How was 2019? In your SC’ing world?

avatar for gSteph
The view from the other side of the room

Was it a good year? Do you feel you got your moneys worth? Any major lessons learned?

For me, this was the third year playing this game. My spreadsheet (diary) reveals 6 strip club visits, 18 sessions in the lap dance room, 25 dances, 14 new dancers. I like variety (and my club has plenty of good lookers), but the 4 repeat sessions with favorites were the best for mileage/fun. Add in the stage/pole watching, a couple dozen dollar dances, and a couple of conversations with wife that she’s ok with this modest level of ‘hobbying’ and I had a pretty good year. How was yours? Outlook for 2020?


last comment
avatar for Subraman
5 yrs ago

2019 was a pivot year for me. The past few years the local SC scene has been getting worse and worse, and I've been spending a bit more time and $ on arrangements than on SCs and strippers. This year, the slow degradation of the local clubs fell off the cliff, with the disastrous effects of the employee law sucking a lot of the remaining joy out of the clubs for me (and for the strippers who remain). As a result, looking back on it, I realize I've switched solidly over, from 50/50 SC/sugar, to SCing only as a fun male bonding thing with my buddies, very few solo SC trips, and OTC pretty much replaced by (non-stripper) SBs. This isn't by choice, if I could go back to even 2015, I'd go right back to 70/30 SC/sugar. But unless I run into just the right stripper during one of those trips with my buddies, it'll probably remain 20/80 SC/sugar split.

avatar for PaulDrake
5 yrs ago

102 orgasms (mostly LDKs) including 20 OTCs from 12 different girls. About half of those were with 2 different SBs.

avatar for FishHawk
5 yrs ago

I don’t have much in the way of numbers, maybe 12 or so SC visits. No LDK’s or OTC’s to talk about. But I did have Waffle in my lap and that makes it a pretty good year.

avatar for Warrior15
5 yrs ago

2019 was the year that I got introduced to . Oh my, oh my. I've had a ball. I lost count of how many lovely ladies that I have deflowered during the year. I have basically found more girls willing than I have time for. Thus I have spent a lot less time in strip clubs.

avatar for Muddy
5 yrs ago

I had a great year honestly. I went a little OD on the mongering but it was a blast. I had a bunch of vacation days in the army that I was going to lose, I used them, they didn’t even take any from me and ended up selling them back so it all ended being like an all expense paid vacation. I understand that this will likely never happen again. Most of my reviews are from this year, I hit the southwest hard because I knew deep down I may never be back. I hope not, I fell in love with California, such a beautiful place to me but there’s a lot more to see out there I know I’m not gonna be able to hit it all. My kind of thing was I wanted to see what was out there, what the girls were like, how the clubs are and just exploring cities and neighborhoods I’ve never been too, it was cool to see. Probably the thing that’s stands out the most was the missed opportunities and not pulling the trigger on something I loved thinking there would be even better opportunities around the corner. Oh my god if you put me back in those situations I would kill to dump money on a few girls. I would say I’ve been in enough situations now to know a slam dunk when I see it, I think I’m a lot better at jumping on it, and knowing when to maybe keep looking. That being said there were a ton of great moments too and for me I can probably say the last 2 years ‘18 and ‘19 were the best two years for me on planet earth.

avatar for skibum609
5 yrs ago

I enjoyed the variety I was able to partake in having an entire year with my former ATF not speaking to me. In fact I enjoyed last year so much that it has enabled me to leave on a high note.

avatar for Muddy
5 yrs ago

I’ll change my mind a little bit. ‘18 I had two gorgeous CF’s angling for my attention and/or wallet I was kind of missing that this year. I saw them both on the same night in April and I thought it was the renewel of something, but it turned out to be the end of it.

avatar for EndlessSummer
5 yrs ago

I found TUSCL!!!!!! And therefore, the treasure grove of good company... and possibly,future business! Thanks to all for being a part of it! ❤ 🔆

avatar for rickdugan
5 yrs ago

Up and down. some highlights...

I converted a few girls to OTC who I had never thought would agree to it, but also lost some good providers.

I had as much OTC action as I could handle from the local clubs, but increased LE activity made girls skittish and new conversions tougher for a period of time, so I had to hit certain wells more often than I would have liked.

