More Venting: Stripper Ignorance

avatar for jackslash
Guys have vented about strippers' tattoos and poor English, and now I want to vent about strippers' ignorance.

I was telling a dancer about my trip to Paris and I mentioned seeing the tomb of Napoleon. "Who's Napoleon?" she asked. I don't expect dancers to be history experts, but I think they should have at least heard of such a major figure in world history.

Once a dancer and I were talking about our ethnic backgrounds. I said I was a white Anglo-Saxon Protestant. The girl did not know what "Anglo-Saxon" or "Protestant" meant.

I told my ATF one day about a book I was reading. She told me she had never read a book in her life. She sounded proud of the fact. I refrained from making a smart-ass remark like "It really shows", but I recall Mark Twain's comment that "The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who can't read them."

Has anyone else encountered appalling examples of stripper ignorance?


last comment
avatar for shadowcat
13 years ago
Recently I had a dancer tell me that she thought that California and Mexico were separated by a canal. "Just keep sucking honey".
avatar for BigSexy56
13 years ago
The problem is you are looking at them as a possible companion instead of eye candy and a release from reality. Get over it, go join a book club and leave the strippers alone!
avatar for georgmicrodong
13 years ago
avatar for JackKash
13 years ago
I've been fortunate to meet mostly intellectuals, college students and college educated girls - only problem is they have opinions - sometimes a little too strong and naive that haven't yet been whittled and shaped by time and experience. That can be annoying. The ignorant ones don't last long with me, usually leave with the "deer in the headlights" gaze. So there is a question, preference for ignorant girls or smart and opinionated? I suppose they can be ignorant and opinionated too but that doesn't really count.
avatar for skeets35
13 years ago
I've met many smart women who strip, but realistically, most do this because they have nice bodies and not so nice brains.

But I agree, some are especially stupid.
avatar for Sowhatt
13 years ago
Her: So what brings you to town?
Me: Business
Her: Oh ya? Whatcha do?
Me: (Lying) Porn
Her: REEEEEEALY!!! I've always wanted to meet someone in porn!
Me: Interested in getting into it? I'm a producer
Her: Oh I dunno. Would I have to do anal?
Me: Only if you want to get paid honey, only if you want to get paid.

It went on like this for awhile, but that was the best part.
avatar for txtittyfan
13 years ago
Ignorance is not limited to just strippers in today's younger generation.
avatar for Chanel
13 years ago
Alot of younger people focus on learning new technology and social media. They aren't interested in history, current events, politics, etc.

Savvy dancers will read in order to keep the conversation going with their customers.

Before you relegate all strippers to the intellectual basement, maybe read the pink website. Some gifted and well spoken dancers post there. Be aware that some are very opinionated (probably in a way you won't like)but many are pretty nice!
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
"Ignorance is not limited to just strippers in today's younger generation"

That's certainly a TRUE remark.

I guess in the long run unless you want to marry &/or date one of these Dancers, any intelligence may be a blessing. Certainly there are those who are dumber than rocks & those who may be better educated than I am. And many in between those extremes. Most of the time as long as she KNOWS how to use her mouth &/or pussy, that will do for the short term.
avatar for deogol
13 years ago
The pink site has gone down in intelligence the recent years. Lots of bans on talking about things other than "being a good stripper girl." Problem is, some have recognized the efforts of Pryce to dumb-down the site and moved on to another by invitation only stripper site.

