
Comments by DoctorDarby (page 15)

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    15 years ago
    Girls, Girls, Girls and other uptime songs
    Bob Seger's "Love to watch her strut" was a fixture in the early 80s bikini bars in NE Ohio. Prince's "Little Nicky" from the Purple Rain album was almost perfect for strippers except for the bizarre extended ending that was on the juke box versions back in the day.
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    15 years ago
    I think I mentioned "dangerous Donna" in another thread. She was a muscular body-builder type who man-handled bachelors and birthday boys as part of her act. It never turned me on when she was in her prime, and now that she is older, its kinda pathetic. Did I mention that she always dances to country music? Yep. Nuff said.
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    15 years ago
    the greatest thing ever invented! the IGNORE button
    I certainly would reserve its use for extreme cases (as in the recent spate of off-topic, policial trolls) rather than tag regular posters who annoy me. The great thing about a discussion is watching it grow; cutting out someone in the middle makes no sense and detracts from the purpose. Howeverk, it was nice to just ignore those useless topics (and the ding-dong who posted them) from the list. Now if we can just get our guys to stop starting new threads to bitch about the trolls, we'll be in good shape . . .
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    15 years ago
    Under 21 Dancers
    Head hurts. Too much math . .. don't like numbers . . . can't find reason not to like naked 18 year olds. . . or 20 year olds. . . or whatever . . . are you sure they are gonna be naked?
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    15 years ago
    Admit you don't know who the hell she is?
    I was waiting in the airport for my brother to arrive and saw a very attractive lady playing with a baby in a stroller. I said hi and mentioned that she looked familiar and that maybe I know her from the college where I worked. She said "nope" and mentioned the nickname of a local strip club. Sure enough, I had seen her dance but she remembered me before I recognized her. We had a nice chat and parted with friendly words.
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    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Pineapple juice
    Now, in contrast to the young retards who robbed the armored car and spent all their money on titties and I-pods, this college co-ed is making her parents proud by using her journalistic skills to share this important information with the world. Bless her little heart. I wonder if she's hot? Gee, maybe she's signed up for one of my classes . . .
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    15 years ago
    Ever wonder how much strippers actually make and where the money goes?
    I don't think estimating the earnings and spending habits of strippers is any easier to generalize about than trying to figure the same things out for anybody. People blow smoke about their money all the time. Adult entertainers are no different (i.e, the million dollar stripper). Some do good. Some don't. Some spend wisely on college and kids, others piss it away on booze and drugs. It's the same thing for the rest of the world. One of the reasons that some guys say they hate strip clubs and strippers is their broad assumption that the money they spend on dancers is somehow ill-gotten and will be ill-spent. It's an unfair assumption that has all kinds of negative consequences for dancers ,customers, clubs, and the business in general. Assuming that all strip club earnings are somehow "dirty money" makes it easy for legislators to pass laws that would limit (and potentially ruin) the whole industry with no regard for the people who work in it.
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    15 years ago
    unban me you coward
    Don Rickles funny. Dis guy not funny. Dis guy annoying like pimple on pee-pee. I rub and rub with salve but pimple not go away. Bad pimple. Bad peepee. I go now. Rub more salve. Bye Bye.
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    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Ever get a free(?) lap dance?
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    15 years ago
    Girls, Girls, Girls and other uptime songs
    Yep. I had a brain fart on that one. It is a great stripper song in any form.
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    15 years ago
    Sugar Pie Honey Bunch
    I was the "naughty professor" for a long time at one of my old clubs. A couple of girls used to wear schoolgirl outfits and play "hot for Teacher" for me when they went onstage. That was fun.
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    15 years ago
    "Everything I need to know, I learned in a Strip Club"
    Good stuff folks. Here's a few of mine: 1) If strippers you once had as students decide to dance for you, they will give really good dances (but no extras) 2) Complimenting dancers is nice but the only form of compliment that really gets you anywhere is cash. 3) Other than the obvious big spenders, there is often no apparent rhyme or reason for the way that dancers choose which customers to spend time with or give good dances to. The second you think you figured it out, something will screw the theory up. 4) Servers, door girls, and shot girls need love too. Sometimes they deliver unexpected pleasures to those who pay attention. 5) Many of our male brethern (present company excepted of course) are complete flaming idiots and will prove it by their behavior in SCs. 6) Try to ignore the banal DJ babble and bad music during lap dances and focus, focus, focus. 7) 2 for 1 songs will always be shorter and worse than anything that gets played the rest of the night 8) If the dancer is pretty good at a 2 for 1, get another song right away to see if she gets better. 3 for 2 is still a good deal. 9) Girls who look angry, sad, or pityful will give angry, sad, and pityful dances. 10) If you are having fun, show it. If you can turn somebody's (including your own) crappy, boring night into a fun night by spending a little cash and projecting a positive attitude, it's a good thing!
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    15 years ago
    Dancer changing her look
    I can live with changes in hair color, tattoos, and piercings (although neither turn me on much) but no one has mentioned the shock of finding one of your faves with a new boob job. I find that most of the time, the boob job ruins a perfectly hot, well-proportioned body by turning it into something fake, exaggerated, and grotesque. I suppose for the boob-lovers, its a "hallelujah" moment, but it always make me a bit sad to see a pretty girl alter her body in such a drastic way. I think many dancers, like many women in general, have self-esteem and body issues that are part of the reason they are in the business. They seek validation through their physical appearence and if they are insecure about how they look, they will do things that to outside observers seem completely irrational. In any case, even if the change doesn't trip your trigger, its a good idea to note and compliment what they have done. It seems clear from the comments on some other threads, that as regulars, we often provide support, validation, and friendship (as well as a reliable source of income) for many of these girls, which is OK by me.
