
Comments by LeeH (page 18)

  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    There's a dancer at Mardi Gras here in Atlanta who has the Bettie Page look down cold. Needless to say, she's pretty pale, and it accentuates her black hair. Beyond that, it's not really an issue for me.
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    14 years ago
    Songs you like because of strip clubs
    This one dancer's lap dance quality goes up about 100-fold when "Purple Rain" plays. I tip the DJ to play it anytime she's there. On the flipside (stuff I hate but wouldn't hear outside a SC), out of about 50 songs, I've heard two covers that didn't make my ears bleed -- "Smooth Criminal" and "Careless Whisper". Heard a new (to me, anyway) shitty cover today of "Time of My Life" -- AND it was auto-tuned on top of that. BARF!
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    The Wisest Dancer I Have Met
    Wisest stripper I knew was 22. Very entrepreneurial - had some side gigs going, one of which blew up (in the good sense) and let her stop stripping (and staying up til 5 AM) before age 23.
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    14 years ago
    10, which clubs? (fellow Atlantan here)
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    14 years ago
    Average turnover for strippers - 3-6 months?
    minnow: "If less than 50%, then one can infer that the majority of dancers leave after 6 mos, OR have danced at club 6 mos. or less." Or you have shitty luck. Dropped into a club today. I know (pretty well) 5 dancers on day shift. Talked to girl at door -- all 5 still work there -- all 5 were off today. :-( Yeah, I know you're talking about the dancers in total, but 5 ?!?! GEEZ!!!!
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    14 years ago
    Priming the pump
    All the time when my first ATF was at her old club. If she's fairly prone on stage, and I'm seated, we're pretty much at eye-level. I tip her well and "cheer" her on when our heads are close together. We had an understanding -- when stage is over, go work the room, but then come back to me when the well runs dry.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Tip Them Generously - it pays off!
    @scatterbrain: "if you all start doing it then it kind of loses it's appeal, no?" No. Even if we "all" started doing it, the readership of this site is only a part of the SC clientele. We're safe. The only time I tip a buck is if I've already tipped her multiples earlier in the set and I'm down to my last single. But I try to time it so that doesn't happen. Sometimes it doesn't work, though. Slow day shift one day, I'm the only tipper for this one hottie. As soon as her set is over, she makes a beeline for the guy she was sitting with before, who didn't even bother to drag his ass to the stage while she was up. She could've gotten at least 2 dances out of me with no effort, and (if they were any good), I was even already thinking VIP just based on stage. Oh well. Hope that drink he bought her was the really expensive stuff.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    now i'm a geek, but good grief
    OK, these responses weren't anywhere close to what I was asking, but they're much better, so what the hell? ;-) Well played, gentlemen.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    How do you take a stripper home?
    First of all, one look at the "expert" in this video and it's obvious that he's a virgin. OK, now let's review the "expert's" plan: 1) Go when there aren't as many dancers, so that your odds are worse. 2) Ignore the very girls that you're trying to attract. 3) Take a hot chick to a club. Wait a sec, if I already have a hot chick, why am I going to the club in the first place? 4) Whatever you do, don't do the one thing that the club exists for -- you giving her money. 5) Throw a party and invite the girls that you ignored and didn't give any money to. Yeah, they'll come in throngs! I think the sole purpose of this video was Jackson's lame attempt to up the chances that he'll ever see a naked woman outside a SC.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    A new ploy, for me.
    Clubber, I'm trying to keep away SOME strippers. Your idea would keep them ALL away. ;-) I just have some clubs where I'm there to see one or two specific dancers, and have no interest in the others. But after a while, it gets old having to keep turning down the others. It's either the cloth, or a hat that says "I'm waiting on someone". And as dark as many clubs are, the cloth can be seen at a greater distance.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    drama working FOR you?
    rick, who said anything about "multiple nights" ? gmd, let's start a "Lame Ass PL" Club.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Rare Comments or a new SS Expressions?
    "Nice touch" may be honest, but have little to do with you (except by comparison). Based on similar compliments that I've received, it appears that most Atlanta customers feel that a $10 LD gives them the right to ram a tire iron up the dancer's ass. So if the asshole-level went up during your hiatus, and your game didn't change, "nice touch" may be totally valid.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    A new ploy, for me.
    I'm thinking about getting one of those little cloths/bandannas that dancers put on the chair before sitting down. They usually leave it there while they run to bathroom or up on stage, and it's great stripper deterrent.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    A new ploy, for me.
    She plopped down next to you? You're lucky - last week, I had some bitch hit me up for a drink: * from the next table * where she was sitting with 2 other customers
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    What do you do in slow clubs between girls on stage?
    The only club that I've encountered this at in Atlanta is the Diamond Club (formerly Tiffany's) on day shift. They have, on occasion, had a dancer for a 3-song set, then 2-3 songs of empty stage. TVs at the bar are on the ESPN "family of networks", so sometimes I'll sit and watch TV. A step above ESPN is the fact that most of the bartenders at this club are hotter than half of the dancers, and dress the part. So, while they're not a naked girl on stage, they're still nice to stare at.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    DJ payback
    The same "mass"? Not the same "weight" but the same "mass"? And all this time I thought you were an American, GMD. Dang ferener!!
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    WTF ?
    If you get a chance, I'd tell the brunette, too. The second girl is making her look bad because of her recommendation.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    New York
    Shortening songs
    Prim0, they don't recognize it b/c it's not true. You're giving the average SC customer WAY too much credit. ;-)
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Depends on the kind of drunk she is. One dancer I know, A, gets aggressive when drunk. And not the good kind. The kind where linemen would treat you more daintily. Another dancer, C, is very different. When's she drunk, she gets aggressive too, but in a fun way. Well, mostly fun. For instance, it was fun when she was giving me the hickey, but not as much fun when it was still there a week later. ;-)
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    If I have dropped some serious bucks on a dancer (or she knows I will later that night, based on our history), she'll often ask me if I'd buy a dance or two from a friend, particularly if said friend has had a bad/slow night. I've met some good "backups" that way.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Just curious...do you prefer going to strip clubs alone or with a friend?
    I go alone. If I'm bored and my friend isn't, or vice versa, at least one of us gets screwed by staying late or leaving early -- and not the good kind of screwed. And don't anybody give me that "cab" crap -- I could take the entire club back to VIP for what it'd cost to get a cab in these parts.
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    14 years ago
    Do you rub your laptop on your crotch?
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    New York
    Shortening songs
    I have a fave who greatly prefers -- and therefore dances much better to -- slow sensuous stuff. Unfortunately, most of the dancers at this club like the shittiest hip-hop imaginable, so there's not much opportunity. But the last 15-20 minutes before close, there's no dancers on stage, so the DJ has greater leeway. And usually by then he's tired of the crap anyway, so that's when I get dances from her. Feeling in a generous mood the other night, I tipped the DJ to specifically play "Purple Rain", which, for her, is the ultimate LD song. Asshole DJ clipped it after 3 minutes.
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    14 years ago
    South Carolina
    Rotation vs. 'Working the Floor'
    Stage is an audition for LD. LD is an audition for VIP. I even usually follow that progression for a dancer that I *know* I'm taking to VIP (because we've been before), just to get the motor running.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Alternating Strippers
    You must not have been getting good grindage, if you were willing to part with a dancer, even for a few seconds. ;-)