avatar for Prim0

Comments by Prim0 (page 2)

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5 years ago
avatar for Estafador
Why webcamming is stupid (as is porn)
Exactly....to each their own. Everyone has different turn ons. I'll never understand guys with foot fetishes....but I can understand that something in it works for them. I remember LDK getting shit when he first came on the scene. All the cool guys said they couldn't get off without at least a handjob. Who cares? Each person has their thing that works for them. Hell, everyone here would be judged by the average folks out there thinking that paying anything for a woman to take her clothes off was pathetic. Fuck em all! You do your thing and enjoy the hell out of it. If it's cam girls....good on ya. The only real taboos are if the girls are underaged or not consenting to be part of the activities.
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5 years ago
avatar for churros
Sex Drive
No patterns that I recall other than if you stay with them for a longer period, things cool off. And if you marry one, it dies almost completely. The one I let get away always wanted more and I was happy to give it to her....but it was the wrong time in both our lives. I'm sure even she doesn't have the same drive she did back then.
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5 years ago
avatar for skibum609
If you are retired ......
I'll want to nap and sleep until I've caught up on all that I've missed. Then I'll spend time with family and on my varied hobbies.
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5 years ago
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
Rhode Island
Discovering OTC
When I was young and dumb, the clubs were all air dances or maybe they'd let the girls get up on your table and dance in front of you. It was sad. I'm not sure when things transitioned into lap dances...it's all a bit of a blur. But I probably suspected ITC and OTC had to occur. It just never happened to me. A few dancers gave me their numbers but being young and half-way decent looking, I thought they wanted to date. I was VERY young. I have dated a couple of dancers but nothing really happened with them. I didn't want to get sucked into their lifestyles. A good choice I think. Plus I was dating plenty of civvies at the time. Now all I want is a nice lapper and maybe a blowjob from a nice looking younger lady. AND IT's SO GODDAMNED HARD TO FIND!
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5 years ago
avatar for samiel
DFW, Texas
Discovering Extras
Fuck...I'm still not sure they happen as the most I've ever received was some stick shifting. I'd be happy if just once a lady would have pulled it out and stroked it.
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5 years ago
avatar for gSteph
The view from the other side of the room
Do you remember your 1st Lap Dance?
When I was a young whippersnapper we had these things at some of the local dance clubs that I frequented called "reviews". Basically a team of 4-5 ladies that would strip on stage then walk around to the customers for tips. There were some creative ways to give the ladies their dollars. You could roll it up and hold it with your lips, stick it behind your ear, in your shirt collar and a few even dared to put it in their fly. They were wild times. I'd have to say that it was during those times about 30 years ago that a stripper first put her hind end in my lap and wiggled it a little. Eventually I progressed to other local strip clubs. There was no internet then, so you just sort of came upon them. The first LDK I can remember didn't happen until I was in my early 20s on a trip to Florida. My cousin took me out on my last night of visiting the south. We ended up at what I would now call your average strip club. We sat at the bar and tipped the girls after their dances. Eventually he prodded me to go get a lap dance (I'm pretty sure I'd had some by then but they were unmemorable). This girl took me over and gave me what was the best, most real lap dance I'd had to that point. Lots of grinding, stick shifting and eventually, I have her my last 3 twenties and told her to tell me when it ran out. She danced longer than she should have for that but made sure I left happy. A bit awkward walking out with the wet spot but it's a good memory.
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5 years ago
avatar for nicespice
Interesting Encounter—Possibly the future of the dancer directory and this site?
Is everyone ignoring the existence of StripperWeb and other sites like that? When you listen to the ladies talking among themselves, it turns out they hate all of us. The same seems to be true of escorts. I used to post on a Canadian escort review site and the ladies on there seemed as cool as the lady members we have here. Then I started to explore Twitter to find escorts and discuss the sex trades. Man! The attitudes towards customers were as bad as StripperWeb. Just shut up, give them money, accept what they give in return and go away. I was shocked by the feelings the ladies have towards customers. And they air it openly as if it won't turn potential customers away. I haven't been clubbing lately because of lack of opportunity....a wife and kid will do that to you. But even if I were single and free I'm not sure I would want to hit a club. 9 out of 10 ladies seem to hate customers in the industry....so why bother. Sure it's a fantasy to think she's into you....but it appears the truth is closer to her holding back the opportunity to puke all over you and steal your wallet. So....no.....I won't share that I'm part of any kind of review site. The ladies seem to resent that we share with other guys what our experiences with them are. They'll site that it's always a ymmv but it sounds to me more like they don't want the next customer to have any expectations (good or bad). If I make it to another club....My name is John, it's my first time here, I know nothing about clubs or what goes on in them and anything else I can do to keep them from wanting to tear my head off while hoping they'll play with my little head.
