Who will win the Democrat nomination?

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I think Bloomberg would have the best shot at defeating Trump, but my guess is that it will be Elizabeth Warren.


last comment
I actually agree with that @founder
Lyndon LaRouche died last year so I think it’s probably up for grabs now.
George Carlin could win it dig him up
Wow... Totally OT there.

They aren't even in the race.
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
With the polls spread out between 3 or 4 candidates, this would be an easy time for the party elders to work behind the scenes to assure their favored candidate wins. They don’t want Sanders and Warren’s numbers have dropped in half. She peaked too soon. So, by default, I think it’s Biden.
avatar for RandomMember
5 years ago
The place to go for this type of prediction is Nate Silver over at 538:


Biden has a strong lead, Sanders is probably in 2nd place. Warren self-destructed over single-payer healthcare. I think it's going to be Biden.
Elon Musk really was born in Praetorian, South Africa, so he would not be an eligible candidate.
Praetoria. Damned autocorrect.
Whoever offers the most FREE stuff. Right now, it looks like Pocahontas. The only one that stands a chance of actually winning the election is Mike Bloomberg though.
Biden. Democrats turned into Republicans on the right to succession issue. Dumb ass Clinton then stupid Biden. Biden and Trump. Progress lol.
Biden probably. Outside chance for Sanders if Biden implodes for some reason.
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
From Real Clear Politics

From Monmouth poll: After 8 months of campaigning, here's the change in net favorable ratings of the 2020 field in New Hampshire. Only one has improved his/her standing:

Yang + 38
Buttigieg -2
Warren -2
Klobuchar -2
Sanders -8
Booker -18
Biden -32
Its just too damned early to say. Remember how Obama was trailing all throughout 2008, not even winning a primary? The Oprah hosted a fundraiser for him and he even beat the presumptive Hillary. 2016: everyone, including me, considered Trump to be a circus sideshow. Ann Coulter an JS69 were the only two that called it.

If I had to guess, I would say Buttigieg. Biden is a doddering old man. Fauxcahontas is a serial liar and communist (same thing, I know), and Bloomberg has no record or message except for "I disagree with the other old, male, WASP, millionaire from New York".
The DNC will now allow a young, gay, male centrist to run for President. No chance. They want Biden, for the same reasons the Republicans ran Dole: his turn.
Biden should win unless his Alzheimer’s gets noticeably worse. If not Biden then Sanders. I don’t see Warren having a realistic shot.

But it doesn't matter. The Democratic Party has so incredibly fucked up the past few years, and Trump has had enough successes, that Trump is likely going to win re-election no matter who is is.
avatar for DeclineToState
5 years ago
-->"Remember how Obama was trailing all throughout 2008, not even winning a primary?"

Not quit accurate. The Democratic caucus / primary cycle and Clinton vs. Obama went down like this, all in January 2008: Obama won Iowa caucus (admittedly not a primary). Then Clinton squeaked out win in New Hampshire 39% to 37%. Next was Michigan primary that Clinton won without Obama on ballot for some reason. Then Nevada caucus (again, not a primary) that Clinton won 51% to 45% over Obama. Then Obama smoked Clinton in South Carolina 55% to 27%, followed by Clinton smoking Obama in Florida 50% to 33%.
So it was pretty much game on from the beginning though she did overall better than him in the subsequent Feb 08 Super Tuesday voting.
Re I'll say Biden gets the nod narrowly and picks Hilary as 1st mate so she can play the token culturally diverse add. What Biden may not realize is Hilary may off that mothafucka if he wins lol
Pete Buttigieg is on top now, closely followed by Bernie Sanders, then Elizabeth Warren, then Biden.

Hard to call, this looks like the Republican field of the 2016, election, and we see how poorly that turned out, don't have a tremendously high regard for this group either, actually in 2016 I liked Jeb Bush, let's see how this plays out I wouldn't be disappointed if Bloomberg get's it but I fear that the example of 2016 has Bernie as the eventual winner, and my opinion of him is even lower than my opinion of Trump.
So the Democrats will choose someone who was a republican? Someone who's greatest achievment was getting 32 ounce sodas banned? The party of muslims will now nominate a pro-Israel Jew? Do any of you really believe that a Jewish person is going to get elected as President in this country? Ever? The Democratic base in the party of diversity will nominate a guy who bought a debate seat?
I think Bloomberg has no chance of getting the Democratic nomination. But as a third candidate in the general election, he could be the decisive factor, without even needing to win.

Trump was surprising in the 2016 primary. Like Nikki Halley said, "Wanting to be the loudest voice in the room."

Bernie blows faggit cock!
^^^ you’re the one who lives the guy, so quit projecting your fantasies on me, homo.
After the Iowa clusterfuck? Biden is toast, Buttigieg has no real experience, Warren is still everyone’s annoying first wife and Sanders is way too left wing. If Bloombergbis the nominee, the Bernie Bros will burn the Dem convention down.

Pass the popcorn.
The US had been on track with Western Europe up through the mid 60's, gradually moving to the Left.

