avatar for 10inches
ever taken a drunk dancer to VIP?. last week at Pink Pony, met with dancer that was obviously wasted. she made it obvious that VIP was anything I wanted including FS. even though she was a hot piece of ass, i didn't feel comfortable taking advantage of her condition. passed on the offer. talked to another dancer I knew and suggested house mother might want to get involved for the girls' protection.


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avatar for georgmicrodong
14 years ago
I tend to avoid taking obviously wasted, high, stoned, etc, girls to VIP, unless it's someone I've done that with before when she's been soberer.
avatar for Rod84
14 years ago
Also, she can promise as much as she wants to at the Pony, but those VIPs are hardly private and between the bouncer and the waitresses frequently coming by, I doubt you'd get sufficient privacy to achieve FS. I stay away from PP's VIP, preferring Follies instead.
avatar for rickdugan
14 years ago
I fucked a drunk stripper in VIP recently. However, the situation was a little unique in that we had a mutual acquaintance that I had also previously fucked (brought up by her, not me) and the dancer also mentioned that she sometimes did 2 girl OTC with our mutual acquaintance.

But even had I not known that this girl already had a p4p track record, am I her father? When the fuck did I become the hall monitor for a grown adult?

Now obviously I'm not going to fuck a girl that is senseless or straight up passed out, but if I had to cross off every girl that has had too much to drink from my to-be-fucked list then I'd probably have to trim my OTC and ITC pussy down by about 1/2.
avatar for SuperDude
14 years ago
Just don't let her hurl on you.
avatar for Player11
14 years ago
This can be a touchy situation. I avoid drunk dancers for many reasons. They could easily falsely accuse you of not paying for dances or something worse. Taking advantage of drunk gal not for me either.

Of course there are guys who take advantage and do these gals bareback in VIP and the gals get PG. A terrible situation.
avatar for Otto22
14 years ago
I also wish dancers would refuse to take drunken customers to the VIP. Had a guy hurl all over the floor at Henry8 last month.
avatar for uscue13
14 years ago
Unfortunately Otto the dancers know they can cheat a drunk customer out of extra money
avatar for Pablo Antonio
Pablo Antonio
14 years ago
I have seen guys doing drunk dancers in the VIP. I have been in the VIP with dancers that became drunk, but I have known all these dancers.

They know they can trust me, so they let their guard down and party. And we have had sex, but like I said, we know each other.

I don't take drunk dancers to the VIP as a rule for all the reasons previously mentioned.
avatar for Pablo Antonio
Pablo Antonio
14 years ago
I was in a club one night, in the VIP with a favorite, and we were having a great time.

In walks this very pretty, well built, petite black dancer with a customer. I should say staggered in. She was obviously very, very drunk. They settle into a corner nearby and begin drinking and making out.

15 minutes later he is fucking the shit out of this black dancer, and boy oh boy she is very vocal when she is having sex. A short time later (maybe 10 minutes) she is very loudly exclaiming "I'm coming, I'm coming".
It was so hot I was wishing I was fucking her too.

5 minutes later she realizes that her "customer" has blown his load all inside her. She starts crying like a baby "why did you do this to me?" It was a sad pitiful sight.

Was it her fault? Yes, partly. Was it the fault of the guy who just wanted to fuck a pretty black girl? Yes, even more so. Nobody wins in this situation. When I fuck a woman, I want her to remember how good it was (hopefully I was good).
avatar for georgmicrodong
14 years ago
To be clear, do wasted one's because I don't like them that way. Tipsy? Yes, but sloshed isn't enjoyable. Remember, I'm one of those lameness pussies that gets a significant measure of enjoyment out of the girl's enjoyment.
avatar for gatorfan
14 years ago
How do you know when a stripper's drunk?
avatar for gatorfan
14 years ago
She tries to suck your nose
avatar for bumrubber
14 years ago
I've had drunk dancers plop in my lap on the main floor, and give me more action there than I often get in the VIP. Should be fun enough but it's usually pretty awkward, and a display of poor judgment by the dancer. Things could get ugly from there. I wouldn't do it.

Not that a lot of them aren't drunk or high all the time anyway, but as long as they seem to be in control...
avatar for LeeH
14 years ago
Depends on the kind of drunk she is. One dancer I know, A, gets aggressive when drunk. And not the good kind. The kind where linemen would treat you more daintily.

Another dancer, C, is very different. When's she drunk, she gets aggressive too, but in a fun way. Well, mostly fun. For instance, it was fun when she was giving me the hickey, but not as much fun when it was still there a week later. ;-)
avatar for Notsosly
14 years ago
Yeah, I've banged a drunk stripper in the VIP (several guys had been buying her drinks for about 2 hours before she left them and came to me to talk, so I didn't even have to pay to get her that way). She was in the biz for only about 2 weeks and I was her first VIP. One of the hotter experiences, I've had. She charged basically $50 over the $100 VIP room fee, plus the 1 lapper to make sure she "wanted to have some more fun." She wasn't completely sloshed, but she wasn't exactly steady on her feet.

Said she hadn't had sex in 3 months since she broke up with her BF. She was very aggressive, yanking my pants down, a BBBJ, then jumping on bareback, much to my surprise. She came in about 20 seconds. Later, when I told her I was about to blow, she jumped off and took the entire load in her mouth and swallowed, keeping it in her mouth until it was half mast. All of that was on her own, without any encouragements or requests from me. About 15 seconds after I nutted, I started thinking: WTF am I doing barebacking a fucking stripper in the VIP!? I was buzzing pretty good myself apparently.

She even told me she got off work in another hour and wanted me to stick around and then head over to her place. Unfortunately, I was a little freaked out, and I left (dumb).

Next day, I felt a little safer knowing she was new to the biz. And a few months and a STD test later I felt safe that both of us were clean.

I was a regular at that place (once-twice a week usually), and was hoping to see her again to apologize for slipping out on her, and to see if I could take her up on her offer. I guess she got a bit freaked out too, because I never saw her again.
avatar for Notsosly
14 years ago
One more short story:

I was at the same club another evening and some guy was celebrating his B-day there by himself. Kind of a heavy set guy with glasses, but he seemed like he was having a good time, and slowly getting fucked up. So later on they bring him up on stage for his Bday dance and one of the strippers was VERY aggressive, basically stripping him down to just boxers, then when he stood up and turned around, he got pants-ed. All the strippers kind of pointed and laughed. Poor guy. That same stripper took him to the VIP about an hour later. After 15 minutes she comes out buck naked and the DJ asks her how "Dougie" is doing back there... she says he passed out buck naked on the couch right in the middle of the dance. Luckily the dancer was also honest enough to not steal all his shit.

I vowed at that point to never be a "Dougie."
avatar for farmerart
14 years ago
WELL NOW!!!!!. The less work I have to do to get laid; THE BETTER. I live in fantasyland; and to get laid here is like buying a milk shake. PLEASE: don't grant wisdom to these ladies!!!
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