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5 years ago
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
future POTUS and Senator in training
Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
United States Supreme Court acknowledges prophet Muhammad as one of the greatest
Let's get past the bullshit. It shouldn't matter in this country which religion you belong to or practice or don't practice. The greatness of this country is that each person should be judged by their actions and not by their titles (ie/ race, gender, age, religion, etc.). The constitution and the laws might have come from a more Christian background but the founders knew that this wasn't to be a religious state. The Bill of Rights says you can follow your religions and meet and worship. The only restraints on that are if those religious rites trample on the individual freedom of others. Worship satan....but don't try to kill a sacrificial human. Wear a burka, but don't demand infidels do the same. Circumcise or don't, it's up to you. It ultimately comes down the the basic rules.....if all involved are willing participants, and of legal age, it shouldn't be anyone else's business what they do. That's what's been forgotten. The right wants to put their christianity on everyone else. The left wants to put their secularism on everybody else. The anti gun folks want to put their beliefs on everyone else. The anti prostitution folks want to put their beliefs on everyone else. All of that is bullshit. Live and let live. The government should only step in when minors are involved or if one or more parties involved were not willing to participate. That's my 2 cents anyhow.
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5 years ago
avatar for jackslash
Detroit strip clubs
2nd Detroit strip club under investigation after accusations of soliciting prost
To be honest @skibum609, so do the Republicans. They both want to control the populace, just in different ways. I would love it someone stepped out of the crowd and was able to get people to live and let live. Your religion says people shouldn't have premarital sex, blowjobs are sins, etc....fine....don't YOU do it. But leave others to do as their hearts dictate. A guy paying a girl $20 for a quick blowjob is on his and hear souls, not yours. Keep your nose out of it. Your view on women's equality is that a woman shouldn't be subservient to her man while in a marriage and shouldn't have to give him a blowjob ever!...fine....when you get married, don't give him blowjobs. But don't tell other women that they aren't allowed to give blowjobs to their husbands or anyone else who's willing to compensate her financially. If everyone would just keep their noses in their own damned business we'd have a free country.
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5 years ago
avatar for CJKent (Banned)
CJKent (Banned)
“The more a person needs to be right, the less certain he is...”
“Until economic and social rules work for all Americans, they’re not working...”
Bullshit. America promises the equality of opportunity....not the equality of outcome. You might be born with all the genetic advantages to be the next GOAT in some professional sport...but too bad, you broke your leg when you were 12 and it never healed correctly and so you had to stop playing sports. You might have a great mind for investments, but your parents encouraged you into the arts and you missed out on making money that way. There are a million things that can go wrong in a life and lead to mediocrity or less. But just because others succeed doesn't mean that they took something away from you. Look at a financial winner like Bill Gates.....he didn't steal from you...chances are he made more people able to become rich because of the technology he created than if he had never lived. And if you don't believe me or my examples...look at the alternatives. Wherever it has been tried, communism (state controlled distribution) never works. What happens, the party leaders get rich doing exactly what you claim the "rich" do in the US. Except that in communist countries, you don't have anyone really creating wealth. They just distribute what's already there until it runs out. Nobody busts their asses to get ahead when they know that they won't actually get ahead. So every does the base minimum and slowly starve until they've had enough and fight for freedom and capitalism!
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5 years ago
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
future POTUS and Senator in training
Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
People who are super liberal piss me off..like ppl who are super republican lol.
The way I look at it, both extremes of the political spectrum are all about control. Personally, I feel that freedom and liberty is what brought this country to be such a great place. The US has freed more people and brought more people out of poverty than any other country in history....and in just a couple of hundred years. SJG will jump in here now and talk about how that's bullshit. But look at all of the other forms of government throughout history....they end up giving a few people power over everyone else. Here, though it's waning with more and more government regulation, each and every person has the ability to work themselves up from the bottom, develop the better mousetrap and make themselves rich. By comparison, look at what the great plans of government control of production have done to the people of the USSR, China, Cuba and now Venezuela. You end up with the same thing.....the government fucks up and those on the bottom pay with their lives. Oh....but in the US the wealthy elite have too much power.....it's the same shit in those countries. Do the high ups in the communist governments live like the little people or are they too special to have to suffer? Castro, the man of the people with his stupid uniform was worth billions when he died.....where was the redistribution of wealth there? Now listen for the argument.....socialism/communism/democratic socialism hasn't been done right yet but we new smart people know how to tell everyone else how to live!!!!
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5 years ago
avatar for pistola
Keepin' it 💯
The bigger the hoop the bigger the ho
The hoops give you something to grab onto during a blowjob....like reins on a horse. :)
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5 years ago
avatar for reverendhornibastard
Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
Fat Fuckers Die Young!
