally abusing me worse than an ex-wife! My ATF came over and dragged her away screaming at her to shut the fuck up and leave me alone! She also told the bouncers who came over that this other dancer started it and I wasn't to blame, which was true as I didn't say anything! Luckily the bouncers left me alone; I know customers can get booted for no reason and I didn't want to leave yet. I didn't see that other dancer the rest of the evening so maybe SHE got the boot?
I would not. Not my job and not worth the hassle. I would however kill anyone who tried to harm my wife in any way.,
Verbal..... they can handle their own unless you see her in tears.
Physical... I am in helping...and have done it.
I was at the Rhino in vegas a few years back. We had a table and bottle service and were having a good old time. When i heard commotion next to us at another table and I see this guy slap a dancer in the face. I grab him pull him out of the booth and give him a quick two to the jaw and throw him over the table face down. Well next thing I know i am off my feet in a bear hug... I call no joy and tell the bouncer that i was helping the dancer. The dancer confirmed and I was let go from the gorilla grip the guy hand on me as another bouncer was escorting out the other guy not so nicely. The bouncer told me thanks but let them do their job. I said well I was there and who knows how many more he would have gotten in if I wasn't there. he agreed and said next time don't hit him just get him away from the girl. Which I said... Sounds good. But after the dancer told me to stay right there in that booth while she went to get herself together. She was crying from the smack to the face. I waited patiently and was well rewarded for my valor. We spent about 1 hour in VIP and I wasn't charged. I also got another bottle to our table free of charge... plus the assholes bottle he left at his table.
Also.... I am a firm believer that if you physically abuse a woman, child, or handicap you are below scum and get what you deserve. And if I am around...it will be a few to the face until you can't move! Verbal abuse towards anyone who can't defend themselves....same treatment.
Just about any woman in threat of physical harm from a dude is prob going to warrant some intervention...that's not being a white knight in my book. Especially if I'm in closer proximity than security is.
I wouldn't get involved in a heated verbal exchange between patron and dancer though.
In a heartbeat.
A better question is, would she defend YOU.
I think we all know the answer to that one.
It's just a reflex with me,there is no thinking about it.I pity the fool.
"I hate rude behavior in a man. I won't tolerate it." Woodrow Call, from Lonesome Dove.
That pretty much sums it up for me.
Most of the clubs I have been in the bouncers would be all over it before I could even be involved. The closest I have ever been was to yell at a guy that was about to hit a dancers and by the time grabbed his hand and I got out what the 'f..k are you doing' there was a bouncer passing by me. The dancer had evidently not so gently told him off. They had already spotted the guy as a potential problem. In clubs that do not have good bouncers you have to very careful to watch out for the asshole's friends so you do not end up a 2 AM-er. Outside the club would be different defense of women and children is just a guy instinct thing. Did help a doorman I was acquainted with get rid of a guy once by casually blocking the entrance door closed so the guy could not reenter around the doorman. Got in free that night.
Farmerart I'm impressed. I'm surprised you didn't find out the loonie heater's name and employer and have him fired to ruin his life and career. You sure is an upstanding member of society.
Yea, good bouncers know when trouble is brewing someplace. They watch the customers, not the dancers. People generally have a way of acting if they are about to cause trouble.
Once I bought my favorite a bottle of pepper spray. She said she was thinking about dancing in San Francisco vs the silicon valley. I thinking she would need it!
Some dude was bad mouthing her off the side of the stage in Spanish. I didn't do anything because "sticks and stones" - but one of his buddies did something from across the room and they all got thrown out. Not sure what it was, but it was acted upon quickly.
Often times, these events are more fun to watch than the ladies. (At least in my opinion.)
What Subra said. Immediate physical danger and I'll jump in.
While I have no fav and while i don't really care too much about being captain save a hoe, I defend any person who is being wrongfully assaulted. When it comes to being attacked, it doesn't matter if your a piece of crap hooker or someone I dislike, I don't let someone be abused for nothing. As for stage, I'd tell him to get down. It won't get crazy until there is violence.
@Estafador-Wise Words.
I believe I would do my best in any circumstance to defend someone. Well, let me correct that, sat the bad guy had the tables turned on him and the intended victim had the upper hand, I'd likely just applaud!
I dread the day a weapon is involved and I am around. Even if I am the intended victim.
Only if she was being physically attacked right in front of me.
Here are two scenarios I witnessed:
Spanked dancer sat by me after the dance and I mentioned the asshole slapping her ass. Her response - shrugging "he was tipping good."
Disrespected dancer sat by me after the dance and I mentioned the asshole. Her response - shrugging "he was tipping good."
The list goes on.
