
The best thing about Donald Trump is:

The fact that progressives are in hysterics over him in the oval office to the point it dominates their useless lives. Just the best fucking thing ever....next to skiing.


  • CC99
    5 years ago
    That is absolutely the best part about Donald Trump. And on top of that, he keeps them busy on Twitter too.

    Let's have another four years of this in 2020.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    4 more weeks of Trump!

  • RandomMember
    5 years ago

    Adam Schiff has done a masterful job of leading the impeachment hearings and getting the facts out in a calm, orderly, way. He's a bright guy, Stanford/Harvard JD and an example of a superb lawyer. The opposing side is led by Nunez who has a two-year community college degree and a degree in agriculture. Talk about hysteria? Nunez sounds like a raving lunatic, ranting about the mainstream media controlled by liberals. Jim Jordon is another crackpot lawyer on the GOP side and his unintelligible, hysterical, delivery style reminds everyone of Boomhauer from King of the Hill:


    It should bother everyone that we're gradually losing our democracy and that we elected a grifter as president.
  • Assmanjoe
    5 years ago
    @ fun loving fella - thats not fair, man. I listened to the whole thing! All ten seconds of that boomhauer clip, sat through the whole thing.
  • skibum609
    5 years ago
    Adam Schiff is a Mccarthyite joke of a figure and the election of the Kenyan ended democracy.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    All I have to say is if the Trumpublicans have nothing to hide, why won’t they let Bolton and/or Pompeo testify stop claiming hearsay and allow a firsthand account to testify.
  • skibum609
    5 years ago
    Gee why would Americans exercise their rights. Gee thats a tough one; better ask SJG.
  • CC99
    5 years ago
    Bolton would have the Middle East, North Africa, and the Koreas up in flames if we listened to him.

    Trump already released the transcript of his call to Ukraine and it proved that Russia Collusion Hoax 2.0 is just as full of shit as 1.0. Maybe they can find another senile man though to credit a report to who didn't actually write it and then force him to testify and embarrass himself on live television though. Anything to get the orange man out of office.
  • skibum609
    5 years ago
    The Democrats have been crying impeachment since before the inaugeration. No different than the boy who cried wolf. Be nice to see Trump gone, but the Democrats don't have one decent option to replace him,.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    @ CC they haven’t released any transcripts just readouts, and much of what they are arguing over is omitted from the read outs, and as Ski says it would be great to get rid of trump just to get some peace and quiet back in the government I hate to think of Bernie or Elizabeth as potus but we need to get back to normal this is ridiculous and very non Republican this is just chaos
  • skibum609
    5 years ago
    This is whayt happens and will continue to happen in the on-line age. Politics is reflective of society and American society is doomed. If the choice is Trump or Progressives I will be forced to choose Trump and live large while America fails; with the alternative being living in the fucked up society progressives want while society fails. The Democrats are simply a foreign occupying power, encouraging other foreigners to come here. Not supported foreigners.
  • CC99
    5 years ago

    The chaos is a good thing.

    I largely don't trust the government to make things better. It seems more policies attempt to fix what isn't broken more often than not. There are certainly some social changes I'd like to see but I don't see that getting accomplished through political means. What I worry about is that our government tends to listen to people who have authoritarian ideas more often than not and a government that is at peace will be free of distractions that may take their attention away from banning or censoring things. Without the huge distraction that Trump provides for the Democrats to focus on, and with the party becoming increasingly extreme every year, what do you think their next move will be? I don't really know but I'd rather not find out.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    >The chaos is a good thing.<

    You really don’t know what you are talking about
  • skibum609
    5 years ago
    Chaos here is good for Russia; China and Iran only. Chaos here helps our mortal enemies.
  • CC99
    5 years ago
    And who keeps countries like North Korea, China, and Russia in line better than Trump? Meanwhile though, Trump also has the common sense to not listen to insane war hawks like John Bolton that could spell disaster for us.

