Stay away from this club.

avatar for bang69
A friend of mine just got back from a biz trip from AZ. While in AZ he went to the great alaskan bush company sc. he told me about the club the girls. He also told me about the otc he got from roxy & a nother girl. he got herpies from roxy & aids from the other girl. So thats a great reason to stay away from that club


last comment
avatar for 2ofus
13 years ago
doesn't seem like your buddy getting aids from strippers outside the club has anything to do with the club.

avatar for mmdv26
13 years ago
bang69, I am embarrassed to even comment on this, because you posted this some time ago and nobody else has commented which leads me to believe that they all have you on "ignore" and I am out here all by myself reading your bullshit....

I thought you were all about "just having some fun" here at TUSCL. This post is not "just having fun", it is just plain stupid, inflammatory and obviously false.

I asked FOUNDER to throw you off TUSCL, but he says that your work of fiction is just like everybody else' works of fiction - yours are just a lot more annoying that most others.

We are on a bee line to "idiocracy".

avatar for HB13
13 years ago
How can you friend tell that he got Herpies / HIV from one girl versus the other? >_>

Yup another attention whore post. Any more and I'll join the ignore club.
avatar for thesamurai
13 years ago
Bang i agree with you man. I think you should hop on your bigwheel and roll down to that club and demand these girls be fired. Make sure you speak to a manager or better yet the owner. If they refuse to comply, throw your juicebox at them. That'll learn em!!!
avatar for staxwell
13 years ago
Oh no, juice got herpes and aids?
avatar for mjx01
13 years ago
I really should not bother, but...

That's what you get for putting pin holes in your condoms Mr. Dirty Trick-ster

Also, excellent observations by HB13 and 2ofus.
avatar for kingcripple
13 years ago
herpes AND aids. wow
avatar for vivi24
13 years ago
Bang69, your friend? Do you really and actually have a friend?
avatar for bang69
13 years ago
my list of people to ignore is growning
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
Thesa and stax......I'm on my knees from lol...that funny man !
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
Stax check this out ! Ooooo no ! I've got the aids and its not kool aids ! I'm melting ! Ooooooo!
avatar for DFFECHSWU
13 years ago
I'm going out on a limb here and will assume he got herpes first. 'Cause if it happened the other way around, criminal charges should be filed against him, and maybe even after spreading herpes. Anyway, the $1M question is ... why the f' did he go back to the well again if the first visit gave him a gift that keeps giving?
avatar for vincemichaels
13 years ago
You have something against our constitutionally protected rights, desertscrub??
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
You go vince ! That's one hell of a point !
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago
Founder didn't delete the post where that bitch in Orlando was outed and her Facebook page was posted and he didnt throw off that PSYCO who called another guy from a police station so why take action on this? No real names were mentioned.
avatar for bang69
13 years ago
Every one of us in this country that was born here. hase the rite to free speach. So keep that in mind
avatar for thesamurai
13 years ago
Not a Constitutional issue here. You can get your panties in a bunch either way on this stupid thread but if Founder wants to ban or censor somebody he can do so at his whim.
Contrary to popular belief, you don't have the 'right' to say anything you want anywhere you want.
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago

Good point. Is that why I can say "I pricked on finger" on television but I can't say "I fingered my prick"?
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
avatar for vincemichaels
13 years ago
Not to get on your case in a harmful way, thesamura, but that isn't the issue here. If the police authority chooses to prosecute truly malicious and harmful expressions of free speech, so be it. Reading the initial comment here, I dont' see it as being criminal behavior. So let's let the band play on as we get our share of lapdances.
avatar for mmdv26
13 years ago
Out here at the gateway to the west, we have Fred Phelps and Family. It takes a lot of effort to accept the right to free speech in the face of that.
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
I like grape drank !
avatar for txtittyfan
13 years ago
Maybe on his next visit, he will get a clue. It's not the club, it's the dancer.
avatar for hakanlube
13 years ago
motorhead: "Founder didn't delete the post where that bitch in Orlando was outed and her Facebook page was posted and he didnt throw off that PSYCO who called another guy from a police station so why take action on this? No real names were mentioned."

Actually, Troop hasn't posted since the phone call thread, so maybe Founder did quietly ban him. As for this thread, if the OP is falsely claiming that those girls have STDs, he's opening himself and potentially this site up to a lawsuit.
avatar for thesamurai
13 years ago
@VM, I wasn't advocating douchebag69 be moderated. I don't mind the stupid posts on this site, keeps it interesting I guess. I was just pointing out his speech here isn't afforded Constitutional protection against censorship.

avatar for shadowcat
13 years ago
2 different guys? One visiting. There other lives there. Hmmm?
Great Alaskan Bush Company Reviews


Member Since
November 2011

Reviews: 1
Clubs: 1

• November 22, 2011
Visited on: Friday Evening • Dancers on Shift: 11-25
Ratings: Physical Club: 1 • Dancer Quality: 1 • Dollar Value: 1 • Overall Rating: 1.00 / 10

I went into GAB this past weekend just to check it out. I was having a great time. But then I met a girl named Roxy, she ended up giving me a few naughty lap dances that I am pretty sure aren't legal. She also gave me her personal phone number and said to call her as she does outcall. I actually text her and she came to my house and gave me exactly what I deserved, herpes! You have been warned gentlemen stay away from Roxy, shes blonde and dirty.
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