
Comments by DoctorDarby (page 16)

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    15 years ago
    This could lead to somthing...
    Oh DJ. Once again you have overlooked the traditions that make these places so special. Your answer to her question "what are we going to do with that?" should have been "have a puppet show!!" At which point you pull out a tiny jester's hat and pair of Groucho glasses, slap them on your throbbing peter, and do your best ventriloquist imitation of Al Jolson singing "Mammy!" This would have been the woman's cue to grab the cute little feller and wank him until he spit in her eye.
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    15 years ago
    Jailed Stripper Buddy Loves Jail 2nd Time . . .
    How did we get from stripper-in-jail-lesbian-orgy fantasies to this ugly-ass political debate? Talk about topic drift. Yikes.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    What They Really Mean: Stripperspeak-to-English Translations
    Stripper: I told my mom about you. Translation: I will never, ever, ever, have any sort of sex with you.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Have you ever caught a stripper's cold during a dance?
    Yes, and the last time it was from a skanky bitch that I normally would have never gotten close to. I was being nice (big mistake). She never worked there again, so she may have infected a bunch of folks. Man, she was nasty. Brrrrrrrrrrrr . . .
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Strip club newbie questions
    In warm weather, loose fitting shorts and boxers allow adventurous girls access to your stick shift without worrying about zippers or overexposure in crowded places. Although most compliments are part of standard dancer-to-customer flattery, they do indicate that the girls do not consider you a creep, troll, pervert, dickweed, asswipe, cheap c*cksucker, or any other descriptions they use for the customers they do not like. If a few dancers find you cute, nice, funny, etc. they will at least come back or send other girls to check you out.
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    15 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Customerspeak-to-English Translations: What We Really Mean
    Customerspeak: I'm trying to pace myself Translation: Go away; I am waiting for a hotter dancer Customerspeak: Were'nt you a waitress/shot girl/door girl for a while? Translation: It's about time you showed us your tits. Customerspeak: I really don't need another club T-shirt Translation: Go away; I'm waiting for a hotter dancer
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    15 years ago
    30K charged to AmEx by Vegas SC
    Sounds like he got slipped a micky in the hotel bar by the guy who copped his wallet and got his CC#. This poor sap was probably never at the SC; somebody else had all the fun buying drinks, dances, and who knows what else for everyone in the place at his expense. He and the club are victims of an ID theft, tho' the bar is guilty of accepting some form of fraudulent credit card #. In any case, it's the ultimate sad, out-of-town sucker story.
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    15 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Working in a club
    Definately DJ. I have always wanted to program music, lights, smoke, etc. for hot dancers who really know how to work a stage and pole. Quality metal and classic rock works best. It would be a struggle to find ways to work with rap, hip-hip, techno, and some of the other undancable junk that girls often request. The ideal situation would be a designate "show night" where some of the more talented girls could be a "feature" for a set or two and put on a real show.
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    15 years ago
    Knowing a dancer.
    DickJohnson is Googling "frisky Hooters waitress" as we speak. Remember to talk to the boobies and only the boobies . . .
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    15 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    How Slutty Is Too Slutty?
    You got it "how!" Nothing is more frustrating than watching a girl do all kinds of naughty things to some other bozo(s) and never get a chance at her yourself. Thus, it is only her poor taste in customers that makes her "too slutty!" :-)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Strip Club Bathroom Attendant's Reading List
    Yep. There seems to be a progression from door girl to server to shot girl to dancer. Some places interchange these positions to the point that nearly all the female employees will occasionally take some clothes off. However, the serious students stay at the door because its the only position where they can get any work done (unless some goofy college professor agrees to proofread a dancer's history paper in the club . . .)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Does bringing buddies to your regular club cramp your style?
    Thanks for all your interesting replies. I knew I would get some good responses. I like lopaw's distinction between the topless gentlemen's club social occasions with friends and the more individual search for mileage that leads us to different clubs. I also have one good friend who got the whole nudie bar, lap dance thing and we always had fun and never got in each other's way. Just as several of you recounted, I don't get a chance to go out with him very often so I am forced to forage on my own.
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    15 years ago
    Perfect Gentlemen = PL?
    I have always considered it a compliment (and still do), but since joining this board I now am beginning to realize that I may have been too deferential and too cheap to enjoy the kind of mileage that's apparently out there. I still think being a nice guy is the best way to deal with dancers (or any women) but ya' gotta know when to make your lecherous wishes known and take advantage (with proper compensation of course) of those willing to fulfill them.
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    15 years ago
    Knowing a dancer.
    As a college prof, I occasionally encounter students dancing. Sometimes its awkward, but other times quite nice. I still get some fine LDs from a quiet, average-looking, former "A" student who is now a medical doctor and just dances for "fun." I've had a couple local strippers in classes at various times and they were generally pretty good students. Oddly enough, they never used dancer leverage to fish for better grades (it would not have worked anyhow). They seemed very determined to prove they had brains without falling back on their professional charms.
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    15 years ago
    Strip Club Bathroom Attendant's Reading List
    Hunter S. Thompson's "Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail" about the 1972 elections. There is a scene where Thompson, zonked as usual on a variety of narcotic substances, has a surreal conversation with Nixon while both are pissing in a public restroom. However, there is a risk that reading Thompson in a SC restroom could get a guy in trouble if he starts giggling at the wrong time. By the way, ditto Samsung's reference to door girls who occasionally read surprisingly intelligent stuff. Why is it that with a variety of scantily clad hotties in the club we are fascinated by the only one not getting paid to strip or do LDs?