I ran into a former favorite in a club in another city, which was a pleasant surprise and resulted in decent OTC, but not as good as it was before she moved.

I had some great travel adventures, including a wonderful OTC adventure in Q4 with a hot as hell young lady in the Midwest with an adorable regional twang, but also some more mediocre road stops.

I had some great runs where I was able to get to a number of clubs, but also periods where family and work obligations kept me more grounded than I would have preferred.

My spending efficiency seems to improve a bit each year and 2019 was no exception, but I had a few moments during the year where I chased things that weren't there just a little more than normal.

Like I said, ups and downs.

avatar for DenimChicken
5 yrs ago

Overall great as far as SC fun. I'm crunching some numbers and I think I made around ~30 SC trips this year.

Extras aren't something I like to give too much info on here but things were good.

More important than all that I've met some great women that I consider personal friends from the clubs - whether we fuck or not.

Life is good.

avatar for mjx01
5 yrs ago

Overall, I got to club more than my recent average. However it was predominantly out of town clubbing. So, zero success at developing a 'local' connection.

avatar for captainfun
5 yrs ago

2019 was a great year for clubbing. Had a ton of fun - mostly in the US but also memorable experiences in London, Tijuana, and FKK Sharks in Germany this past Saturday. Just posted my review of FKK Sharks today. It was unreal.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 yrs ago

2019 was kinda the year where I accepted it wasn't the clubs, it was me.

Looking back - maybe around mid-2017 I started complaining more about the clubs I was hitting and in my mind it was either that I hit the club on a bad-day, or I just wasn't feeling it for that day for w/e reason - those meh episodes/visits seemed more and more common post mid-2017 or so - I still hit the clubs somewhat-regularly but w/ a bit of a decline in frequency as compared to my peak (not having an S.O. nor kids and not as a demanding job as in earlier years, meant I could hit a SC almost whenever I wanted in the last few years) - the feeling I used to have where I couldn't wait for my next club visit started waning w/ time post mid-2017 or so and most of my visits were kinda out-of-habit and going b/c I could and b/c in all the past years I had always quite enjoyed it.

By the start of 2019 I had to come to the realization that it really wasn't burn-out b/c I started to SC less and instead of missing it as in years past when I would sometimes cut down SCing for a bit, I really didn't have a big-desire to go back to SCing when I would take a break or SC less recently - in years past I would have to convince myself to not go to a SC (as to not over-visit/overspend), in the last year+ I kinda had to convince myself to go thinking something along the lines of "maybe this time will be different" - but if just felt more of the same and the proverbial "been there done that" feeling and I didn't feel that excitement/anticipation I used to have.

When I became a regular SCer, and more-so after joining TUSCL and having my PL-eyes opened to all the possibilities; I felt I would enjoy SCing for the rest of my life and it was only a matter if I could afford it indefinitely (I was visiting and spending at a healthy clip in part b/c I didn't have any other serious obligations holding-me-back/blocking-me from going) - I had never married nor did I have a desire to (I think marriage is a good-thing just didn't feel it was right for me nor did it appeal to me for w/e reason(s)) - I had been in relationships in my 20s and 30s but mainly so I could have consistent access to women (their bodies), not b/c I craved a relationship (at least not as I got older) - thus I didn't have a desire for civvie relationships but still wanted access to women thus for me SCs were a very good fit (access to infinite # of women per se w/ NSA - worked for me and kinda fit-like-a-glove and why I thought I'd be an SCer for many years to come).

But something happened on the way to heaven - didn't see it coming and didn't think it would happen to me - but strip-clubs and being an SCer lost its luster to where it actually kinda turns me off now - I don't SC much these days, lately have only been in SCs to watch a game every-now-and-then b/c there are two SCs in SoFlo where it's comfortable to watch a game since they have separate sports lounges where they play the game sound and there is plenty of seating and very large projection screens - I've found this setup more comfortable than a couple of the straight sportsbars I've been to in part b/c the two SC sports lounges usually have plenty of available seating and usually uncrowded where I can just sit back and enjoy the game - in these instances I've been to the SC to watch the game, I may go to the main-floor a time or two (halftime, etc), and instead of being tempted I'm kinda turned-off by the scene/hustle - and yeah I find some of the girls appealing looks-wise but I really don't have a desire to engage them in that environment/setting.

