avatar for Prim0

Comments by Prim0

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5 years ago
avatar for Longball300
I'll sleep when I'm Dead...😈
Hot Mom
I wonder if her skincare routine involves lots of semen?!
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5 years ago
avatar for Tiburon
Every woman's local ATM while in da club? How else they paying for their Boob jobs?
Strip Club goals 2020!
I haven't been clubbing in years now. The central Ohio clubs all basically went to shit by pricing themselves out of the fun night out range and into the there goes a car payment range. The high cost and having a kid has really killed any time and the budget for fucking around paying $35 for a 3 minute lap dance with little to no chance of extras. If I have a goal, it's to win the lottery so I can afford to go out and get some lappers without feeling like I'm getting financially screwed by the prices.
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5 years ago
New Jersey
If you are struggling and support Trump I understand. If you have money and supp
And one more thing.....by inviting the government to get involved in health care, education, etc....you've also managed to invite the government into the bedroom. This country is supposed to be the land of the free. But because someone got their panties in a bunch about one thing or another, the government now can tell a man and a woman that they can't have sex if one of them is paying the other for it. Nobody ever sees that the government is the problem.....too much of it is the problem. Being individuals, responsible for your own well-being is how this country was founded and how it has prospered over the decades.
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5 years ago
New Jersey
If you are struggling and support Trump I understand. If you have money and supp
The ACA didn't and doesn't work in any manner. Why are we still talking about it. Get rid of it and let's come up with a real solution. The free market usually works. People need to quit thinking that they are entitled to health care. Companies, doctors, etc. spend billions on the development of cures....but people think they should get the results of that risk for free. Wrong! Some people just aren't going to be able to afford the latest and greatest solutions to their problems.....just like some people don't get mansions, fine dining, Ferraris, private planes, and VIP rooms with BBBJ CIM No quit No spit. It's not nice sounding.....but neither are late term abortions but the Left is okay with those. The same goes for education....some can afford Harvard, some just need to know enough to dig ditches. And with the foolishness of the way a college education has been promoted, we have shortages of professional and a surplus of idiots with degrees in gender studies and early European poetry. None of it makes logical sense.
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5 years ago
avatar for founder
slip a dollar in her g-string for me
Who will win the Democrat nomination?
They are all terrible candidates. I think it's going to be Sanders though. His base is the most consistent and comes out in numbers for him. If he gets it, we'll have a real good look at a real socialist/communist. Hopefully the voters would me the right choice. And Buttigieg is as far left as Sanders...or only to the right by one step.
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5 years ago
avatar for gSteph
The view from the other side of the room
How was 2019? In your SC’ing world?
Mine was pathetic. 0 clubs, 0 dances and the only orgasms I had were from the wife (few) and self service (a few more). On top of that, my favorite club in central Ohio closed down and is currently being turned into apartments or offices or some shit like that. RIP Kahoots Columbus.
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5 years ago
avatar for jackslash
Detroit strip clubs
Is the American strip club dying out?
Just one more reason I dislike millennials as a group....less interested in sex?! What the fuck. When puberty hits, a human has trouble thinking about much else. I thought the girls of my age were uptight, I'd hoped today's young ladies would be more easy going having such an easy time of of accessing porn and such. But nnnoooooOOOOOoooooo. Just when I got old enough to have the money and experience to charm a younger lady, they up and become asexual! Dammit! Now, the generation coming up behind the millennials is supposed to be the opposite of them. So maybe in 18 years or so things will get wild again! :)
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5 years ago
avatar for Electronman
Too much of a good thing is never enough
Healthy hobby versus addiction?
It's not an addiction because I haven't been in a few years. Not completely by choice by by circumstance. It's a hobby. I love looking at beautiful women....and if they are scantily clad or nude, even better. Add the possibility of contact and even more....and you have a great time!
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5 years ago
avatar for reverendhornibastard
Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
What I’m Most Thankful For
I guess I'm thankful because....it could always be worse.
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5 years ago
avatar for reverendhornibastard
Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
The Essential Equipment
Good legs and a great ass will get a girl most of the way with me. The face needs to at least not be a turn off. But one of the big things for me is attitude. I'd rather hang out with a 5 with a great, fun, sexy attitude than a 10 with a shit attitude.
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5 years ago
avatar for skibum609
The best thing about Donald Trump is:
For all the bullshit....several factors related to our lives have improved over the past 3 years. I'll take it. Plus, while everyone in DC is fighting over impeachment and other BS, they are not legislating.....and that is always a good thing. Like a law or not, each new one costs us resources. Businesses have to adjust to stay within regulations and that usually costs money, which means that we pay for it. The less politicians actually do, the better off we usually are.
