Yes, nice .gif, Longball. The mother is hotter than the daughter, hands down. Prettier face, better muscle tone, less body fat. At 43, she's probably learned some moves in the sack as well.
Well, I try my best to keep my fellow mongers entertained.
I agree with the Mom all the way for me. Daughter would be a bit too young, although, would love to see her work a pole...... brass that is...... maybe while Mom and I canoodle in a nearby booth.
Holy crap. Look at that photo by the lake. It's hard to tell which is Mom and which is the daughter. I have had. sisters in a a 3some ( actually half-sisters). But a mother-daughter tag team sounds like fun.
I will always click on a post titled "Hot Mom."
As I've gotten older I have a newfound appreciation for MILFs. Damn, they're hot. Maybe it's the experience factor. Love their big, bouncy breasts, well-used pussies and expert oral skills. In fact, when it comes to porn I prefer the MILF videos to the 18-to-20-year college co-ed collection.
last commentWow
Which, of course, begs the question if you could pick only one.......
OT: Longball’s avatars are outstanding.
Hot indeed! I'd like to be the center of their sandwich. :D
Yes, nice .gif, Longball. The mother is hotter than the daughter, hands down. Prettier face, better muscle tone, less body fat. At 43, she's probably learned some moves in the sack as well.
"Which, of course, begs the question if you could pick only one......."
I'd pick the mom. Wait, which one is the mom? Might have to do them both to find out for sure.
Well, I try my best to keep my fellow mongers entertained.
I agree with the Mom all the way for me. Daughter would be a bit too young, although, would love to see her work a pole...... brass that is...... maybe while Mom and I canoodle in a nearby booth.
and I like the way you think EastCoaster.
Mom's face is prettier. Mom's boobs appear to be silicon, and on that factor alone I choose daughter. But the mom is hot.
Holy crap. Look at that photo by the lake. It's hard to tell which is Mom and which is the daughter. I have had. sisters in a a 3some ( actually half-sisters). But a mother-daughter tag team sounds like fun.
Some more pics including more bikini shots:
And Mom's Instagram page:
Still Mom for me.......
Damn, in this one looks like the daughter has some nice boobs on her; maybe I'm changing my mind..........
The daughter's chesticles do appear to be real. I think direct experience would be the only way to choose.
That milf is a smokeshow
I wonder if her skincare routine involves lots of semen?!
very impressed with both... especially the mom.
You could not go wrong with either one..... or both.
I like the BOTH idea.
Smoke AND experience - the only way to go!
Does it mean I’m old if I choose the mom?
^No, it just means you're horny for milfs
I will always click on a post titled "Hot Mom." As I've gotten older I have a newfound appreciation for MILFs. Damn, they're hot. Maybe it's the experience factor. Love their big, bouncy breasts, well-used pussies and expert oral skills. In fact, when it comes to porn I prefer the MILF videos to the 18-to-20-year college co-ed collection.
I would prefer the Mom
Yeah I saw this yesterday, she looks good but not my type though.
She does not look 43. 25-27 would be a fair guess if you didn’t know. Kudos to her.
That bitch bouncing in your pick long ball is hot as fuck
Dude her face is fire
That mom is hot AF!!