IDK how this came about - I even had my testosterone checked for the first time about 9-months ago - can't remember the actual # but from what I can recall it was in the middle of the range (not at the very high-end, but not at the low-end, and certainly not at a level for concern b/c the doc barely mentioned it only to say it was fine) - I still get turned-on when I watch porn, so I assume it's not necessarily my libido although I am not as hard-up as I used to be in the past in b/w SC visits (I turn 50 soon).

So for me 2019 was a year when I accepted that perhaps the strip club season of my life may be behind me b/c I really don't have an urge to go and I kinda have to convince myself that "it may just be in my head" and if I go then "I'll get out of my funk" and start enjoying it like I used to - but the few-times I've gone back have been meh to "what am I doing here and have left" - I've thought maybe it's time to "go straight" and find a GF but that feels more of a "grass is greener on the other side" thing b/c I really don't crave the demands of a relationship b/c:

  1. I just can't be w/ just one chick and not get bored sooner than later (since I don't really crave a relationship)

  2. I do enjoy my freedom of going and doing as I please w/o having to temper that b/c I have to tend to the needs (time, etc) of someone else

It's not as dire as I am writing on here - it's just that it kinda surprised me how the "SC bottom kinda fell out for me" when it used to be something I enjoyed so much and looked so much forward to - so I'm more perplexed than down about it.

With the good amount of mula I'm saving from not SCing, I was gonna start doing some traveling and experiencing areas of interest which I've done very little off - I was gonna do this starting Spring of 2019 but decided to instead take some final out-of-area SC trips to clubs that had been on my PL-bucketlist and never been to b/f, or out-of-area clubs I had not been to in a while and had been meaning to return but hadn't (since I don't get to travel for work/business at all) - so I did about 4 short (over a weekend or so) different trips b/w spring and summer and had two more planned but I put those other two on ice for now since the 4 I took 3 were just ok (not all I thought it would be) although one was pretty-good - so now I'm looking to Spring 2020 to start doing some of that non-SC traveling - I've also been able to save/invest a good chunk of change that I wasn't able to do b/f and this gives me even less incentive to waste my $$$ in a SC when I'm not really feeling it.

So my 2019 SCing was one of "wow so what am I gonna do for fun now" LOL - the P4P game which I used to really enjoy b/c of the no NSA aspect now does not appeal to me so even Sugaring or hitting FKKs/TJ does not have a huge appeal to me currently other than curiosity and being able to see-it-with-my-own-eyes - perhaps I just overdid it w.r.t. SCing for the last few years, IDK.

(Sorry for the long-rambling - didn't have a good night sleep last night and it was harder to get my thoughts together more succinctly).

avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 yrs ago


You should tell us about your non-FKK experience in Europe (just add it to your London thread you did a while back)

avatar for GoVikings
5 yrs ago

i think captain fun has my favorite TUSCL avatar

my year was just OK. i didn't get to travel much at all this year--so i was stuck with my home clubs for the vast majority of the time. my home clubs are OK at best, but at least i've got a good fav dancer around here.

2020 will likely be better for me.

avatar for captainfun
5 yrs ago

Not sure if this will work Papi but here's an attempt at linking my review of FKK. Was there two days ago. Disney for tusclers:

Viking, thanks on the avatar. She was my GF from 1/17 - 12/18. She was generous with pics and vids while dating. I have 1,000+!! This one is hot but appropriately discrete.

avatar for captainfun
5 yrs ago

Two things: the link worked. Cool.

Also, I should have spelled that discreet (private), not discrete (meaning separate or distinct). 😄

avatar for rickdugan
5 yrs ago

===> "It's not as dire as I am writing on here - it's just that it kinda surprised me how the "SC bottom kinda fell out for me" when it used to be something I enjoyed so much and looked so much forward to - so I'm more perplexed than down about it."

Papi, I didn't read any of that as dire or any other negative adjective. To state the stupidly obvious, strip clubs are just one form of entertainment and one can tire of it like anything else, especially when you can do it easily and as often as you like. I'm around your age, but with all the family and business demands on my time and cash, clubs/strippers are still that one big treat I have on the side. But if I was in your shoes, I might be tired of them by now too.