    I do wish Trump treated our allies better but as far our enemies go he has done a pretty good job.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    ^ like I said you really don’t know what you are talking about I think you just like the sound of your own voice because I don’t hear you making a drop of sense.
    Better to keep quiet and be thought a fool
    Than to open your mouth and remove all doubt
  • CC99
    5 years ago
    Trump is the first president to address China's cheating and intellectual theft and come close to making a new, fairer deal. He actually hit Assad when he gassed his own people instead of letting him do whatever he wants, and he prevented us from getting into a war with Iran when the advisers around him were pushing for it. Are these not accomplishments?
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    ^ You really don’t want to discuss anything, you’re just putting talking points out there and the correct answers are way more nuanced than you are capable of understanding especially if you think that all of that gobbledegook you put out there is correct
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    ^?I must have something on my shoe
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    Gee sorry founder you could have sanforized the carpets beforehand but it looks like some dogs hit is on my shoe following me everywhere that shit really craps up your boards
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    ^ I do my best
  • founder
    5 years ago
    Attention:. Please stop picking on twentyfive unless you have proof that he's a pedophile

  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Do we want to have a country, or do we want to have Donald Trump. The two options are pretty much mutually exclusive.

  • skibum609
    5 years ago
    Rather have Trump than Progressives, so fuck California. Hows the power supply out there lol.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    If CA wants to secede, I'm all for it. But in the mean time, this country has a serious problem, shown by the fact that there actually were a lot of people who voted for Trump.

  • founder
    5 years ago
    I live in California. There is way too much government intervention here for my liking. Our governor and assembly rule the state. The citizens of the state have zero say or recourse in anything Sacramento does.

    There will be a revolution in California in the next 5-10 years akin to the Trump presidency.

    That is all.

  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    "Our governor and assembly rule the state."

    And I guess they must be doing a pretty good job, or Californians wouldn't keep voting for them.

    California has had conservative revolutions of a sort via initiatives. Californians voted to let property values rise free of property taxes. The results of this have been disastrous.

    Californian's voted for Three Strikes, in large measure responding to the politicization of the Polly Klaas case. The US already has a greater percentage of its people in prison than any other industrialized country. But now we in California are higher than any other state.

    They say it was Pete Wilson who destroyed the state Republican Party. Arnold Schwarzenegger got in, really being somewhat moderate. But he could never have gotten thru the Republican Primary. Schwatzenegger was kind of like our Donald Trump. But he did not do that much harm.

    To get through the Republican Primary, that's more for the likes of Dan Lundgren.

    In 1980 we had an adult tobacco smoking rate around 25%, slightly higher than the national average.

    Los Angeles was known for auto pollution and its hazy air.

    Today we have an adult smoking rate of 9%, second lowest after Utah and followed by Idaho.

    And the air, far as I can see, looks clean. A well maintained modern car gives cleaner air out its exhaust than what it takes in at the intake.

    Sure no one wants excessive rules, but the state population continues to rise, along with property values and rents. I wish they were lower, but someone must be paying it.

    For myself, California will always be my first home. But I do not consider it a liberal Mecca. The Presidents California has sent to DC were Nixon and Reagan.

    But I do plan on future travels, expanding my base of operations to most of the other states, and to Mexico.

  • CC99
    5 years ago
    ^People are shitting in the streets of LA and San Francisco. California has one of the highest rates of homelessness and poverty in the country.
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    ===> "Adam Schiff has done a masterful job of leading the impeachment hearings and getting the facts out in a calm, orderly, way. He's a bright guy, Stanford/Harvard JD and an example of a superb lawyer."

    LOL. Adam Schiff was the same guy who was proclaiming, in hysterical fashion, for anyone who would listen, that there was solid evidence that Trump colluded with Russia. We see how that went. Now Schiff is presiding over a rigged circus act in which Republicans have no ability to call their own witnesses, among other things. And he'd no doubt still be holding his secret hearings, with targeted leaked testimony, if the Dems thought they could get away with it.

    The Dems recently even changed the term from "coercion" to "bribery" because, after polling results came in, they felt that the latter term would play better.

    Nobody is taking this seriously other than NY, CA and DC liberals who have hated him since Day 1 and have been pushing the impeachment narrative the whole time. I'd like to thank the Dems ahead of the 2020 elections for engaging in this circus act because it may tilt both the Presidency and control of Congress in our favor.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    "proclaiming, in hysterical fashion, for anyone who would listen, that there was solid evidence that Trump colluded with Russia"

    I don't think this is true about Adam Schiff. But there was evidence, there was Russian tampering, and Trump collusion has not been ruled out. Still meeting with Russians, about election tampering, were Kushner and Don Jr..

    Bribery is a better, more understandable term. Stated in Article 2.

