Do you spend more if the individual dances cost less?

The discussion on "Making it rain" got me thinking. I spend two to three times more money in a club that has dances from $5 (Atlanta) or $10 (cocoa beach) or two for one on special times or days (detroit) then bars that charge $25 to $40. I wonder if I am "odd man out" or if this is typical and if it is typical it would seem more bars would get on board with a lower cost high volume pricing structure.
last commentAgreed. I have often wondered this myself about clubs where I live.
As long as the quality of the dances is good, then YES. Unfortunately most strippers have not yet learned that they can make more by keeping prices down instead of price gouging.
In the days when I got individual Lapdances, yes lower cost would have meant more dances. These days I'm only buying Xtras.
I generally go to clubs in PA or FL. PA clubs are nude and generally expect $20 for the dance, the dancer tip is negotiable but they generaly seek and additional $20. $40 for 5 minutes is a lot of quan, so not many customers request repeat private dances. FL clubs are cheaper, but to be honest, I've only partaken in one or two in FL, so I can't really comment on the consitency of dance prices. However, one would like to think that in this "economy" (there's that dreaded word again) that both the clubs and the dancers would be willing to take less to get more. I would think that $20 is a threshold that many won't consider, so $10 is probably better, or even a 2-for-1 special from time to time, but then the club doesn't get as much money ... it's a double edge sword.
Was at John's Hot Spot Thursday and, as some of you know, Thursday is their $10 dance day. Usually this is a good thing. This time, however, I encountered a young coed who made it clear that, if I was to see or touch the kitty, the charge would be $20 per dance. Wasn't interested at that point and left her in the VIP after only two dances. My usual Thursday routine there is to get 4 or 5 dances from each dancer, sometimes as many as 8 dances if things are going well. If the charge is $20, I better be getting great mileage or I will stop after a couple of dances.
Nice topic and I'd have to answer with a firm "yes." It's only a "yes" depending on mileage ofcourse. For example if she charges $10 per song full nude grinding, mutual touching of all areas, and if i enjoy it, then i would continue it for another 7-10 songs and more if i want to.
Dancers dont need to be charging $40-$60 per song for this type of dance. They would be making more if they charge less. Customers want to know they are getting a good deal. Dancers just need to do their part on executing their talents and customers like me would extend the session and spend more instead of buying just one $40-$60 dance or none at all.
The clubs with cheap dances also usually have expensive VIP rooms that cause me to spend more than I expect. Jen's Den in Akron has $5 dances with decent contact but they also have the $20/song VIP. Columbus Gold in Columbus has $12 dances but they also have $50/song VIP. The dancers at Cols Gold are so snobby and arrogant most of them are not willing to do the table dances claiming "they don't want to give it up for cheap" or "they get in trouble too easily out on the floor".
I agree 100% I would spend so much more and would visit so much more ! The same goes with extras. If it was good and a bargin I will empty my account for the girl. but at home prices r higher like $25 to $35 range so ya I spend way less than I would.....hell that's why I'm saving my real money for follies its 2 states down but its worth the bargin !
I agree. I will spend more if the $10 dances are done right. The places that have $40 dances make think long and hard about pulling the trigger. I measure the SS and the girl and watch closely her stage show and then I still don't pull the trigger. The girl had better be a knock-out and a fantastic dancer and let me know that the lapper will be an earthshaking experience before I part with that $40. But I'm much more willing to part with a ten spot if I think it will be pretty good. And if it is better than expected, I will order up several more. I think the management's cut keeps driving that price up and the girls get a little greedy. Just in a few weeks time I have seen a new girl go from frisky, flirty, and fun to jaded, automatic, and business-like.
I don't know much about ATL or Cocoa Beach but I know in Detroit if you go on the $10 dance days you are not going to be getting a regular detroit dance for $10. The dancers will easily upsell back to the normal $20/song price if you expect a regular dance. I also know some dancers in Columbus who pull this crap if you are buying a 2fer1 instead of a regular single dance.
I usually work in places that change $20 or $30 dollars per dance.The club has set these prices and they are posted. I will not negotiate under $20 dollars Ever. Usually my dances are $30. I believe I'm worth every penny and more. I do not, I repeat do not ever ask for tips. I don't believe in it. I also dance on the west coast though. I have found that prices can be higher out here. I also should mention, though, that in no circumstances do I blame someone for not wanting to pay high prices. Customers want the best deal and they should get it, I just am not the one to give it to them. It hasn't hurt my business and it won't.
Sure I spend more if the dances are less expensive. It comes down to a certain amount of pride. Who likes to be gouged? If prices are FAIR, and the girls' attitudes are good, then I'll spend.
