Strip Club goals 2020!

avatar for Tiburon
Every woman's local ATM while in da club? How else they paying for their Boob jobs?

I'm not sure if this has been done already, but I cant find it so here I go

Now that feburary is here and everyone has fell off their gym plans, i know you guys wont fail hitting the strip club more than a treadmill, so what's your goals?

Mines is to go to a club, preferably on the weekend nights (Friday included) and dance with every every stripper at least for two dances or greater in one night. I know weekend nights are when nearly EVERY dancer is on duty.

One other goal is to spend $1K in one night EXCLUSIVELY at the strip club(s). This goal may not succeed because I am very super frugal. But here's trying.


last comment
avatar for Subraman
5 yrs ago

I haven't had a bona fide ATF in a couple of years... would like to find one this year. Hell, I'd settle for a CF that lasts more than 6 months...

avatar for wallanon
5 yrs ago

Goals? Maybe I'll come up with one, but not in the the Front Room.

avatar for prevert
5 yrs ago

Can’t really say I have strip club goals. I’m getting enough of what I want right now so maybe just maintain. Is that a goal?

avatar for DenimChicken
5 yrs ago

As long as you are comfortable with dropping $1k - it's fun. Just have fun, make a girl's night or a few girls quite frankly!

No real goals for me. Things are already a blast.

avatar for skibum609
5 yrs ago

I am not a goal setter. If I want to go, I do. I spend what I want which could be $10 or $500. This is like going out to dinner or a ballgame, just different.

avatar for san_jose_guy
5 yrs ago

^^^^ Do you see it that you would be representing yourself in a divorce case?


avatar for skibum609
5 yrs ago

I showed my wife your post and all ahse said is why do you enjoy banter with retards? Itwont even be 30 years as a couple for us until April; why would we get divorced.

avatar for san_jose_guy
5 yrs ago

Strip Clubs? Isn't that what you want, to fuck up your marriage like so many others here have.


avatar for san_jose_guy
5 yrs ago

^^^^^ You are the uncontested expert in that department too!


avatar for san_jose_guy
5 yrs ago

^^^ The vast majority of people could not afford to meet their NEEDS via strip clubs. Have to get what you want from civvies.

Good Luck to you!


avatar for SirLapdancealot
5 yrs ago

I hope to keep my ATF DS and CF who I've seen for over three years now. Also I hope to find another fave as hot and reliable as them. Lastly I wanna see nicespice. 🦄🥰

avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 yrs ago

Collaborate with RickDugan on the next version of The System - plan is to augment this famous work with my unique background in black-dive strip-clubbing as a cracker

avatar for SirLapdancealot
5 yrs ago

@Papi I hope your system doesn't require wearing a white birthday suit. 😂

avatar for shadowcat
5 yrs ago

Just try to make it through another year.

avatar for Cowboy12
5 yrs ago

OTC with one of my favs

avatar for Mate27
5 yrs ago

I want to go less often, but when I do go, find a favorite to spend more time and $$.

avatar for RTP
5 yrs ago

My only goal is to spend less this year than last year. I don't think I am making any progress so far.

avatar for Warrior15
5 yrs ago

My goal is to actually start going back into clubs again. Really got into the sugar baby scene in 2019. Had a lot of fun, but think it's time to take a break from it. You get a lot of the emotional drama with sugar babes much like girlfriends. Strippers don't get that emotional connection. Just fuck 'em and leave 'em.

Does that sound bad. ?

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
5 yrs ago

Opposite of Warrior15.

I still haven't cracked SA successfully. Though I have had some horrible first meets that almost went to the level of absurd comedy.

Strip clubs are a known quantity for me, and I revert to my rut too easily.

avatar for wallanon
5 yrs ago

I wouldn't do anything more than clubs for the foreseeable future. Too many variables with all the other options. Clubs are there for a reason, and they work for what I'm looking for.

avatar for twentyfive
5 yrs ago

I don’t set goals for my pleasure pursuits I don’t get it, don’t any of you guys just go with the flow.

avatar for wallanon
5 yrs ago

"don’t any of you guys just go with the flow."