    I have hated Trump since he first stated getting close to the Nomination. Nikki Haley was the first prominent Republican to denounce him. I would be very happy to see Haley succeed Trump, and if not that, be our next Secretary of State.

    Polls show that nationwide people are moving more and more towards supporting removal from office.

    Either we get an informed and sensible electorate, or our nation disintegrates.

    Like Michael Moore said, he is not further interested in talking about Trump, only in talking about the people who support him.

    And Republicans lost control of the House because people were so angry about Trump that they came out in 2018 to vote against the Republican Party.

    Trump is not really a Republican anyway.

    And Right Wing news is one of the worst things which has ever happened in this country.

  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    "^People are shitting in the streets of LA and San Francisco. California has one of the highest rates of homelessness and poverty in the country."

    The California Coast has extremely nice weather. Our official unemployment rate is around 4%, generally seen as about as low as it ever gets. California housing costs are very high, but someone must like it enough to pay it.

    Nothing Trump has done would ever start to close the gap between rich an poor, but only to make it worse.

    But San Jose State has 4300 homeless students. Trump wants to run the homeless into internment camps, just like he has done with migrants from South of the border.

    Our Governor Newsom has announced Free Community College, and that that will be only just a start.

  • RandomMember
    5 years ago
    "Nobody is taking this seriously other than NY, CA and DC liberals "

    Nope. Polls show country is split down the middle on support for impeachment:

    "The Dems recently even changed the term from "coercion" to "bribery" blah, blah, blah"

    Yes, "quid pro quo" is too abstract for the average American who can't read. It was changed to bribery so that everyone could understand what it is.

    Don't worry your pretty little head, @Dugan. The Senate will not convict. However you might worry a little about the results in Virgina, Kentucky, Luisiana.

    I'm not going to argue about the hearing since facts don't matter anymore.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    I suspect that more will be coming to the surface, and that the Senate will convict. They have to, or the Republican Party will be decimated.

  • HunterBiden
    5 years ago
    Mr Trump gets some of the top Russian whores. Mr Putin sees to his full satisfaction.

    He thinks Ukrainian whores are ugly and second rate.

    I speak for the entire Biden family in saying we hope this ends quickly.

    The Ukrainian corporation - the Epstein mess - and she who will remain nameless - are making our party look a little corrupt...
  • skibum609
    5 years ago
    I am sure that the results from Kentucky must alarm Republicans because young, (33 I believe) Daniel Cameron, a conservative firebrand endorsed by Trump became the first black attorney general in the history of Kentucky. Other than that, winning 5 of 6 statewide races does suck.
  • RandomMember
    5 years ago
    Actually the results in Kentucky may have more to do with voters in favor of Medicaid expansion (Obamacare)
  • CC99
    5 years ago
    "^People are shitting in the streets of LA and San Francisco. California has one of the highest rates of homelessness and poverty in the country."

    "The California Coast has extremely nice weather."

    I'm sorry I cracked up laughing.

    "Our official unemployment rate is around 4%, generally seen as about as low as it ever gets."

    So they're working but they're still poor? That doesn't bode well.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago

    The most visible homeless are not working. But the far greater number of homeless usually are working. Average age of a homeless person in this county is about 6 years.

    The highest rate of advancement and the highest purchasing power for working people was between 1969 and 1972. Been going down hill ever since, dividing into Rich and Poor.

    Some was 'cause we used so much oil, and then OPEC stepped in. But Reagan and his people ended OPEC by encouraging Saddam Husein to attack Iran.

    Reagan is the one who gutted the Keynesian taxation and spending which had sustained our economy and the middle range of the jobs market, and began this split into rich and poor, and set it up so zillions of young people would be saddled by debt, and a special kind of debt which runs against the bankruptcy protocols which go back to the middle-ages.

    Donald Trump has done absolutely nothing to improve upon this dynamic, just only to make it worse.

    Most all historic societies have divided into Rich and Poor, and the basis of social affiliation. This happens unless there is something to work against this. ANd you hear this on this forum as people like Skibum denigrating poor people. This is just the old Social Darwinism, saying that poor people are bad people.

    We had something in this country which built our middle-class and our democracy in the form of free and cheap land. But by the end of the Civil War this was over. And we did see an increasing wealth gap starting. Recession that came around 1873, pressing Grant to end Reconstruction, Republicans becoming Party of Big Business. South was to be market, West was to be natural resources base. It was to be our own internal third-world.

