Not sure what to think? Convince me one way or another.
Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
Did anyone catch this...."The Senate and the House of Representatives passed a bipartisan deal Friday extending the payroll tax cut and unemployment benefits"....but tacked onto the bill was this little gem:
"Also, welfare beneficiaries will be banned from accessing public assistance funds at ATMs in STRIP CLUBS, liquor stores, and casinos"
I dunno which way to fall on this one. On one hand, I HATE the government playing morality cops and telling us what we can and can't do with our lives...but then it is OUR tax dollars, not money THEY earned to play with.
So I need to some guidance.
"Also, welfare beneficiaries will be banned from accessing public assistance funds at ATMs in STRIP CLUBS, liquor stores, and casinos"
I dunno which way to fall on this one. On one hand, I HATE the government playing morality cops and telling us what we can and can't do with our lives...but then it is OUR tax dollars, not money THEY earned to play with.
So I need to some guidance.
Government assistance should all be done thru a debit card system where it can only be used for food, clothing, shelter. In order for walmarts etc to participate in the program they have to setup their check out systems to reject paying for unapproved items.
And boo hoo if that makes progressives feel bad. It's not supposed to be comfortable on welfare. It should suck so there's motivation to get off welfare. Guys like Ben Franklin understood this.
But the reality is these programs today aren't intended to help anyone. (not even the people receiving benfits) It all just a scam to buy votes. People think the gov takes care of them so the people on benefits keep there reps in power. While just barely getting by prevents social mobility. Keeping poor people poor ensures that the rich stay in power.
But I'd take issue with the liquor store part. In Detroit you'd have a hard time finding a food store that wasn't also a liquor store.