Then Nixon unveiled his Southern Strategy, and then Christian Evangelicals dumped Carter and got Reagan elected. Since we have been moving to the insane and idiotic Right.

If we want to function in an advanced industrial and information economy, we have no choice but to move to the left. This is no longer a society of scarcity, it is a society of gross surplus. The rules really have changed, but Trump and the Republicans want us to go back to the Gilded Age.

Sanders is looking really good.


Robin Trower, really good!
Democrats lol. Can't even run a caucus. Bernie Sanders lol. A traitor to Americans and Jews. The dirty rat exacta.
^^^^ Generally Jews have been ahead of the curve in understanding how fascism works, and how it gets started.

When you have industrialization, it can go one of two ways, Fascism, or Social Democracy. Must make sure that it is the latter.



Need more colors!

Robin Trower
The Democrat who is acting like a shit in this election cycle, as he has in others, appealing to hate and right wing identity, is:

Joe Biden

In 2008, after Hillary Clinton was out and Obama picked Biden as VP, Biden became ambassador to what they were calling "Hillary Clinton Land", very very conservative and anti-progressive democrats.



Need more colors!

Robin Trower
avatar for bdirect
5 years ago
with the demo socialist,,,, choose your poison,,,,,...your will be screwed
Social Democracy is the final solution.
avatar for bdirect
5 years ago
hell yea skibum........we have to follow chairman nancy so we will all be wearing those red star caps to the re-education camp
avatar for bdirect
5 years ago
we will change the country... to the USSA if the demo win in 2020
Industrial technology can be used to liberate or to enslave. These are the Left and the Right of which we must choose.


Donald Trump is a fucking monster!

Awesome Pleaser 10" design, Need More Colors!

Stripper Trainers, 6"

Robin Trower, really good!
===> "Who Will Win The Democrat Nomination?"

Usually I'd have a strong opinion by the time that primaries start, but the Dem field is such a Grade A shit show that it's anybody's guess. I'm stunned that in a year with a somewhat vulnerable incumbent, that this this motley bunch is the best that they could field.

The four front runners now are:

- A crazed Socialist;
- A gay man who has never held big time office;
- Pocahontas, who has already shot herself in the foot with her extreme policy stances; and
- Joe Biden who, in a distant fourth and with no money left, has already proven too many times that he can't win a national election.

Then there is the Bloomberg wildcard. He is spending a shit ton in big primary states ahead of Super Tuesday.

What a bloody mess. I expect this shit show to play out all the way to the Democratic Convention.
I think Bloomberg gets it at brokered convention. He will be seen as the only one who can generate the $$ to beat Trump
avatar for Assmanjoe
5 years ago
^ last comment seems most likely, in fact id wager $20 on this outcome right now. looking like it could be an open convention and bloomberg is probably their best bet to beat trump in the general election. doubt he'd ever win through the democrat primaries outright but at an open convention? down to the wire with the pressure on? the dems might finally smarten up in that situation. or just succumb to the money as suggested. good point @gobstopper
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
Seen on the Internet:

In an attempt to avoid the chaos that occurred in Iowa, which resulted in two days without a declared winner, the Democratic National Committee has decided to release the New Hampshire primary results days ahead of the February 11th vote.
^ If only they still had their Super-Delegates there might be an element of truth to that story. ;)
avatar for DeclineToState
5 years ago
—>” I think Bloomberg gets it at brokered convention. He will be seen as the only one who can generate the $$ to beat Trump”

If Sanders continues to do well in primaries and that occurs, his Feel the Bern diehards will go nuts. Those people are true believers, are reluctant to vote for any other Democrat in a general election (except for Warren or maybe Mayor Pete), and they’re still pissed about contents of the pro-Hilary conspiracy emails that got hacked from DNC computers and released by Wikileaks
I see the Bernie Sanders supporters the same way as the Trump supporters
I see the Democratic field the same way as the Republican field was in 2016, I doubt that this goes all the way to the convention, we’ll need to wait and see won’t we.
I see Bloomberg as a third candidate. :) :) :)

Looks like those who want a more conservative candidate want Pete Buttigieg.

That Joe Biden can be retired just tickles me pink!

Why You Should Be a Socialist


Bloomberg campaign was accused of plagarizing today. The left eats their own. What was Bloomberg;s greatest accomplishment politcally? Oh yeah, he fought a noble battle and no one can ever again buy a ..................................32 oz soft drink in a New York resturant. Oh, the humanity......
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
Good news: The Iowa Caucus count is now complete

Bad News: NBC has found dozens of errors and inconsistencies in the results
^^^^^ Iowa Caucus was a big screw up. Need to keep unraveling what happened. What about New Hampshire?

I don't think Bloomberg could ever get the Democratic nomination. And I don't think Democrats would ever vote against the nominee, or otherwise go for Bloomberg.

The people voting for Bloomberg will be alienated Republicans in the General Election!