That said, I am glad most of them do not vote (nor even have a clue how to much less who to).
avatar for sinclair
13 years ago
What happens to dancers once the beauty fades? Some of these women are so stupid I really wonder how they are able to support themselves after selling their body becomes uneconomical.
avatar for JohnBuford
13 years ago
I had just returned from a two week TDY (temporary duty ) in Iceland when a dancer told me she had never heard of it. I was pleasantly surprised she had the intellectual curiosity to want to learn where it was. I told her it was in the north Atlantic,east of Greenland and west of Europe.Her eyes got vacant and the brow furrowed.North Atlantic? Nope.Greenland? Nope.She had HEARD of Europe but wasn't sure where it was.(shrug) Hey,I tried right?
avatar for DoctorDarby
13 years ago
I am reminded of the ill-fated campaign here in Ohio to undo the draconian strip club regulations that got passed by a spineless legislature. One group want to put a repeal intitiative on the ballot; another wanted to put the law to a referendum. Both attempted to mobilize strip club owners, customers, and employees to talk up the issue and collect signatures on the petitions. Between the brainless owners, the clueless strippers, and 100,000 'John Smith, 99 Turd Lane, Bumchuck, Ohio" signatures, nothing ever made it to the ballot.
avatar for tigerfan3
13 years ago
As some of you might know, I'm a strip club operator. Every now and then I'll ask my dancers a few simple questions...1) Who is the President? 2) Who was the President before him? 3)And finally, who was the President before him??

All of them know that Obama is the President now. More than half know that Bush was before him. But in the year that I've playfully asked this question to my girls, only ONE knew that Bill Clinton was the President before Bush!!!
avatar for Illery
13 years ago
Well... The Strip Club isn't the place that you'd expect for females to engage in intellectual conversation about geography or politics. If you want to have intellectual convrersation, go back to school and take a class!! Many strippers are just probably just play the "dumb, blonde" role to turn you on (which in turn loosens your wallets). It's all a hustle in these clubs, and most are just looking for a quick dollar (we should know that by now). They aren't looking to have an intellectual conversation. Modern day strippers aren't ancient Greek hetaera (courtesans), and you all aren't ancient Greek generals or senators. But through my (recent) experiences, there was one dancer that said that I was a "behemoth..." *wink* I don't know about her knowledge in geography or political science, but she got an A+ for vocabulary!!
avatar for canny
13 years ago
Quoting a stripper, "Where else can I earn this much money without a college degree?" She is also planning on going back to school because she's wise enough to know that she isn't going to be stripping when she's 40.
avatar for Stiletto25
13 years ago
I agree with BigSexy56. I don't care what my dancer colleagues know about history or current events. I do know that the ignorance doesn't stop at strippers. This is a country wide epidemic. Alot of people immigrated to this country for a better life and have no clue why this "better life" is possible..or how many people have died and sacrificed to make this country better for everyone...and we can't say the fucking pledge of allegiance in a classroom? Arrghh That's what really irritated me.

But anyhow, strippers and a lot of the younger generation are clueless. But a lot of the older generation aren't savvy with technology so Idk.
avatar for Stiletto25
13 years ago
Change "immigrated" above and replace it with "immigrate".
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
" I really wonder how they are able to support themselves after selling their body becomes uneconomical"

avatar for CTQWERTY
13 years ago
I'll forgive stripper ignorance.

The best was the door girl at The Pantheon in Dearborn, MI. She had wandered away and guys were entering without paying cover, causing the DJ to say over the PA "Door girl to ... the door."
avatar for DFFECHSWU
13 years ago
I'm not sure if I'd be able to define a W.A.S.P. in purely a historical sense. That's mostly because I'm not religious nor do I care to learn about all the nuances of how each developed and what they meant to society. Napoleon, yeah, most have heard of him. My point is, we all have things we key in on in conversation and/or while learning, so no one will know every single thing out there. However, I would think most would catch on and remember at least some of important tidbits even if they are inconsequential at that time. Demonstrating plain ignorance (as others have alluded to) and a reluctance to at least listen and learn is far too prevalent these days.
avatar for TABB
13 years ago
I actually know one dancer that smarter then are current dumb generation. She actually knows the American amenmdments. Whats going on in the political world, I'm pretty sure she graduate a year early. The only problem is that she seems to be a underachiever.
avatar for sharkhunter
13 years ago
hmmm, Just wondering why I seem to encounter a lot of smarter strippers. I'm wondering if it's only a perception because the conversations I have with not so smart strippers probably don't last too long. Probably more like "wanna dance?" Me: "no thanks" and she moves on. It might be because the music is too loud to say much in some clubs I visit and the other clubs I often end up talking to the same dancers a lot of the time.