Last time I did that I was left wondering how many hours I should wait before eating finger food again.

avatar for skibum609
5 yrs ago

Every day the depths of your infantile stupidity amaze me SJG. I have been strip clubbing for 45 years. 15 Before meeting my wife and 30 afterwards. Somehow you construe the fact that she has known about it for 30 years as evidence that I am fucking up my marriage? No wonder your wife kicked your pathetic impotent little dick to the curb.

avatar for gSteph
5 yrs ago

Goals 2020 Have fun Don't spend more than budget Hope wife stays okay with my modest hobby-ing 1st two - I got. 3rd thing I presume

avatar for Prim0
5 yrs ago

I haven't been clubbing in years now. The central Ohio clubs all basically went to shit by pricing themselves out of the fun night out range and into the there goes a car payment range.

The high cost and having a kid has really killed any time and the budget for fucking around paying $35 for a 3 minute lap dance with little to no chance of extras.

If I have a goal, it's to win the lottery so I can afford to go out and get some lappers without feeling like I'm getting financially screwed by the prices.

avatar for RandomMember
5 yrs ago

I've had the same gorgeous, (now) 22-yr-old, blonde, SB for almost 1.5yrs now. This is the Instagram model I've been posting about. She was over last night and I'm having some of the best sex of my life. This is my longest arrangement and, ironically, she stood me up at the first meet&greet. I haven't had any hint of drama from her and we're good friends.

The Denver strip clubs are ordinary, the sugaring scene here is vibrant, but I'm planning to spend time at the downtown clubs this year. Keeping an open mind, but I doubt the clubs can compete with the sugaring scene for what I'm looking for.

avatar for twentyfive
5 yrs ago


I've had the same gorgeous, (now) 22-yr-old, blonde, SB for almost 1.5yrs now. <

That makes less than no sense at all

avatar for RandomMember
5 yrs ago

I've had the same SB for 1.5 years. She now 22.

avatar for RandomMember
5 yrs ago


avatar for skibum609
5 yrs ago

Iuck at math but it seems like he met her when she was twenty years and six months old. To expand on how awful Denver clubns are I just spent 3 days and nights at the Casinos is blackhawk which are within 30 miles of every club in the city and made zero effort to even go for a beer. Reruns of friends won out over that.

avatar for twentyfive
5 yrs ago

Sorry Random on my phone the decimal point didn’t show it looked like 15 years lol

avatar for skibum609
5 yrs ago

Thats why is used pictures, oops words lol. Thought so.

avatar for skibum609
5 yrs ago

Hey 25 looks like the last week in April.

avatar for twentyfive
5 yrs ago

^!Cool bro let’s when you know your dates lmk I’ll make sure we can get together maybe Papi will join us

avatar for skibum609
5 yrs ago

That would be exceptional i will give at least 6 weeks notice once i coordinate with family

avatar for Tetradon
5 yrs ago

Good grief. Strip clubbing goals, are you kidding me?

My goal is to get out of this horrible dating I live in, date to my heart's content, and keep strip clubbing to when I want to see something new.

avatar for Ch3ll
5 yrs ago

I'm somewhat with what Tetradon said, but I do have some strip club goals for 2020 while I'm still regularly clubbing.

1 - per visit mostly floor dances and if VIP only spend $100 - $125

2 - meet a chick that's into the strip club scene

avatar for Dain
5 yrs ago


avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 yrs ago

^ bro - change your fucking avatar - it's 99% dudes on this site - what's w/ you wanting to show your junk on a site will almost all dudes

avatar for Nidan111
5 yrs ago

I’ll have you know that I have kept my gym goals 100 percent thus far. My goals for the gym are to not set foot in one. So far, on target! As far strip clubs. My goal is to find the most perfect set of long, succulent nipples attached to a firm round AA BOOTY and get myself serviced well!

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