    But the middle-class was restarted by FDR with progressive Keynesian taxation, and spending.

    Worked perfectly, never failed, never any problem, but because of Americans were being held hostage in an embassy in Iran, and because of the Christian Evangelicals being angry because Jimmy Carter was enforcing the 1964 Civil Rights Act on Bob Jones University in Greenville South Carolina, Ronald Reagan got elected.

    People like California, that's why they pay the high housing costs. SJSU has 4300 homeless students. Most are employed, but they live in their cars because they cannot pay the high rents.

    Nothing Trump has done has helped, he has just furthered the idiocy that poor people are bad people.

  • skibum609
    5 years ago
    SJG sounding like a mentally ill version of Jeremy Corbyn. Randon once again proving that progressives are the worst people in the world and never admit they are wrong. Yeah its medicaid that drove the race for attorney general, so they elected a right wing republican. Gotcha lmao.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Elizabeth Warren explains how when her father died, I think of a heart condition, her mother got a minimum wage job at the department store. With that she could pay the mortgage and support their family of 3.

    But what happens when that is no longer possible? Newspapers show people who have 2 or 3 jobs, and kids. Most they can get is renting someone's front room sofa. Can't afford anything more. Also trying to finish law school.

    Ordinary jobs, min wage, pays for next to nothing.

    Dave Cortese ran for Mayor San Jose, narrowly lost in a very much income and race based election. He characterized the typical homeless as an employed San Jose City College Student who lives in his car because it is all he can afford.

    The more conservative candidates, Neo-Liberals, characterize the homeless as a social hygiene menance and like to invoke the idea of ~mental illness~ and like to shut down charities, run them out of the downtown, and support non-profits committed to subjecting the homeless to ritual humiliations and case managing the homeless to set them up for more humiliations.

    And then there's the Born Again Christians. I told the DA and the Court that if the three girls listened to their church and just acted like nothing happened, then failed marriages and attemps to get an education and build a career, they could end up as clients for that church's outreach ministry.

    The poor and the homeless are told, "Jesus so loves you, he wants to give you a second chance. All he asks from you in return is that you admit that it was because of your own rebelliousness that you blew your first chance, and that you would be lost without Jesus."

    So I argued that the molester must get a long sentence, otherwise we cannot expect for more victims to come forward.

  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    We either move to the Left, or our country disintegrates. In light of that, one body bag for Skibum is a very small cost to pay.

  • RandomMember
    5 years ago

    Democrats won the gubernatorial races in deep red states Kentucky and Luisiana. The common thread is that both states expanded Medicaid under Obamacare. Medicaid expansion is popular among voters.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    ^^^^ Thanks!

  • JAprufrock
    5 years ago
    @Random, I think you made my boy, SkiBum, crap his Depends (clean-up in aisle 5, Pedro!). Racists like SkiBum are shitting bricks that those red states, one of them Moscow Mitch's, turned blue in their gubernatorial races despite multiple appearances in each state by President Dotard prior to the elections. Couple that with key swing states Michigan and Wisconsin flipping blue in the mid-terms and you can see why the shitheads are nervous. Hillary was the only candidate Dotard could have beaten and he didn't even the fucking popular vote.
  • JamesSD
    5 years ago
    California has a lot of poor people because we don't treat the poor like shit.
  • skibum609
    5 years ago
    Wow people who vote Dem ocrat expect hard working people to subsidize their useless lives? Big surprise. democrats can only buy votes; with other people's money. As far as a democrat governor is a 'red" state. Blue Massachusetts normally elects Republican Governors because even progressives know deep down they are useless leeches screwing the taxpayer. Kind of funny that JA is so afraid of getting older. Losers age badly son and your future will suck. Cheer up loser; you deserve it. Wah, wah, wah random. SJG making another limp dicked threat. Body bag lol tyou fucking pussies might be able to beat ip a nine year old girl on your best day. Fuck off progressives.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    SKibum, the only one who lives a useless life is you. And the problem is right between your own two ears.

    No one wants charity from you, but making an economic system which works for all is mandatory, otherwise expect Gun Barrel Communism. And the only rule will be, No Prisoners.

  • skibum609
    5 years ago
    No prioners lol on-line pussy, safe behind your keyboard. Progressive faggot.
  • RandomMember
    5 years ago
    @Skibum wrote "This is whayt happens and will continue to happen in the on-line age"


    Best line in the whole thread. Nobody can agree on basic facts anymore because we're getting spin tailored to our own chosen news source.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    "expect hard working people to subsidize their useless lives?"

