
DJ payback

Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
Saturday, November 13, 2010 1:45 PM
Last evening, I'm at a club that I usually only go to in the afternoons, talking to the bartender and one of the dancers. It's about 8 or 8:30, and the DJ literally *swaggers* in the door and sits down near me at the bar. Unfortunately, he's not the kind of DJ that makes a club nice to go to; he's the reason I go to this one in the afternoons, rather than at night. So I decide to be a dick. Me: Well, DJ's here, time to leave. (bartender turns away, dancer goes to "freshen up") DJ: What? What the fuck kinda comment is that? Me: Just what I said. You're annoying ass is here now, so it'll shortly be too loud and stupid in here to have any fun. I come here to see girls get naked, and maybe get a couple of them in my lap, not listen to some self-important jackass play with himself. DJ: (starting to fume) Why the fuck come in here then, if it's so stupid? Me: Because you're not *here* when I come in. It doesn't *get* stupid until you start working. Like right now. At that point, I drain my glass of coke, get up and leave. That felt *good*, but I suppose I'll have to text one of the girls there and see if I'm allowed back. :)


  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    I sympathize with you and wish I had the balls to do that. There is one fat mother fucker at my favorite club that sounds like a red necked "Wolfman Jack". Fortunately he is the night DJ and I am a day guy.
  • crazyjoe
    14 years ago
    Good job! More people need to say stuff like that. Some people are not smart enough to know how dumb they are. :Do you know where strip club dj come from? Ana l sex
  • GSWx4
    14 years ago
    I was recently talking to a new dancer on how to manage her money. I made her add up how much she was tipping out the DJ over the course of a year. She was shocked. These guys are taking some serious coinage from the dancers. Suggested she remind him how much she was paying him the next time he wanted to interrupt her to take the stage while she was taking money from a big spending PL.
    14 years ago
    GMD, now THAT'S some venting!!! I wonder whether sir DJ would've snapped had you added an inquiry to the bartender about a customer feedback form being available to inform management?
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    gmd, Two things need to be inserted into that equation, your and his size! I can get away with, if I wished, that simply because I can look intimidating. But then, there are those that can intimidate me. I wonder if he would have lost his job, and/or been arrested had he gone after you?
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    gmd, Two things need to be inserted into that equation, your and his size! I can get away with, if I wished, that simply because I can look intimidating. But then, there are those that can intimidate me. I wonder if he would have lost his job, and/or been arrested had he gone after you?
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    There is a really bitchy DJ that works the dayshift at dreamgirls. She screams at customers for not coming up to the stage to tip. I was the only customer in there once sitting at the bar watching TV and she singles me out "What are you watching TV for you are at a titty bar come on up to stage and tip these girls" "They work off your tips and your tips alone". What an annoying bitch. I was making fun of her with a dancer who came over to sit with me and the bartender.
  • Digitech
    14 years ago
    ^^^ The female DJs/hosts are usually the worst. It seems that they are often former strippers and pour on the pressure to give tips. One time, I visited a club during the day shift and the regular DJ must have been sick or something. Two of the strippers were taking turns on it. They were constantly barraging the customers with instructions to give out tips. They even were calling guys out, like saying 'You in the blue shirt, you haven't tipped this dancer yet'
  • MarkShadow06
    14 years ago
    hahahaaha, wife and I love when men get called out for not tipping and being losers. Hilarious.
  • dudeanonymous
    14 years ago
    Good on ya, gmd. If ony the manager had been there to hear what you said.
  • lopaw
    14 years ago
    gmd- On behalf of all of us who think that the clubs DJ's are annoying fucktards....we salute you! I have yet to meet a stripclub DJ who wasn't a total dick. Must be a requirement to get the job.
  • Player11
    14 years ago
    DJ's get a lot of pussy from dancers. I know of one who had 23 kids by 23 different women most of them strippers.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    Who is more of a loser? The only customer sitting in a strip club who can leave at any time or the loser DJ who is stuck working there until the end of her shift. I avoid going to clubs where there are too many couples. I want to see the dancers not some fat ass housewife who has to keep an eye on her husband, they are buzzkills. gentleman leave your wives at home.
    14 years ago
    Sam, the DJ likely encouraged the tipping because the dancers need some dough to tip her at the end of the night. That said, had I been in your shoes, I might well called it a night and left.
  • 10inches
    14 years ago
    i will never understand why the girls let clubs screw them over so badly with all the tip outs they have to do. most tell me it cost them anywhere for 40 to 60 bucks per shift to work. what other business gets away with this? girls should band together and say screw you. clubs wouldn't last very long with out the dancers!!
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    10, If that happens, in the free market, what we will get are dancers that didn't make the "cut" before. For myself, don't mess with what ain't broke!
  • vincemichaels
    14 years ago
    Yep, we salute you, sir for expressing our distaste for some of these idiot DJ's
  • Dazymaz
    14 years ago
    YEs I agree most DJ's are a pain in the ass .. and I would love to not have to pay the " dj fee or the Bar fee's " and managment needs to realize that Dancers are customers too . our fee's pay for the Dj the cleaner ,, and the club. some clubs the fees can be up to 100.00 per day and if you go into the next shift because you havent made enough to be able to go home with some self respect they hound you for your Dj and bar fees right away ..for the next shift ,, on top of the Dj fee s and the Bar fees we have money hngry doormen who will hound a girl who if busi in the back for a " tip " so after a double shift including the DJ fee Doorman tip bar fee cleaner fee ,, and gas to ge tto the place ,, its closer to to 200.00 per day . and they still treat us like shit .
  • Prim0
    14 years ago
    I would have loved to have been sitting nearby to hear/see this! On the other hand, this could have been a valuable learning experience for the dj if you had pointed out some specifics of his annoyingness.
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    Clubber: We're about the same mass. He's a little shorter and stouter than I am, but I had the reach. Looks can be deceiving, though, so who knows. I learned long ago how to move *sideways* to avoid ragefull lunges. :)
  • LeeH
    14 years ago
    The same "mass"? Not the same "weight" but the same "mass"? And all this time I thought you were an American, GMD. Dang ferener!!
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    gmd, I concur. Being a larger biker fellow, I can intimidate. My wife often gets freaked when I do. "Oh what if he dose this or that?" Well, that is what he is thinking even more so!
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