Good luck in finding something else to enjoy. And who knows? Maybe enough time away will eventually rekindle your interest in the occasional club visit.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 yrs ago


Thanks - I had already read (and enjoyed) your FKK review - def a must-do for any career monger/SCer.

I was just wondering if you had scored any action in London or anywhere else outside your FKK visit and if so, how it went. (just a mild curiosity - no need to write anything up if you're not up to it or there wasn't enough other action to talk about)

avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 yrs ago

Thank you for the kind words @Dugan

You must be in the giving-mood this time of year 😃

avatar for gawker
5 yrs ago

In the last 18 months my ATF has been out of state living with her fiancé and I missed the regular OTC with a woman who after more than a decade still rocks my boat like no other. She and I started OTC on a regular basis in 2008. In 2015 she went away for 3 months and I met a new 22 year old dancer who enthralled me with her looks, her dancing, and her pure sexiness. I eventually got to see the inside of her apartment and enjoy her favors. About the same time as my ATF returned my CF took off. We talked, she was pregnant by her BF. She was a good 2 hours away, but I did go to see her and her baby once but then she had another right away and I almost forgot about her. Well, several months ago I received a text with a self made video of her nude in a bathtub set to music. She asked if I had any interest in bad girls. She has danced in 4 clubs in the last six months and finally admitted to herself that she’s no longer into getting naked in front of strangers. I’ve seen her 4 times and while we’ve danced the horizontal mambo she hasn’t mentioned money and I’m not kidding myself - I’m 47 years older than she. One time we went to the legal marijuana dispensary and she discovered gummies and I’ve been keeping her supplied. I wasn’t 100% comfortable because I didn’t know if I was starting the long hustle or what. She ain’t porking me cuz I’m mature. So I wrote her a letter. Her reply was wonderful Let’s pick up where we left off years ago. I know that sometimes you can have trouble, but there’s a lot of bases to touch before you hit a home run. You do me some favors and I’ll do some for you. So. I’m back in the saddle and loving it. 2019 turned out to have a happy ending.

avatar for MackTruck
5 yrs ago

I pissed off some dancers

avatar for Nidan111
5 yrs ago

This is a repost of my previous post.

Started contemplating on my successes on acquiring extras Over the last 12 months. I think i did ok. Fuck, I think I might have a problem. I absolutely love having sexual relations with strange women! The below are all independent new encounters. Each “new girl” is just that... a completely new girl.

Inside the Strip Club Full Service. 7 new girls. 4 AA, 3 Caucasian.

Inside the Strip Club Extras (BJ, HJ). 5 new girls. These do not include the above girls. 2 AA, 3 Caucasian.

Inside the strip club DATY. 2 new girls. One AA, one Caucasian

Inside the strip club Titty Fuck. 2 new girls. One AA. One Caucasian.

AMP FULL SERVICE. 10 new girls. All Koreans.

AMP BJ. 5 new girls.

AMP DATY. 5 new girls.

AMP HJ only to Happy Ending 20 plus (fucking lost count).

Holy shit! 56 plus NEW ENCOUNTERS in 12 months. All of them were hot as fuck! I may have a sex addiction. I don’t do drugs. I don’t smoke weed. I don’t smoke cigarettes. I drink very little. I’m guessing that sex just might be my addiction. Sex with beautiful brand new hotties each outing.

avatar for BocaOnt2019
5 yrs ago

If I had to rate my SC year compared to other years I'd rate 2019 a 10. However it seems like some of you have had 11s, 12s & 15s! ;-)

avatar for trapdoor
5 yrs ago

My ATF got pregnant and retired from stripping. Doubtful she will make a return after the child is born. 2019 was full of incredible memories and experiences, but like the old saying goes, all good things must come to an end...cheers to 2020!

avatar for JuiceBox69
5 yrs ago

Like others I've clubbed less but i worked more and saved slash invested more as well

Dont get the itch as bad as i used to to club.