    Yeah, Senile-Suicidal Skibum yelling out the bared window of his locked nursing home.

    The poor have always worked harder. Had to. No different today. A poor person uses more brains each day than a rich person uses in a month.

    I hadn't realized how serious it was at the time, but we never should have let Reagan set up the IRA and 401K accounts. These actually get a tax break, and all they are is an attempt to undermine Social Security.

    Far better that retirees and the jobless get supported off of current tax revenue, than that people are encouraged to try and hold onto money and use it to inflate the stock and real estate markets.

    Keynesianism and its high progressive taxation, max 90% to 70%, worked perfectly for over 40 years. Never failed, except maybe when OPEC formed because the middle-eastern nations wanted something more fair for their oil.

    Only the very shallowest of booms and busts under Keynesianism. An entire generation of Americans really had it good. Get a good job, buy a house, support a family, and know that you will be taken care of in old age, if you get sick, or if you become disabled. Who could want more?

    Were there problems, yes racial, and women were left out, and there was very little protection for the rights of children. The rich did not have that much control, not with the high taxes, and even a smaller split between owners and workers on pre-tax incomes.

    So what happened? Well there was a back lash against the War on Poverty, the women's movement, and the civil rights movement.

    And then the US had installed this Shaw of Iran, and there was a revolution. Americans ended up being held hostage.

    And the the Christian Right was furious that the federal government would dare to enforce the 1964 Civil Rights Act on Bob Jones University.

    So Americans who had had such a great thing, voted against it and elected an icon of reaction, Ronald Reagan.

    Soon Poor People were seen as Bad People, and like Reagan said, "I'm for an American where everyone can get rich." And what does that mean, it means controlling the land, the labor, and the capital. It means you want to get rich by making other people poor.

    So soon our cities started to fill with homeless and the national debt started to explode.

    And who gets the most benefit from taxation and spending?

    Well it is those who collect wages, salaries, service fees, and business profits.

    They get these because there are people who have money to spend. And what keeps this mid sector of the socio-economic hierarchy in place is taxation and spending.

    If Skibum does not like this, let him relinquish his income.

    Most every society has always divided into the very rich and the very poor. And this later does not have much beyond subsistence. And that very rich is just a handful of people. The rich get this by social affiliation, and by owning the means of production.

    So taxation and spending, going back to the New Deal, is what sustains our middle-class.

    And if a benefit program gives the poor money, what do they do with it, they spend it.

    The idea that everyone should have a personally financed retirement is absurd. Where I live the min income for home ownership runs around $140k per year. Prior to that, very had for someone to save money. Over half of the US population is only two paychecks away from defaulting on rent or mortgage.

    And then why put it in the stock market, when they could put it into their own ventures? This would allow another generation to have a chance to use their skills and education. As it is today, this is uncertain.

    An entire generation of Americans had a great thing. Even Nixon said, "We are all Keynesians." He never tried to cut taxes or social programs. He even tried to improve social programs with his 1969 Family Assistance Plan, giving federal money for welfare, exceeding what the South East had, and softening the cost bite on the North East.

    Americans had it great, then they voted for Ronald Reagan and it has been down hill ever since.

    What we needed was in 1980 to start moving towards Medicare for all, to UBI, to public housing, and to free college.

    But with Reagan and the extreme wing of his party its instead been down hill.

    Psychologists tell us today that the thing millennials worry most about is having enough money to retire. What an absurdity that our own people should have to worry about such a thing, and that they should look at the stock and real estate markets, making money off of other people, as the remedy.

    San Jose State has 4300 homeless students, the vast majority employed and living in their cars, because they cannot afford anything else.

    And even UCLA has had to set up a homeless shelter for their own students.

    And the to add insult to injury, these people have to face the indignity of hearing the likes of Skibum yelling at them from his nursing home window, "Fucking miilenial loosers!"

    And then Donald Trump and his Uncle Tom Ben Carson want to put the homeless and the poor into internment camps. And then after that, then who?

    Well not on my watch. If they try, then its going to be bullets, bayonets, and bombs.


