
Dancer changing her look

Ever have a favorite totally change her look? If so, was it a turn-on or turn-off?

I was startled tonight when a dancer I didn't recognize called me by name, gave me a big hug and then sat down at my table. It took me a few moments to realize it was one of my usual dancers with a new look. She had gone from blond to brunette and from pale to deeply tanned skin. Once I got used to it, I decided I really liked her new look, and it definitely spiced up the evening.


  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    as long as they are not getting fat, I'm OK with them changing their looks.
  • dudeanonymous
    15 years ago
    Had this happen recently. Totally changed her hair, from long to short and from light blonde to brunette. And makeup, from less to more, and acquired a tatoo on top of that. All in about a month. Definite turn off.
  • steve229
    15 years ago
    I've sat with dancers when they've been talking about getting some tattoos. One asked me what I thought, so I told her she had beautiful skin and shouldn’t mess with it. She ignored me, of course, and kept talking with her friend about what kind of tattoo she should get.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    tattoos and piercings....both are disliked by me, but they are symbolic because it usually means the dancer has good mileage. One dancer I liked but was not able to get a dance with during night shift ended up getting tattoos and piercing. The next time I saw her was during a slow dayshift and I had plenty of opportunities to get a dance from her but I just was not interested anymore.
  • KootchieKoo
    15 years ago
    There is something different about my favorite every time I go see her, a streak in the hair, more/less makeup, a new outfit - and she always looks great. One of the many things that keeps me interested...
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    Women marry men hoping to change them. Men marry woman hoping they will not change.Unfortunately it does not work that way.
  • DandyDan
    15 years ago
    My ATF almost always changes her look in some minor way, at least, between my appearances at her club. Usually, its her hair. She's been a straight redhead, a curly redhead, a straight blonde, and a curly blonde, and sometimes, she's more curly than others. But I don't mind that. A couple of my other favorites at my ATF's club always have something different. One of them makes me think of an anime cartoon with the way her hair changes colors from day to day. But I don't mind that on her because she knows she's a freak and lives it day to day. The other favorite changed it recently, and I didn't like it at first. I'll see what I think the next time I'm there.
  • 59
    15 years ago
    I have/had a fave massage girl at a club I go to. Gorgeous brunette with smoking body. Egyptian background, dark features, wore darker makeup.

    Didn't see her for about a year. This blond comes up to me one night and gives me a hug. Huh? Finally I piece together that it's the former fave massage girl. Light blond hair, light makeup, looks All-American. White-washed her ethnicity, a real disappointment. And to top it off she now has these ugly ass tattos on her formerly attractive boobies. Ugh. What the hell was she thinking?
  • Dudester
    15 years ago
    5 of the 6 makeovers I saw, I definitely did not like. A couple of times they frightened Mr. Happy into a hiding position. No matter what they did, they couldn't get him to come out and play.
  • chandler
    15 years ago
    I wish more strippers would try a change, but they tend to stick with what they're used to. Models and actresses have the versatile looks and confident sense of style to pull it off (not to mention access to talented stylists.) Not many strippers have either.
  • imnumnutz
    15 years ago
    i'm with chandler here, there are many dancers who really should try changing their looks. Even when I got to the Vegas Rhino, I see many who really need hair and make-up lessons.

    for the most part, i like my favorites to remain physically the same. Changes of outfits are fine, though.
  • gk
    15 years ago
    Yes, this has happened to me. Sometimes it's good, sometimes I haven't liked it. But most of the time it doesn't make a difference as long as nothing else changes. I've yet to encounter a really revolting change that chased me away.
  • gatorfan
    15 years ago
    Yes I've seen a few girls do complete make-over from hair color, add breast implants, etc and I'd say it's all about the finished product.
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    As for my ATF, she wanted new tattoos. Her being Asian outweighs my dislike for tattoos. She doesn't have that many. Anyway, she modified one and wanted another which I was able to talk her out of doing. Other than that "change", nothing to write home about.
  • DoctorDarby
    15 years ago
    I can live with changes in hair color, tattoos, and piercings (although neither turn me on much) but no one has mentioned the shock of finding one of your faves with a new boob job. I find that most of the time, the boob job ruins a perfectly hot, well-proportioned body by turning it into something fake, exaggerated, and grotesque. I suppose for the boob-lovers, its a "hallelujah" moment, but it always make me a bit sad to see a pretty girl alter her body in such a drastic way. I think many dancers, like many women in general, have self-esteem and body issues that are part of the reason they are in the business. They seek validation through their physical appearence and if they are insecure about how they look, they will do things that to outside observers seem completely irrational. In any case, even if the change doesn't trip your trigger, its a good idea to note and compliment what they have done. It seems clear from the comments on some other threads, that as regulars, we often provide support, validation, and friendship (as well as a reliable source of income) for many of these girls, which is OK by me.
  • steve229
    15 years ago
    I had some posts a while ago on a dancer that got a boob job. In her case, the results turned out very nice indeed. I think it was because she didn't go for that extreme, porn-star look, but got a size that was proportional to her body type.
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    steve, I am no fan of breast implants but there are two dancers at my favorite club that have exceptional ones. Both done by the same M.D. I even had another TUSCLer ask for the name of the M.D. for his wife.I got it and gave it to him.Neither went overboard on size.One is having hers redone tomorrow. She said that they will be a tiny bit bigger but will feel much better. I can't wait to check them out!
  • minnow
    15 years ago
    If I were paid $1 for every time a fave/semi fave changed her hair color/do, got a boob job, etc, I'd have enough $$ to buy a stripclub.
    I'm mostly neutral on changes, because I look for other attributes besides hair color/style on dancer. It can be real fun when dancer changes hair color, style, club, and stage name.

    Like Shadowcat, 3 boob job cases were positive changes in that they didn't go too overboard.
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