Got 2 GFs that have been fucking me so im sure thats part of the reasons

Some times I'll baby one of my sugar babies

Abkut it

avatar for Clubber
5 yrs ago


avatar for DandyDan
5 yrs ago

Probably the year I visited strip clubs the least. I don't think I made more than 1 visit a month, on average. And none of them were for extras. I have no real idea whether 2020 will be different. It may actually be worse because the one somewhat local club I visit may be closing. OTOH, that's been rumored ever since I began going there after I moved 3 years ago and it hasn't happened yet. Then again, when I speak with the lady owner, she complains about the money drain it is. Her husband seems to disagree, though.

avatar for captainfun
5 yrs ago know what, I guess I misread your message on the first pass. In London I did also get a massage from an Asian woman but it was not worthy of a story.

As for Germany, that was it really it. In and out Germany in 27 hours with a trip scheduled around FKK. Based on other commitments that was all the time I could swing. I did have a fun time romping thru northern NJ a few weeks ago. Will need to post a couple of those reviews soon.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 yrs ago

^ 👍

avatar for HungryGiraffe
5 yrs ago

gSteph - Big thumbs up to you for this fun thread!

Papi C - Cool, straight from the heart comments. Your transparency and authenticity continue to be a breathe of fresh air on this board!

This past year was one of the most satisfying in my brief 7 years in the SC hobby. Like many players on the board, I’ve evolved from ITC to OTC to SB fun. In 2019, I enjoyed my second steady SB relationship, as well as OTC meet ups with several dancers. I only sporadically visited clubs, primarily in search of OTC and SB prospects.

My most memorable experience was a trip visiting São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro Brazil where I discovered “termas”, which are brothels similar to FKKs. Enjoyed the company of several gorgeous Latinas at four clubs. The trip reinforced my interest in trying the FKK scene and sex tourism in general.

Collection of sexy/nude pics and videos from my “friends” was a lot of fun for me in 2019. I still remember the first time a dancer shared topless eye candy with me. I was amazed, and that may have been one of my early hooks to this hobby. Now, I get full body nude and masturbation videos on a daily/weekly basis.

Happy clubbing TUSCLers in 2020!

avatar for SirLapdancealot
5 yrs ago

It was a good year for me. The highlight was getting to meet and get dances with OG nicespice (aka blahblahblah23). I binged on her when she was in town and it was good times. Also my ATF DS and backup CF were always great to me as usual, and I had numerous visits with both. Furthermore I discovered a few other clubs where I can go and had great dances with random strippers, and so I am confident that I will always have clubs to visit and develop new faves. Lastly I only had one bad dance experience with a random. This is a great failure rate considering how many visits I make.

avatar for BocaOnt2019
5 yrs ago

All in pursuit of the SC Holy Grail I presume. ;-)

avatar for Prim0
5 yrs ago

Mine was pathetic. 0 clubs, 0 dances and the only orgasms I had were from the wife (few) and self service (a few more). On top of that, my favorite club in central Ohio closed down and is currently being turned into apartments or offices or some shit like that. RIP Kahoots Columbus.

avatar for nicespice
5 yrs ago

In 2019 nicespice and blahblahblah23 do America!

avatar for gSteph
5 yrs ago

Well, I hope niceblah23spice had a good 2019, and you keep doing America (including OR) in 2020

Happy New Year to you and all the dancers.

avatar for FishHawk
5 yrs ago


As in “Debbie does Dallas”?

avatar for georgmicrodong
5 yrs ago

Started out good, then for reasons totally unrelated to clubbing or the clubs themselves, tanked hard. A once in a while thing now, and when I do go, I just drink and talk to some of the girls I know. I think I’ve gotten one VIP since starting back up, and we just sat there and talked.

avatar for TFP
5 yrs ago

+1 HungryGiraffe. This thread was a great idea, and thanks to everyone for sharing their honest experiences. Reading @Papi Chulo, @Rick Dugan, and @Muddy's experiences were eye opening.

My 2019 visits to the clubs weren't as plentiful as 2018 but I think I learned a lot more in this year's visits. The highlight of 2019 for me was my TJ trip. It already has me anticipating my 2020 trip.

As for local SCing, my area seems to be getting worse, unfortunately. I just learned that this new year that dreaded California law forcing strip clubs to classify dancers as employees will be enforced for every club. Which means I won't even be able to escape to Rancho Cordova to enjoy dancers who aren't affected by that shitty law. Which means I'll probably visit clubs even less in 2020.

