Healthy hobby versus addiction?

avatar for Electronman
Too much of a good thing is never enough

How would you classify your interest in strip clubs (and sexual entertainment in general)? Healthy hobby or addiction? Why?

In recent years, we seem to be labeling any and every pleasurable activity as an addiction, it might help to suggest a some terminology clarification.

Hobbies are activities from which they derive pleasure, such as playing video games, fantasy football, building model planes, playing cards, etc. These activities would be classified as hobbies as long as they produced pleasure (note that compulsive behavior often does not produce pleasure) and the hobbies did not get "out of control."

Addictions also involve pleasurable substances and activities but efforts to obtain the addictive item (e.g., drugs, sex, video games) become so powerful that these behaviors displace other important behaviors (e.g., making a living, maintaining a family) and produce damage to the addict (e.g., social and/or health damage).


last comment
avatar for wallanon
5 yrs ago

Unhealthy hobby.

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
5 yrs ago

Expensive hobby.

avatar for Muddy
5 yrs ago

Healthy Addiction

avatar for shadowcat
5 yrs ago

I prefer to think of it as a life style that keeps me feeling a lot younger than I am. Raising tropical fish is my real hobby.

avatar for Warrior15
5 yrs ago

CMI has it right. This hobby is expensive. I don't like to think about the money I have spent over the years. To be honest, this fact has probably motivated me to succeed the way I have.

avatar for Conundrum
5 yrs ago

Entertainment addiction!

avatar for Musterd21
5 yrs ago

Hobby although I can easily get hooked on a girl!

avatar for K
5 yrs ago

This hobby does not get in the way of any other aspect of my life. If anything, work does. I hobby more than most. One or two trips to a strip club a week and frequent OTC sessions. The time I spend on this hobby in a busy week is less than most people spend in front of the TV.

avatar for datinman
5 yrs ago

I am addicted to pussy. After about ten days, I begin to experience significant withdrawal symptoms. Strip clubs are a marginally expensive hobby, but a convenient way to feed my true addiction. Honestly, compared to my marriages or even civilian dating, strip clubs are a bargain.

avatar for loper
5 yrs ago

Addiction. Period.

avatar for jackslash
5 yrs ago

I don't consider my strip club activities an addiction, but I don't think it's a hobby either. A hobby would be building miniature strip clubs in my basement and peopling them with little strippers and PLs.

avatar for minnow
5 yrs ago

Put me down in the hobby column. Although I average 1 to 2 visits/wk. throughout the year (I've gone some weeks without any club visits), I don't feel I've crossed the line to addiction.

When I plan vacations, I place other activities and good weather on equal or greater footing than club monger factor of location. You won't see me planning a January trip to Detroit just to sample the clubs there. Although I visit clubs often, I can drive right by them without an itch to stop in if I have some other things going on. I haven't scratched the itch on several occasions to stop by clubs near interstate exits on a long drive that would cause me to arrive well past reasonable dinner hour at destination.

On the flip side, I've stayed at club later than intended several times to the detriment of next morning activities. I'm retired, but still have other fish to fry. For a good part, I manage not to let clubbing activities be too much of the main driver.

avatar for lotsoffun201
5 yrs ago

Expensive addiction

avatar for Jigman
5 yrs ago

Before I met my ATF - hobby After I met my ATF - expensive addiction

avatar for georgmicrodong
5 yrs ago

Potentially addictive hobby.

avatar for DenimChicken
5 yrs ago

Unhealthy Hobby. I can't club sober so I usually just party hard while having fun. I also sometimes wonder what better the money could go towards - but in reality it isn't a big deal.

avatar for gSteph
5 yrs ago

Clubbing, a very interesting (and occasional) hobby.

Thinking about clubbing, one of my current additions.

avatar for gSteph
5 yrs ago

additions, addictions, whatever, a mind filler.

avatar for Nidan111
5 yrs ago

Both! It’s definitely a hobby that I am fucking addicted to! My other “hobbies” are definitely fun (performing magic, firearms, martial arts, writing books, watching porn, etc.), but I am not addicted to them. SCs put my DICK in the term adDICKtion!

avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 yrs ago

Most guys naturally want sex and/or being w/ a hot-chick - most guys do not get to have sex, or be with whatever, hot-chick, they want - there are many guys going around that in one way or another settle for what they get/have; and there are those that for whom strip-clubs fill that need of being w/ a hot-chick with very-little effort (and even be with dozens and dozens of hot-chicks) - it is just filling a natural-need by finding a way to fill that natural need; thus not an addiction IMO - it's like people that can't cook very-well and eat out at restaurants all the time; it's not b/c they are "addicted" to restaurants, they are just fulfilling their need for food vs hunting for their food or cooking it themselves.

Strip clubs are not for everyone but most things are not for everyone - some people really enjoy 'X', some people really enjoy strip clubs.

avatar for Nidan111
5 yrs ago

@papi. I like your style!

avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 yrs ago


avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 yrs ago

Being horny, and being lonely, or being both, hornly, are natural conditions that require a remedy - as with many other things in life, often times there isn't a cure and there may just be a remedy - strip clubs are often an effective remedy for the hornly condition

avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 yrs ago

"... strip clubs are not a good remedy for loneliness ..."

