
The Wisest Dancer I Have Met

Monday, January 24, 2011 9:00 PM
In my short time in this hobby I have met and had trysts with many dancers, even becoming infatuated with one of them for three months. (She turned out to be nothing but a pinhead with a tight pussy.) Another girl had a good brain but no self-esteem or personality. But one girl that I met at Arnie's in Chicago had WISDOM. No education (my suspicion is that she is illiterate); lousy upbringing; poor social skills outside of the club. ITC she was charming, confident, and a pure delight in the VIP. Her wisdom was evident in the way she played her customers and the way she invested her money. Her investment specialty was distressed residential real estate. One of the houses that she bought (probably for something like $5k) was rented to out-of-town dancers who came to work at Arnie's. Other dancers confirmed this story. She is a fine example of a person of complete self awareness entirely comfortable in her particular niche in the world. She also gave me the impression that she is a happy person. Anyone else encounter a similar sort of lady in your SC travels?


  • stevestevesteve
    13 years ago
    It depends on their age. Older ladies I have known are more wiser on how they spend their money. But the younger ones that are just out of high school are always short on rent, bills, car payments...you name it.
  • GSWx4
    13 years ago
    I think the wisest strippers are probably the ones that don’t want to have anything to do with me.
  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    Yep, farmerart, one I know up in Detroit that' I'll be seeing when I get up there this week owns several properties in Chicago and she's working on her Masters. She's in her 30's, she's been around, she knows she can't work the club circuit forever.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    My ATF worked about 6-7 years, invested, and now doesn't work, lives on the beach, and drives around in her Porsche. WISE!
  • nengneng
    13 years ago
    5k to buy a house? Sounds impossible even for the down payment in Chicago area I assume...How could that be possible?
  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    Anything is possible in real estate, nengneng, it depends on the deal.
  • ArcadeProject
    13 years ago
    I don't know about $5K, but the real estate market in Harvey is more like dirt poor Alabama then Chicago, so it could be for very little.
  • bumrubber
    13 years ago
    I've known 4 or 5 over the years who seem very levelheaded and really have their acts together. I've met more than a few who seem exceptionally bright. I've known a couple who are exceptionally bright and high functioning, but still completely fucked up. They have material wealth and the outward appearance of success but are still batshit crazy on a personal level.
  • Dougster
    13 years ago
    farmerart: "Her wisdom was evident in the way she played her customers and the way she invested her money" Ah, I think I heard about her. Apparently she read TUSCL when txtittyfan said to short treasuries, which turned out to be the day before they bottomed. Instead she went long and made out with a fortune. She was telling me what an idiot she thinks txtittyfan is. Very wise, indeed!
  • Maverick100
    13 years ago
    A former ATF made her "business" legit, declares income, pays taxes, has invested wisely in real estate and is now a part owner in multiple rental homes. I'm sure I helped with some of the down payments... She seems to be the exception, most just piss the money away.
  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    As long as they spend their money, it helps the economy. (As if they won't spend their money)
  • samsung1
    13 years ago
    I remember reading about one gal on the pink site, she talked about when she started her day job in sales some of her best customers were her old regulars from her stripping job.
  • rickdugan
    13 years ago
    Farmer, you met a wise stripper at Arnies??? Is this some type of a joke post? And of course you mean Harvey, IL, which is 30-40 minutes south of Chicago. What, pray tell, sent you out there? With nearly limitless resources even the relatively chaste girls in Chicago proper could have been induced to do naughty things at your hotel. And just how did you have enough time to have a serious conversation with a stripper @ Arnies? In my experience the first thing that comes out of their mouths is the VIP menu. Most everyone knows that Arnies is the night ending stop that one makes after spending some fun time at Club O and the Skybox. You are full of surprises sir. ;)
  • farmerart
    13 years ago
    rickdugan: Nope, no joke post. YOU directed me to Arnies. It was my FIRST visit to a FS SC. My initial turn in the VIP was unsatisfactory. Rookie nerves caused severe equipment failure! Not wanting to leave the candy store, I hung out at the bar drinking and chatting with the girls. That is when I had this conversation with this dancer. I had many lap dances with her and, though she tried all her moves, the equipment was just not cooperating. If I am ever in Chicago again I will revisit Arnies. I am now more experienced in the ways of the SC world. (So is my equipment).
  • LeeH
    13 years ago
    Wisest stripper I knew was 22. Very entrepreneurial - had some side gigs going, one of which blew up (in the good sense) and let her stop stripping (and staying up til 5 AM) before age 23.
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    Art: Or it could all just be SS, because she read you as the kind of guy who likes a smart girl with her shit together. :)
  • rickdugan
    13 years ago
    farmer, don't be hard on yourself on the equipment failure front - the setup at Arnie's is more than a little disconcerting. A big, open but almost pitch black room, whith guys tucked away in various wall seats all being treated "very" well, it is enough to make even some stout of heart pause. Again though, with your club spending could very likely pull a girl out of a club in Chicago proper for OTC at a nice hotel. As you know, Arnie's is really more of a budget play with almost solely black girls. The only reason I ended up at Arnie's is really because I wanted to see Club O and Skybox (both nude with alcohol), but my OTC attempts did not work out that night, so Arnies was my last call stop. But I tend to be a value play guy and have a limit I'm willing to pay for OTC, out of principle. But if I had nearly limitless resources I could probably have pulled some fun out of the other Harvey clubs as well.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    Speaking of "equipment failure", has anyone noticed a problem when taking blood pressure medication? Not being a doctor, it seems like that could be a problem.
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    Clubber, it's absolutely a side effect of most blood pressure medication. When I stop taking mine for a couple of days, my blood pressure starts to go back up, but so does my dick. Until I can get back in shape from my injuries, the solution has been a half dose of BP meds and Viagra/Levitra for those occasions when I want to make sure things work. Don't tell my doctor about the half dose thing. He'll have a fit. :)
  • sinclair
    13 years ago
    I can see $5K for a house in Harvey. I don't through Harvey unless I got my sawed-off under the seat.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    gmd, It isn't an every time thing, nor a complete failure, but it sure isn't like it was before the meds. :(
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    Clubber: Yup, I'm actually in slightly better shape now than I was before I started the meds, and it still takes longer to get it up, and doesn't stay up as long, as it did then. I guess I'll just have to talk to the doc and see if any other meds are appropriate instead.
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