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    15 years ago
    Police: Man leaves kids in car, goes to strip club
    JJ. LOL I was thinking the same thing! The level of stupidity is just as high, but at least the college boys had lots of money to spend!!
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    15 years ago
    Largest Armored Car Heists in U.S. then spent their loot on Strippers
    I wonder what college they were attending? Based on the level of idiocy on display throughout the whole caper, I'm guessing none of them were honor students. They'll make sooooo many new friends in prison.
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    15 years ago
    I use the Zappa rule when picking sexual aids: shrink tubing, a hair dryer, a baby octopus, and a can of creamed corn. Great googly-mooglies!!
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    15 years ago
    To V or not to V
    Be carefull with that thing. You'll put yer eye out kid.
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    15 years ago
    Why New User Rail (August 2009 registered) should be banned from TUSCL for Posti
    Attention-seeking idiots prefer insults over being ignored. I'm afraid that providing nearly 40 responses to his brainless polemic is not going to discourage this goober. If his next topic gets 0 responses, he will go elsewhere to dispense his drivel. His posts seem similar to those from a few weeks ago that also dealt with off-topic political nonsense. Same guy, different nick? Banning is unnecessary; ignoring is easier and does not set any dangerous precidents that could backfire on us later.
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    15 years ago
    When was the last time you saw a really good "feature" dancer?
    Thanks for all your responses. I was glad to see some of you remember the old days with the first wave of real porn stars as entertainers in the burlesque theaters. I saw Marilyn Chambers in Cleveland a week before she got busted for giving a customer a BJ in her show. Annie Sprinkle asked me to take polaroids for her in the lobby of the old State Burlesque, but like an idiot, I did not get one for myself. She was the one who shot the ping-pong balls and is now a respected speaker on the college sex-ed ciruit. I don't expect the new features to be like those old timers, but it would be nice if they offered a bit more erotica and a bit less hype to their stage shows. I will say that many of the features I have encountered were quite friendly and avoided the worse excesses of diva behavior, even if they didn't arouse my . . .ahem . . . "interest."
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    15 years ago
    Jailed Stripper Buddy Loves Jail 2nd Time . . .
    This brings to mind several things. Part of it sounds like a Penthouse Forum letter ("my pussy got wet as the blond, lesbian, triplet, teen cheerleader hookers surrounded me in my bunk . . .); while the other description remind me of a 1970s drive-in grindhouse flick (CAGED WOMEN: see how their tender bodies are abused in the most depraved ways . . .) Her willingness to go back to jail to experience another steamy lesbian orgy reminds me of the joke about the guy who was choosing the room in Hell where he would spend eternity. He chooses the most pleasant one, where a mix of attractive people are standing waist deep in shit having drinks and smoking cigarettes. As soon as he makes this his choice ,a voice says "OK break's over, everyone back on your heads." I would advise your friend to be careful what she wishes for!
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    15 years ago
    Civies vs. on-the-clock
    I have seen it both ways. Rarely has a regular and familiar dancer completely blown me off when coming or going if we make eye contact. Some will stop on the way out to say goodbye and give me a hug. I think some girls feel self conscious when eating, so I wouldn't take those incidents in the same way as just being ignored. In upscale or really intimate clubs, there may be pressure from management to save the interactions for business time. In a funky, informal place like Gatsby's in Canton, OH, I have seen girls dressed to leave who hung around to have drinks and ended up dancing and peeling off their street clothes for a few extra bucks. That can be pretty hot if its the right girl.
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    15 years ago
    had an amazing time at platinum plus last night (shes still here)
    Calling DickJohnson . . .calling DickJohnson . . .we need some help here in the comedy department. Can anybody hear me? Fttttt Fttttt Is this thing on?
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    The NFL Test
    Oddly enough, the Diamonds in Canton makes a point of having Sunday evening, Monday night, and primetime games on and actually puts some dancers and servers in jerseys and stuff for OSU, Browns, and Pittsburg playoff games. At one point in a close game, half the club was watching and reacting. I felt sorry for the girl on stage, but it was easy to buy the dancer at my table a shot and wait until the game ended to get a dance. On the other hand, the Diamond Lodge has a giant TV screen at the back of the stage, which seems totally counterproductive to me since it forces the girls to compete directly with the game (or the pay-per-view UFC junk they occasionally promote).
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    15 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Who the heck is Mr. Happy?
    In honor of "the King" and as an appropriate decription of man's most important "tool", my "Little Elvis" sings to every stripper he meets: "one for the money, two for the show, three to get ready, Little Elvis gotta go . . ."
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Boyfriend in the club?
    From my experiences over the years, the presence of a dancer's significant other (including lesbian lovers) at the club only increases the probability that some sort of unnecessary drama will screw up the vibe of the place. For every "cool" and "understanding" partner who can handle it, there are plenty more surly, grouchy, possessive, drunken, douchebag "players" who think thay can come to the club to reinforce their "ownership" of the dancer and flaunt whatever BS macho attitude they possess. The best rule is the simplest: Girls should leave 'em at home and keep them out of the workplace. That goes for the hot bartender and servers as well.