National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day, which is observed annually on December 7, is to remember and honor all those who died in the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. On August 23, 1994, United States Congress, by Pub.L. 103-308, designated December 7 of each year as National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day.[1] National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day is also referred to as Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day or Pearl Harbor Day. It is a tradition to fly the Flag of the United States at half-staff until sunset in honor of dead patriots.
@lg: A few of us old farts whose parents were alive then still observe it, and as shadowcat points out, it's officially observed even if it's not a holiday, but I'm not sure it has much recognition beyond that. I could wish I was wrong, but I gave up tilting at windmills...
You know, I think I'll watch From Here To Eternity, tonight. Anyone got any more suggestions? And please don't say Pearl Harbor, that movie was a steaming pile of... I didn't like that movie.
I just read in FL Today that there are planned memorial services for those who want their ashes taken to the USS Utah or USS Arizona (the only ones that remain). The only ones whose ashes can be taken there are the ones that served on either ship.
"Do they even teach our history in schools any longer?"
Well probably not this part of history. I think the left would believe that Japan is too important of a trading partner for us to teach kids the Japanese once attacked us.
But having a father that fought in Pacific, I won't forget.
Perhaps they teach that we provoked them somehow. You know how everything bad in the world is the fault of the United States, at least according to our Apologizer In Chief!
I must add that I meant no disrespect here. Like motorhead I am the son of a WWII combat veteran. My father fought the Nazis in Europe until the end of the war in 1945.
I have much admiration for the military of our two countries.
No, according to righty revisionist history that they are trying to have taught in our schools, it was the Iraqis that bombed pearl harbor. Our actions against Iraq can finally settle on a justification. They used their vast fleet of long range camels to do the job. I'm assuming they were sopwith, as I don't think even the average stupid righty would believe an actual camel could fly.
@gmd: what do you mean by 'tilting at windmills', another expression for giving up hope?
"Do they even teach our history in schools any longer?"
Well probably not this part of history. I think the left would believe that Japan is too important of a trading partner for us to teach kids the Japanese once attacked us.
But having a father that fought in Pacific, I won't forget.
Perhaps they teach that we provoked them somehow. You know how everything bad in the world is the fault of the United States, at least according to our Apologizer In Chief!
I have much admiration for the military of our two countries.
You forget your American history but remember my review of Bogarts when I met vincemichaels?
(sorry, I should have posted that days ago)
is more my speed.