
what does your clubbing schudale look like ?

Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
Me I go to the club about 3 to 4 times a week and will spend about 4 to 6 hours on each visit. I'm up to 3 clubs now that I visit. My monthly visits r about 20 visits. So what's your club habits?


  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    Ooops! My bad my monthly visits r more like 13 visits not 20! Looks like juice can't spell or count lol!
  • mjx01
    13 years ago
    Depends on my mood, location, and available cash to burn. Only one club near when I live, so under 'normal' circumstances about 1-2 per month.
    13 years ago
    Around 1X per month if you average it out. Some more, some less. Time spent varies.
  • GoVikings
    13 years ago
    Yeah, I only go one or twice a month as well. And sometimes it's not that often.
  • Columbo
    13 years ago
    I'm averaging 4-5 clubs a month, usually heading out once every week or two.
  • fillyfan
    13 years ago
    Perhaps twice a year. In fact, over the last 5 years, its probably more like once a year. Lately a little more often. Is that even a habit?
  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    Dam! Looks like I've got a problem! Ooo well in 6months I will be debt free and plain on going 7days a week.....I've got to be a major pl !
  • jackslash
    13 years ago
    Normally I make 2 afternoon visits a week to my favorite clubs. I also have a regular weekly OTC meeting with my ATF and often another OTC session with some other dancer. The other 3 days a week I waste on work.
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    I'm down to about one or two a week, usually in the same night. Mostly just to keep my hand in, as my current favorite is pretty much all I need in the sex department for now.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    Depends on my location and work schedule. Also if I need to babysit vm and keep him out of trouble! :)
  • snowtime
    13 years ago
    Average one or two visits per month.
  • snowtime
    13 years ago
    Average one or two visits per month.
  • mjx01
    13 years ago
    If i'm lucky enought to be traveling somewhere with either a high numbers or high qualities of clubs then things can get more interesting. Twice I hit 3 clubs in a day. On another ocasion I hit 5 clubs over 3 days. As I said earlier, it all depends on the circumstances.
  • rh48hr
    13 years ago
    Depends on the available cash flow. Would usually go 1-2 a month. Right now, the cash flow is limited and I am taking a little bit of a sabbatical. If I had more disposable income, I could see my visitations taking a significant leap.
  • TABB
    13 years ago
    I usually go now about twice a month the past 3 1/2 months. I gone to 7 times and this week it will be 8. Before I used to go twice a week from late March to may.
  • sharkhunter
    13 years ago
    I usually go about 2 to 4 times a month. I may cut that back if I keep losing money in the stock market. I'll need to save a lot more.
  • DandyDan
    13 years ago
    Lately, it's been once or twice a month, but now that my favorite club is open again, I might have to up that a bit. Then again, it's not a fun trip to get to the town my favorite club is in, so it might stay the same for now.
  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    What's a "schudale" ???
  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    Uuuuuuuuu! Vince hell if I know ??? Lol!
  • Clubber
    13 years ago

    Exactly the same as a schedule, except for the differences. :)
  • steve229
    13 years ago
    "What's a "schudale" ???"

    Isn't that a Schnauzer airedale mix?
  • Clubber
    13 years ago

    That cross is a Airenauzer.
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    Is that like a bull dog - shih tzu mix. A bullshit?
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