I remember I once met a dancer who claimed she had a college degree and seemed quite intelligent. She said something about how much more money actually listing figures that she could make working a few years as a dancer rather than starting off in her profession using her college degree. It would be nice to know if that approach worked out for her.

One dancer taught me a little bit of Spanish. She was from somewhere in South America. I met some charming girls from Hungary in a few clubs along with some eastern European countries and from Russia. It might depend on the subject you are talking about on how intelligent they appear. I usually don't try to get into intellectual conversations with dancers.

I probably would be surprised if a dancer never heard of Napoleon. I thought they taught history in High School or elementary school. I wouldn't be surprised if a dancer who may only be 21 or 23 or so couldn't immediately come up with the presidents before Bush. I myself forgot about Clinton and was thinking of the elder Bush. Now the appropriate question to ask a dancer might be, what was the name of the President of the US who claimed he had no sexual relations but was getting oral with Monica? Then I bet more people would remember the name.
avatar for 2ofus
13 years ago
Tabb, are you a stripper?
avatar for sharkhunter
13 years ago
I keep running into dancers who seem like they have some kind of photographic memory remembering me from many years ago and remembering all kinds of detail I forgot long ago. I did meet one dancer who claimed she did have a photographic memory. I read a post somewhere that when waitresses become prettier, the economy is going downhill because the pretty girls may typically be working a better job. Maybe the same applies to dancers. When the dancers become prettier and smarter, the economy must have taken a turn for the worse. Someone had a thread asking for economic indicators. I guess that could be one. It might be hard to tell if the unemployment rate has been high for years in the state with the strip club.
avatar for mjx01
13 years ago
I agree with stiletto: it is a society wide problem.

Too many people don't understand that the "better life" in america requires utilizing the squishy gray matter between their ears. Getting OT... but too many people also feel that they are entitled to the "better life" without making any effort.
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
I agree with the younger gen and me included also I agree with shadow just keep on sucking ! Lol
avatar for Clubber
13 years ago
I've met many that can't even speak English. :)
avatar for vincemichaels
13 years ago
Yes, ignorance is a problem. I know a guy here that can't even speak English and he has lived here in the USA all his life. Clubber, I'll send you and "G" to school together. :)
avatar for JGoose
13 years ago
I have to agree, that ignorance is a problem with the youth of the country. Are the dancers you are choosing to talk to denser than the MDF the club was built with, then pick smarter dancers, or dancers that are interested in the world. I have had no problems finding interesting dancers to talk to. Maybe it's the proximity to a major university and several colleges?

As for tigerfan3's test - How old are most dancers? 20-ish? Obama came into office when they were 17-ish, and Bush came into office when they were 9-ish. Unless they are from a politically oriented family, I wouldn't expect someone to remember who was President when they were in 3rd or 4th grade. Just because I can barely remember Nixon doesn't mean that I'm any better educated than anyone else! Why not just hold up an eight track cartridge, and ask them what it is?

Stiletto - What do technical skills have to do with being a functioning member of society? My father can use his cellphone, and a computer is something he doesn't even need(but wants to get), yet he can do more than anyone I know, based on having to actually learn stuff in school and college, rather than rely on having a computer to tell him what to do. Given a choice between someone of his generation, and someone that checks their cellphone every five minutes and is technically savvy, I'll go with the older generation every time.
avatar for Clubber
13 years ago

My bouncer friend says she still works at Stir, but really no consistent hours. Would really like to see her again, but if I go and "C" is there, well that ends it for other dancers. I am such a PL for "C". :)
avatar for Clubber
13 years ago

