if you only go to a stripclub to watch the cam will save you money, but i go for a hands on experience. last time i checked, they haven't invented a cam that will give you that.
lol, i remember reading about 20 years ago that we would soon have holographic video right in the middle of our living rooms. still waiting for that and that still won't give me a hands on experience. ;)
I still say that someone will develop a device like the one in the 1983 movie "Brainstorm" (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt00…) where one person could "expereience" the memories of others. Picture Peter North tapes for sale so you can plug them into your headphone like device and experience what he experiences while banging all the hot chicks of porn. It wouldn't be long after that that people would figure out how to create customized "memories" for people to experience. These experiences would be indistinguishable from your own memories.
I'd love to be able to have a memory of doing Tracy Lords at her prime!
I'm glad you had a good time up in Detroit. I would have enjoyed hitting the clubs with ya. Actually, The Larry Flint Hustler club sounds like it could have been fun. I always enjoying shutting down the ROB's LOL
sam: A good reason to drive through Ohio without stopping. :) Of course, there's Grandpa's Cheese Barn on I71. That's at just about the half way point for me. :)
There are several free cams online and some of the girls get naked from time to time. After watching a few, I've discovered it takes a large video screen, a hot girl, and high def video to really get into it. I never paid for any online video service though. Internet connection speeds are still too slow to get 1080K without lots of freeze frames even on youtube. This nation needs much faster and low cost broadband and much better wireless. It might be that I just got crappy AT&T wireless service in some areas that drops the signal about half the time or more when inside buildings where their edge network exists.
last commentI'd love to be able to have a memory of doing Tracy Lords at her prime!
I'm glad you had a good time up in Detroit. I would have enjoyed hitting the clubs with ya. Actually, The Larry Flint Hustler club sounds like it could have been fun. I always enjoying shutting down the ROB's LOL