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joined Dec 2013last seen Dec 2014

Comments made by fun12times12

discussion comment
10 years ago
avatar for fun12times12
Posted a while ago about an unexpected OTC. Follow up
And I didn't use any system. ????
discussion comment
10 years ago
avatar for fun12times12
Posted a while ago about an unexpected OTC. Follow up
Thanks guys. I've been very confused by it all. Granted it's fun, thought was all for the money until she wanted to see me one day a month and a half ago and said my fun money was tapped. She said she didn't want the money but me instead. Currently seeing her 3-4 times a week. So guys it can happen but idk how it will end. But I'm strapped in for the ride.
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10 years ago
avatar for fun12times12
Posted a while ago about an unexpected OTC. Follow up
Not a fucking dream. Currently my reality. But she wanting a relationship. Scares me.
discussion comment
10 years ago
avatar for fun12times12
Weird OTC-please read
Part of the day was talking to get comfortable w ground rules etc. We grabbed a bite to eat and set up the room. Had to wait for a while for that. I didn't know what to expect or plan for and wasn't planning on a 10-430 day. To me that's all day. We got in the room at 2, and she wasn't in a rush to get me gone. I spent just over 550 total that day. I know it's good pussy, but damn. I don't want to blow either wad too quickly. Now she claims she is perfectly good w the amount. We will see next time, if there will be one. But biggest shock to me was getting her. Honestly wasn't trying in beginning. Just there to relax
discussion comment
10 years ago
avatar for fun12times12
Weird OTC-please read
So in short, I got OTC from one I didn't think offered it and could pay whatever the hell I wanted to pay.