Ditto your last paragraph!
avatar for vincemichaels
13 years ago
zzzzzzzzz, "C" is something else. I'm going back to bed. I'll dream about her. :)
avatar for steve229
13 years ago
I think most Americans are happy to forget Bush was President, lol. We'd also like to forget Clinton, but he won't stay out of the damn news!
avatar for DandyDan
13 years ago
I've met plenty who are not very booksmart at all. The most bizarre conversation I had was with a white girl in El Paso. I told her I was from Nebraska. "Is that in Canada?" she said. I could forgive her ignorance if she was a Mexican dancer in El Paso, but this was a white girl. My friend who was with me was dumbstruck. Let's just say that was it for her.
avatar for txtittyfan
13 years ago
Each generation grows up in an environment different from the prior. What is deemed important from an education stnadpoint has changed thru the years. You can not totally blame the youth. There has been diminshed teaching to go along with the diminished learning.

While this may explain some of the education problem today, it is the fault of prior generations for not passing on personal responsibilities and accountability to successive generations.
avatar for qweasdzxc
13 years ago
I had a dancer ask me what I was Chinese or Asian? I gave her my answer, and she replied back saying "ohhh i'm sorry I only know Asian."
avatar for thesamurai
13 years ago
I've met some pretty stupid strippers, stupid in the traditional sense. Yeah they probably don't know where Japan is on a map, or who Napoleon was, but ask them where to score weed and they'll rattle off 9 different guys, list them in order of product potency, who has the most competitive prices, who is sketchy, etc. Knowledge is relative. People who live on the fringe of society have their smarts where they need them to survive. Their ignorance is probably a big part of why they can't climb up and out of the fringe, but at least they can survive.
avatar for Shamrock211
13 years ago
I find a lot of dancers who aren't intrinsically that stupid just have no interest in anything that doesn't involve pop culture. They COULD become more educated about virtually any topic but they couldn't care less because there's no celebrity involved.

If IQ were measured solely by what celeb is banging who or which liquor Ludacris is currently endorsing, they'd be considered geniuses.

History for them means being able to list all the people the Kardashians have fucked or how many times an R&B star has been to jail.

That being said I've worked with some girls who have the attention span of a gnat and (quite literally) can't count to three. And I current work with a girl in school for Aeronautical Physics (or something like that).

To me having the ability to learn and not using it is just as bad as being mentally UNABLE to learn.

But God gave them a vagina and made men willing to spend idiotic amounts of money to look at/bang it, so it all equals out in the end.
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
"gave them a vagina"

And a mouth too.
avatar for Stiletto25
13 years ago
@jgoose- Point out for me where I said technical skills have anything to do with being a functional member of society? When did being a functional member of society come into this? Sorry to break this to you but you're reading into things that aren't there. Being technically savvy has nothing to do with being functional, a member of society, or a functional member of society.

I am a stripper though, so what to I know? And what do you care exactly?
avatar for staxwell
13 years ago
I've met just as many ignorant old people as I have people my age. So, I wouldn't say it's just an issue with the youth. It's like thesamurai said, it's a matter of what you need to survive. Half of what we learn in High school and College is forgotten as soon as the final exam is over, we take only what we need from it.

Back on topic, the dumbest thing I heard was when one felt my dick, she looked up at me with this concerned look and asked "Are you on steroids, cause your dick is huge?".
avatar for staxwell
13 years ago
"I am a stripper though, so what to I know?"

Stiletto, you mean "what do I know" right? smh :)
avatar for gatorfan
13 years ago
Strippers are not ignorant!

They are lying thieving whores
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago

I thought a Napoleon was a creme filled layered pastry. I guess I've been watching too much of the Food Network
avatar for LeeH
13 years ago
Riffing off motorhead, I watched John Pinette's latest special last night. He was talking about "Cake Boss" -- "I didn't know that you could arbitrarily name yourself as boss of a type of food." He then declares himself "Ham Boss" and goes into an excellent Brando-as-Corleone riff.
avatar for LeeH
13 years ago
Back on the OP, the fact that jackslash cites 3 examples says a bit about *his* mental capacity to me. They say insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting a different outcome.
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
"I am a stripper though, so what (do) I know?"