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Do you get any sense that customers are spending less and Dancers are more Despe
    A related issue is the quality of the customers who are showing up. Some clubs are full of people on a good night, but a close examination will show lots of couples, groups of women, mixed groups, and young guys who are notoriously stingy about getting dances, buying shots from shot girls, and tipping servers. One top of that, they tend to be demanding, rude, and inappropriate. Thus the frustration extends beyond the dancers. One night recently I had two of my regular dancers, a shot girl, and a waitress at my table all at once because I was one of the few people buying anything, tipping properly, and not being a complete dickhead to the girls. I am not sure this is all economic. Perhaps making strip clubs accessable and cool to a wider demographic has ruined them for the folks who understand the game. By the way, a well executed 2 for 1 often leads to more dances (thus a 3 for 2) and is a win for everyone, even with the crappy short songs the DJs always play.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Another bizarre chapter in my neverending quest for extras
    DJ, the mistake you made was putting the dollar in the girl's shorts, when everybody knows that at Hooters it's all about cleavage. Proper Hooters etiquette is to address all questions and requests directly to the partially exposed boobies, thus bypassing the annoying, silly, and over-supervised girl attached to them. Since the breasts have minds of their own and desperately want your attention, you should deal directly with them by putting your nose firmly in the cleavage between them and saying in a clear voice "blublublublub . . ." Hope that helps make you next Hooters experience more enjoyable. Ya'll come back now, y'here!
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    15 years ago
    (Off Topic) The Girl Who Was A Boy
    Nuthin' surprises me any more. They can do amazing things with surgery and silicon that turn slightly girly boys into passably hot looking (and mostly functional) babes. It does not seem to work the other way around, although I guess that "Chas" Bono is a better looking guy than Chastity was a girl. Have you seen "his" girlfriend? Smoking hot! Now, is she a lesbian attracted to a dyke who is now a guy or a hetero female attracted to a lumpy guy with a brand new penis or . . . um . . . shit, I'm so confused!
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    15 years ago
    Strippers real names
    Here's a twist on the subject. I have had several experiences where I knew the girl in an other context before I encountered her as a stripper or ran into them in real life after getting to know them in a SC. These encounters were awkward at first, but once I reassured them that I was not going to pass judgement on them for dancing, it was usually pretty cool. However, I would have to agree with most of you that there is nothing really to be gained by getting them to reveal "real" names while they are working. Once you see them outside the job, whether just by coincidence or as part of a relationship of some sort (sexual or otherwise), its a different game altogether. By the same token, I do not get offended if they do not remember my name, even if I am a regular. If I get a decent conversation, a good attitude, and some hot dances from my regular girls, I am pretty happy overall.
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    15 years ago
    Strip Club "Injuries"
    I got kicked in the head once by a dancer spinning on the pole while sitting at a small stage. I saw stars but fortunately there was no injury to any vital organs. I don't like getting bitten or titty-twisted much, but tend to put up with it depending on the girl and circumstances. There is a woman who has been working the local SC circuit for years who's specialty is abusing the customers. Some places used to have a waiver to sign if you got a dance from her. She's popular with bachelor and birthday parties, since abusing the guest of honor seems to be a tradition. I made it clear years ago that I wouldn't put up with her "act", so the few times she has danced for me she took it easy.
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    15 years ago
    shower shows
    Two places in NE Ohio offer shower shows with either one or two girls, usually for a $10 ticket ($20 for 2 girls at Diamonds)that gets you into the show. Both are in separate rooms and are supervised by a bouncer at all times. At one place, the customers get to use a long handled sponge to massage the girl's lovely bits, but beyond that, no direct contact. The two girl shows can be pretty hot with the right pair, although neither place allows any "serious" contact between the girls or any with the audience. There is often some mutual soaping, rubbing, spanking, and other delightful stuff between the girls, who are totally nude the whole time. It's worth checking out if the fee isn't too high. Don't forget to tip, since a lot of folks just leave the room without adding anything to the pot.
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    15 years ago
    holly madison, off subject
    I always thought the popularity of that show was partly due to the fact that the girls seemed like decent people. Hef chose them for more than their bods, which says something about his good judge of character. Of the other two, Bridget is the least appealing. She seems pretty dense in many ways, although the stuff with her little dog was often the funniest bit on the show. Kendra is a hoot. Total wild-child. God help that big lug she is marrying--he's gonna need it to keep that one out of trouble.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Your Strip Club Finances
    I try to spread visits out so I can spend more per visit. I try to take enough cash to avoid the credit/debit card curse, but occasionally have to hit an ATM if I am having fun and underestimated my expenses. I do avoid running a tab unless its a trusted club/server. It is important to factor in drinks, especially in places where the shot girls will show up when you have a dancer at your table. Its good for morale to buy the dancer(s), shot girl, your regualr server if she is close by, and yourself $4 shots, which kills a $20 bill with the tip. It adds up fast on a good night. I am forutunate to not have to pay a huge premium for dancer drinks at my regular clubs, although they will inevitably choose something expensive if I offer to buy one. I think I am still rather a tightwad by strip club standards, but as my income improves, I am getting better at spending more $$$ to get more ***!!
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    15 years ago
    Bombshell: Orders revoked for soldier challenging prez
    See my comment on his other knucklehead thread. It applies here too. For crying out loud, don't encourage him. Um . . . well, other than adding to his stupid thread to tell him that its stupid. I guess.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    HERE WE GO AGAIN! Pentagon orders soldier fired for challenging prez
    With a million forums on the net devoted to political, economic, social, and military topics, why in the world would you put such an off-topic post here and expect it to be well-received? It has nothing to do with "ignoring" your rant or not, it is a matter of universal web courtesy to not clog boards with completely off-topic drivel. Jeez. Do you go to strip clubs and talk politics with the dancers? OMG . . . You do . .. don't you!!!!!