Yes, I will spend more if the dance prices are less than the normal $20 here in Detroit. I agree with samsung1 that on $10 Tuesdays at Bogarts, don't expect to get the mileage one gets there for the $10 price. As far as Cocoa Beach, the Inner Room's $10 all the time price is the price per dance. Every time I have been there over the last few years, the mileage can be pretty damn good for $10 per song.
yes, i definitely spend more if the dances are reasonably priced. the lap dances prices in VA are so ridiculously over priced, that on most of my visits i usually only get one dance.
down here, you have to spend at least $60 which gets you a 2 for 1, if you want a decent lap dance. (where you can actually touch and there's something contact)
$20 in my area, only gets you an air dance, where you can't touch the dancer at all, that is very lame and not even worth the money.
You guys are dedicated (or just in an area where this is the norm)...I would never give up $20-30 for 5 min or less lap...I'd save up for an escort or side piece...
Price per dance matters little to me. Beauty of the dancer and the quality of her VIP moves determines what I spend on dances. There is a club in Vancouver (No. 5 Orange) with $50 lap dances where I have had a couple of serious financial meltdowns. But I have no beefs about this because that club attracts some of North America's hottest dancers and some of them are very 'agreeable' in the VIP.
I will happily spend a couple of k at that joint under those circumstances.
I go into a club with a fixed budget already decided on and the cash already in my wallet. I never use the ATM in the club. So they are only going to get X dollars out of me, whether it is in drinks, dances, tips, or extras. So the best dollars per minute strategy with a cusomer like me is to charge little for the dances, get more from me for the extras, and then move on to the next customer with my wallet empty and yours full.
I would like lap dances to cost less, but I honestly can't say I would spend more if the dances were cheaper. I only like to spend my money on very attractive dancers, and the cost of the dance has less influence on how much I spend than the hotness of the dancer. If she's hot enough, I'll spend everything in my pocket regardless of the price of each dance. But if a club doesn't have any 8's or above, I'll keep my money in my wallet. I think I need to find more clubs with ugly dancers.
as others have said it depends on quality. if lower price is also lower quality than no. if I feel like I'm getting better milage per dollar (MPD) then yes I would take advantage of the opportunity to the fullest.
I live in a city with $10 dances. If I go to $20 clubs, I want the contact and mileage to be outstanding. I can get decent contact (depending on the dancer) for $10 here.
I'm agree inno123, I have a fixed amount in my wallet and I'm not going to spend more than that.
I'm with rh48hr I have a certain amount in my wallet and if I go to the club that offer 20 dollar's dances I except high mileage dances. So far far the 10 dances have not been that bad.
I'm with rh48hr I have a certain amount in my wallet and if I go to the club that offer 20 dollar's dances I except high mileage dances. So far far the 10 dances have not been that bad.
I would buy more dances if they cost a dollar each
Like a few others, I go with a set budget. I find that at the higher price clubs I tend to spend more at the tip rail and only get one or two dances from each dancer. At the $10 clubs I tend to get four, five, or more dances per dancer. I also seem to buy more dancers drinks at the $10 clubs after lap dances. I seldom leave without spending my entire entertainment budget.
In my book regarding dance prices, less equals more. But then I would rather pay less for most anything. Really who wishes to pay more for anything?
We go with a budget. Regardless of the pricing of the dances, we do not go over our budget. There was one dancer who tempted us but we were not in agreement that we should extend the budget. In retrospect, my wife was the one who wanted to raise the budget limit to include the champagne room which we had not done at that time, I now wonder if we should have as it would have been a different experience than when we did decide to go on a future visit with another dancer.
The US government.
I'm surprised most dancers haven't experienced that perceived value leads to more sales. If a dancer gives a better price than others, I keep getting dances from her. There is one night shift blonde at PP who's been there a few years now. Young girl, not really personable. But she gets it. When I turn her down (because I normally want to try different dancers) she'll come back and keep lowering her dance price. I give in maybe 1 in 5 visits, but that 1 time I give in I end up spending all of my money on her even at her lower price.
I remember one trip a year ago the club was partially dead (around 2am). Very few people were getting dances at the time. I had been there for hours so I spent my budget and planned on leaving after getting one more dance from my fave. This blonde came up while I was waiting for the other girl and when I said I'm waiting on someone, she haggled me on a price and said 6 for $50. She knew that in the time it took to do six dances she would make a guaranteed $50 while the rest of the girls were just walking around a dead room. I gave in. Might not seem like she got much out of the deal, but I'm sure it was better than sitting in the locker room for three songs because no one was getting dances.
Of course I'll spend more if dances are less. I know of one specific dancer who only dances at a club with $10 lapdances because she knows she can make more there than at the club across town which has $20 lapdances, although it may help that at her club, when they do $10 dances (they also have $20 dances, which is a different room), they keep all the money.