Average turnover for strippers - 3-6 months?

In the "Pornstar/model working at clubs" thread, minnow suggested 3-6 months was the average turnover for strippers.
Obviously there are the exceptions, from the lifer pushing 40 on one extreme, to the newbie that dances only a single night before quitting on the other.
But on average, do you think 3-6 months is right?
Obviously there are the exceptions, from the lifer pushing 40 on one extreme, to the newbie that dances only a single night before quitting on the other.
But on average, do you think 3-6 months is right?
At my regular spot a dancer shared that she had been dancing for six months (she said was proud she had not become a drunk in that time, lol).
Since then I haven 't seen her in the club. Maybe she reached her shelf life?
Mean = 2.5 years
Median = <1 year
Mode = 2 months
The problem with this question is that there is no reliable source of data. You could make almost any claim for an average and no one could refute it.
1. Long term. More than 5 years
2. Short term. Less than 5 years
3. Temporary. They dance for a few weeks or months and decide
this isn't the job for them.
But yes, I am always seeing new girls. It seems there is no shortage of 18 year old girls who want a life of sex, alcohol, money and sometimes drugs. It's a tough job, but somebody's got to do it I suppose.
Three clubs, average 10 girls at a club, over three years. That is what I asked him to look up for me.
With ZERO turnover, that would mean 30 girls. He has employed almost 450. That means an average of "turning over" every girl 5 times a year.
Average for him turns out to be more like 2-3 months.
Sometimes I wait at least 6 months between visits, hoping to see fresh meat but not finding any.
It probably depends a lot on the club though. Girls might stick around at "good" clubs but the bad ones can't keep 'em long -- as BaddJack points out.
average? hell i don't know, pick a number.
Or you have shitty luck. Dropped into a club today. I know (pretty well) 5 dancers on day shift. Talked to girl at door -- all 5 still work there -- all 5 were off today. :-(
Yeah, I know you're talking about the dancers in total, but 5 ?!?! GEEZ!!!!
Member Since: January 2011 • Last Seen: January 2011
She is still around here somewhere...just not logging into TUSCL everyday like some of us...
My ATF, 29 quit dancing about a year ago but has essentially been my mistress the last 3 years. She has been going to school, recently got married, and has a sales job in financial services. She is definitely a keeper girl and I will keep seeing her as long as it goes.