A lot more than many persons posting on this site Stiletto25!
avatar for Stiletto25
13 years ago
@staxwell- lol. Yes, auto correct is against me.

Alucard, you're a sweetie
avatar for Dougster
13 years ago
Strippers are so dumb that they make the likes of mikeya02 look smart (...well maybe they're not *that* dumb).
avatar for rh48hr
13 years ago
I'd say ignorance is not limited to one job, race or gender. I've run into ignorance in all ages, shapes and sizes.
avatar for Clubber
13 years ago
We are all ignorant, just on different subjects. Ask me about cooking, ignorant. Also, many confuse stupid with ignorance. The latter can be fixed.
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago
Certainly there are exceptions but this does seem to reinforce the stereotype that beautiful girls are dumb and smart girls are ugly.

Is this evolution's way of allowing both attractive and unattractive women to compete for a mate? Or do the ugly girls realize they need to work harder in school while pretty ones know they can get by on their looks ?
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago
My theory is television is to blame. When I was growing up, I watched shows like The FBI, Kojak, Mannix, and Hawaii Five-O. While formulaic, one had to pay attention to follow the complicated (for a child) plotlines.

Even comedies like All in the Family, MASH, Good Times, The Mary Tyler Moore Show, and Sanford and Son often introduced politics, racism, women's right, and sexual orientation. The did with a comedic bent, but at least it got the viewers to think.

Most of today's dancers grew up watching Anerican Idol, Dancing with the Stars, Ameruca's Next Top Model and Big Brother.

What critical thinking skills are developed by watching this rubbish?
avatar for Dougster
13 years ago
motorhead: Evolution is broken. Strippers (and their deadbeat trailer park boyfriends) are far more prolific than female nuclear engineers.
avatar for georgmicrodong
13 years ago
@motorhead: Evolution doesn't necessarily select the fastest, smartest or most attractive. It selects the fittest to survive. Sadly, the criteria necessary for survival is all to often not known until *after* it becomes critical. By then, it's too late for those that don't have it.
avatar for txtittyfan
13 years ago
So many "dumb" strippers making so much money from "smart" PL's looking for emotional attachment, makes you wonder who the ignorant party really is.
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago
+1 ttxtitty
avatar for rh48hr
13 years ago
spot on txtittyfan.
avatar for steve229
13 years ago
"I watched shows like The FBI, Kojak, Mannix, and Hawaii Five-O."

Those were good shows, motorhead! Steve McGarrett. baby! (I'm talking the original Jack Lord version, not the current wanna-be)
avatar for steve229
13 years ago
"I watched shows like The FBI, Kojak, Mannix, and Hawaii Five-O."

Those were good shows, motorhead! Steve McGarrett. baby! (I'm talking the original Jack Lord version, not the current wanna-be)
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
"motorhead: Evolution is broken. Strippers (and their deadbeat trailer park boyfriends) are far more prolific than female nuclear engineers"

Gee, I can hardly believe it. I agree with something Dougster said. LOL

We need MORE HOT female nuclear engineers!
avatar for DandyDan
13 years ago
This all sounds like the movie Idiocracy. Not that I ever expect to get an HJ at Starbucks or anything.
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago
It is a society wide problem. I was reading some movie blogs and an African-American teenage girl was critical of the movie "The Notebook" for it's "negative portrayal of blacks in the film". She accused the movie as being racist because all the blacks were servants or menial laborers."

If you've seen the movie, it's takes place in the 1940's American South. I guess she wasn't paying too much attention during History class
avatar for LeeH
13 years ago
motorhead, that's not really an example of any recent issue. "Huck Finn" has been banned for decades by allegedly intelligent adults (who, btw, you NEVER want to see stripping).

Fuck historical accuracy; someone's feelings might get hurt.
avatar for mikeya02
13 years ago
My fav is so dumb she turned down the awesome amount of $150 from the know it all Dougster!
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