

Breathe, breathe in the air
So I am in OG and getting a great dance in the afternoon with a brunette giving me reasonable mileage. After she finishes her dance she suggests sending over a friend with the promise of an equally good time. I hadn't seen the friend but I thought 'what the hell' and agreed.

So this black girl joins me and within seconds of starting her cell rings, she's grinding her ass into my crutch lightly and takes the call and speaks to a friend for a short while. I am thInking WTF !! Anyway her dance wasn't all that good but during the dance she is practically begging to taken to VIP but I decline.

The single dance finishes and she asks for $40, I told her no way I ain't paying for two dances, she said she'll speak to the manager if I don't pay and I tell her "like I give a fuck". A minute later I am confronted by the manager who asks about it and also says to me "none of those things on on here in vip", I stand my ground and tell him she's lying and he can throw me out if he wants but I think he believed me and just walked off.

This really pissed me off, she didn't even have to 'work' to get a dance from me, she takes a call while she is giving me a LD, she lies to the management and tells them I should have paid for two dances and was asking for extras in vip!

I think the term R.O.B. is suitable in this case.


  • vincemichaels
    14 years ago
    Fucking A, right, matey !!! Sounds like a few bitches we all have known. Good for you for standing your ground. I almost got thrown out of one of my ATF clubs here in Detroit a month back for basically the same thing. I told the bouncers, that the dancer was lying and said for them to throw me out if they wanted to. I told them also, I had been a customer there since the day they opened back in the early 90's, but they just waffled at that point and I walked out on my own.
  • EarlTee
    14 years ago
    LG, I wish you had included those details in your review. That sort of crap should be part of a club's "permanent record."
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    I not only would have mentioned it in my review but I would have spelled out her name and given her my "Bitch of the month" award.
  • londonguy
    14 years ago
    In hindsight I wish I had included in my review, but I feared that including it meant the review would be too long and thought it better as a discussion point.

    I told another girl about this an hour or so later and she told me that this girl has done this before to other customers.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    Yes what a ROB. I have had ROBs take me back in the middle of a song and then count that as a full song. I also had a ROB demand a $40 tip from me which we agreed to only if I got a happy ending, I settled on giving her $20 tip to avoid any potential problems.
  • troop
    14 years ago
    i've had robs start shit and send the manager over a few times. i've always stood my ground, proved my point, and won. but, after all of the drama i'm usually pissed off for the night and end up leaving the club anyway.
  • txtittyfan
    14 years ago
    To try and minimize situations like this, I only have dances from dancers I have observed dancing for others.
  • LeeH
    14 years ago
    If you get a chance, I'd tell the brunette, too. The second girl is making her look bad because of her recommendation.
  • jester214
    14 years ago
    I'd probably be dropping her name... To other dancers, and customers if I got the chance. But I can be pretty mean spirited when someone tries to steal from me.
    14 years ago
    Why not walk out and immediately complain to the nearest bouncer first about the dancer taking call(s) during a lapper? Save the $20 for a more deserving gal.

    On the flip side: One time, during an arousing 4 for $100 booth dance with a sexy gal (at a pretty tame place though), my cell went off midway through song 4. It was a friend calling from the west coast, a habit of his during his commutes. I figured he would be game, so I handed it to the dancer and asked her to answer and say hello. She answers "Hey, baby!" Course she picked up on him being surprised, and quick on her feet, responded with a sexy "When are you coming over???" I let it go on for a little longer before stepping in to reclaim the phone and put my friend at ease. But at least he got a little unexpected sugar during his commute!
  • Dudester
    14 years ago
    You're a good friend CTQWERTY. I treasure friends that share.
  • steve229
    14 years ago
    Does OG have an emergency exit?
  • londonguy
    14 years ago
    CT, maybe I should have done that, had it been in this country I probably would have. DudesTer is right CT.

    Probably Steve, I like OG so much though that I wouldn't want to risk being barred, but would have run the risk rather than back down to this ROB.
  • kailee100
    14 years ago
    My club allows the girls to use their cell phones on the floor when there are no customers and the girls just want to browse the net or update their FB’s (or whatever). But what the hell has it come to when the girls are taking call on the damn stage or TEXTING when sitting with a customer??? I know this is a strip club but is there any semblance of manners or simply polite behavior AT ALL anymore? If I were out to dinner with a guy and he started taking texts that weren’t from his dying grandma’s bedside, the date would be over.
  • Player11
    14 years ago
    What a horrible experience. I hate it when they try to double team me.
  • Ironcat
    14 years ago
    I remember a customer having a similar experience in my favorite club, and he proceeded to go from table to table telling everyone in the place what had just happened. He came to my table and said "hey, I just wanted to give you a heads that a dancer named .... just tried to rip me off" and then pointed her out. I thanked him for the info and he moved on to the next table. I bet it was a slow night for that ROB.
  • rl27
    14 years ago
    I had a dancer at the Living Room in Dayton, Ohio text message during the dance. She only got one dance.

    Occasionally a manager can be an idiot. I have had a few dancers and one waitress sick the manager or a bouncer on me, and not once have I gotten kicked out, although I came close one.

    All I did that time was point to my drink and tip it to her so she could see it was full when she asked if I wanted another drink. I do this a lot at clubs where it's so loud that the waitresses can't here you. Well this time, the waitress got all in a tizzy over this, saying I was rude, and complained to the manager, who proceeded to chew me out and ordered me to apologize to the waitress.

    I tried to defend myself, but he didn't listen and kept getting ruder and ruder. He was about to kick me out, when one of my favorite dancers at that time intervened and got the owner who happened to be the old manager at one of the clubs I used to frequent intervened on my behalf. I got a free three song set, which I used on the dancer who saved me, along with three more, and four free passes to the club for all the trouble.

    Never saw that manager again, but read later on this site a bunch of runins with other customers.
  • gatorfan
    14 years ago
    Simple solution she gives you a blowjob and you give her the $40.
  • farmerart
    14 years ago

    Just read your reviews. You were a very busy boy in Vegas. How old are you - 18? :)
  • londonguy
    14 years ago
    I wish farmerart, I wish :-)
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    Interesting to know that the British also use the term WTF, it must not be just an american thing lol
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