avatar for DFFECHSWU

Comments by DFFECHSWU

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10 years ago
avatar for rattdog
New York
I'm surprised 'rattdog' picked Bill Burr as one of his faves. He seems to be under the radar and not many know about him, but he is funny as shit. I saw a Comedy Central special a few years back and was laughing my ass off nearly the entire time. He's not dirty (he does curse a big but not in the vulgar way say Tracy Morgan does), and most of his routine is based on his observations and relationships.
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10 years ago
avatar for Scotthall
Favorite Sites Online
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13 years ago
avatar for Aries2525
How much do you normally spend at a strip club?
Varies from just the cover charge plus a few tips to several VIP's where $200+ is dropped.
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13 years ago
avatar for GoVikings
On average, how many times do you club per month?
1-2 per month, likely to fall back to 0-1 in the summer (as it often does).
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13 years ago
avatar for motorhead
Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
Not sure what to think? Convince me one way or another.
Prolly well meant just to save taxpayers a bit of quan. Those ATM's charge an exorbitant fee just to take out a few bucks! BTW, how many welfare recipients do you expect to have a checking/savings account, so that stipulation may be mostly irrelevant when all is said and done. It's a slippery slope with social welfare, and this is only my opinion ... but ... if you're someone in need of funds, those that provide it to you should have some say in how it's spent. I would rather my tax dollars go for food than a fifth of booze and a pack of smokes from the local liquor store. I think they tried that in CA, i.e. give the recipients cards for food and acutal necessities, but the ACLU got involved and it was canned. Either way, I see why they added that clause but am not sure what validity it holds.
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13 years ago
avatar for 10inches
Four. Mostly limit to two.
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13 years ago
avatar for 2ofus
So, then she set her tits on fire.
Not all about people setting themselves on fire. At one time or another, it generally backfires ... pun intended.
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13 years ago
avatar for EricShipton
Whats the awesomenest place/time you've every had sex with a stripper?
Seems like the most awesomest work of fiction ... provided there is tolerance for minor embellishment.
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13 years ago
avatar for jackslash
Detroit strip clubs
More Venting: Stripper Ignorance
I'm not sure if I'd be able to define a W.A.S.P. in purely a historical sense. That's mostly because I'm not religious nor do I care to learn about all the nuances of how each developed and what they meant to society. Napoleon, yeah, most have heard of him. My point is, we all have things we key in on in conversation and/or while learning, so no one will know every single thing out there. However, I would think most would catch on and remember at least some of important tidbits even if they are inconsequential at that time. Demonstrating plain ignorance (as others have alluded to) and a reluctance to at least listen and learn is far too prevalent these days.
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13 years ago
avatar for 10inches
fake titties
I'm no expert on them from a medical point of view, but some feel much, much better than others. Maybe it's where they're located (under vs. over the muscle) or make (silicone vs. saline) but some are just really nice whereas others you can feel and see the implant creases. That makes me think the under the muscle silicone ones are the ones that feel better?
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13 years ago
avatar for bang69
North Carolina
Stay away from this club.
I'm going out on a limb here and will assume he got herpes first. 'Cause if it happened the other way around, criminal charges should be filed against him, and maybe even after spreading herpes. Anyway, the $1M question is ... why the f' did he go back to the well again if the first visit gave him a gift that keeps giving?
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13 years ago
avatar for EricShipton
Local SC Ordinances, Most Vs. Least Restrictive?
Northeast PA has numerous BYOB full nude clubs. Stage dancing is nude, dollar dances are in bikini and VIPs are either full nude or topless dependending where you go. The Grandview used to be full nude VIP but for some reason changed (likely due to an asshole customer), Gentlemen's Club 10 is nude, Diamond Club is nude. In all 2 way contact is available. I think that if you're not a tool it can be had at most of the clubs. I haven't been to VIPs in the 5 or so more in the area to comment on them. That's much better than in Daytona and central FL where it's bikini or topless. Beer is served but at stupid prices given the area.
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13 years ago
avatar for londonguy
Breathe, breathe in the air
OT: Day of Infamy
I just read in FL Today that there are planned memorial services for those who want their ashes taken to the USS Utah or USS Arizona (the only ones that remain). The only ones whose ashes can be taken there are the ones that served on either ship.
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13 years ago
avatar for 10inches
I have no issue with an up close view while I'm at the bar. The only thing I have issues with at the bar are ashtrays. I have to continually move them, so that the dancer doesn't inadvertently turn one over when she gets close to the rail ... and this happened last weekend. Pussy and asshole are fine.
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13 years ago
avatar for steve229
OT: Mila Kunis Attends Marine Corps Ball In North Carolina
Regardless of what you think about a marine inviting a celeb to ball or Mila or Justin, what they did was definitely cool. It appears that neither wanted to make this a promotional opportunity, as they kept it low key, went in, enjoyed their time and left. Not many pics have been distributed, and they would have been taken by the Marines, as no cameras were allowed in (at least to the ball Mila attended). Good story and time for all involved. From what I know, Mila and Justin were the first to ever attend, but I'm certain other celebs will receive invites in the coming years.