:) :) :)


Rolling Stones - Gimme Shelter
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TJ Street

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In City Dreams (1977)

Robin Trower - Caravan To Midnight (Full Album) 1978

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The Democrat establishment is in a quandry.........Biden and Warren are self-destructing. Bloomberg is the rich, white guy they hate. Warren is an easy to catch liar. So Buttigieg it very well may be !!!!!
avatar for RandomMember
5 years ago
Probably because Bloomberg is courting black voters, and he appears to be succeeding.
It should be crazy Bernie, but I think it will be Buttigieg. He is young, gay, inexperienced and the corrupt mainstream media love him. They have started praising him more and more. Mayor Pete is not even close to being qualified, but at least he a not quite as far left as the super crazy Warren and Sanders.
At this point I think it probably will be Bernie Sanders. His experience last time round has made a difference.

But we should have a much better idea after Super Tuesday March 3. And now CA is in that.

I don't think Bloomberg has a shot at the Democratic Nomination. He can though help Democrats by splitting the Republican vote with Trump.


TJ Street

Steve Winwood and Eric Clapton - Dear Mr. Fantasy (HQ)(Crossroads Guitar Festival 2010)

Little Wing
avatar for Prim0
5 years ago
They are all terrible candidates. I think it's going to be Sanders though. His base is the most consistent and comes out in numbers for him. If he gets it, we'll have a real good look at a real socialist/communist. Hopefully the voters would me the right choice.

And Buttigieg is as far left as Sanders...or only to the right by one step.
It is in times of crisis that the most dramatic change occurs. So I look forwards to a Bernie Sanders Presidency.

Trump and Bloomberg can divide up the Republican Vote. :) :) :)


Think of the muscle control they must have to make this work hands off:

TJ Street

Steve Winwood and Eric Clapton - Dear Mr. Fantasy (HQ)(Crossroads Guitar Festival 2010)

Little Wing

Blues in 'A'
No real republican would even piss on Bllomberg if he were on fire. He appears a moderate next to Sanders, bevcause everyone appears moderate next to the dirty commie traitor. Sanders barely beat a tween from a shithole city in a neighboring state and the idea he could ever be president here is idiotic. Wait until the 70's and 80's version of that yutz appears in the news. No one sucked Russian cock more than Bernie.
New Yorker's had elected him, and I suppose he was running against a Democrat.

^^^ when will you quit wasting hours of previous time spamming up this board when it can be devoted to your engagement in local politics, as you’ve said 24/7 in order to create your organization? The results are in, and SJG has proven to be a liar!
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
I’m looking forward to seeing the 6’3” Trump debating 5’4” Bloomberg. Trump has already lain the groundwork by saying Bloomberg wants a box to stand on. Great imagery.
Remember Clinton - G. H. W. Bush and H. Ross Perot in debates, and then the VP's too. Bring it on.

In times of crisis this often happens the splitting of one or both parties, leading to an unexpected win which moves the country forward.

Get ready for POTUS Bernie Sanders!


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Think of the muscle control they must have to make this work hands off:

TJ Street

Steve Winwood and Eric Clapton - Dear Mr. Fantasy (HQ)(Crossroads Guitar Festival 2010)

Little Wing

Blues in 'A'
My wild ass guess. Bernie wins the nomination. Gay / First husband plays less well deeper in the primaries. We're just not that woke yet. Sanders would be tempted to name Klobuchar VP, but there is no solidarity among women voters. So, he picks Andrew Gillum. Gillum had a very very close Florida gubernatorial loss to Trump's hand-picked candidate. That might swing Fl and definitely would swing the black vote. Results in another Bush / Gore toss up too close to call that night election.
I'm 100% positive who they nominate: the second place finisher.
So certain? Suggests there is a real problem with our electoral process!

^^^ SJG how can you claim to be building an organization and engaging 24/7 in local politics when you’re spamming this board for the last 6 hours? You for nothing better to do?
I think the DNC will prop up Biden.

A Bloomberg nomination would continue Trumps legacy of a super rich candidate buying their spot in the general election. Bye bye democracy
I think Biden is history. Looks to me like Biden will be the nominee. But lets hold till March 3rd before saying anything.

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ELP 1997

TJ Street
Trump is the only person that is technically winning the democrat primaries, thus far they all look like total boobs.

Bloomberg has a ton of money to throw at ad's and lets face it, there is a lot of stupid people out there that will decide who they are voting for based on SNL skits or commentary from the daily show. So the right ad could land a lot of votes. On the other hand if every time you want to watch a youtube video you have to watch 6 to 30 seconds of Bloomberg ad, it could just be training a bunch of pavlov's dogs. You hear Bloomberg's voice for a few seconds and all you can think is "skip"
Looks like it is to be Sanders, but we will know better after March 3rd.

It wasn't fucking stupid enough to nominate John Kerry; it wasn't fucking stupid enough to nominate Hillary Clinton; it is majestically stupid to nominate Bernie Sanders. Do democrats intentionallty lose/
In crisis times there will be more liberal candidates, and more likely they will win. Our country makes progress in these times. Trump alone is plenty enough evidence to know that we have a crisis.

Susan Collins in trouble in Maine.

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