    Papa Roach, Forever (notice stereo split on drum kit)
  • CC99
    5 years ago

    I do agree that the poor always have and still do work harder. Because its impossible not to. Middle-upper class people often have cushy office jobs where they can fuck around on the internet or chat with co-workers in the coffee room half the time they are "working." The poor may not work as many "hours" but they have to actually be working almost every hour they sign up for with the exception of smoke breaks. Now this obviously varies company by company. I worked for one company where they were so insistent on people working that they would hire people to pretend to be customers and watch the employees. I know another company where both the workers and the managers slack off and have conversations with one another during working hours.

    But it always amazed me when I go on forums like these and onto internet based video games to see people, who claim to be at work, playing video games for literally hours at a time. I don't know how this works but people slacking off in offices is such a problem that its actually got a term. Its called cyberloafing.

    The poor don't usually get to cyberloaf at work. And many poor people have two jobs because they don't make enough money to pay the bills unless they do.

    I do sympathize with the poor. Saying they are poor because they don't work hard enough is just mean, and it invalidates their suffering. But I also don't see how the situation can possibly be different. No society in the history of the world has ever eliminated poverty. Poverty exists in every single country. Fortunately, in the US, we have a relatively low poverty rate compared to a lot of the world hanging in the 10-12% range. Compared to a country like Pakistan where 45% of the population lives in poverty, this is a huge achievement. Communism has never worked to reduce poverty and make life better for the poor. China's poverty rates when it was communist was absolutely horrifying. China's move towards a capitalistic economy is responsible for taking almost a billion people out of poverty. China used to have 88% of their population living not just in poverty, but extreme poverty. It was obscene. And now the extreme poverty rate is only 0.7% and their relative poverty rate is more like 15-20%. Still higher than European countries and higher than their neighbors in South Korea and Japan, but compared to Africa, Central America, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia, China is not doing too shabby. Whereas during the 1970s, you might have actually been better off living in the Congo than in China.

    Anyway, my point is, capitalism has its downsides. Poverty sucks. For people going through it they have my deepest sympathies. But Capitalism is the best system we have and Capitalist economies have worked better than any other at reducing poverty and making the lives of the poor people we do have less miserable than anywhere else in the world. I don't see a better alternative available than what we've got. And I think that too much idealism can backfire really badly and make the lives of the people you're trying to help much worse than it would've been before.
  • skibum609
    5 years ago
    Simple fact is that every single thing that Progressives do that they say helps the poor manages to keep them on the bottom, dependent on hand outs and therefore reliable voters for the Democrats. Without paying for votes the left offers absolutely mnothing except total losers like SJG. Dude do yourself a favor and pick up a broom and try to collect a paycheck.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    The best thing about Donald Trump is he hasn’t paid off any of our TUSCL gals as yet
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Trying to force people into the employment market is stupid. It costs our society a great deal, and it accomplishes nothing.

    The poor are not lazy, they are just marginalized. Our country will be doing much better once people finally realize this and tell people like Skibum to STFU.

    Social Democracy is what we have to go to. Up through the mid 60's we were generally on track with Western Europe in going this way.

    Canada's first public health care was named and structured after our Medicare.

    But then Richard Nixon unveiled his Southern Strategy, based on racism, and then people like Paul Weyrich got into the act, stroking the Born Again Movement, and our country started moving to the Insanity Right.

    As Buckminster Fuller said, we have the technology and resources to take care of every single person better than even royalty had lived in past centuries. The reason we do not see this, is because we expect everyone to prove that they can earn a living.


    I also am convinced now that we need to start cultivating a militant lethal violence based poor people's movement.

    The organization I am building will be addressing all of these matters and more.

  • Mate27
    5 years ago
    ^^^ you’ll be dead before that organization you keep writing about ever gets launched. You’ve been saying for 5 years that your organization is in its infancy, yet it never gets off the ground. You also say you’re busy 24/7 with local politics, but for some reason your on this site for 3 hits every day in the afternoon. You can’t be thy busy, or else you’re entirely full of shit! More than likely both.
  • skibum609
    5 years ago
    Socialists are the anal wart on humanity's ass.
  • ATACdawg
    5 years ago
    The best thing about Trump.

    He wasn't born twins!
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    ^^^^^^ Amen!

    As long chronicled, San Jose State Professors cannot even afford to rent in San Jose.

    And then San Jose State has 4300 homeless students, vast majority employed and having to live in their cars.

    Who will replace the current crop of professors?