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13 years ago
avatar for shadowcat
Atlanta suburb
Sober Monday Reflections: Should Drunk Guys Have to Pay Their Stripper Bills?
Personal responsibility? What's that? I for one dislike the excessive alcohol and/or blackout excuses some give when faced with the consequences of their decisions. If you've blacked out before or can't handle your alcohol, here's a little tip ... don't consume as much the next time. $28K seems excessive, and while I'm not blaming the owner of the establishment, you would think someone thought he was over-served, and then the questions of whether or not this guy can actually pay his bill would come to mind.
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13 years ago
avatar for steel3643
Dancers who can't dance and dancers who ask or demand tips after bad dances
I've seen this question posted on other sites, and it seems to me that the area you're in somewhat dictates how much tip is "expected". I live in FL but travel to the PA clubs in the NE area, and they're far different. In east central FL, private dances are $10 or so whereas in NEPA they're $20 for the house, and then a tip is extra and most often expected by the dancer. Maybe it's the non-nude (FL) vs. nude (PA) environment, but whatever nude club I've gone to in PA, the dancer generally expects $20 tip. At $40 a dance that can add up quickly. And when you take extra dances, each dance costs the same amt so there's some friction if the customer pays a tip for only one dance. It's a tough call, but you can either tip the the typical amt and never have another dance with her, or tip less and maybe have her bitch about you to the other dancers. As others have pointed out, people are expecting more for less. To my knowledge, tips aren't required in any state or in any industry. Patrons provide tips when the service is above or beyond their expectations, which brigns about another fly in the ointment ... individual expectations and perceptions. What the hell do I know, but this question will never have a single answer. I say let it rip and find your own level of what is satisfactory to you.
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13 years ago
avatar for hulk518
Shaven or not
Women with a landing strip, pie or patch of some sort get my attention. I'm not a fan of either extremes. Somewhere in the middle is the sweet spot.
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13 years ago
avatar for RapturousOne
Red October 2011
Amen to both fetish_dancer and rapturous one. I get the intent of this diatribe, although I had to stop after a few paragraphs because my eyes started to bleed from reading all the CAPS, and while I agree with it, neither party is absolved from the mess we're in. Libs, as history as shown, are more free spending and want more social justice. Let's try to solve the problem instead of hijacking more $$ from our paychecks to support someone else's poor decisions in life. America is billed as the land of opportunity, not a land of guarantees. You don't have to look very far (well, geographically you do) to see what excessive taxation and social programs do to a nation. If everyone is equal, why should anyone try harder? And the rebpubs are just plain f'in silly with all this war shit. Enough already. Whatever side of the fence you're on, moderation is likely the key to success. Extremism on either end won't work. The majority of the nation just isn't that far bent to one side or the other.
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13 years ago
avatar for vincemichaels
Here goes Larry again
And I thought dems/libs preached acceptance of alternative viewpoints, morality and lifestyles. Yet, they're the first to assign cutesy names such as "tea baggers". I wonder what would have happened if the situation were reversed ... I doubt the repubs could get away with saying it one time before it'd be all over the media and codemned by everyone from Pelosi to Jackson. Either way, both parties are f'd up in a royal way, and we no longer have a gov't for the people, by the people. That's purely B.S. as the majority of these f'ers are in it for their own good. I think the 2012 election campaigns will stoop to new levels, and it's gonna be interesting, particularly if Larry is successful in dredging up some dirt.
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13 years ago
avatar for JuiceBox69
Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
what does your clubbing schudale look like ?
Around 1X per month if you average it out. Some more, some less. Time spent varies.
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13 years ago
avatar for wwpmi
Do you spend more if the individual dances cost less?
I generally go to clubs in PA or FL. PA clubs are nude and generally expect $20 for the dance, the dancer tip is negotiable but they generaly seek and additional $20. $40 for 5 minutes is a lot of quan, so not many customers request repeat private dances. FL clubs are cheaper, but to be honest, I've only partaken in one or two in FL, so I can't really comment on the consitency of dance prices. However, one would like to think that in this "economy" (there's that dreaded word again) that both the clubs and the dancers would be willing to take less to get more. I would think that $20 is a threshold that many won't consider, so $10 is probably better, or even a 2-for-1 special from time to time, but then the club doesn't get as much money ... it's a double edge sword.
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13 years ago
avatar for 10inches
Depends on how much the cover is. If it's $20 (BYOB joints), I'll try to stay for at least a full cycle of dancers. I may find one that I like and think it's worthwhile hanging around for. Only once I have left before that, and it was pretty recent. I got in there, watched a few dances, took a look around at the dancers yet to go on stage and got the hell out of there. A literal waste of money.
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13 years ago
avatar for 10inches
Not a big fan of piercings or tats. Ears and navels are fine but rods through nips or a clit hood is not for me.
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14 years ago
avatar for samsung1
Hugh Hefner Going Deaf from Viagra
He's 85 years old for christ's sake. He should give it up ... and what stable minded 20-something wants to hook up with someone 4X their age? Look at his next wife ... oops ... I mean the one who left him with a reputation to try and correct. Whether or not they are true, there are new items that say she wanted to leave him at the altar, all to make a buck. A few of them in her case ... 500K of them.