On one hand I agree....people should try to be healthy. But some take it too far. What's the point in living if you have to give up everything you enjoy to live longer? And how much longer do you want to live....80, 90, 100 years? Have you looked at old people? They don't look like they are generally having a good time. I've given up smoking, I don't drink as much as I used to.....I even eat more white meat than I used to. But to give up every vice in an attempt to avoid health issues can go too far as well. Shit, how would it be if you did everything right, had perfect health and then got run over by a fucking bus tomorrow! Live your life.
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5 years ago
avatar for yahtzee74
Kissing: mouth, breasts, or pussy. What's your favorite?
I think the best answer is....whichever she enjoys most. The point is to get her excited so she'll do what you want her to do, right? I've had women who were too uptight to enjoy DATY.....I've had others who's nipples just weren't that sensitive. I just move from one to another and try to figure out which combination gets them the hottest and go from there.
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5 years ago
avatar for nicespice
Minneapolis ordinance to protect adult entertainment workers moves forward
This seems like the government getting their foot in the door....to be followed by what though? Neither side of the political spectrum seems interested in promoting the sex trade....Liberals want to do everything to protect the women from having to touch those nasty mens......and Conservatives (who should be for the government keeping their nose out of it) do so to protect everyone involved's souls! I can't think of too many things in history where government got involved and people ended up with more freedom or liberty. Chances are, we'll hear down the road how clubs are closing down because of increased government regulation. For their protection, the ladies shouldn't have to do X.......and for the safety of the customers, guys cannot do Y...and so on and so on.
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5 years ago
avatar for whodey
Fat bastard that can afford to fuck hot strippers
I guess being a famous porn star isn't as lucrative as many believe
With all of the free outlets for the videos, I wonder they make much money at all. I've never paid a dime to watch porn in my life...never have had to. Yet my understanding is that the industry standard is like $500 - $1500 a scene for ladies and less for the guys....unless you're talking big names. I guess the business model works or it wouldn't continue on.
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5 years ago
New Jersey
I've been following the escort scene though I'm too chickenshit to partake. It was going okay until the last year or so when the Feds made it so platforms could get nailed for advertisements. Suddenly, you had nowhere to go for reviews or ads. Prices shot up and quality shot down. The police have been targeting escorts and prostitution but claiming that they are concerned with human trafficking.....so it's become very risky to call a lady. I'm a Libertarian....I think a woman should be able to sell her body if she wishes. By all means, protect women from being pimped or trafficked, but leave the honest escorts alone so guys have somewhere to go when they need services. Even better, make it legal for dancers to sell themselves at the clubs. Guys can come in....sample the wares and then book a lady for an hour, a night or a weekend as they wish. It should just be a business transaction and not the bullshit it becomes when forced into the shadows.
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5 years ago
avatar for Liwet
If she walks away smiling, you spent too much.
I went to a club, didn't spend any money, and didn't write a review
I think the negative reviews are the most important. We may not all agree on what is the perfect club....but I'm pretty sure there's little argument on what a really bad club is like. I might give a shot to a club with mixed reviews....some guys like different things. But one with bad reviews....you know it just has to be a waste of time.
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5 years ago
avatar for AnonymousJim
Scanning the room from the back
Who'd You Rather: Lisa Guerrero vs. Kate Upton
I'm not familiar with Lisa but I've always thought Upton was over rated. Nice face and rack but that's it. It looks like Lisa has worked her legs hard and I love some good thighs to play between.
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5 years ago
avatar for Muddy
Would you welcome the Cuban invasion to your city?
I don't care what a dancer's race, creed, color, ethnicity, etc.....if she gives good dances and has a good personality, that's great. If she's an ROB, smells funny, gives air dances, etc, then that sucks. I don't know of any group that you can just generalize and say......they are all X, Y and Z. I'm pretty sure that's prejudiced and and I try not to be that way.
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5 years ago
avatar for LDJunkie
Enjoying lap dances for 15 years and counting...
Confessed to Wife my SC habit
I can barely get my wife talking about fantasies....she's become practically sexless.....but the really bad part is she expects the same from me. Don't want to divorce and wish she'd just let me go do my thing.
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5 years ago
avatar for gothamyte
from that Adam Westsiiiide of Gotham
How many different SCs have you visited--in your life?
Maybe a dozen. Many of those dozen many many times.
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5 years ago
avatar for NJBalla
New York
Funny Over the Pants HJ Scene on Comedy Central
This kind of thing doesn't happen to me nearly as much as I deserve.
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5 years ago
avatar for AtAboy
Still learning to proofread
If you had a very defining feature / behavior that anyone lurking on this board
Deny deny deny! I have run into people I know at clubs at times....but they would have as much issue with being "outed" as I would have. Hell, before we dated, my current wife would go to a club with me, she new a SC bartender and everything was cool. Years later, we get married and now it's some sort of issue if I hit a club. I hate how women change after they say I DO.
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5 years ago
avatar for jackslash
Detroit strip clubs
Strip club angers neighbors with signage hiring ‘stay at home moms’
LOL....people are so touchy these days.