    One of the greatest evils in our society now is that people like these struggling students have to absorb the barbs and insults from the likes of Skibum and Meat72, and from Trump supporters all around!


    Jeremy Corbyn on the election campaign trail - watch live
  • georgmicrodong
    5 years ago
    It's sad that liberal head explosions literally *are* the best thing about Trump. Of course "best" is a relative term and not an absolute one, so in this case, "best" still isn't all that great.
  • skibum609
    5 years ago
    San Jose students are homeless because Progressives are vile swine who crush people and make them dependent on hand outs. Normal chilkdren move away, progressives live on the street like the filthy animals they are taught to be. These students should be spayed, neutered then put down. They are bugs.
  • JAprufrock
    5 years ago
    @SkiBum, if you bring friend chicken to next week's Klan meeting, I'll spring for the malt liquor.
  • skibum609
    5 years ago
    Jap why don't I buy you a few hundred cartons of cigarettes in the hope you smoke them all and get cancer. Seems fair.
  • Prim0
    5 years ago
    For all the bullshit....several factors related to our lives have improved over the past 3 years. I'll take it. Plus, while everyone in DC is fighting over impeachment and other BS, they are not legislating.....and that is always a good thing. Like a law or not, each new one costs us resources. Businesses have to adjust to stay within regulations and that usually costs money, which means that we pay for it.

    The less politicians actually do, the better off we usually are.
  • CC99
    5 years ago
    ^My thoughts exactly!

    Keep those apes in congress as busy as possible so they don't have time to legislate our lives.
  • skibum609
    5 years ago
    Can anyone really claim that in the past 2-3 years they have suffered in any way at all? Imagine if a democrat was president during this type of economy and ow much cock sucking the left wing press would do, like when they went ape shit over the fact that Obama brought about an econ omic recovery, while ignoring the fact that he and the democrats fucked it up in the first place. Simple fact is that who is president really has very little impact on the average person. Starting with Regan, my life has been economically similar since his second term, no matter who was in the oval office.
  • CC99
    5 years ago

    I mean, I have suffered but it really had nothing to do with who was president. I don't think who the president was could've done shit to improve my life. The reason I want to see Trump re-elected is to send a message to the SJWs to cut it out with this bullshit. Trump is probably doing nothing to make their lives worse but his invincibility to their false accusation tactics is pissing them off so much. I'd love nothing more than to show them that their tactics are not going to work anymore and that they have to start listening to conservatives and argue like reasonable adults instead of shouting about how blah blah blah viewpoint is racist/misogynistic to shut down all opposition.
  • skibum609
    5 years ago
    I would love to see Trump resign and Pence be President.
  • nemesisk7
    5 years ago
    I would love to see Democrats win 2020
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Pence be President after Trump resigns? If Trump wanted to help his party that is what he would do.


    Day 1127 of the Trump Administration, Leaving 257 Days to go until the 2020 Presidential Election

    Your Personal Debt is Going to End Badly (w/ Richard Wolff)

    Trump is in TROUBLE!


    Donald Trump - America's African President: The Daily Show

    Trump Is Mad Dems Know Russia Is Meddling To Get Him Re-Elected

    "covering up for the president"


    Why is Trump not also being sentenced?

    Trump Hush Money Case Seen In New Light After New Reports On Barr | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

    Prosecutor Disavows Barr Bigfooting Of Stone Sentencing | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

    Intel Sources 'Absolutely Aghast' Over Maguire Removal | Morning Joe | MSNBC

    America Crosses Rubicon This Week (firing intel chief) | Morning Joe | MSNBC

    Trump Takes Risk Putting Political Loyalty Over Expertise At ODNI

    Peter Frampton, Do You Feel Like We Do, Festival de Viña 2008
  • Icey
    5 years ago
    Like the emperor's new clothes, Trump reveals the true faces of many Americans. Unfortunately
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Best thing about Donald Trump is that like Mussolini and Hitler he is mortal, and he can be removed from office.

    PBS Newshour 2/21/2020

    Should Undocumented People Get Medicare For All? (w/ Julio Rivera )

    Debt for the Working Class and Bonuses for the Rich (w/ Richard Wolff)

    Should We Cancel All Student Debt? (w/ Stephanie Kelton)

    Stephanie Kelton is the economist for Bernie Sanders, she is a refreshing breath of clean air!