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5 years ago
avatar for jackslash
Detroit strip clubs
Is the American strip club dying out?
Both government intervention and stupidly high pricing seems to be what's closed down clubs in central ohio. $35/dance for a maybe 3 min song?....not going to work for most customers. $20/dance....that's fair and will probably get you more customers. And I think the government intervention comes from both sides....leftist feminists and right bible thumpers....they both want to tell others how to live.
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5 years ago
New Jersey
If you are struggling and support Trump I understand. If you have money and supp
The easy way to show how full of shit these democrats are is to check on how much extra they paid the government when taxes were due. Bernie Sanders...with his 3 houses and book deals couldn't answer the question.....he just huffed and asked where Trump's tax returns were. Hey Bernie....Trump doesn't claim that everyone should pay more taxes to take care of everyone....that's you...that's your own ideology your pissing on you lying piece of shit who hasn't done shit to increase wealth in the world for anyone but himself.
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5 years ago
avatar for Liwet
If she walks away smiling, you spent too much.
If I could have just one thing at a strip club...
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5 years ago
avatar for reverendhornibastard
Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
What’s Your Poison?
I like the woman who looks innocent but turns into a vacuum with an oral fixation, no gag reflex and gets pleasure from giving me pleasure. Basically, I want them at least decent looking but I really want them to give me a blowjob.
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5 years ago
avatar for gawker
Older than dirt
Screw the pooch
Wait wait wait.....you're loaning a dancer $100 and it's enough to cause you some overdrafts on your debit card?! Dude, I don't think you can afford to loan out money if things are that tight!
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5 years ago
avatar for JuiceBox69
Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
How much should a LD truely cost
We hit $35/song in CBus and that was it for me. Imagine $100 for light grinding from a girl wearing her bottoms and thick wax over her nipples for 3 x 3 minutes of song. $25 for those dances even seemed to be too much. I think 5 songs for $100 is doable for your basic dance in a cubby with no curtain or anything. Isn't there something in economics to do with diminishing return. If you jack up the price too high, you reduce the number of dances purchased and overall income drops for both the dancers and the club.
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5 years ago
avatar for tusclfix
Never ending webcam sex
I'm guessing you can get used to "it" and the stimulation isn't as much as it was before.
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5 years ago
avatar for jacej
Sweet but Psycho
She reminds me of a young Lady Gaga. Decent voice....decent looks....
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5 years ago
avatar for PaulDrake
Off again on again PL
Serious discussion about the state of the TUSCL community...
I just come here to see what kind of pants I should get to wear to the club.
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5 years ago
avatar for laciandleather
Baby dancer
Have a good attitude....look like you're having fun and want nothing more than to show the clients a good time. Tease a little, make us PLs think we have a chance and you should do fine. If the pics you posted here are the more recent, it looks like you've already lost some weight...keep it up. I'd say that most of the time, if you're at least decent looking, a good attitude will get you the rest of the way. There are plenty of beautiful ladies out there that have bad attitudes and won't get a penny from me.
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5 years ago
avatar for Mtent
Feeling guilty about spreading cold at the club
@Waffle....the common cold is a virus, not a bacterium. Not that it matters but you know how picky some can be. :) I suppose spreading a cold is way better than what some assholes are willing to spread around. Just wash your hands and take your vitamins. Zinc is supposed to help as well.
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5 years ago
avatar for reverendhornibastard
Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
Ten Steps to Great Sex
Cologne can be bad....some women have negative reactions to some of them. Stick with deodorant that is mild or scent free. At least in my experience, the women like to smell the man and not some kind of woodsy peach tropical scent that makes you remind her of some far away place. Man Musk is what they want.
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5 years ago
avatar for founder
slip a dollar in her g-string for me
Discussion Posts: Blocking vs. Ignore
Founder...it's your forum. Do as you wish. Anyone that doesn't like it can bugger off and go start there own review site and deal with the issues. If they're so smart, they'll take all the members and put you out of "business". You guys know I'm all about free markets. As for blocking or ignoring....grow a thicker skin. You're an anonymous name on a web page. What do you really have to worry about. Accuse me of being a pedophile, murderer, Christian...I don't care. The only thing I don't like is getting bored....and trolls with nothing to say but who post endlessly are the most boring of all. Much Respect to Founder! Primo