In Detroit you would probably get shot in the parking lot as you left the club. No, that's not racist. I'm Black and I see reality.
Dudes I'd be all over him like white on rice...if he was Verne Troyer.
Nice to see so many of you guys just being good guys and standing up for someone especialy the girls .. It still amazes me their are guys who think that beating a woman is acceptable behavior .. Thankfully the only time it has happend to me one of you good guys was there to help out actually two and all worked out in the end so i offer a thank you to those that are willing to act when others just stand by idley
Yes to abused physically.
I would also defend the girls from that kind of boorish behavior. If I couldn't take the guy down, I'd at least make sure that he was tired enough from pounding on me that the bouncers could easily handle him!
Yes, for anyone who seemed unable to defend themselves and were in immediate danger.
In one club I go to the bouncers are slow to react and may take the side of the patron because management doesn't want to lose customers in this tough economy.
Too many dancers have report assaults in VIP or unwanted touching outside of VIP to chalk up to SS. I saw two such incidents: one dancer came roaring out of VIP screaming that a man tried FIV despite her explicit refusal. "I'm not doing anymore VIP tonight but I will take my turn on stage once I get myself together in the dressing room," she said before the manager could react.
Another time a group of intoxicated guys were at the tip rail mocking and taunting the dancer when one tried to climb up on stage; the bouncer barely moved from his spot and wouldn't have arrived in time. Luckily, the guy was impaired enough that he was slow and the dancer moved to my side of the stage. The bouncer eventually arrived and whispered in the climber's ear to stay in his seat but didn't eject him.
I was at the rail on the other side of the stage. I gladly continued to toss $ for this dancer and the next helping them justify spending more time on my side. When they went to the drunks' side they never got closer than midstage.
If it's verbal I usually let the dancer call the shots but ask her if she needs help. If so, I try to put greater distance between the two; maybe tell the guy to knock it off in a loud enough voice to get the bouncer over to investigate.
If it's physical I'd yell in my loudest, booming voice to get the bouncer moving fast. If I had to intervene quickly I'd take what I learned from security personnel in a max security area. With physical aggression the goal there is to DISABLE and secure the instigator.
I'm in art's and SC's age group with a physical disability, so I can't just start a fight and let it go to round 2. I have one and only one opportunity to cause so much pain and disable this guy that he isn't capable of pulling a weapon and fighting back. Groin, kneecaps, Adam's apple, nose, wrists are fair game.
Here's a woman's self-defense site by Melissa Soalt, aka Dr. Ruthless. She first talks about prevention and then fight-back concepts:
Maybe I should ask my favorites what they are trained in. I don't want to take the fun away from a favorite of mine with a black belt from teaching someone a lesson. Verbal I don't worry about unless the dancer looks like she needs help. Physical abuse to anyone I might intervene if the bouncers couldn't get there in time. I prefer not to intervene physically if not needed and get thrown out. Security has been trained. I do not want to get shot and be another 2 am er out in the parking lot.
I have had to sit on stage while the strippers were there doing their stage time. It did help & the strippers were very happy I was there. This was done back when I worked in SC's in ATL
Said dancer who was defended by white knight go home only to be beaten up by on-parole husband.
I'm 5'6", 170. In a fight, I lose. A lot of dancers could probably kick my ass in a fight. My jumping in would basically be suicide in most cases.
I think Tiredtraveler and deogol must go to the kinds of clubs I do. Most numbers at clubs I've been to are cautious to protect the girls and step in before there's a situation or run to it if they see it happening. Given that, I don't trust them to be intelligent enough in the moment to discriminate between those who were attacking the girls and those defending them. I'm fragile. Compared to the size of most bouncers, they could probably shatter me if they'd like.
Better to let them handle it, then show your sympathy to the ATF with plenty of well-tipped dances later.
It put numbers where I meant to put bouncers. Darn autocorrect.
Lol yeah I guess so but it would have to be some extraordinary circumstances.
Often times in such a situation, you will not be alone. It only takes one "match" to start an inferno. :)
Man...the white knighting in here is off the charts.
Nothing wrong with White Knights. They are necessary in the order of the World.
^^Doesn't surprise me that you would say that, Howard. And you're Right--there IS an order for White Knights: http://kkkknights.com/
Any thread with a Lonesome Dove reference is a winner.
+1 Corvus
One of the managers at a club I enjoy in Rhode Island has a huge cast covering a badly broken hand. Over the past weekend he was out with his lady when they noticed in a club parking lot a large gathering of ppl clucking their tongues as they watched a guy beat his girlfriend, who was yelling for help. The manger approached and told the guy to knock it of. The guy responded mind your own fucking business there's nothing you can do about it. Broke his hand bashing the guy's head in. My new hero.