What’s Your Poison?

avatar for reverendhornibastard
Every man has a different weakness. Some men can’t resist a woman who is a classic beauty. Some guys go ape-shit over a woman who is ferociously sexy. Others crave women with an incorrigibly slutty look.

Classic beauty, sultry sexiness and the inimitable STD-laden slutty style are very different looks. Most women can be placed in only one of these three distinct categories. A few can blend the look of two categories. The rare woman who can blend all three categories is an extraordinary goddess!

The classic beauty isn’t necessarily ferociously sexy. But she has a dainty, charming allure that radiates a quiet, demure elegance. Her sweet innocence seems to cry out for immediate desecration.

The woman with sultry sexiness exudes natural animal attraction and ferocious, feral fertility. She doesn’t look demure or innocent, but she looks like she could easily get pregnant just by you staring at her while enjoying your lurid fantasies of what you’d really like to do with her.

There is nothing demure or innocent about the slutty woman. The slutty, STD-laden woman is probably too diseased to get pregnant. She reeks of splooge and drips with ink. She looks like she’s recently had a train run over her. Her garish tattoos usually include one above her pussy that reads:
“WARNING! Enter at Your Own Risk!”

So what’s your poison?



last comment
avatar for lotsoffun201
5 years ago
I prefer the slutty look but not as you have described reverend. My definition of the slutty look is as follows:

Skirts that are too short, bright red lipstick, platform heels or thigh high boots, a couple tasteful tattoos are ok. No panties are a plus of course. Deep cut tops that have to be held on with dress tape to keep them from falling off.....

Yep, I’ll follow that look anywhere
avatar for datinman
5 years ago
I must prefer sultry because in your photo example, it's the middle girl hands down.
avatar for FishHawk
5 years ago
I’ll pick Sultry if I am in the mood to play. Someone who looks so damn sexy and knows it drives you mad and then pours it on to get you panting.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
Slutty for me - GND or reserved look doesn't do much for me - a girl in Daisy-Dukes showing ass and a tight tanktop with no bra and nipples and cleavage showing will def get my attention - likewise at the beach the slut in the g-string bikini will get my attention over the one wearing full-bottoms.
avatar for rh48hr
5 years ago
1) Sultry
2) Slutty
3) Classic

But let's make no mistake, I'll sleep with all of them if they are willing. Let's be honest attractive women are my poison.
avatar for ATACdawg
5 years ago
I'm a sucker for the Classic-Sultry model every time. All of my faves have been that type.
avatar for jacej
5 years ago
I'm the opposite of Papi C - give me a GND over any of the three picks any day! Not that I'd automatically turn down any of the girls that are in the 1, 2, or 3 category. I just prefer GND.
avatar for gSteph
5 years ago
I agree with jacej.

I like pretty, and I like shapely, some of them girls next door are fine.

A taste of Classic or Sultry is great, too far down the "slutty" path is a turn off for me
avatar for Nidan111
5 years ago
Yep. I like women. All women.
avatar for shadowcat
5 years ago
avatar for gawker
5 years ago
I tend toward classic beauty. ‘56 Corvette, Sophia Loren, Monticello, 300sl gullwing coupe, Brigitte Bardot, Lake Tahoe.....
avatar for anthony6613
5 years ago
Depends on my mood. Definitely the one that swallows.
avatar for rl27
5 years ago
I did a quick trip down memory lane, on all my favorites the last 10 or so years and the vast majority of those who lasted a long time as my favorites all fit the Sultry Category. Only one had the slutty look. Two or so a few were both highly sultry with a touch of the classic beauty.
avatar for MackTruck
5 years ago
Flapper jack tiddys
avatar for reverendhornibastard
5 years ago
I also prefer the sultry look.

Classic beauties are also acceptable to me but sultry is better.

I’ve never been attracted (not even a little) to women with the slutty look. Tattoos, even little ones, are a major turn off for me.
avatar for DeclineToState
5 years ago
Preference for sultry for sure. Classic beauty #2. Slutty look a distant 3rd
avatar for Cashman1234
5 years ago
Filthy - and the filthier the better. I guess that would equate with slutty?

If she looks used up and like she’s seen it all before - I’m in!

I can’t say no to that type of girl.

Classic beauty does nothing for me. I’m not paying for a piece of art. I’m not going to ask her to sit while I paint her picture.

Sultry is fine, but that’s a look that doesn’t always equate to being filthy.
avatar for Prim0
5 years ago
I like the woman who looks innocent but turns into a vacuum with an oral fixation, no gag reflex and gets pleasure from giving me pleasure.

Basically, I want them at least decent looking but I really want them to give me a blowjob.
avatar for Pistrolla
5 years ago
My weakness is a good juicy cock
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
I love sultry sluts
avatar for Jascoi
5 years ago
a sexy beauty.
avatar for Stephanie4life
5 years ago
Bourbon and soda.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
5 years ago
If limited to your options... sultry.

But I normally label my particular poison as 'exotic'.
avatar for Estafador
5 years ago
why didn't you make them all one skin tone?
avatar for Scluva6969
5 years ago
Natural beauty for me
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