Most remedies/"medicines" have side-effects thus they are not perfect - in-lieu of an S.O. one is happy/fully-fulfilled with, being hard-up and lonely 24/7 IMPLO is worse than getting some type of "remedy" via strip-clubs

avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 yrs ago

^ life isn't perfect kid - in-lieu of a perfect-solution one grabs the next best thing- kinda like having a headache - I'd prefer not to have one and prefer not to have to take an aspirin for it - but if I do have one, then I'm glad I have an aspiring to take to remedy the headache - moral of the story, strip-clubbing is like a Tylenol for your dick

avatar for twentyfive
5 yrs ago

@Heaving I think you are confusing loneliness, with lack of companionship. I think you should find things that you enjoy and do them, and once you figure that part out you will stop being such a lonely guy, my opinion is having companionship is not the cure for loneliness, it is something that you have within yourself that is your source of both, happiness and unhappiness.

avatar for DenimChicken
5 yrs ago

Strip clubs will not replace a 'normal' relationship. If that is a goal then it is set up for failure IMPLO (I like that as well).

However they can fit some of the needs/gaps if you are single - and I don't mean (just) extras.

avatar for JAprufrock
5 yrs ago

Definitely not hobby. Hobby suggests something you can do without or easily replace with another pastime. Mongering is an absolute necessity for me. I have no desire to date or seek a relationship and deal with the noise, drama and crap that comes with it. Been there, burned badly and not going through that hell again. I’m perfectly content to pay for pussy and am fortunate to have the means to do so for the rest of my life. Still, I budget wisely. So I guess I’m in the addiction class, but it’s a healthy addiction.

avatar for Jascoi
5 yrs ago

A most delightful addiction that surpasses hobbies.

avatar for Uprightcitizen
5 yrs ago

Can I call it a sport? Like hunting?

avatar for Cashman1234
5 yrs ago

It was an unhealthy addiction, and it has now become a hobby.

I was married, had a great wife, and a good life. I wasted that because I was addicted to the short term buzz of strippers and lots of booze. I was an addiction - it was destructive and unhealthy.

Now, I’m divorced, and my life is ok. I’ve found that by using moderation and restraint, I can club and not be a fool.

So, it was a costly and unhealthy addiction. It’s a hobby now. But, if I start drinking hard again, I’m pretty sure it will become an addiction.

avatar for heelslvr
5 yrs ago

It oscilates from addiction to hobby... I love strippers, I have all my life, I almost married one back in 91.... I am happily married (23 years) to a hot wife, and great mom, but I still love strippers. I feel that I am not cheating on my wife if I just have "fun" at the club, and or have a casual OTC date, since it is a transaction, not a true date. The problem is when there are is other shit going on in your life, and you tend to make more visits or get attached to your CF, creating a scape from reality.

I am in that situation today, I met a girl, I been her regular for a some months (lost of visits), done some OTCs, and now I find myself wanting more and more. Like somebody said earlier, it makes you feel young again. The main issue is that I know I need to stop, and find the next stripper I want to fuck, but I struggle, because if feels good, and is giving me the "feeling" of romance. I love her texts, the pics, the attention, and like the what I am doing about it? I am quitting her, because I got what I wanted, is not going any further (or should not go), and is not healthy or good for me or my REAL situation, so I need to let her go...........

Hope this makes sense, is a dangerous game/hobby/addition, it is expensive, and you could put yourself in very bad situations (DUI, STI, and others), but is FUN, and feels good.......

Just be careful, and always keep a clear and realistic understanding of whatever situation you are in........

No judging what so ever......

avatar for nicespice
5 yrs ago

Spending several thousands on a random dancer is an unhealthy addiction.

Spending several thousands on my wife is a healthy hobby.


avatar for Subraman
5 yrs ago

I've been doing this for decades, and nearly all of the time, it's been a hobby. It arguably moved to addiction during the couple of years immediately following my separation from my now ex-wife. I was more fucked up about it than I realized at the time, and strippers were the bandaid on that wound. Given that I'm currently spending more time on SA than at SCs, it's definitely pleasurable hobby

avatar for Bavarian
5 yrs ago

It’s a hobby when I’m looking for a CF. After I find one, it becomes an addiction.

avatar for twentyfive
5 yrs ago

Sounds like a hobby in search of an addiction

avatar for DenimChicken
5 yrs ago

Spending several thousands on a random dancer is an unhealthy addiction.

Only if this harms the guy's finances! If you are able to do this and not hurt your are simply an "enthusiast".

At least that's what I tell myself!

avatar for EndlessSummer
5 yrs ago

C. Lucrative vocation

avatar for Prim0
5 yrs ago

It's not an addiction because I haven't been in a few years. Not completely by choice by by circumstance.

It's a hobby. I love looking at beautiful women....and if they are scantily clad or nude, even better. Add the possibility of contact and even more....and you have a great time!

avatar for Tiburon
5 yrs ago

Depends. Is love for women and all their features an unhealthy obsession of justthe natural function of man? I feel the latter? What male in the animal kingdom doesn't want to regularly be around a plethora of beautiful females of their species? It only spend $1K/mo on the strip club. I seen worse.

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