    Your Personal Debt is Going to End Badly (w/ Richard Wolff)

    Trump is in TROUBLE!

    Donald Trump - America's African President: The Daily Show

    Trump Is Mad Dems Know Russia Is Meddling To Get Him Re-Elected

    "covering up for the president"


    Why is Trump not also being sentenced?

    Trump Hush Money Case Seen In New Light After New Reports On Barr | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

    Prosecutor Disavows Barr Bigfooting Of Stone Sentencing | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

    Intel Sources 'Absolutely Aghast' Over Maguire Removal | Morning Joe | MSNBC

    America Crosses Rubicon This Week (firing intel chief) | Morning Joe | MSNBC

    Trump Takes Risk Putting Political Loyalty Over Expertise At ODNI

    Peter Frampton, Do You Feel Like We Do, Festival de Viña 2008
  • pistola
    5 years ago
    Pfft all y’all just mad because it turns out Trump is more gangsta and hood than Obama!!
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Obama, totally straight, someone Illinois proudly elected to the Senate.

    Donald Trump is a con artist. He is out own Mussolini, not plan, no philosophy, no political theory, just a scam for stealing money.

  • CC99
    5 years ago

    You really do make a lot of descriptive comments about gay sex and other men's dicks don't you?
  • DeclineToState
    5 years ago
    . . . when he misplaces his phone and can’t tweet stupid shit.
  • Clubber
    5 years ago
    So someone says above, "It should bother everyone that we're gradually losing our democracy...".

    It's sad they don't know that we are a representative republic!
  • mark94
    5 years ago
    You want to see heads explode ? Trump is going to win a significant portion of the Hispanic vote in Nevada Caucus, then a significant portion of the Black vote in South Carolina. Maybe 15%-20%, which is enough to kill the Democrat party. They committed suicide a decade ago when they abandoned the working class ( white, black, and brown) for the Coastal Elite.
  • bdirect
    5 years ago
    he is saving humanity and our country from the communist take over............save hong kong too trump
  • pistola
    5 years ago
    Heads will explode when Trump wins and then his son runs. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    And as far as SJGs moronic asinine statement about politicians enriching themselves due to the office they hold..... Obama was worth 1.3m in 07. 13 years later? $40m.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    ^^^^ Donald Trump's Presidency has no policy, not philosophy, it is just a scam for stealing money by using the federal gov'ts ability to borrow. Supply Side Economics is always a fraud!

  • knight_errant
    5 years ago
    The best thing/part about Donald Trump ran down his father's leg.

    /there's nothing like an old summer camp insult
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Why Only One Bank Will Loan Money to Trump! (w/ David Enrich)

    Dark Towers: Deutsche Bank, Donald Trump and an Epic Trail of Destruction" (by David Enrich)



    TJ Street
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    President Donald Trump Makes First Visit To India As President


    Trump Calls Russia's 2020 Election Interference A 'Hoax' But It's Very Real

    TJ Street


    Butt Out

    Aerosmith - Walk This Way (from You Gotta Move)
  • Mate27
    5 years ago
    Best part about Trump is seeing Democrats heads exploding!
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    The Best Part About Donald Trump Is Watching Him Self Destruct. He will be lucky, very lucky, if he avoids prison.

    America is great, because it responds to garbage like Trump when it has to.


    PBS News Hour 2/24/2020, stock market drop, and analysis of Nevada Caucus

    David Enrich, "Dark Towers"

    Deutsche Bank DOWN👉The German Economy on The Verge of Collapse 2/22/2020

    Dark Towers: Deutsche Bank, Donald Trump and an Epic Trail of Destruction" (by David Enrich)

    Why Only One Bank Will Loan Money to Trump! (w/ David Enrich)

    David Enrich, "Dark Towers"

    Ten Experts On When The Next Recession May Hit

    Bernie Sanders fires back at Trump over socialism

    Trump attempts to drive wedge between Sanders and Democratic Party

    Tim Scott: Sanders would be hardest Democrat for Trump to beat

    President Donald Trump Makes First Visit To India As President

    Trump Calls Russia's 2020 Election Interference A 'Hoax' But It's Very Real

    TJ Street


    Butt Out

    Aerosmith - Walk This Way (from You Gotta Move)

    Roush 427 Mustang

    Saw one, about 2010? Not really 427 cid, but 4.6 liters, 435 hp

    Peter Frampton
    Thank You Mr Churchill
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