Still, I'll keep reading TUSCL and keeping up with you guys. For the last 2 and a half years I've been more interested in keeping up with the regulars on here than I have for any celebrities and other famous fuckers on Instagram. You guys are hilarious, interesting as fuck, and I love to read all the stuff you post everyday. Except SJG.

avatar for EastCoaster
5 yrs ago

2019 was good for me. Posted 37 reviews for clubs I visited in 8 states, increased my OTC adventures considerably (for me, anyway), and found a reliable and cheap place for FS in a new club in my state -- a state which really has no good clubs (decent extras, let alone FS, are rare, and only one nude club).

Just today I finished a six-day west coast strip club jag -- two days in the City of Industry and four (ending tonight) in Tijuana. Actually, it was my second multi-day trip to Tijuana this year. Not bad for a guy who lives on the east coast. Happy New Year, everybody!!

avatar for Tetradon
5 yrs ago

I SC in waves. I'll go 10 times in a month, then nothing for the better part of a year. I've got the money and freedom but desire varies.

Variety is much of the appeal, so once I stop seeing new ladies at the usual haunts, interest starts to wane. I might hit one up on a business trip, but I won't drive hours and hours just to go to a new one. I neither need nor want an ATF, CF, or sugar baby, and won't drop money just to "spend time with" or "cultivate" a dancer for an expanded menu.

I want to increase my ratio of reviews to visits though. I love to write.

avatar for Cashman1234
5 yrs ago

In my unscientific estimation - 2019 was good but far from great. I am fine with good, as I’ve had miserable years.

I made sporadic visits to a variety of clubs. I’ve discovered some good spots, and have weeded out some bad ones.

The bad in 2019 is seeing my favorite club change over to mostly Russian dancers. These girls are nice to look at, but they don’t give it up and are not extras girls.

The good has been finding dancers who are becoming goto girls for ITC and OTC.

So, as 2019 ends, it is a bit of out with the old, and in with the new.... have a happy new year everyone.

avatar for gSteph
5 yrs ago

Last minute addition for 2019. Boss said go home early yesterday, hell yeah, so to club I go. Three dances with two lasses, first a fine lap with a blonde, then 2 with a tall, slim, athletic (excellent pole work, crunches from trapeze bar) brunet.

A minute in I'm kissing cleavage and gently rolling a nipple when I hear a newbie dancer (shared lap dance room) say to her PL "1st, let's discuss boundaries, no touching panties and no playing with my nipples". I laugh and say to my brunet "that's funny, on this couch we like our nipples played with". "oh yeah?" she says, "thanks for sharing" and slides fingers down my shirt and starts playing my favorite game - 4 erect nipples being lightly touched, twisted, pulled, caressed and kissed. Then she shifts position and lowers the softest part of her vulva onto my tentpole and starts slow rocking. Fuck, yeah, way to end the old year. I'm not a LDK'er, but this game shows me I could be if I chose. Thanks, 2019 Bring it on, 2020.

avatar for Icey
5 yrs ago

A rollercoaster

avatar for Salty.Nutz
5 yrs ago

2019 i realized i was actively seeking out strippers not as hot and about the same age of my wife. DUMB ASS

avatar for WavvyCain
5 yrs ago

Tbh I went a lot this year I’ve been going for a while but never like I did this year. I learned a lot and also learned to stay the fuck away from vip rooms 😂

avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 yrs ago

"... I learned a lot and also learned to stay the fuck away from vip rooms ..."

A lot of vets actually graduate to mostly VIP/extras action since w/ time they don't see the value in dances (kinda a financial-death by a 1000-cuts, especially in clubs w/ expensive dances) - key is to know how to negotiate a fair VIP deal else it's not sustainable for most

avatar for Cowboy12
5 yrs ago

It was a bit of a down year in the clubs for me. Met a few new girls, only went to 1 new club. Had some great times with my SB though.

avatar for WavvyCain
5 yrs ago

^ yea I been doing clubs for a while but this year decided to try the vip thing and it’s not worth it imo. Money not an issue which is why I’ve been trying them this year but I rather just get a number and tell them to meet me later. I rather just chill and get a dance on the floor without all that talking she’s doing.

avatar for latinalover69
5 yrs ago

Awesome year! 3 OTC sugar baby visits and constantly making new connections. I've got the right formula that works for me.

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